Bright Era

Chapter 610: Fusion of God's Heart

The spirit wheel allows Lin Qi to freely control the power of the soul.

The fate wheel allows Lin Qi to control the life force at will.

The wheel of force allows Lin Qi to control his own grudge delicately.

These three chakras are the external manifestation of Lin Qi's strength. Through the powerful auxiliary effects of these three chakras, if Lin Qi used his own power before, if he could only lift a warhammer like a wine barrel and hit people, after the achievements of these three chakras, Lin Qi simply changed He became a master of embroidering on rice grains with a big axe.

Lin Qi's old problems in Heiyuan Divine Prison are also gone. Lin Qi used to use his own magic power extremely crudely, and a small fireball could be played by him with the effect of lava blasting hell. But now, Lin Qi has the power of the spirit wheel to control the soul, and his control of the magic power has been accurate to the point that ordinary wizards cannot imagine.

He can even condense mana into embroidery needles and embroider on silk, which is impossible for ordinary mages!

The four chakras of earth, water, fire and wind correspond to the origin of Lin Qi's body. According to the opening ancient book at the beginning of the Three Seas and Seven Wheels Sutra, it is believed that the human body is composed of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind. The earth is the foundation, flowing water breeds vitality, flame creates life, and atmosphere spreads life.

With the four chakras of earth, water, fire and wind, Lin Qi’s body seems to have four more mana furnaces, which can provide him with a spirit that is far beyond ordinary people, and more wisdom chakras to bless his soul, which will gradually make His soul has become more moist and agile, making his intelligence higher and higher.

In history, anyone who practices the Mahayana of the Three Seas and Seven Chakras will eventually become an old fox. This is the effect brought about by the Qi Chakra, the Wisdom Chakra.

Three seas opened up, seven rounds condensed, Lin Qi suddenly heard a terrible whistling sound, it was as if dozens of terrifying tornadoes were raging in his body. He sits steadily in the pool of the source of the gods, his hands forming a weird Yin Jue, one Yin Jue is pressed on his chest, corresponding to the wheel of fire and the wheel of life, and one Yin Jue is pressed in the lower abdomen, corresponding to the wheel of force and soil. Wheel.

The power of the source of the gods kept pouring into Lin Qi's body, and the three seas and seven rounds were like a bottomless abyss, suffocating with great power. The horror of the Three Seas and Seven Chakras gradually appeared. The power of the source of the gods in this pool of gods was enough to allow the desert temple to cultivate hundreds of high-end sacred existences, but it is now being gradually swallowed by Lin Qi, The power of the source of God is declining inch by inch.

Lin Qi's body swelled and compressed for a while. When it swelled, he was swollen like dough, and when it was contracted, he was a red skeleton frame. In this weird change, a huge roar came from Lin Qi's heart, like a thunderous roar.

The two gods and dragon power essence in Lin Qi's body were finally full of food and drink. They condensed into a thumb-sized red spar, which gradually attracted to Lin Qi's forehead, right at the core of Lin Qi's spiritual wheel. This spar is filled with countless flying red **** patterns, these **** patterns all represent the inexplicable law of flame, this is a semi-finished **** crystal.

Just when the **** crystal and the spirit wheel were about to be completely integrated, the three waves of Qi Hai in Lin Qi's body made a roar at the same time, and the **** crystal shattered, turning into countless light spots and submerged Lin Quanquan's body. Lin Qi was sweating like rain, red-red sweat rolled out layer by layer, Lin Qi was so hot that he yelled, "Aoao", and countless **** patterns flashed on the surface of his skin, and his physical function suddenly increased several times. more than.

Sha Xinyue, who was wielding a sword to chase the donkey, stopped in horror. She watched Lin Qi whisper to herself in horror: "It has become a **** crystal, how much **** has been absorbed by this kid? The power of the source? It is also the fire attribute divine nature with the same attribute! But the domineering three seas and seven rounds are worthy of the supreme secret technique of the Yunlong clan who is the number one in the magic arts. It can't even tolerate the **** crystal, so directly treat it It's broken!"

Wiping her eyes fiercely, Sha Xinyue frowned, "Strange, how did this kid learn the Three Seas and Seven Wheels? Although no one has practiced these Three Seas and Seven Wheels at all, the Yunlong clan does not. Let his own practice flow out at will! Could it be that he seduced the Yun family's woman and failed?"

Not knowing that she was in the truth in her words, Sha Xinyue tilted her head, and suddenly slashed towards the donkey with a beaming smile.

The donkey saw Sha Xinyue muttering to herself stupidly, and immediately stopped, standing aside provocatively and waved his hoof to Sha Xinyue. Sha Xinyue smiled violently, and then suddenly slashed with a sword. The unprepared donkey screamed and hurriedly shrank his neck. The blade flew past his scalp, cutting off a large piece of black hair.

The donkey cursed and turned around, cursing all the way. Sha Xinyue sullenly went straight to the donkey to kill, and the two of them cursed each other and became a mess.

