Bright Era

Chapter 395: Delayed fighter

Above the pool is a cave with a diameter of more than 30 meters and a height of more than 2,000 meters.

This is the only passage between the deepest level of the Black Abyss God Prison and the outside world. At this moment, a huge hanging basket was slowly descending, and the 120 mad believers on the hanging basket stood neatly in a square array, reciting the instructions of the **** of punishment in unison.

For these fanatics, every time they enter the lowest level of the Black Abyss God Prison, it is uncomfortable, just like a person with a cleanliness entering a big dung pit, they will feel uncomfortable. The lowest level of Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is a place where the air is full of sins, these pious, holy, and pure fanatics, they don't like this place.

The hot and cold wind roared up from below. This wind was caused by the special topography of the Heiyuan God Prison. The strong wind blew the basket, making the basket descend very slowly. It is precisely because of this violent wind that fanatics often push the arrested heretics from high places, and their bodies are supported by the violent wind, so they will not be thrown to death.

If it weren’t for the solemnity and decency of the fanatics in front of the heretics, they wouldn’t sit down in a hanging basket obediently-jumping off like those heretics who were thrown down, this is the quickest and most convenient way. method.

The hanging basket shook slightly, and a dim light appeared below, which was obviously close to the pool. The leader of the fanatic little leader gave a low cry, and everyone began to check their armor and weapons. Of course they are just routine inspections, and no one takes this seriously. After all, for so many years, although there are occasional frantic heretics who want to escape from here, no one has never been so stupid to do this kind of thing in front of a mad believer. .

Within the control of the suppression of the gods, the fanatics can borrow the power of the gods at any time, no matter how strong the heresy will be, they will not be the opponents of the fanatics. Countless **** suppressions have made those heretics behave a lot, and there have been no heretics escaped for many years.

So there is nothing to be nervous about. It is enough to correct the armor and let everyone cheer up their spirits.

The hanging basket was more than two hundred meters away from the surface of the water. Suddenly a dark blue laughter came over: "Ha Sen, you stingy guy, give me a hundred cows, otherwise I won't let your people come down again! Humph, give me the cow, otherwise, you guys don't want to do anything!"

A huge palm appeared directly under the passage, and then a blue light filled the entire passage.

The fanatic door on the hanging basket hadn't figured out what was going on, the pool water was lifted by huge magic power, and roared into the sky like a tide. Accompanied by the roar of the pool water, the huge water waves rushed up and soared the hanging basket hundreds of meters high.

The violent wind and the big water mixed together and turned into a terrible water dragon full of infinite power. The fanatics on the hanging basket could not stand their feet, they swayed into a ball, and then a strong cold whistling rolled up. , The pool suddenly froze, and a block of ice as thick as three or four hundred meters sealed the entrance and exit of the lowest level of the Heiyuan God Prison.

The fanatics who were dizzy on the hanging basket were dumbfounded, the ice under their bodies was blue and gleaming with dazzling magical light. This is the ice block frozen by the Frost Giant using his racial talents. It is several times harder than ordinary ice. It is almost comparable to the strength of steel. It is not easy to break through such a hard and thick ice layer. Things done.

A loud question came from the upper exit, and a full-bodied roar was heard clearly: "What happened below? Why did the gondola stop? Hey, what happened? Lord Hasson?"

The little head of the zealot who was so cold with goosebumps raised his head and raised all his strength and shouted: "That frost giant Xuanlan is going crazy again. He said he would give him a hundred cows, otherwise he would not let us. Go down! Lord Hasen didn't know what dispute happened with him, this guy suddenly went crazy!"

"Damn it!" The fanatic above slapped his head angrily.

They didn't worry about Hasen's safety, as long as Hasen borrowed the power of the gods, his strength was comparable to that of a holy land warrior. In the Heiyuan Divine Prison, all existence that might threaten Hasen was imprisoned in the divine prison, and the other holy realms were weakened to the extreme by Heiyuan's special restrictions. They were just a group of ordinary old men and old ladies.

With Hasen's strength, unless someone can kill Hasen instantly, what can happen to Hasen?

It's only possible that Hasen didn't know what he said to the frost giant Xuanlan, which caused Xuanlan's anger, so he blocked this passage. The Frost Giant has always been associated with negative words such as rough temper, barbarism, tyranny, etc. It is not surprising what they do, even if it is a Frost Giant who is half-starved, it is also a Frost Giant!

