Bright Era

Chapter 344: Old man making leather boots

Saturday, three shifts. . .

At eight o'clock in the evening, old time and old place, Y channel 2935, Zhutou waiting for everyone!


Lin Qi hugged the boy and ran forward, Bilibili sneakily followed behind him, licking the red blood on the knife with a drunken face. While licking the blood wretchedly, Bilibili was moved to tears.

"The blood on the **** of a high-level female devil, oh, so touched, so excited! Think about it, a high-level female devil, her ass, her **** was bleeding from me! What a delicious taste Ah, if I can eat her heart, I will definitely be able to evolve one level!"

Bilibili licked the blood on the knife carefully, and then sighed very resentfully.

When Lin Qi was running wildly, the teenager in his arms trembled suddenly. The purple-red light in his eyes dissipated, and his body trembled violently like a fish caught ashore. Big sweats kept gushing from his body, and his body exuded a terrifying heat.

Lin Qi, who was a bit careless, didn't notice the boy's abnormality, but rather the extremely sensitive and cautious Bilibili found out what was wrong with the boy for the first time. Bilibili didn't have much interest in this skinny, shriveled human boy with no flesh on his body, but Bilibili didn't dare to be too negligent when seeing this boy with black hair and black eyes like Lin Qi.

While striding hard to dash forward, Bilibili shouted loudly: "Master, great and terrifying master, powerful and terrifying master, the kid you are holding is about to die. Look, The way he sweats is like a black lizard in the oven, which is really funny."

Lin Qi hurriedly looked down and wiped the boy's face with force. Hell, my forehead was hot, my face was sweaty, and my body was trembling constantly. Lin Qi yelled hurriedly: "Hey, boy, what's wrong with you? Are you still a man? You just killed a few people, how can you be frightened like this?"

The young man rolled his eyes and reluctantly raised his head. He tremblingly pointed to the fork in front, and hummed in a low voice, "Take me back to find my grandpa... I'm sick... Only grandpa can help, quickly. Point, take me to my grandpa!"

"Your grandfather?" Lin Qi was stunned, "The one who can make boots?"

The boy nodded, and then spit out a breath of heat mixed with blood. I don't know what the burning inside his body looked like. The heat sprayed on Lin Qi's hand, making Lin Qi have a palm soaked in boiling water. a feeling of. Lin Qi was frightened, pulled off the package in the boy's arms and threw it to Bilibili, then hugged him across his chest, strode to the side where the boy was pointing, and ran across.

Bilibili received the big parcel in embarrassment, and put it **** his head. Then he took his two short legs hard and followed Lin Qi crying and crying. Fortunately, the devil's physical fitness is generally good. Although Bilibili was out of breath, he still followed Lin Qi anyway.

This is a fork in the road between the Black Abyss Market and the hunting team's resident. Following a large cave that can accommodate dozens of people walking side by side, they rushed forward for more than ten miles, and suddenly there was the sound of water. Behind a large area of ​​huge mushrooms and ferns, there is actually a small lake several miles in radius. These mushrooms and ferns all emit a faint blue light, and there are some flying fluorescent bugs flying nearby, bringing streams of light in the air like meteors.

This is a small lake as beautiful as a dream. In the lake, you can see slap-length and transparent fish and some small krill swimming. These fish and shrimp can also emit fluorescence. They swim in the clear lake water, just like a bird gliding in a clear sky, with an indescribable taste of carefreeness.

"Wow!" Lin Qi couldn't help but exclaimed. There were giant mushrooms two to three meters to ten meters high, and giant ferns over ten meters high. Fluorescence illuminates the place, and the brightness is compared to others. The cave is much stronger. Coupled with such a small lake that can provide water, this should be a good settlement.

The boy seemed to see what Lin Qi was thinking. After a few violent gasps, he said weakly, "This is the border between the Black Abyss Market and the Chaos Caverns. No one will come here on either side. Only some are unwilling. People belonging to both parties live here."

Reaching out and pointing to the tallest mushroom hundreds of meters away, the boy snorted, "Behind the rock wall over there."

Lin Qi rushed into the mushroom forest with his arms around the young man, and hurriedly ran along a path that seemed like nothing on the ground. Behind the mushroom, which is 15 meters high and emits a beautiful blue light, is a few large stone pillars that are piled together with thick long grass. Lin Qi walked around the stone pillars, facing a raised stone wall that resembled a shoulder blade. Behind the stone wall, a faint hole revealed a faint light.

The footsteps made by Lin Qi running were extremely dull. An old man wearing a gray-white robe with a crouched waist had already stood at the door with a bright torch, squinting at this side. Suddenly seeing the young man in Lin Qi's arms, the old man's shriveled face suddenly showed a fierce look that made Lin Qi's heart twitch.

