Bright Era

Chapter 625: core zone

After half an hour, Lin Qi and other talents regained their power of action. Lin Qi and the thick-skinned warriors didn't have any serious problems. They were shaken and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. This was just a very small burden on their strong bodies.

The problem is Sha Xinyue and the Elf sisters. They were smashed heavily by Xiong Wanjin’s fat body. Sha Xinyue’s internal organs were bruised. One of the Elf sisters had seven broken ribs and the other had a fractured right arm. It took more than ten minutes for two life mages. , Plus a few bottles of pharmacy donated by Lin Qi free of charge, only then barely recovered their injuries.

Naturally, there were a few more paw prints on Xiong Wanjin's face, and a few more frozen marks on his ass.

Sha Xinyue viciously gave Xiong Wanjin chicken paws, and the elf sisters sneaked up on Xiong Wanjin's hind buttock with a black ice arrow. The fault is that the meat on Xiong Wanjin's **** is too thick, and I am afraid that his vital part was hit by Frost Arrow.

When Lin Qi saw two beautiful, youthful elves shooting Xiong Wanjin's **** with an arrow, the cold sweat from him all over his body came out--the two sisters are not evil and vicious blood elves. , They are the forest elves who are close to nature and have peace of mind. They can actually make such a retaliatory action. It is conceivable that they were badly trained by Sha Xinyue.

After a break and a lot of noise, Lin Qi carried the **** moulting donkey, Cologne eighteen held his broken sword, and the group carefully bypassed the pit that was bombarded by the Primordial Forbidden Curse and arrived. The end of the tunnel.

This is a round hall, and the ground is clean and dust-free. It can be seen that this hall was once destroyed by violence, but it has now been properly repaired. Silver metal patches are everywhere, which is very different from the original luster of metal walls. The patch was polished to be very smooth, some smooth guide rails gradually extended on the four walls of the hall, and some strange utensils were randomly piled on the ground. Obviously some large-scale construction is going on here.

Cologne XVIII's face became very serious: "We came in time! This ruin is awakening. If we come later, it is likely that the defense system of this hall will be repaired. The core area has nothing to do with us. Up!"

Lin Qi nodded. He swung his big axe and chopped down the metal rails in the hall. Arda and others also took action one after another, smashing all the obtrusive things in the hall. On the contrary, Sha Xinyue thoughtfully put away all the strange utensils on the ground. These things fell into the hands of the Shahu family, and it is estimated that there are some ancient magical mysteries that can be studied.

At the corner of the rotunda, there is a transparent metal portal, and inside is a room ten meters long and wide.

Cologne XVIII seemed to be very familiar with the various designs here. He pushed open the metal door, led everyone in, and then closed the door heavily. A few gray shots stretched out on his back and knocked on the wall indiscriminately. Everyone felt their bodies sway, and the ground slowly sank, leading them to the ground.

Everyone was ready to fight, and Lin Qi even took out a heavy shield and held it in his hand.

After falling for a full quarter of an hour, the room came to a slow halt. Cologne pushed open the door, and he heard the sharp sound of breaking through the air. Thousands of thin thorns brought cold light to everyone. Come here. Tucker took out a brand new large shield and rushed forward, pulling up the shield to block all the thorns outside.

Although these thorns fly extremely fast, they have almost no penetrating power and no attached power. After this wave of thorns disappeared, there was no more movement around. Tucker slowly put down the shield, and everyone walked out of the room slowly.

This is a weird metal hall. The circular hall has a diameter of five or six miles and a height of more than 300 meters. In the core of the hall, a multi-sided red crystal 100 meters high is suspended in a beam of light. A dazzling electric current jetted out from that dazzling beam of light, whizzing into the ceiling and floor of the hall.

Cologne XVIII smiled triumphantly: "It's this energy core, this time it won't come in vain!"

Turning his head to look at Lin Qi, Cologne Eighteen smiled and said, "Look if there is anything useful to you, this energy core, I guess it will take a while to absorb all its power."

Lin Qi nodded, and he looked around. Some fist-sized green spiders were jumping wildly on the ground. These spiders were the source of the wave of thorns just now. But obviously, this was their only means of attack. When Lin Qi sternly looked over, these spiders fled in all directions.

There are a lot of broken metal and crystals in the huge hall. In the ancient times, these broken things were probably some great magical devices, but now, they are all destroyed by violence. But what is surprising is that it should be that Loki's hands and feet, a lot of broken waste was organized in an orderly manner, and pieced together into some very weird big guys.