Gathering in the cave above, there are more than two thousand fanatics of the Fanatic Legion. The brains of these fanatics have been replaced by their devotion to the gods. They are powerful warriors and devout believers, but they have never had high IQs. Talents who can never change.

Several captain-level fanatics got together, and they took out their little brains to communicate for a while, and then they sent an emissary and rushed back to the battle fort where they were stationed to the other three who were equal to Hasen. The head of the division reported.

Since they couldn't contact Hasen, these fanatics didn't know what they should do, so they ‘wisely’ chose to leave the question to their superiors and let the people above decide what they should do! Anyway, they are fanatics. It is enough for them to maintain their devotion to the gods. They are brave fighters. They only need to be pious and brave as before.

The messenger ran wildly in the spacious cave, and soon came to the tall city wall that divided the cave into two.

After strict identity verification and complicated cross-examination, the messenger was put into the city. When the heavy city gate opened, a quarter of an hour had passed by the time the messenger entered the city. Then, surrounded by a group of fanatics, the messenger strode towards the conference hall in the middle of the battle fort.

The four divisions of the Fanatic Legion led by Hasen and three other division commanders are responsible for garrisoning this battle fort, with a total of more than 45,000 troops. According to common sense, when Hasen was ordered by the elders to patrol the bottom of the sacred prison, there should be a division leader sitting in the conference hall at any time.

But since more than a year ago, after Hasen and Lin Qi secretly connected to the line, Hasen took the initiative to take over all the daily affairs of Warburg. He is personally responsible for the patrol and daily defense of the fort, and he handles all the tedious things in one hand. This is for Hasen to get the precious raw materials from Lin Qi once every three months, so he takes the initiative to take charge of all daily affairs.

The other three division leaders saw that for more than a year, all things had been taken care of by Hasson, so they were happy to let go. Different from Hasen, who came from a powerful family in the church, the other three division leaders all climbed to this position step by step from ordinary mad believers. They are true mad believers who don’t know anything but devotion to God. .

So today when Hasen was ordered by the elders to inspect the prison of God, Hasen did not notify the other three division commanders. These three pious warriors were the same as they had been for more than a year. After patrolling in the fort for a while, He returned to his penance room, knelt before the **** pattern of the **** of punishment, and devoutly abused his physical penance.

The envoy who was ordered to report did not find the division leader who should be on duty in the conference hall, and then they looked around in the battle fort.

This time, another half an hour was wasted.

Then these mad believers finally took the courage to come to the penance room where the three division heads retreat, but the divine power fluctuations that came from the penance room were so pure and powerful. The three division heads were immersed in themselves. In the indescribable spiritual world, no matter how thunder and lightning are struck by the outside world, they will not be able to distinguish, unless they take the initiative to leave the state of asceticism, or they receive a fatal attack, otherwise they will not wake up from this state.

But who would dare to stab the back of the three division leaders?

At least these fanatics dare not.

So they stayed outside the penance room for a while, and finally they had no choice but to learn from others' strengths and brainstorming to come up with an alternative method-since that **** Xuanlan wants a hundred cows, then we give him one hundred. Head cow! Let's open the channel first!

These ordinary mad believers don't know why the elders want them to visit the **** prison, and they don't understand how much the solar eclipse has to do with the black abyss **** prison. Hasen knew how much the solar eclipse would have on the Black Abyss God Prison, but only he and the three division leaders knew it.

Fanatics are the best fighters, nothing more! It is enough for them to fight bravely. They don't need to know too many other things. This will make their pious beliefs unbearable. They only need to believe in the gods and fight fearlessly and heretically.

Therefore, when the people in the world saw a ray of black shadow on the side of the sun, the lowest level of the Heiyuan Hell, those devout and fearless fanatics were rushing from the beasts of their battle fort. Ninety bulls came out and rushed all the way to the entrance of the lowest floor.

There are only ninety bulls, the others are cows and calves. The mad believers are still having a headache. They don't have a lot of brains and don't have other thoughts in their minds. They are just hesitating. How can Xuanlan this **** fellow let go? Or just tell him that there are only 90 bulls in the animal stables. Will he be able to fill them up in a few days?

Hesitating, these fanatics completely wasted the last hour before the eclipse.

They lost the last and best opportunity to stop Lin Qi and others from acting. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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