Bright Era

Chapter 391: Surprises

Bi Lin Qi was a head taller, and the cult leader who was as strong as a bear pushed Lin Qi hard.

"Sinner, take us to see those **** Cthulhu followers!" The leader of the mad believer with a shaved scalp and blood-colored paint tattooed with the **** of punishment's destruction precepts said with a gleeful smile: "If you are indeed here Torn them to your heart's content, I will consider giving you a little reward! These **** heretics, you **** sinners!"

Lin Qi obediently bowed to this unfathomable cult leader, and then buckled his waist and walked towards the hunting team's resident with small steps like a quail in a storm. Thousands of fanatics followed him closely, and these fanatics looked fiercely at the surrounding prisoners.

A enchanting fox beauty walked out of the shop by the side of the road. With exposed skin, she yelled, "Oh, why are there so many..."

Before she finished her words, a head-sized flail hammer slammed her on the head. The upper body of the fox beauty was smashed to pieces, and flesh and blood were sprayed all over the floor. All the prisoners on the street bowed their heads in fear at the same time, and no one dared to look at these mad believers.

In Black Abyss God Prison, these mad believers have absolute oppressive power.

They can mobilize the huge divine power in the divine formation at any time, so that they have the power to exterminate all the horrors. Those holy realms are not their opponents, let alone these ordinary prisoners who are no more than status cultivation? All the celestial masters in the Black Abyss God Prison were almost completely wiped out by Lin Qi, and those who were still showing their faces were the low-powered ones. No one dared to easily offend these cruel believers with no normal emotions.

Yifeng glanced at Lin Qi angrily, and shook his fist fiercely. From Yifeng's point of view, the best time to subdue Lin Qi has disappeared. When Lin Qi comes out in the future, he will definitely be accompanied by a large group of guards. An angry Yifeng looked at the mad believer's brigade unwillingly, his eyes rolled a few times, and he gestured for Zari and others to follow him, and the group followed carefully behind the mad believer.

Lin Qi took small steps and led the fanatics to the hunting team's station, and he greeted these fanatics with great diligence along the way.

"My dear sirs, be careful, there is a hurdle here!"

"Oh, there is still a pit here, don't twist your feet."

"Who is so uncivilized? Actually pooping here? Ah, it's a big pile, it looks like it was left by a monster, don't step on it."

All the way, screaming and screaming, the mad believers came to the hunting team’s station, and saw the hunting team’s city gate opened wide. The dozens of heavenly warriors who had been guarding the city gate had disappeared without a trace. They became seven or eight goblins and cavemen standing there weakly with a stone spear.

These powerful status goblins and cavemen saw the majestic and murderous squad of zealots approaching. They were so scared that they shivered and dropped their stone spears and knelt on the ground. There was also a caveman with the least courage who uttered a hoarse cry, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, twitching all over. In just a few breaths, yellow-green bile was flowing from the corner of the caveman's mouth, and he was scared to death by the fanatics.

Lin Qi raised a thumbs up to the leader of the mad believer: "Honorable lord, the glory of the gods is shining on you, and your majesty is enough to strangle all evil!"

The leader of the zealot grinned with a sneer. He glanced at the cave man who was scared to death, and nodded in satisfaction: "Fulfill the awe of the gods at all times. This is your only way of salvation. Little guy, what is your name? , Why are you imprisoned here?"

Lin Qi spread out his hands and opened his mouth to talk nonsense.

"My honorable lord, I don’t know why I was imprisoned here. Anyway, I’ve been here since I can remember! Fortunately, the fat bear boss took care of me, so I lived in peace. Oh, look, The one lying on the ground sleeping is the fat bear owner of our hunting team."

The fat bear, flushed and drunk, was lying next to a stone house, snoring like thunder. His body is really too round, so when he lies on the ground, his head and feet can't touch the ground, only one **** is firmly stuck to the ground.

There is a thick layer of fat on the back of his neck, so even though there is no pillow, this layer of fat still supports his head, allowing him to lie flat there comfortably. Except for the fat bear, a super fat man who has grown horizontally and turned into an olive shape, no normal person can sleep like him.

Beside the Fat Bear, there was still a bunch of broken bones randomly thrown away. A few old men and women in ragged clothes were shivering and carefully packing up these broken bones. Standing beside them was a blood goblin with a fierce complexion, motionless. He gave them a kick.

