Bright Era

Chapter 392: Everything is ready

Wine barrel, the dwarf king that Lin Qi conquered. His real name can be regarded as a novel, and Lin Qi simply calls him a wine barrel based on his physical image. In front of Xuanlan, the pure-blooded frost giant, the barrel was vulnerable. But the people like Yifeng are also pitiful when the wind blows in front of the wine barrel.

Just swinging that flaming hammer and smashing it indiscriminately seven or eight times, Yifeng spent several years of hard work to collect more than tens of thousands of people, then obediently put down the weapon and kneeled to surrender. None of Yifeng and others escaped, and they were all captured alive.

Under Lin Qi's instruction, more than 10,000 people below Yifeng were imprisoned in a huge cave. He went in and out every day, and he didn't know what he did to Yifeng and the others. Anyway, those who guard this cave are loyal subordinates whose souls are controlled by Lin Qi. Outsiders can't take a step. No one knows what weird things Lin Qi has done.

Anyway, a few screams can be heard from the cave every day, the voice is so tragic to the bones, everyone knows that Yifeng has not eaten any good fruits.

Day by day, after Yifeng, Longren Guyu was also wiped out by Lin Qi.

Gu Wei is a freak, an outlier. When Zari and Yifeng were racking their brains to grow their own power, the 1,000-man standing army he was holding on to him had no intention of growing. He is working hard every day to refine his body, and he is working hard every day. He is a stubborn person, as long as his subordinates can eat and drink enough without causing him trouble, he doesn't bother to take care of outside affairs.

When Lin Qi surrounded Guwei's resident with an overwhelmingly superior force, the dragonman surrendered Lin Qi cleanly. The only condition was that Lin Qi helped him continuously improve his strength. This is a complete fighting freak, and Lin Qi is happy to accept his terms.

Because of Lin Qi's fusion of the essence of dragon power, Gu Wei, who has a trace of weak dragon blood, is very close to Lin Qi, so he simply sacrificed his soul and became one of Lin Qi's generals. . His 1,000 subordinates were completely controlled by Lin Qi and became Lin Qi's loyal thugs.

From then on, Lin Qi actually controlled the entire Black Abyss Divine Prison, using soul spells and hook and kiss Corrupt Heart, Lin Qi controlled almost all the high-end power of the Black Abyss Divine Prison. The prisoners at the middle and lower levels didn’t know about this, but they also vaguely realized that the Heiyuan Divine Prison was getting more and more organized and more regular, and there would be no more murderous people who blow their noses and stare at the market. .

It was so peaceful, time passed by like water.

Every three months, Lin Qi would bring a batch of magic gems, magic crystals, weird ores, messy herbs, etc., to the pond where the black blue stationed and trade with the leader of the fanatic. After two transactions, Lin Qi also knew that the leader of the fanatic was a division commander of the Fanatic Legion of the Temple of Punishment, with 10,000 powerful fanatics under his command.

This mad believer division leader named Hasen is responsible for guarding the lowest level of the Black Abyss God Prison. When Lin Qi was imprisoned in the Black Abyss God Prison, the huge battle fort he saw outside was composed of Hasen and the other three. The head of the famous division is on duty.

Several transactions have benefited Hasen greatly, and Hasen’s attitude towards Lin Qi is getting better and better. The last time Lin Qi sent him two rare and best phantom pupil stones, Hasen even threw them to him. Lin Qi has a good rune armor and a good rune sword.

Obviously, Hasen had already regarded Lin Qi as a stable source of finances, so he was very concerned about Lin Qi's safety, so he gave him such a life-saving equipment.

And every time Lin Qi and Hasen traded these gems and ores, he also gave Hasen a few words about the situation in the Dark Abyss Divine Hell. Of course, in Lin Qi's mouth, the Heiyuan Divine Prison is called a peaceful, peaceful, peaceful, peaceful, and peaceful, and all the prisoners are reformed and reformed. This is a pure land.

In Lin Qi's perfunctory, there are still three days before the eclipse.

The green old man and Jiawu have completed their calculations to suppress the divine formation, and all the preparations have been completed. All the people under Lin Qi's command are ready. Only when the solar eclipse arrives and the suppression of the divine formation is weakened to the extreme, The Void Teleportation Disintegration Array will be opened.

Once the divine formation is destroyed, the seal somewhere in the Fifth Abyss will be shaken, and Gawul's father will be able to escape.

Naturally, Lin Qi and the others could go to the Fifth Abyss World through the passage opened by the Great Array, and from there back to the ground.

Only three days is the day to get out of trouble!

