Bright Era

Chapter 365: Ransacked

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The lights flickered in the jail, and Altut sat on the chair like a concubine, staring at Lin Qi blankly.

He has signed a soul contract with Lin Qi, and life and death are in Lin Qi's mind. No matter how many souls he absorbs in the future, even if his soul power is a thousand or ten thousand times stronger than Lin Qi, unless he can crack the soul guardian blessing technique, he can only obediently do Lin Qi's faithfulness. slave.

But the soul guardian great blessing technique, a god-level spirit technique that is against the sky, Altut roughly estimated it, maybe. . . Maybe when he breaks through to the peak of the saint master, he will have enough power to display it, right? However, the peak of the Saint Master is the highest power of the Saint Realm. With his current strength at the peak of the Saint, it is possible to break through to that level without luck.

Even if he can successfully break through after a thousand years, what will Lin Qi's strength be?

How strong is Lin Qi's background to be able to invite such a terrifying existence to bless Lin Qi and protect his soul? Altut has been comforting himself that the person who blessed Lin Qi could not be the founder of their soul gods, but besides that terrible figure, who else possesses such a terrible ability?

Seeing Lin Qi, who was tumbling around in the jail like a bandit entering the village, tears poured out of Altut.

From today on, he will guard Lin Qi carefully and respectfully serve Lin Qi, even if Lin Qi has a cold or flu, he will do his best to relieve Lin Qi from disasters. Otherwise, as soon as Lin Qi died, he would follow his soul flying away! This is the terrible part of the soul contract. There is no chance that the master will die or the slave will be buried.

"A woman is the source of all evil! That tiger butterfly, I really let her die too easily!" Altut cried and regretted, if it wasn't for the tiger butterfly to seduce his son, how could Arda attract Lin Qi like this Something abnormal? Soul Guardian Great Blessing Technique, this god-level spirit technique that belongs to the legend in the Soul God Cult, the supreme secret technique that made Altut drool for hundreds of years, unexpectedly appeared in front of him.

The tearful Altut watched Lin Qi throw the precious classics on his bookshelf on the ground, and he couldn't help convulsing with heartache. He stammered and asked, "Lin Qi..."

Lin Qi glared at Altut unhappily: "Huh?"

Altut immediately showed a flattering smile that he had only seen on the faces of believers of the Soul Cult. He stood up, bowed respectfully to Lin Qi and saluted: "Honorable master, I don’t know what you are looking for. what?"

Lin Qi kicked open a scroll of handwritings that recorded Altut’s experience in soul secret arts in the last ten years. He looked at Altut, whose face was distorted with heartache, and asked: "I am your master now. So, you know, I need a little bit...Where is your net worth?"

Altut's body shuddered, and he instinctively covered the three shining spatial rings on his left hand.

Lin Qi smiled. With the typical nasty smile of the rogue bullying the good, he whistled in a weird sound: "Oh, yo, you really have something good, come on, these three rings , I fell in love, are you going to disobey the orders of your most noble master?"

The smile narrowed, Lin Qi's face was full of killing intent that made Altut desperate: "Then, let's kill you. After killing you, all your things are mine!" In a sneer, Lin Qi's thoughts moved slightly, and his huge soul power turned into a thin whip, slashing fiercely on Altut's soul mark.

Altut let out a miserable cry, and his body jumped up suddenly, bursting with blood and tears from his eyes. He has never been a kind person. He is the most notorious existence of terror in the entire Western Continent. Two kingdoms have been destroyed by his hands, and the war caused by at least millions of people died. But Altut had never seen a person like Lin Qi, he could blatantly attack himself!

Just a blow to the soul flogging almost shattered the soul of Altut!

But he Altut is a soul mage at the peak of the saint, and his value cannot be measured at all. Even the church was reluctant to kill Altut, but instead imprisoned him in a jail of God, drawing his power for use by the church.

After changing Altut himself, if there was such a powerful slave, he would definitely not bear to be treated so rudely like Lin Qi. A master of the pinnacle of a saint, Lin Qi this **** does he know what this means? How could he treat himself so rudely and rudely? Could it be that in Lin Qi's heart, he was equal to those worthless little slaves?

Before Altut recovered from the heavy damage caused by the soul flogging, Lin Qi severely gave him two more flogs.