The leader of the fanatic nodded in satisfaction. He recognized those old men and old ladies who were picking up trash. They were all high-level sects who believed in evil gods. These people are important witnesses that the upper echelons of the church need. It's okay for them to suffer here. The more suffering they suffer, the more likely they are to succumb to the church.

Nearly 300 high-ranking cults, their confessions will be very beneficial to the church, and cults are best at accumulating money. The gathering of 28 small vaults of cults should greatly ease the financial pressure of the church.

At this moment, a low roar came, and several old men in tattered clothes were kicked by a centaur. They fell to the ground in embarrassment, angrily gathered magic power to give this centaur a good look, but the magic power they gathered quickly dissipated invisible, and they vomited blood at the same time, weakening to the ground. .

Fanatics nodded one after another, and they were very satisfied with the treatment of these evil evil gods.

With a wave of the leader of the fanatic, a pile of salted bread, some fresh beef, and barrels of bad wine piled up in front of Lin Qi in a mess. He nodded to Lin Qi and said indifferently: "Descent of heresy, you must be descended from heresy! You should continue to bear the sins of your ancestors. Therefore, I cannot forgive your sins! But if you can enjoy it. If you abuse the followers of these evil gods and guarantee that they will not die, you can get my reward!"

He patted Lin Qi **** the shoulder, and the leader of the fanaticism said with satisfaction: "Every three months in the future, go to the pool to report their situation to me. If you do well, your reward will be more and more!"

Lin Qi smiled flatteringly. He bowed deeply to the leader of the fanatic, and then grabbed the opponent's big hand, and stuffed a few high-grade magic gems the size of a baby's fist into the opponent's hand: "Holy lord, this It’s my humble feeling for the gods. The sin that I bear on my body cannot be eliminated, but it cannot change my devotion to the gods!"

The leader of the fanatic took a look at Lin Qi in astonishment. He took a closer look at the top-grade magic gems in his hand. Each piece was worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins on the mainland! This is a lot of money. Even fanatics can't ignore these magic gems, because these few gems represent a powerful set of magic equipment!

Nodded with satisfaction, the leader of the cult believer smiled: "Very well, I will collect these stones for me with my heart in the future, and I will give you delicious food as a reward. When you go to report to me every three months, you can collect them. These stones are dedicated to me, if your piety reaches a certain...limit...your sin...the elders may forgive your sin!"

Lin Qi bowed deeply, and the members of the hunting team all around also bowed. The fanatics left the hunting team's station with pride, leaving the lowest level of the gods. Those followers of Cthulhu were actually being tortured by Lin Qi. There was no more ideal situation than this.

Lin Qi slowly straightened his body after the fanatics had gone far.

With a sneer of sneer, Lin Qi said calmly: "This is the most pious and powerful fanatic in the church! Ah, it seems that money is still useful! Money is really a good thing."

After a long time, the scouts who were waiting to be dispatched heard the news that the mad believers had left the prison of God, and the old man and Jiawu returned to the station. They asked Lin Qi about the mad believers' intentions, and immediately let go of their hearts. It seemed that the church didn't notice anything unusual, but simply came to check the current situation of Gawul's disciples.

A group of people gathered together to make a plan, and then Xuan Lan returned to the pool and continued his work in the pool. Others have to speed up, before the eclipse, everything must be prepared.

Just when Lin Qi and others were still discussing nervously, the swaying Yifeng strode to the gate of the hunting team.

"Hey, Fat Bear, your net worth is getting thicker and thicker. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to build such a city? Hey, Fat Bear, are you dead? Didn't you hear what I said? Get out of here, I'm here to negotiate a big deal with you!"

With a triumphant smile on Yifeng's face, in his opinion, no one can stop him from annexing the hunting team after the fanatic left.

Since Lin Qi couldn't start from here to divide and weaken the hunting team, then just rush to Huanglong and swallow the hunting team directly.

The triumphant Yifeng thought that he had a chance of winning, and brought Zari, You Yao and others, and the thugs he had collected over the past two years to block the hunting team's door firmly. Now that the fanatic brigade has left, no one can stop him from doing whatever he wants.

Lin Qi turned his head and glanced at the Yi Feng who was blocking the door yelling for war, and waved his hand lazily: "The wine barrel, take them... !"

"Wine barrel"? Yi Feng froze for a moment. When did Fat Xiong's subordinates add such a person?

Without waiting for Yifeng to figure out who the barrel was, with a low roar, a ten-meter-tall dwarf king had strode out of the city gate and slammed his head towards the horribly changed Yifeng and others. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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