Bright Era

Chapter 359: Army pressure

With the sound of the horn, Lin Qi immediately yelled "beep beep," and then let out a low tiger roar, which caused a violent wind to rush out of the cave. Bilibili, who was cooking the broth in the stone pot, screamed a few times, waved his sharp knives happily, and kicked the drooling centaur's buttocks around the stone pot a few times, urging. They ran out.

The handsome bear who was asleep in the cave yelled and rushed out carrying a huge stone spear. He cried out with an urn, "Em, you look at the old man and the boy Yun, don't let them be It's hurt. Who dares to come to our hunting team to die?"

Angrily carrying the stone spear, Shuai Xiong strode out. Today's handsome bears naturally have the confidence to say such things. Today's hunting team can fight nearly three thousand elite fighters. This force is really scary. Which force can compare to them near the Black Abyss Market?

Lin Qi's speed was extremely fast. He arrived in the expanded town after a few ups and downs. The Fat Bear was waving a long sword and yelling so that the hunting team soldiers and the coolies prisoners were in their positions, and then he focused on nearly a thousand soldiers. Transferred to the back of the passage leading to the cave of chaos.

When he strode to Fat Xiong's side, Lin Qi didn't say much. Several leaders of the hunting team walked up the city wall and looked into the distance.

Countless two-foot-long bone rods were held in the hands, and the green phosphorous fire on the bone rods gathered together and turned into a dazzling green light curtain illuminating the surroundings. Under the strong green light, little evil monsters and cavemen like tidewater are rushing towards the city wall frantically.

Little evil demons are the lowest class of the demons, and even many high-level demons don't recognize them as a kind of demons. Their average height is about two feet to two feet five, and their skin is colorful except white. They are no different from monkeys with plucked hairs, except that their heads are extraordinarily hideous and ugly, with a single horn on their foreheads.

These little evil spirits have little combat effectiveness. An ordinary human child can deal with a little evil spirit, and an adult human warrior can easily carry five or six little evil evil attacks. It's just that occasionally there will be some mutated individuals among the little evil demon, they will have the strength equivalent to the human status or even the status, and these little evil demon are undoubtedly the leader-level existence in their race.

As for the cave people, it is said that they are a branch of human beings and distant relatives of human beings. However, just as high-level demons do not recognize the little evil demons as a family of demons, the existence of cavemen is not recognized by humans. From the point of view of human beings, cavemen are no different from pigs and dogs, and even because of their dirty and chaotic social relations, they are even worse than pigs and dogs.

But the cavemen are a wise race, and their wisdom is not much different from that of humans. These cavemen, with an average height of three to four feet and roughly yellow-white skin, are timid, cautious, proficient in planting and breeding, and are the best slaves. Moreover, the cave people have always been vegetarians, the cost of raising them is extremely low, and their fertility is fast, and they can have two litters every year.

During the dark period, large city-states once kept a large number of cavemen as slaves, and even armed them as cannon fodder soldiers. However, after the rise of the church, the church issued a ban on cavemen from appearing on the ground. Nowadays, except for some bold nobles who are still secretly raising and using cavemen, all cavemen are forced to live in underground spaces.

The petty demons and cavemen screamed and screamed at the wall of the hunting team. They held a bone stick emitting phosphorous fire in their left hand and a crude stone weapon in their right hand, as if they had been destroyed by an ant hole. The ant colony charged forward like crazy.

As far as the line of sight is, there are little demons and cavemen in the 100-meter-wide cave passage. They are densely packed together, bumping and rubbing against each other, making sharp roars, and moving forward in disorder. ,go ahead.

"What's going on? Are those **** in Chaos Cave crazy? These trash can also fight?"

The fat bear stared at the enemy surging like a tide. He shook his head round like a ball, and the fat all over his body suddenly rose and fell with his movements. Fat Xiong felt that some of the principals in Chaos Cave must be crazy, otherwise how could they urge so many low-powered monsters and cavemen to attack the hunting team's city?

Moreover, Chaos Cave is different from the Black Abyss Market. There is not much land suitable for planting various underground plants in the Black Abyss Market. Most of the meat supply depends on hunting teams to kill Warcraft. And the meat on the side of Chaos Cave is partly obtained from the Black Abyss Market or looted or purchased, and partly it is obtained by relying on a huge amount of little evil spirits and cavemen to plant various vegetation to raise monsters.

For the prisoners in the Chaos Cave, the petty demons and cavemen are extremely important human resources. How can they drive so many people to die so generously?

