Bright Era

Chapter 368: 375th

The light in the long cave passage is dazzling, and the four saints lead the way. They emit bright golden divine light, illuminating the cave several miles long before and after. A thousand zealots chanted the scriptures of the God of Punishment and followed the four saints neatly.

The hapless old man who was caught by a mad believer was caught by a mad believer, and held it above his head like a chicken. The old man was confused and didn't know what he was talking about. With his eyes rolling, he was obviously in a state of epilepsy.

Lin Qi rode a centaur and followed these clergy with a few black fairies who are best at hiding their figures. The sound of the centaur’s ‘ta-ta’ hooves spread far and wide in the cave, but the clergy did not care about Lin Qi’s following. Apart from Lin Qi, there were also nearly a thousand spies from forces large and small in the Black Abyss God Prison nearby. They were not far behind, and followed with secret expressions.

Abyss Mohai didn't know what had happened, causing these clergymen to rush down with great fanfare. But no matter what happens, it is always a good thing. The Heiyuan God Prison was dead, and there was no other change except for some private fights and killings. Such a dead silence made people desperate, and any unusual turmoil was a great excitement for these prisoners.

Including the four saints, all the clergy pretended not to see these spies. They know that those heretics who have been imprisoned in the Black Abyss God Prison for hundreds of years can no longer be treated as normal people. If they start to expel or kill these spies, God knows what some heretics that still retain a certain amount of power will do. Strange things come?

Now it is nothing more than their identity that suppresses the prisoners from daring to move indiscriminately. If they take the initiative to anger the prisoners, not to mention those prisoners in the holy realm desperately to give them a hard blow, even if they are the heretics of heaven and status. . . Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of heaven and status fighters swarmed up, and even the saints had to be scumbed.

So the two sides walked forward in tandem in a tacit understanding, and kept moving forward along the long, damp passage.

Abyss Mohai is sparsely populated, and very few people are willing to live here. Moreover, the moisture here is already extremely strong, and there is no one walking on this passage all year round, so the ground and the walls of the cave are covered with thick moss, and you will fall if you are not careful.

Lin Qi was riding a centaur with his hands on his chest, staring coldly at the few fanatics at the end of the team. He recognized a person inside, and it was this fanatic who took away the soft armor from Lin Qi. This is Blackbeard's gift to Lin Qi from the family treasury. Although Lin Qi has obtained better magical equipment from Altut's World Ring, this is family property!

Squinting, Lin Qi twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile. A dozen vicious tactics quickly twiddled in his mind, thinking about how to make this mad believer die without a burial place in order to recover the family property. After studying with the young man for more than two years or three years, Lin Qi is not what he used to be. He has too many weird things in his mind now.

While walking, Lin Qi took out a few common mushrooms and herbs in the abyss from the ring. He released a faint heat from his palm, steamed these mushrooms and herbs, rubbed them into fine powder with his hands, and then carefully mixed the powder together.

Now that Lin Qi's fighting qi has been cultivated to the upper level of the heavenly position, the sea of ​​qi has more than doubled compared to when it was just formed. Qi Hai not only made Lin Qi's fighting qi extremely powerful, but also made his control of fighting qi down to the smallest stage. The powder churned in his palm, but a layer of dense and flexible vindictiveness wrapped his hand, not even a trace of powder leaked out.

He took out a small medicine bottle and filled the powder in. Lin Qi casually grabbed a large purple centipede with a red head and a green tail from the thick moss on the side of the road. . He tore off the centipede’s poison sac, squeezed the venom into the medicine bottle, and then quickly plugged the medicine bottle. He shook the medicine bottle vigorously for dozens of times, and then randomly threw the medicine bottle to Bilibili standing behind him.

Compared to when Lin Qi had just taken it over two years ago, Bilibili has been nourished by a lot of oil and water, his height has reached five feet or so, and the double horns on his head have finally emerged. There are two black **** in his deep eyes. The flame is looming, and he is already a high-level demon with a small climate. He took the medicine bottle carefully, and carefully put the medicine bottle into the hidden pocket of his belt.

In the past two years, Lin Qi has often used some weird medicines. The unlucky and powerful Bilibili has become Lin Qi’s best experiment-just like Master Kecha did to Lin Qi, Lin Qi enjoyed it. Try various weird potions on Bilibili's body.

Bilibili has been tossed to death in the past two years, although he has benefited greatly from it. For example, his physical strength is comparable to that of Alda, a high-level great demon with the blood of the Moon Demon Emperor, such as his The magic power has broken through to the lower level of the heaven. But thinking about the tragic situation that life is worse than death every time after taking the potion, Bilibili will definitely not ignore any weird medicine that Lin Qi has prepared.

