Bright Era

Chapter 608: Into the pool

After hearing Sha Xinyue's words, Lin Qi suddenly lowered his head and glanced at himself, and then an old face suddenly turned red.

He fought with Weihan just now. The sacred artifacts in Weihan's hand are extremely powerful. Although Lin Qi's skin was not injured, all his clothes were completely destroyed. Sha Xinyue borrowed the power of the **** of desert to draw them into the secret hall. When things rushed, Lin Qi simply forgot that he was naked here!

Therefore, Lin Qi has been communicating smoothly with Sha Xinyue!

Given the bad qualities of the group of people around Lin Qi, Beng hoped that they would have someone remind Lin Qi! So Lin Qi has been transported by Sha Xinyue to the Pool of God's Source! The mistake was not Sha Xinyue's initiative. Lin Qi was afraid that she had always forgotten what she looked like.

Annoyed and furious, Lin Qi jumped into the pool of God's Source with a dull face, even with his head in the pool, never daring to raise his head to see people. He finally started to understand what Blackbeard said to him back then. The Sha family should be a hard-core ally of the Lin family, and the family's direct line can be trusted unconditionally.

But these people in the Sha family are all wicked. You said that you are a big girl, Sha Xinyue, who stared at Lin Qi intently for so long, but her face didn't turn red. Are you embarrassed?

Just when Lin Qi was thinking about it, the red juice condensed by the power of the gods around him suddenly boiled, and the temperature of the pool of the gods rose straight, Lin Qi only felt that he was soaked in flames, burning him. The whole body is very uncomfortable. Lin Qi couldn't help being taken aback. With his current flame resistance, he was actually burned like this. When ordinary people came in, they were not turned to ashes on the spot?

Sha Xinyue waited for Lin Qi to jump into the pool of the gods, and then turned her head back.

"The **** of the desert is a bad god! As far as I know, although the other gods have fallen into eternal sleep, they have a chance to wake up and resurrection. Only the **** of the desert was beaten back then so that the gods and their souls almost broke apart. It's even more disintegrating. If it wasn't for good luck, he has actually fallen!"

"So in fact, the deity enshrined in the Desert Temple is a dead man!"

"But after all, it is a god, even a dead person has his value. He has lost all consciousness, but his broken soul and body are still instinctively running, and can still absorb the power of the believer's faith and transform it into divine power."

"To be precise, the **** of desert is no longer a god, and I don’t know what he should be. But since I have control of the secret temple and the pool of gods, I regard him as a super Magic spar and a human-shaped wand are used. If there is anything that requires mana, directly use his divine power, which is more cost-effective than his own hard work!"

Lin Qi blushed and sat in the pool of God's Origin, a terrifying energy frenzy poured into his body from every pore in his body, and Lin Qi's body suddenly sprayed out a huge red light, an extremely weak but real power. The pressure gradually spread from his body.

Sha Xinyue, who was talking eloquently, opened her mouth wide in shock, unable to say a word for a while. After a long time, she stammered and screamed: "How come this kid has divinity in him? My goodness, why does this kid have divinity in him? He, he... asshole, could it be that I am Sha Xinyue? Was it calculated by the muscle lumps of the Tiger race? They made a divine **** and sent it to me deliberately, just for the **** source pool?"

The donkey looked at Sha Xinyue very strangely, he coughed heavily, and then leaned on the old man to teach Sha Xinyue.

"Okay, little fox, don't think everyone in the world is as scheming as the old foxes in your family. Just the elders of Lin Qi, I guess they don’t know the existence of the pool of the gods of the desert temple , How could they arrange such a trap for you to drill?"

Sha Xinyue frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly smiled and said: "Sure enough, based on my understanding of the tiger clan, if they knew that Lin Qi was divine, and they knew the existence of the source pool of the desert temple, they would Directly gather the people and rush into the desert temple to robbery day by day, they will not use their brains to plan such a complicated trap."

Blinking his eyes and watching the red light spraying all over his body, his body turned into a transparent red fire man Lin Qi, Sha Xinyue asked curiously: "But why does Lin Qi have a **** in him? And he is also a fire god. Sex? This is a coincidence, right? With the intelligence power of my Sha family, I don't even know about this?"

The donkey looked at Sha Xinyue strangely. He raised his head and mumbled: "It's no good, I won't tell you the truth!"

The corners of Sha Xinyue's eyes twitched, and she stared at the donkey, but the people of the Sha family were like foxes, curious and suspicious, and Sha Xinyue's curiosity was even stronger. She felt as if there were twenty-five little mice scratching her heart, so she didn't need to mention her uncomfortable feeling.

With a soft cough, Sha Xinyue sighed in a low voice, "I'm going to introduce some **** to someone..."