But no matter what that person thinks, seeing that the enemy has already attacked a place less than 100 meters away from the city, the fat bear immediately waved his hand: "Kill them all! Don't let these guys rush in. Although they are in combat power status, There are too many people, and it's a headache to be entangled!"

Before I finished speaking, I saw hundreds of them suddenly dropped their bone sticks and pulled out small bows and arrows made of some kind of black vine from behind. With a scream, these little evil spirits drew their bows and arrows, and ‘cracking’ shot countless one-foot-long sharp thorns on the wall.

Poor, these little monsters have so little power. The long thorns they shoot can only shoot fifteen meters away. After hundreds of long thorns fly out, they lose their strength and fall off. Their vanguard rushed to that place. There are dozens of small evil demons and cavemen who have been pierced by long thorns. These hapless guys let out a sharp and miserable howl, their bodies suddenly turned black and shrank, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

These long thorns are obviously very poisonous!

Fat Xiong couldn't help but grinned: "Is this group of idiots fighting like this? Ha, their commander must be stupid than me!" Fat Xiong proudly looked forward to it, as if he finally found someone who was in the IQ. The stupid he suppressed completely, which made his life more brilliant.

Lin Qi grinned, and then he grabbed a well-polished round ball about one meter in diameter on the city wall, and slammed it at the charging team of the petty demons and cavemen. Lin Qi developed a sea of ​​blood and qi. He was extremely vigorous and vigorous. His whole body was extremely powerful. Such a large stone ball flew out dozens of meters like a meteor and hit the opponent's team heavily.

There was a loud bang, and the group of little evil demons and cavemen who rushed to the front were smashed to pieces, and then the stone ball rolled back swiftly. They died when they touched them, at least two. A hundred petty monsters and cavemen were killed and injured by Lin Qi's stone ball.

Bilibili puffed up his chest, protruding most of his body beside Lin Qi in a majestic manner, and shook his fist fiercely at the little monsters and cavemen. Bilibili was greedy for life and fear of death but was fierce and tyrannical. When he saw that the enemy rushing over was a weaker monster than him, the superiority of race and blood made him almost fly away. stand up.

"Poor insects, let the great and terrifying master's most faithful slave Bilibili grant you death!"

Bilibili swallowed and spit, and suddenly his eyes fixed on a petty monster who was obviously female among the charging enemies.

"It's a pity, the figure is really good, and he looks very good-looking, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

A line of salivation hung from the corner of his mouth, Bilibili raised his hands in a vivid manner, and then a dozen or so small fireballs smashed out. The muffled sound of "Boom Boom" kept coming. Twenty groups of fires a few feet in radius flashed across the charging team, and about a hundred petty monsters and cavemen were blown out by the beeping fireball.

Bilibili's strength is really low, that is to say, he can have such a result in the face of little demons and cavemen. If he is facing an elite warrior in armor, his small fireball can burn two or three to death. The individual is pretty good.

But this unprecedented brilliant record made Bilibili once again ecstasy, his face was twisted, and he raised his right hand wildly, screaming and screaming to spray all the magic power he accumulated these days. come out.

A bursting fireball with a diameter of three meters emerged quickly, and then Bilibili threw the fireball far away, and a loud fire was heard, and the black dark flame blocked the entire passage. The screams were endless, and at least four to five hundred petty demons and cavemen were turned into ashes by this blow.

But there are too many little monsters and cavemen. The deaths and injuries of hundreds of people are like a drop of water evaporated in the sea, and endless enemies continue to flow forward. Bilibili got under Lin Qi's crotch in horror, and cautiously hid behind Lin Qi's thigh: "Honorable and terrifying master, kill these damned guys, I have no magic power!"

The Fat Bear gave a weird laugh, and he swung his sword down, and the soldiers from the hunting team on the city wall threw their javelins.

Just a wave of attacks, Fat Xiong angrily stopped the long-range team's offense.

Hundreds of javelins were thrown out, but dozens of enemies were killed. If the opponent is a human or other powerful race, this result is acceptable. What's terrible is that the opponent is a worthless little monster and caveman. In the market of the Black Abyss God Prison, a polished javelin can exchange a family of little monsters or cavemen!

This price-performance ratio is too disproportionate, and Fat Bear can easily figure out the comparison between consumption and results, his face turned blue with anger.

At the moment when the Fat Bear stopped, a large group of little evil demons and cavemen had already rushed to the wall. They piled up like ants, and quickly piled up into dozens of people climbing up the wall without fear of death. And up.

In the blink of an eye, the hunting team's outer wall was covered with countless squirming little figures. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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