Bright Era

Chapter 379: Gawu's identity

As soon as he entered the cave where Lin Qi and the others lived, Jiawu's body suddenly shook.

Shuai Xiong's mother was lying lazily on a platform specially created by Lin Qi for her, gnawing listlessly on the tail of a rock lizard. Seeing the stranger Jiawu, she just raised her eyes and glanced at Jiawu, then drooped her eyelids disapprovingly, and continued to focus all her attention on the delicious rock lizard tail.

Gawu glanced vigilantly at the handsome bear mother who exuded powerful magical fluctuations, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"Damn it, there is an abyss demon bear that is about to advance! How many monsters and cores will it take to succeed? If the abyss demon bear can successfully advance in adulthood, it can possess magic power equivalent to the holy realm. Plus their tyrannical bodies, what a hell!"

Gawu gave a strong sigh of relief after staring at Shuai Xiong's mother.

Then he swam around, trying to see if there was anything else in the cave that surprised him.

The short and thin Yun was completely ignored by him. There was no aura of vindictiveness and magic in Yun's body. He was an ordinary teenager, and Gawul basically dismissed him. As for the guy Bilibili, although he has the magic power of heaven, he wearing a chef hat specially made for him by Yun on his head and carrying a large spoon in his hand does not look threatening.

Four centaurs lying on the ground and snoring? They should have the strength of heaven when they join forces, and this is not something Gawul cares about.

Shaking his head, Jiawu's gaze suddenly touched the pattern of the Suppression Divine Array that had been disassembled on the cave floor. He yelled in surprise, and then quickly stepped forward a few steps, kneeling on the ground and staring at the formations that were still running under Lin Qi's residual magic power.

"This, this is... Which Array Master's handwriting is this?" Jiawu couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he almost laughed. He tremblingly looked at these seamless arrays that were still slowly rotating, and seemed to see an extremely wonderful future.

Lin Qi coughed lowly: "Well, Mr. Jiawu, your so-called master of formation is the young man. If you think these formations are helpful to you, then we should talk more about it. For example, who are you, what did you do in Black Abyss, where have you been in the past two years, and where did you get topics such as Barthes group of evil spirits."

Jiawu was silent for a while, then he stood up and looked at the green man apologetically.

"If you had known that you were such a great master of formation, then I would not let those villains of Zari offend your majesty. Of course, I was also punished. The trick you injured me really almost made I'm done. I'm sorry for your injury!"

The young man pursed his mouth and laughed. He gently shook his head: "Don’t waste your tongue. Lin Qi is right. We have to talk about it. I’m very interested in your history, of course. , Be more interested in what you want to do!"

Squinting his eyes, the green old man said indifferently: "I guess... From some ancient books of my family, you can know that the Heiyuan Divine Prison is not such a simple thing. Its suppression of the gods is not just for blocking The seal of the abyss, because we all know that there are still many entrances and exits from the abyss world that can enter the ground, so these divine formations are not aimed at the abyss."

Taking a deep breath, the green old man looked at Jiawu whose face suddenly became extremely serious: "Legend, of course, is just a legend. The Black Abyss God Prison was not originally used to imprison heretics. Its most fundamental function is to seal. Certain ancient evil existences. Those who were defeated by the gods, but could not be killed, could only suppress the evil existence in the abyss!"

Jiawu's face twitched, and he was silent for a while, and he slowly nodded: "We need to have a good talk. Qing, we really need a good talk. I can probably know what you want, I even probably I know some of the things you have guessed. Very well, we do not have conflicts and confrontations in nature, and our interests are not confrontational, so we should talk about it!"

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Qi put a thinly sliced ​​plate of raw ham on the stone table in the cave where the old man lived.

On the stone table is almost luxury food.

Raw ham, wind goose, smoked chicken, smoked fish, and even a small box of pearl caviar and some pasta products. Lin Qi didn't remember which hotel he had searched for the box of caviar, but there was no doubt that these dark brown delicacies made the eyes of the green old man, Yun and Jiawu bright.

In addition to these delicacies that are impossible to enjoy in the Dark Abyss God Prison, Lin Qi also took out two barrels of decades-old rum and a few bottles of top-grade wine. These fine wines and delicacies have been kept in the space artifacts, where time is stagnant, so all the food is fresh, and the smell is really attractive.

Coupled with a pot of broth cooked by Bilibili's skillfully hand, and several types of Warcraft innards stir-fried with animal oil and mushrooms as ingredients, this table dish is not only a luxury in the Heiyuan God Prison, but even It's a sin.

In this place where a piece of salty bread can buy a beauty's body, such a table of dishes is really a sin.