"My horrible master, what's the strange thing this time?" Bilibili asked Lin Qi cautiously while drooling at the big centipede that was a foot and a half long in Lin Qi's hand. After two years of training by Lin Qi, Bilibili's name for Lin Qi has always been ‘the master of horror’. This master is really terrifying, even scarier than the legendary Primordial Demon King!

Lin Qi smiled secretly, he took away the shell of the centipede with his hand, leaving behind a white and tender centipede with a baby's arm about a foot and a half long. He took out some powder and smeared it on the centipede meat, and then a thin flame burst out of his palm and burned for a while, the centipede meat exuded a strange fragrance, and the saliva in Bilibili's mouth suddenly rolled Next, he wetted a large area of ​​his front.

He tore off most of the centipede meat and handed it to Bilibili. As Lin Qi swallowed the centipede meat, he muttered in a low voice, "Look for the fanatic at the end of the temple in front of you later. I'll signal you later. Smash this medicine bottle at his feet. Remember, stay away. This is the first time I prepare this medicine, and I don’t know how it works."

Bilibili, who was swallowing delicious centipede meat frantically, trembled violently. He nodded in a hurry. He would never forget Lin Qi’s instructions—any kind of Lin Qi’s newly formulated potions were all It's deadly!

After walking for dozens of miles along the cave passage, more and more water drops dripped from the cave, and the water vapor in the air became more and more dense. Not far in front was the abyss of ink. The four saints who led the way shouted, and the clergy of the church immediately quickened their pace.

Lin Qi was about to ride the horse to keep up, when suddenly there was a beating and a strange laughter from behind.

"Hey, what a thin-skinned meaty guy, tut, it should taste great when baked!"

At the very end of those spies, an ogre grabbed the thin cloud and stretched out his hand to squeeze his shriveled buttless butt: "Tender, tender, so **** smooth, tusk. , Brat, your sweetheart must taste good!"

Lin Qi turned his head and separated more than a mile. He clearly saw the white-faced cloud and the ogre.

Lin Qi didn't move, he just raised his right hand, and suddenly five small dark red sparks flashed on his fingertips. Then five thin flames gathered in his palm, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a fist-sized black fireball. Lin Qi snorted coldly, the huge mental power locked on the huge ogre, and then lightly flicked his fingers, the fireball turned into a black light and shot out quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the fireball hit the ogre, and the stone armor that penetrated his body penetrated into his body.

The ogre's body suddenly stiffened, and then Yun Lian jumped free from the ogre's hand, fleeing towards Lin Qi in fright. As he ran, he cursed angrily: "Lin Qi, do you want to kill me? You are my guard, not my assassin!"

Before the words fell, the stiff ogre standing still suddenly turned into a black ash, and a human-shaped flame fell heavily on the ground. The ground over 30 meters in radius was burned into molten magma, and the cooing bubbles continued. Emerged from the magma with a dull crackling sound.

Lin Qi looked awkwardly at Yun, who was panting and ran to him. He spread his hands and sighed helplessly: "I'm too anxious, so I made my move a little heavier! But haven't you noticed that I am making progress? Yun, I have made a lot of progress! My blow today only consumed one-thirtieth of the magic power in my body! If it was before..."

Yun's face became paler and paler. If it were changed, Lin Qi would pour out half of his magic power with one blow, and a radius of hundreds of meters would be melted, right? The spies of the many forces that followed were all annihilated.

Lin Qi gave Lin Qi angrily, Yun climbed up on the centaur's back quickly and sat firmly in front of Lin Qi.

One by one, the spies looked at the lava pit that was burned out by a small fireball by Lin Qi like a ghost, and then bowed their heads and walked forward quickly. No one dared to stay by Lin Qi for a while. Is there another king of the black abyss? The fireball that Lin Qi sprayed was obviously of the Dark Flame attribute. Is it possible that another King of the Black Abyss is coming forward?

Rubbing Yun's broken short hair, Lin Qi frowned and asked, "What are you doing with you?"

Following Lin Qi's food and drink for more than two years, he has sufficient nutrition supply every day, but his height has only grown by half an inch, and he still has no flesh on his body. He grinned, "Look at the fun! Hearing grandpa said, it should be. A saint-level person died, I followed out to watch the excitement! I haven't seen what a saint-level person would look like when he died. I heard from Grandpa that it is spectacular, and it might be good too!"

Lin Qi's eyes widened, and he gave Yun a vicious look.

"Look at the excitement? This excitement is not pretty!"

Lin Qi looked at the dark passage behind him, and then at the exit where the sound of water was faintly heard in front. He shook his head helplessly, firmly grasped Yun's shoulder, and urged the centaur to rush forward. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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