Bright Era

Chapter 820: Life like an uncle donkey!

Fight with Zhutou, brothers who like Zhutou's code, Zhutou wants to throw off the back and chase the nine streets! Please borrow five hundred tickets for Zhutou, and Zhutou dare to get up!

If it's your buddy, get up and let Dutou feel your presence. Although you are silent heroes, Dutou will not remember each of you, but your spirit will be engraved in honor. Zhutou will rush to the top of the monthly ticket list, so that all the brothers who support me and shout for me will feel an indelible honor.

This is a book, and this book makes us resonate with each other. If this is a dream, then we should cherish these virtual dreams that can make us impulsive.

When you are happy, vote for Guangming Era and let words increase your happiness;

When you are depressed, vote for Guangming Era, let the update dilute your grief;

When something happens, vote for Guangming Era to let passion relieve your pressure;

When it's okay, vote for Guangming Era and let yourself be relieved with a knowing smile!

This is a good life!

This is his mother's life! ! !

Feel the wonderful life of Uncle Donkey with monthly pass! ! !

vote! vote! ! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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