Each of these things, the size of a small room, made a deep roar inside, with powerful energy fluctuations constantly rolling out. In several transparent metal circular grooves, several silver metal puppets that have not yet formed are softly suspended in a faint glow.

Sha Xinyue took a deep breath: "If those goblin masters come here, they will really go crazy! But now, all these things belong to us!"

Cologne murmured a few words in the eighteenth urn, and suddenly he strode towards the corner of the hall.

Lin Qi kept up with Cologne 18 curiously. This guy ran very hurriedly and his expression was very wrong. He was very curious about what he found. Sha Xinyue greeted, and the group hurriedly followed. In such a place, if you can find the best things, it must be Cologne XVIII!

In a corner of the hall, in a transparent crystal pool, three gray corpses were quietly immersed in it. I don't know how many years have passed, but these three broken corpses show no signs of decay and deterioration. They just lie down quietly, as if they can wake up at any time.

Koln XVIII's body shivered violently, and he muttered in a low voice: "It's them... my brother!"

Cologne, whose complexion became extremely gloomy, walked to the pool with eighteen strides. A few tentacles stretched out from his back and quickly inspected the three corpses for a while, and then shook his head dejectedly: "Completely dead, their The soul core was destroyed. A very powerful blow, initially determined to be the damage caused by a sneak attack by high-level gods."

"Damn it, god!" Cologne roared furiously, and then a dazzling gray light flashed across his eyes.

"Preliminary judgement, the overall integrity rate of the three bodies is 30%... Available resources... 100%... After the fusion, the degree of recovery from injuries... 35%!" Cologne 18 whispered. Muttered: "Absorbing, blending, and plundering the energy core can restore 15% of the overall combat effectiveness."

Kologne XVIII dropped the broken sword in his hand and picked up an intact long sword in the crystal trough.

He cleanly split the chest of the nearest corpse, and took out a gray, intact heart from his chest. Cologne eighteen muttered: "A complete heart, after fusing with me, can increase my heart function by 2.5 times! Very good!"

Lin Qi grinned and left silently.

He had seen how Cologne XVIII dealt with the puppets, but he didn't want to see the scene of Cologne XVIII washing the living. The metal puppets were dismantled by eight pieces. If these three bodies were also torn apart, Lin Qi thought that he would have no food for several days.

Sha Xinyue also left here for the first time. What Cologne 18 will do next is too weird, she has no interest in watching.

After walking around the huge metal hall for a while, I didn’t find anything too valuable. These broken metal and crystal structures are so strange that Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue couldn’t figure out what they were, and naturally they didn’t. Dare to touch randomly.

It was not until Lin Qi and his party came under the beam of light in the middle of the hall that they discovered something extremely shocking.

Just below the beam of light, through the transparent metal ground, you can see a large pond with rippling water. Two naked men's bodies are quietly suspended in the pond. A dense array of magic envelops their bodies, and the electric light jetted from the beam of light merges into their bodies from time to time. The two bodies are not breathable, just like two zombies floating in the water.

Only Sha Xinyue and the two life wizards yelled like a ghost. They panicked and pointed at the two men who were born exactly the same, except for the man whose hair was red and dark green. Sha Xinyue’s lips trembled. Murmured: "Impossible... how is it possible? What exactly do you want to do with this ancient relic?"

Lin Qi grabbed Sha Xinyue's arm: "What's the matter?"

Sha Xinyue rolled her eyes, then gave Lin Qi a fierce cheek.

Lin Qi quickly avoided Sha Xinyue's slap, then slapped her backhand.

With a crisp'pop', Sha Xinyue screamed in pain, she gave Lin Qi a fierce kick, and then gritted her teeth: "It hurts! It doesn't seem to be a dream! These two men, and the desert temple The gods of the desert and the gods of the grassland in the secret gods are born exactly the same!"

A chill rushed from Lin Qi's tail vertebrae to his forehead. He stared at Sha Xinyue firmly and muttered: "What did you say?"

Sha Xinyue took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said: "Have you heard of the gods' enlightenment? Are those lunatics who want to create gods?"

Every pore of Lin Qi seemed to be itchy when he was electrified. How could he not know the enlightenment of the gods? But what does Sha Xinyue mean?

Sha Xinyue looked at the two bodies in the pool with bright eyes: "If I'm not mistaken, this ancient relic, the guy named Loki, he... made two bodies of gods!"

Everyone was stupid there, only the dying donkey suddenly opened his eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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