As soon as the donkey's eyes lit up, he immediately jumped to Sha Xinyue's face, showing an extremely flattering smile: "In fact, everything is very simple. Lin Qi was rounded by two divine descendants of the Flame Temple! Hey! Lin Qi is the victim, he is innocent, and everything is the fault of those two women!"

Sha Xinyue's expression became extremely weird. She stared at Lin Qi, who was sitting still in the boiling pool of God's Source, and suddenly screamed hysterically: "How can this kid have such good luck? Divinity, divinity! Why isn't this kind of thing my turn? I'm so young, beautiful, wise and intelligent, it's so unfair!"

The donkey looked at Sha Xinyue viciously, and said with a gloomy sneer: "Do you want to be concealed with a divine detachment wheel?"

Sha Xinyue froze in place, her small white face suddenly turned purple and black. She forgot the horror of the donkey in front of her and his infamous reputation, and kicked the donkey out with a kick. . The donkey cursed furiously, and the embarrassed donkeys rolled and got up from the ground.

"Little girl, although the goddess with a separable divinity is a rare species! But looking at your love of kicking the donkey, the donkey will definitely work hard to find three or five gods that meet the requirements, he Mother's stripped naked and delivered to your bed! You don't have to be polite, you cruel little fox!"

Sha Xinyue's face turned purple with anger. She had heard of the evil of this donkey. She knew that this donkey had a terrible reputation among all races, but she never thought that this donkey was such a complete bastard! Sha Xinyue screamed, and hundreds of sand **** the size of human heads suddenly appeared beside them. These sand **** burned violently and exuded a terrible high temperature. As Sha Xinyue's eyes stared, all the sand **** looked like It sprayed over the donkey like a meteor shower.

A big mouth suddenly opened in front of the donkey, and all the sand **** were swallowed by him.

The donkey stood up and waved two front hooves to Sha Xinyue: "Little girl, uncle, I don't easily beat women. I'll **** your uncle! You say, who do you say your father is, wait for me When I meet him, I will let him understand one thing-the daughter he taught offends the donkey uncle, which is the saddest thing in the world!"

Sha Xinyue was dumbfounded, and then she suddenly smiled: "My father? Aha, he... It seems... called... Sha Xin?"

The donkey squinted his eyes and showed a very strange smile: "Is that right, then, he is dead!"

The donkey and Sha Xinyue are in a quarrel here, Lin Qi in the pool of God's Source suddenly uttered a painful cry: "I can't hold it, Arda, Bilibili, the wine barrel, you all get down... Bastard , All the power of the entire pool of God's Source is burrowing into my body, I can't bear it by myself! Xiong Wanjin, you are big, so come and help me share it!

Xiong Wanjin was stunned. He looked at the violently burning **** source power in horror, and stepped back fearfully.

"Xiongtai, it's not that I'm not loyal enough, it's really... The technique I practice is not compatible with this stuff, I still..."

"Go, who has not died since ancient times, but died early or late!" The donkey rushed behind Xiong Wanjin like a ghost. With two heels kicked, Xiong Wanjin howled and drew an arc, and the awkward end fell into the gods. The pool of source.

The donkey squinted at the boiling pool of the source of the gods, and muttered insidiously: "If this burden is stretched to death, it will save us from taking care of him all the time. If he is not stretched to death, given his size, what a good one. Meat shield and thugs!"

Sha Xinyue also showed a subtle smile, yes, Xiong Wanjin is such a big man, if he can enter the pool of the gods and not die, when he comes out, what a good meat shield he will be! The place where she completed the last step of her experience is extremely dangerous, one more meat shield, she has more assurance!

Arda, Bilibili, and Keg rushed into the pool of God's source in a hurry. If Lin Qi had a problem in the pool of God's source, they would all be unlucky-their souls were all controlled by Lin Qi. God knows if Lin Qi will take them on the road without doing anything before he dies?

Bilibili and the wine barrel jumped into the pool of God’s source very dutifully, only Arda rolled in a very coquettish volley for dozens of weeks, taking off his clothes clean in the air, and then to Sha Xin Yue blew a kiss.

"Honorable Great Witch Festival, you must not peek at my body! My Young Master Alda's body is pure and flawless, and has never been defiled by a woman's eyes!"

Sha Xinyue's face turned dark again, her fingers twitched, and she wished to launch the Forbidden Curse to blast Arda into pieces.

The frustrated Sha Xinyue looked at the donkey fiercely: "What kind of **** are all around Lin Qi!"

The donkey raised his eyelids and cast a wink at Sha Xinyue, revealing two rows of large white teeth brilliantly.

"But, I think this child Alda is very pure, very pure, very pure, very pure, you can't even look down on such a good child... Little girl, how old are you this year? I know some middle-aged women Your temper will become very weird, don't you..."

Sha Xinyue's face turned black suddenly, she drew out a slender scimitar, gritted her teeth and slashed at the donkey. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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