With the huge beating sound in Lin Qi's heart, the entire pool of God's Source trembled faintly. Arda and others, who were also immersed in the pool of the source of the gods, also showed their faces of boundless pain, especially Xiong Wanjin’s skin cracked inch by inch, and a large amount of white flower oil was evaporated by the terrible high temperature, and then turned into The thin flames burned cleanly.

About every time he breathed, one or two catties of oil would be evaporated from Xiong Wanjin's body, but the strange thing was here. The oil in Xiong Wanjin's body was rapidly decreasing, but his figure did not appear thin, but became more bloated— —His fat is indeed less, but the huge amount of energy has replaced the original fat, which is stacked in Xiong Wanjin's body!

I'm afraid the gods don't know what kind of physique Xiong Wanjin is!

Xiong Wanjin didn't have the ability to absorb so much energy, but he didn't waste it either. These precious powers of the gods were actually transformed into fat-like bloated things and stored on him, so that Xiong Wanjin could absorb and transform at any time! This is something that has never happened since the beginning of the world, even those demigods, gods and other people who deal with gods all day long can't do such a thing!

But this guy Xiong Wanjin is so successful! Originally weighing more than 400 catties, he now looks at least a thousand catties in weight, and his whole body has become a ball! But the whole body of his ball was red, and the magical luster unique to the power of the gods was rolling under his skin! At this time, Xiong Wanjin's fat body is really valuable. He cuts dozens of catties of fat and sells it. It is pure and abnormal power of the gods, and any priest in the temple will cry and cry. All his wealth exchanges the fat on his body!

The shaking of the pool of God's Source became more and more intense, and gradually Arda and the others screamed at the same time.

With a loud bang, Arda and others were sprayed out of the pool of the source of the gods at the same time, and the few remaining power of the source of gods poured into Lin Qi's body at the same time.

As soon as he heard a'click', Arda opened two pairs of giant fleshy wings overflowing with red light behind his body. His whole body exuded a terrible high temperature, his eyes revealed the evil light, waves of powerful soul fluctuations swept across the square. . Alda Jiejie laughed strangely: "Is the power of the peak of the saint? More powerful, hehe, my father can no longer share a woman with me! All the beauties belong to me!"

Bilibili's body is about an inch taller, and he looks like a teenager about thirteen years old. But his body became thinner and thinner, and it looked almost like a skeleton frame, except for the pair of big eyes that became bigger and brighter. Two pairs of black fleshy wings with scarlet fleshy wings on the edges of black ink slowly moved behind Bilibili, and Bilibili grinned triumphantly: "This is the power of the Holy Land. Huh? If Uncle Bilibili can return to the abyss, I must chain my father to a fire prison for a hundred years!"

The wine barrel screamed from the sky, and he stamped his foot on the ground, his body swelled to a height of fifty meters. Under the skin of the barrel, there are ancient runes unique to the giant family. The power of the source of the gods has activated the blood of the giant in the barrel. Now he is regarded as a half-pure ancient giant, and his own strength is even more upset. Several somersaults stepped into the peak of the saints at the same time as Bilibili.

Only Xiong Wanjin coughed violently, and swayed on the ground trying to stand up but couldn't stand it. He has become an almost round meat ball, but his strength. . .

The strength of Xiong Wanjin's leaps and bounds' has reached the lower level of heaven! When Alda, Bilibili and others broke through a big rank and went crazy to advance, Xiong Wanjin'surged' to the lower rank of heaven! However, he has stored a huge amount of divine origin power in his body, and he still has plenty of room for development in the future-if he can digest and absorb all the fat in this body!

Xiong Wanjin, who had always been unable to climb up, finally confessed his fate to stop. He spread his feet on the ground and cried out to the sky: "Which brother can do a good job, can he turn me over? The sky is here, which makes me How to find the girls who are in love?"

In the sound of Xiong Wanjin's wailing, the Pool of God's Source suddenly flew up with a strong golden red light, and slowly shrank into a heart-sized heart with holes. The heart was beating slowly, but from the outside, it looked like a leaf that had been gnawed by a hundred caterpillars, with transparent holes on it.

This is the heart of the **** of desert, a heart that almost shattered!

Lin Qi's heart beat suddenly and violently, and in the heartbeat of'dongdong', the heart of the desert **** turned into a red light and penetrated into Lin Qi's chest. Lin Qi only felt a warm heart, and the **** of the desert had turned into a hot pulp and Lin Qi's heart slowly merged into one.

Lin Qi's heartbeat became stronger and stronger. With every beating, a powerful current of heat oozes from his heart. Lin Qi raised up to the sky and let out a violent roar. A white tiger with a body length of more than ten meters roared out from behind him. Flames and white light flashed across Lin Qi's body, unparalleled for a time.

Donkey and Sha Xinyue were completely dumbfounded, and Sha Xinyue showed immense jealousy and envy.

"The heart of a divine spirit that has burst out has been merged by this kid!"

"Well, who can kill him in the future? This kid will definitely become the No. 1 meat shield in the history of the Tiger Clan!"

"Girl, I'm developed, catch this kid, how many good places can I go to find baby girl!" The support is my biggest motivation.)

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