Altut spit out a mouthful of blood, he quickly took off the three space rings from his fingers, and then respectfully dedicated them to Lin Qi, and by the way, canceled his spiritual imprint on the space ring. He looked at Lin Qi flatly, and said respectfully while vomiting blood, "Honorable Master, you can take away all the belongings in it, but those books, those books that record various soul secrets, please leave them Your humble servant!"

After snatching three space rings, Lin Qi's mental power peeked inward.

The very high-level space ring, the contemporary pope of the Soul Cult, almost destroyed the terrifying figure of the Caesar Empire, the second empire of the mainland. One can imagine how rich Altut's wealth is. The capacity of Lin Qi's anklet and the two space rings added up and multiplied by ten can't compare with the capacity of the smallest ring among the three rings.

"Damn it, how could there be a ring with such a large capacity?" Lin Qi looked at Altut in shock.

He smiled weakly at Lin Qi, and Altut lowered his head: "These are the three'world rings•fake' that have been handed down during the dark period. Although there is no huge space for a city like the real world ring, but Three or five mountains can still be stored in. After all, they are treasures of the dark period, and all kinds of precious space materials were still sufficient at that time."

After taking a deep breath, Altote, who had already accepted his fate, introduced to Lin Qi the characteristics of these three world rings and fakes. In addition to the huge capacity, the three world rings were also taught by souls. The popes of the past have blessed powerful offensive spiritism. The death scream of a group attack, the soul impact of a group attack, and a single soul extraction are very powerful magic items.

More precious is that these three rings have extremely powerful concealment effects!

According to Altut's instructions, after Lin Qi threw out the classics like hills in the three rings, he drew three drops of heart blood and dripped them on the rings, and then branded them with the secret method of the soul gods. The three rings turned into three streams of light and rushed into Lin Qi's body, blending with the three phalanx of his left hand.

Gently flicking his fingers, Lin Qi's mind moved slightly, and he could feel the three terrifying soul attack spells on his left index finger, middle finger, and ring finger. Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Altut in surprise: "How can you stupidly put these babies on your fingers with such a good hiding method?"

Altut looked at Lin Qi dryly, sighed hard, and lowered his head dejectedly.

After a long time, Altut murmured: "I am the contemporary pope of the Soul Cult. Even if the church put me in the Dark Abyss God Prison, they still maintained their due respect to me. With my strength , Who can seize my private property from my hands? To do so weaker than me would be self-defeating; stronger than me... They won't care about my private property either!"

Lin Qi laughed weirdly. He put his mental power into the ring, watching the piles of gold and silver jewelry, magic crystals, magic gems, armor weapons, bows, arrows, crossbows, swords, swords and halberds that were piled up in the ring. A weird smile.

Altut’s thousand-year savings, no, it may even be that most of the thousand-year savings of the soul gods are now cheaper.

Altut is right. People who are weaker than him can't rob him, and people who are stronger than him will not rob him so shamelessly. But it happened that he was an indescribably weaker than Altut, but he just robbed the soul mage of this powerful saint pinnacle.

Could there be something more perfect than this?

With a smile, Lin Qi took out the anklet and space ring from his feet, and transferred all the items inside to the three new world ring•fake Zhonghou, and used these space artifacts with the smell of his feet. Throw it to Altut.

"Okay, okay, don’t be sad, after all, it’s my person, and I won’t bully you too much! Although these things are small in capacity, they are still enough to make do with it! So let’s do it, you will be at ease in the future Squatting here, if something is worthy of you, I will come to you!"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi smiled and threw out a few hams and a few barrels of rum.

"Your son Arda, I am very optimistic about his potential, so he is also mine. These ham and rum, you can understand whatever you want, you can even think of it as your son and yourself. Well, that's it!"

Pointing to the jail that he had turned into a mess, Lin Qi said: "Clean carefully and see what the mess here looks like? Remember, I will come to you if I have something. What should I say about today? What shouldn't be said, you know it!"

With a flattering smile, he sent Lin Qi away from the prison, and Altut's face suddenly became extremely dazed and dull.

Just like a little girl who was suddenly and severely ravaged by dozens of strong men, Altut sat in a jail for a long time, and then suddenly started crying, "Woo, you, you, you promise me What about the ten elven virgins? Why is this? How can such a thing happen?"

This must be a nightmare, Altut told himself, it must be a nightmare!

The contemporary pope of the dignified soul cult was ransacked. Not only was his wealth robbed, he was also forced to sell himself as a slave, even his son! This must be a nightmare! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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