Rao is that Lin Qi has experienced training over the years, and his heartbeat is still much faster than usual. He took deep breaths again and again, forcibly making his mind calm and peaceful. Standing on the head of the hunting team, Lin Qi's body was trembling slightly.

It will definitely succeed. As long as it succeeds, you can see the red sun and the white clouds again, see the green mountains and green waters, see your relatives and friends, and see your enemies and enemies again. Retribution with grace, revenge with grudges, gratitude and gratitude happily, heartily!

Clenching his fist, Lin Qi smashed the wall in front of him with a fist. The stones shattered and made a loud ‘clang’, and the guards nearby suddenly jumped up. They all looked here one after another, and saw the stone dust floating in front of Lin Qi, they suddenly bowed their heads respectfully.

About half an inch taller than when Lin Qi first saw him, the slightly longer Yun walked up the city wall and came to Lin Qi's side. He tilted his head to look at Lin Qi, squinted at Lin Qi for a long time, and then asked in a low voice: "If we can get out smoothly, what do you want to do?"

"Uh!" Lin Qi was silent for a while, grabbed Yun's head, and rubbed his fragmented short hair severely: "First find a place to eat and drink. How many years hasn't seen oil and water? Then what? , Take a good bath and sleep on the velvet bed for three days and three nights. Finally, take you and the young man back to your home."

He slapped Yun's head hard, Lin Qi whispered with a weird smile: "You and the young man are old, old, small, young, and the young man is about to collapse now. There is no strength at all. Without my escort, how could you Go home?"

Yun nodded gently, and then slapped Lin Qi's big hand fiercely: "Don't pat your head, you will be stupid!"

Lin Qi giggled. His big hand just wrapped Yun's small head in his palm. He rubbed his head vigorously, and said with a weird voice: "It's okay, you are so smart you are a bit evil, stupid. A little bit better. Hey, I have known you for almost five years, why did you nod like this? Didn't you see you grow!"

Yun Bai gave Lin Qi a glance, slowly took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, poured out a purple-green pill with a pungent smell, and swallowed it openly. A trace of blood slowly added to the pale little face, and Yun said softly: "You don't know, my congenital disease, it is not easy to grow up so big, do you think I am you? Like a bear!"

Lin Qi unwillingly patted the back of Yun's head: "Have you ever seen a bear who speaks more than a hundred foreign languages?"

Yun chuckles, and then punches Lin Qi's weakness. Of course, with his small body, his punch was to tickle Lin Qi, but it made his own hands hurt.

Lin Qi stared at the cloud and suddenly said, "Why, you are also very nervous? So you want to make a joke with me to relieve stress?"

Yun clenched his teeth tightly and took a deep breath.

Lin Qi frowned, his mind quickly turned a lot of things. According to the professor of the young man in the past few years, Lin Qi quickly guessed a lot of things: "Why, after you go home, do you still have trouble? "

Yun didn't say a word for a while, and after a long time he shook his head gently: "Actually, with the ear power of your monster, you have long heard that Mr. Qing is not my grandfather, he is mine... What should I say? Anyway, when I was born, he was appointed by the family, my chief guard."

Yun looked at Lin Qi with blinking eyes. His eyes were black and white, with a gleam of water, which was truly agile and beautiful.

Lin Qi bent down, leaned in front of Yun, and stared at him for a while, and then laughed "hehe", "Your family is really luxurious. , To be an almost omniscient great sage of the holy realm to be your guardian is really extravagant!"

Yun smiled bitterly, he shook his head gently, and said indifferently: "If I had been in the family, things would be easier to handle. But my husband took me to Dunelker when I was about two years old. Medicine, and unfortunately was imprisoned in the Black Abyss God Prison. It has been almost fifteen years now!"

Lin Qi gestured to Yun's height and sighed heavily, "I really can't see that you are almost seventeen years old, born like a bean sprout, so short!"

Yun angrily punched Lin Qi in the lower abdomen. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sick!"

Lin Qi raised his hands: "Very well, you are sick, you are sick, you are not in the family, are you..."

Yun frowned and nodded slowly after thinking about it for a long time: "Perhaps family members have thought that we are dead, and that what originally belonged to me may have been divided into pieces. In short, this time I go back, there may be trouble. After all. For so many years, not to mention the things that belong to my name in the family, maybe the things my mother left to me have been taken away."

Lin Qi slapped Yun heavily, "Then grab it, I'll grab it for you! Hahaha, what's to worry about?"

After rubbing a few hands on Yun's head, Lin Qi said loudly: "Just because you have cheated for me so many times, who can I help if I don't help you?"

Yun smiled slightly, then gave Lin Qi a kick in the thigh fiercely: "As I said, hitting the head will make you stupid!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( ) Vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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