Bright Era

Chapter 382: Barthes' wishful thinking

In the dim hole, Lin Qi was walking alone in a cloak. In a large cave a few miles away behind him, eight hundred evil spirits and three thousand warriors were quietly waiting for Lin Qi's call. This power is undoubtedly destructive in the Black Abyss Divine Prison. The holy realm outside the divine prison loses its power, and the holy realm inside the divine prison cannot move freely. The power controlled by Lin Qi can almost do whatever he wants.

Of course, before doing whatever you want, some thorns that might pierce your hands must be flattened.

In front is the Nightmare Canyon, the Nightmare Canyon which is one of the twelve settlements in the Black Abyss God Prison besides the Black Abyss Market. It is said to be a canyon, but in fact it is a huge crack in the flat ground, hundreds of meters deep underground. The Nightmare Canyon, which is more than two hundred miles long and three miles at its widest point, is the favorite hiding place for bat demons, shadow demons and thorn demons in the Dark Abyss God Prison.

According to intelligence, there are more than 300 pure-blood high-level demons here, and there are more than 2,000 mixed-blood demon descendants, and the servants and handymen of other strange races are out of 10,000. Forget about mixed-blood demons and servants, most of the three hundred or so pure-blood high-level demons are masters of the Heavenly Pinnacle Demon and Martial Dual Cultivation.

Because of the unique restriction of the Heiyuan Divine Prison, as long as there are demons here to break through to the holy realm, they will be obliterated by the suppression sacred formation. Therefore, some of these demons have been imprisoned here for nearly a thousand years, and they still suppress their own power firmly. , Did not dare to leapfrog a little bit.

The powerful demons, coupled with their strange racial abilities, are all very useful to Lin Qi. To subdue one more person in the Heiyuan Divine Prison, and return to the surface world, he will have an extra strength, and he will be more comfortable when retaliating against some people.

After a few sneers, Lin Qi clenched his fists vigorously.

On a rock wall hundreds of meters away from Lin Qi, in a pinnacle that was forcibly split apart, Barthes and another evil spirit slightly smaller than him are squeezing into the rock wall, watching Lin Qi slowly and slowly. Of advancing in the cave.

"Barquette, this kid has conquered a lot of people these days." Bart's face was serious: "The agreement reached by Master Gawul and him seems fair and reasonable, but in fact it is not good for us."

Barquette looked at Barthes: "Is there any problem?"

Barthes frowned: "In half a month, he will subdue the wild ghosts in the lava jungle, and he will subdue more people in the future. The agreement between Master Gavu and him is that they help us break the black The suppression of the deep **** prison, and Master Jiawu told them to leave here."

Lin Qi, who was walking, suddenly stopped. He looked around and then sat under a huge stone pillar. Taking out a piece of roasted animal leg meat and adding a bottle of light beer with a sweet taste, Lin Qi began to eat and drink comfortably. He slumped his head and ate and drank, but his ears were trembling rapidly under the cover of the cloak.

He heard the conversation between Bart and Barquette. Although they were hundreds of meters away from Lin Qi, although they lowered their voices, it was a cave, and there was no noise that interfered with Lin Qi’s hearing. After Lin Qi’s body was strengthened several times, his five senses had become too strong. The point of people. Eavesdropping on the whispers of Barthes and Barquette from hundreds of meters away is not difficult.

Seeing Lin Qi actually stopped to eat, Barthe's face grew gloomy.

"The Black Abyss Divine Prison is difficult to break. Even if those suppressive divine formations are cracked, it will only allow that adult to escape from the seal. If you want to break through the Black Abyss Divine Prison and return to the surface world, it is impossible. The matter, according to Gawul’s own description, the two upper layers of the Black Abyss Divine Prison are heavily guarded. If the church collapses the upper cave, even the holy realm will not be able to leave alive."

"So the agreement between Jiawu and them can only be to use the strength that the adult finally accumulated to break a teleportation channel, so that Lin Qi and his people can go to the fifth abyss through the teleportation channel, and go to the Great Oggle. The lord’s territory, escape through the tunnel leading to the ground."

Barquette frowned and looked at Barthe puzzled: "What does it matter?"

Bart snorted coldly, and he punched Barquette in the head.

"Stupid things, if it's not because you are my own brother, I will kill you!"

"That adult, the sealed adult, is said to be one of the ancestors of our evil ghost family. Our evil ghost family has hundreds of different branches of different strengths and weaknesses, and that adult belongs to our war ghost family. Ancestor. Think about it, once this lord is out of the seal, once he gains enough power, how much benefit will our war ghost clan get?"