He poured a glass of rum for the old man and Jiawu, and a small glass of good wine for Yun. Lin Qi smiled and raised his glass that was also filled with spirits and smiled: "Come on, for us Cheers to our friendship and future cooperation. Of course, I have to remind our guests one thing, if our friendship cannot allow us to reach a cooperative agreement, then I don’t mind letting the fat bear boss enjoy a meal of human flesh!"

The old man Qing and Yun smiled silently, they raised their wine glasses and took a sip.

Jiawu looked at Lin Qi angrily. He cursed in a low voice, "You annoying fellow! Are you a threat? Damn it. A mage can't drink strong alcohol. It will make me **** it." The lack of concentration makes my control of magic power appear to be flawed!"

Lin Qi ignored Li Jiawu, he raised his glass and drank it all, then exclaimed loudly, "It's really good wine! Who are you?"

Gawul's mouth twitched because of Lin Qi's anger. He picked up the wine glass and shook it. Then he still couldn't resist the temptation of the wine and took a greedily sip. Slowly swallowing the wine into his belly, Gawul cursed in a low voice: "Let those **** evil spirits go to death. The wine they brewed from underground crops is simply poison! Hell, I have more than two hundred years. I haven't tasted such a good wine!"

Putting the wine glass on the stone table, Jiawu raised his head to look at Lin Qi, and looked at Lin Qi carefully. Then Jiawu spoke to the green old man: "I, Jiawu, as for my last name, it is a The question that bothers me a lot, you will not be interested in a surname with more than 39,000 syllables!"

More than 39,000 syllables! Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, grabbed the bottle and filled Gawu's glass with some wine, and then filled himself with a large glass.

"My mother is a human, a pure human! Unfortunately, she is a crazy believer in the devil! She is a saint of a small evil sect. In a devil's summoning ceremony, she dedicated herself to their sect. The devil of faith."

"However, the situation in the world is always unsatisfactory. The devil they believed in in the devil summoning ceremony held by my mother and the others did not come. Instead, it was my father, a demon who was sealed in the world of the Fifth Abyss. The ancient existence underneath the Nightmare Mountains, the realm of the Highlord Ozuki."

The young man flicked the tabletop gently: "So, the day your mother was pregnant, should it be the solar eclipse 570 years ago?"

Gawu nodded slowly: "That's it. On the day of the solar eclipse, darkness enveloped the world, and the power of the gods remaining in the world was greatly weakened, so there were gaps in certain seals. My father came with a clone The world, combined with my mother, has me."

"I was conceived in my mother's body for 30 years before I was finally born. My birthday is my mother's death."

"Before my mother died, she told me everything."

"I became the pope of that little sect, and my mission, or the mission of my sect, is to return my father to the world. But to break the seal of suppression on my father, I must destroy The suppressive array of the Black Abyss God Prison."

Jiawu took out dozens of black animal skin scrolls. He pointed to these animal skin scrolls and sneered: "The repressive array of the Black Abyss God Prison is one of the cores of the suppressed ancient seals in the abyss. The suppressed ancient existence, the energy they emit is extracted by the divine formation of the Black Abyss God Prison, and then turned into the power of a seal to suppress them all."

"This is where I dived into the abyss, observing the formation of my father's suppressed seal."

"Qing, your knowledge on the magic circle can help me improve my analysis of these formations. I just want to release my father, and what you want is nothing but freedom. There is no conflict, absolutely no conflict. Me The enemy of my father is the gods, and your enemy is also the gods. Release my father while you are free. This is a great thing for everyone to profit!"

Jiawu turned his head and looked at Lin Qi: "Little guy, I have never seen you such a powerful and cruel little guy. What do you think? This is a great thing that we are all good for!"

Lin Qi frowned, "I'm just a strange thing, how did you escape from the Dark Abyss God Prison and dive into the abyss?"

Gawu smiled secretly. He rubbed his palms vigorously and laughed in a low voice: "Of course, this is my father's masterpiece. Although he was sealed, he can always regain a little bit of strength every time. That little power is enough to induce the suppression of the **** array here, causing some spatial fluctuations between the abyss and the black abyss **** prison, which is why there are always weak beasts and demons transmitted over."

Smiling, Gawul squinted his eyes and said: "Two years ago, I fictitiously died and fleeed because my father saved enough power to lead me to the abyss!"

Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and Jiawu saw the change in Lin Qi's eyes, and he immediately yelled.

"Oh, no, no, no, don't even think about it! My father will not waste a little bit of strength on you."

"Don't want to use my father to leave here. It is also a heavy burden for him. Unless you help me destroy some of the gods here, you don't want to leave here!"

Lin Qi and Old Man Qing looked at each other, and then they laughed at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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