Not tall, he probably reached Lin Qi's chest, and the shriveled and skinny old man floated silently to Lin Qi's side like a ghost, and flicked his hands on Lin Qi's elbows. He felt as if his arms were hit by lightning, and instantly lost all consciousness. The strong sour and tingling taste rushed into Lin Qi's internal organs, causing his heart, liver and lungs to tremble violently.

The old man flipped his hand, and the young man was already in his arms. There seemed to be a faint light on his fingertips pouring into the boy's body. The boy who was still trembling quickly recovered his calm, and it was strange that he began to take long and deep breaths-every breath he took was longer than normal. More than ten times, the breath is endless and long to the extreme.

"Damn it, what are you doing, old man?" Lin Qi was staggered by the weird feeling. He staggered back two steps, and looked at the old man in disbelief. The old man looked light and fluttering as if the wind could fall down, but Lin Qi's strong body was almost disintegrated by his light pat.

Until Lin Qi stood firm, half of his body was still unbearable, and his arm was too heavy to lift. Fortunately, divine spirits are constantly pouring into his body, and warm air is rolling around in his body, allowing him to quickly recover his strength.

"Boy, did you do a good thing?" The old man glared at Lin Qi fiercely.

Lin Qi looked at the old man in annoyance, but he hadn't spoken yet, panting, running drool on his chest, and a large piece of Bilibili had run over the big package. Seeing that Lin Qi seemed to be at a loss, Bilibili suddenly jumped three feet high and yelled: "Damn old thing, if my great and terrifying master Bilibili saved that stinky boy, then The kid has been eaten as tender grass by Zali, and your clothes and shoes have also been taken away! Ah, human beings are indeed an ungrateful **** race. If it weren’t for the powerful and terrifying master to fight those **** bloody, this kid It has been chopped into pieces!"

The old man's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Lin Qi quickly. With black hair, black eyes, yellow skin, and the demon servant who followed him, the old man nodded slowly, then lowered his head and asked the boy: "Is this little thing telling the truth?"

The young man opened his eyes slowly, he let out a long breath, and slowly said: "Yes, the sheephead demon Zali said that the Black Abyss Market would collect taxes and wanted to steal my goods. A gentleman injured Zali and rescued me. Then we were not far away from the market. This gentleman said that he wanted to buy all my goods, and was surrounded by Zali’s people. This gentleman killed many people before we Ran out."

The old man squinted his eyes and squinted at Lin Qi coldly: "Just him? Huh? Yun!"

The young man's face drooped, and he muttered in a low voice, "An intermediate-level elephant in the other party suddenly went crazy, so we rushed out!"

The old man gritted his teeth and grinned coldly: "Well, an intermediate-level elephant in the heavenly position! If it is an upper-level heavenly position, Yun, you can't come back!"

The boy squashed his mouth: "I almost can't come back. The opponent has more than a dozen heavenly positions and more than 30 positions."

The old man gave the young man a stunned look. After making sure that the young man was not talking nonsense, his gaze at Lin Qi suddenly softened a little. It is as if a fist-sized piece of ice suddenly melted on an iceberg with a height of 10,000 meters, and it softened so little!

With a cold snort, the old man groaned for a moment and nodded to Lin Qi: "Speaking of which, you saved Yun. Come in for a drink. Although this is not a good place, there are still a lot of good things!"

Lin Qi looked at Bilibili, then the old man, blinked his eyes, followed the old man into the cave behind the stone wall.

The cave is full of light, and a few oil lamps emit bright light, which makes it very bright. The air here is also very fresh, without the unpleasant sour smell of the hunting team. Perhaps it was Lin Qi's illusion, he always felt that there seemed to be a little bit of cool breeze circulating here, bringing him a refreshing breath that made him very comfortable.

The cave is not big, it is only seven or eight meters long and wide, but there are three passages leading to different caves. It must be a place for the elderly and young people to rest. There are several large pieces of leather on the stone table in the cave, and a few pairs of unfinished boots beside it.

What surprised Lin Qi was that the walls, dome, and ground of the cave were polished so smoothly, almost as smooth as a mirror. It is hard to imagine how much work it would take for the old and young to polish the cave like this. smooth. The bright and clean caves are painted with some strange patterns, and they are filled with some colored ore powder. It looks very harmonious and beautiful. Should it be some kind of decoration?

The old man carried the young cloud into the cave inside. Lin Qi was not welcome, and sat down at the stone table.

Looking around, Lin Qi grabbed a pair of boots casually, playing with them inside and out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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