"Especially our family, as the leader of the Fifth Abyss War Ghost Clan, how much benefit can we get from that lord?"

"And I, and you, the best two of the younger generation of the family, will that adult take a high look at us? You need to know how our war ghosts improve our strength! In addition to cultivating vindictiveness and polishing physical strength, Also, through our own evolution, continuous evolution has given us unlimited possibilities!"

"That lord is our ancestor, the ancestor of our war-ghost clan, and a terrible existence that cannot be completely destroyed by the gods. If we can get a part of his power and a drop of his ancestor blood, then we The two will become the most powerful fighters of the war ghost clan, and the greatest existence of the war ghost clan!"

Bart spoke extremely fast for Barquette analyzing the benefits that this incident might bring to them. Barquette heard it with a heartbeat, gasping for breath. To be the greatest existence of the Zhangui clan means strength, power and countless beauties.

"Barthe, are you right?" Barquette's eyes flashed: "If this is the case, then we should help Master Gawu, so that they can destroy the suppression of the gods as soon as possible."

Barthes smiled coldly, and looked at Barquette contemptuously: "You brainless guy, if you just destroy the sacred formation, it is of course a good thing to have their help. But Gawu reached that **** thing with them. The agreement requires the adults’ hard-earned strength to help them escape from here. If it is just three of Lin Qi, the old man, and the stinky boy, the adults’ strength will not be consumed much."

Barquette grabbed his forehead hard: "Now Lin Qi is trying to conquer new subordinates?"

Barthes nodded solemnly: "Think about it, if Lin Qi wants to leave this **** place with tens of thousands of subordinates. That adult will break through a teleportation channel enough for tens of thousands to pass. This will cost him much. Power? How long does it take him to recover? Such a huge power might as well be used to enhance the strength of you and me!"

Licking his lips vigorously, Barquette squinted and smiled strangely: "So, what do you mean Bart?"

Bart also squinted his eyes, and he clenched his fists forcefully: "Let Master Gawu and Lin Qi do what they should do. Then when they are about to succeed, we will kill them. This way. , The great credit for saving that lord from the seal is that I and you are monopolizing... the other idiots of the family will also be killed. Monopolizing the credit, how much benefit can you and I get?"

The breathing of the two brothers became rapid. The two looked at each other for a while, and then Barquette smiled triumphantly and asked, "So, how are we going to kill them?"

After a moment of silence, Barthes grabbed the huge corner of his forehead hard.

"Think about it, there is always a way. For example, in the last moments when they destroyed the **** formations, in order to destroy these gods formations, our lord of the obscure Ogyi prepared a blood sacrifice on the scale of millions of people on the side of the fifth abyss. Sacrifice. Hey, once that kind of large-scale blood sacrifice begins, it can't be stopped. During the blood sacrifice process, those who control these cannot move!"

Bucket’s eyes lit up suddenly: "I understand!"

Barthes shook his fist vigorously: "Let them all die, and then we monopolize all the rewards. Let us, become a family of war ghosts, become a legend of the whole family of evil ghosts, and even a family of demons!"

The two brothers stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, panting, blood boiling in them, they seemed to see a pair of seven or eight pairs of black wings growing behind them, turning them into the legendary evil The most powerful heavenly ghost warrior under the ancestor of the ghost family is fighting those **** gods in the sky of thunder and flames!

They will succeed! They will definitely get the great promotion and reward from that adult.

They will become heavenly ghost warriors strong enough to fight against the gods. In this age when the gods are already asleep, they can kill the holy mountain, slaughter all the clergy, and turn all the beautiful priestesses into With the trembling loot under them, let the evil spirits occupy the entire world! They will become immortal legends, they will become immortal beings, they will be high above, overlooking all beings!

Lin Qi swallowed the last bite of ham into his stomach, then drank the last drop of light beer. Shaking the bottle vigorously, he threw the bottle out. He stood up, tightened his cloak, and glanced towards the dark nightmare canyon in the distance.

Every day at noon and midnight, the prohibition in the prison will draw away the power accumulated in those powerful holy realms.

Every energy extraction is undoubtedly the torment of cramps and marrow for those holy realms, and that time is their most vulnerable and weakest moment. Taking advantage of their energy has just been drawn away, Lin Qi can use the soul made by Altut to attack the scroll and easily subdue them.

With two opportunities a day, within half a month, you can conquer the holy realm in all the prisons of a settlement!

"Give me some time, I will let all these people be my support!"

Lin Qi smiled coldly, and then glanced at the direction where the Bart brothers were standing.

Want to buy cheap? It's a jingle wishful thinking, but it's a pity that you shouldn't talk so close to yourself. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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