Bright Era

Chapter 342: Fight, kill three people first

Hurry up and send today's update!

The pig head was tired and half crooked today, and he had been dozing off this afternoon, and he just got up the code word!


"'s this kid! Give me, shatter them!"

The extremely weak Zali walked out of a passage tremblingly with the support of two sturdy tiger men. The bridge of her nose collapsed, two teeth fell, and one of the horns broke. Obviously this was the result of Lin Qi kicking her head-on against the wall. There was still blood dripping down her ass, which was undoubtedly the credit of Bilibili.

Bilibili passed through Lin Qi's crotch and hid behind him for the first time, and then this little demon pressed against the stone wall, blending into the darkness with a strange figure. The flame energy around him suddenly fluctuated very strangely, and it seemed that there was a scorching aura gathering here.

Lin Qi clenched his fists, and he took a step to protect the young man behind him.

There were seven or eight cave passages around the cave where they were resting, and people walked out of each passage at this time. Lin Qi estimated that there were at least fifty tall and sturdy warriors nearby surrounded this side. These fighters were all shining with Ruoyouruowu's grudge halo, what made Lin Qi's heart baffled was that the halo on these people was all cyan or blue.

The weakest is also the high-ranking rank, among them more than a dozen of them are Heavenly Dou Qi cultivation base.

Lin Qi shook his body, making a ‘click’ sound from the joints all over his body. He took a deep breath, and slowly spread his feet apart, putting on a posture of facing the enemy head-on. There is no way to go back here, the nearby cave entrances are all occupied by the enemy, and they can only rely on the wall behind them to fight to the death.

Zali walked forward tremblingly, staring at Lin Qi with fire-breathing eyes, and roared: "The second time! Human! The second time! You beat the beautiful and noble Zali for the second time! The first time! You hid in the lair of the hunting team, and my trash brother failed to catch you and kill you. But today, you are dead, no one will come to rescue you, no one!"

With a strong wave of her hand, Zali said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Grab this kid, I'm going to cut him piece by piece!"

A werewolf snorted, suddenly jumped up a dozen meters high, and then slammed his knees down on Lin Qi's shoulders. Lin Qi snorted coldly. He didn't even look at the leaping werewolf. He pulled out the metal sharp knife from his waist and stabbed it to the top of his head. Then his body gently stepped aside.

The sharp knife pierced the werewolf's knee accurately, and the one-and-a-half-foot-long blade pierced in. The fighting spirit of the werewolf guard bent the blade, but under Lin Qi's brute force, the sharp knife still stabbed the werewolf's knee firmly, punctured his bones, and plunged directly into his thigh bone marrow.

The werewolf uttered a hoarse cry, his body suddenly lost his balance, and he fell to Lin Qi in embarrassment. He stretched out his hand in horror to pull the sharp knife stuck in his knee, but Lin Qi had grabbed his head and twisted it hard. The terrible sound of bone and muscle fracture continued to sound, and Lin Qi, like a demon from the abyss, just tore off the head of this werewolf with high-level strength.

With a'boom', Lin Qi threw the werewolf's head on the ground, and the huge head rolled to Zali's feet more than ten meters away, scaring the sheep-head demon with a squeaky weird cry, ignoring the ass. His knife wound was in severe pain, and he fled back ten steps in embarrassment.

Pulling out the sharp knife from the werewolf's knee, Lin Qi kicked the werewolf's body into the air. Shaking the blood from the sharp knife, Lin Qi slowly bent his waist: "If you want to kill me, you can! But it needs to be replaced by human lives! I am alone, and you have ten lives in exchange for your nine lives. Who will come? "

A monkey man and a cat man walked out slowly. Neither of them carried weapons, but waved their arms gently. Their claws slowly came out of their fingers, and their sharp claws gleamed with a faint cold light under the light of the torch. Especially the cat-man's paws were shining with a pale blue light, and his paws were obviously poisoned.

As for the monkey man's claws, the gaps in his claws were covered with dark blood stains. Although his claws were not poisoned, it was not a good taste to be scratched by such dirty claws.

Lin Qi took a slow breath. He took off his robe and threw it to the young man behind him, revealing the majestic upper body muscles. The fighting energy that had just returned to the lower level of the human position surged rapidly in the empty meridians. Lin Qi’s muscles slowly expanded, and a faint white halo flashed on Lin Qi’s skin. Although this layer of fighting energy halo It was faint, but incredibly solid, as if a layer of superb white porcelain was covering Lin Qi's skin.

Obviously, although Lin Qi's fighting spirit is weak, its quality is very high, and it can cover the whole body with fighting energy in the human realm to form body protection energy. This also means that Lin Qi's fighting spirit is not very high, but the quality is good. The numbers are extremely impressive.

The monkey man and cat man were still approaching carefully step by step, but the dozen or so warriors with the heavenly cultivation base frowned at the same time. It is basically impossible for the human position knights to release the fighting energy; the status knights can release the fighting energy, but they can cover part of the body with the fighting energy at most. Only the heavenly knight can cover the whole body with fighting qi, forming a complete fighting qi shield.

However, Lin Qi was clearly at the lower level of the human status, and his fighting spirit could actually be condensed into a strong layer of strength to cover the whole body. This was something that subverted their cognition. Several heavenly soldiers looked at Zali at the same time, and Zali also looked at Lin Qi like a ghost.

Lin Qi’s origins cannot be concealed. He is a newcomer who was thrown into the black abyss more than a month ago, and the goat-headed demon Zari personally stripped everything on Lin Qi’s body and checked his physical condition—this is A hapless person who abolished all his cultivation skills when he was thrown in, and his meridians were punched through countless holes. Basically, it is impossible to rebuild vindictiveness in this life!

But in just over a month's work, Lin Qi has recovered to the lower rank, either Lin Qi is a freak with extraordinary talent, or he has some adventure in the Black Abyss God Prison. But no matter which one is good news for Zali and the others, because Lin Qi is their enemy!

Zali screamed in anger: "What are you still doing? Charge up and maimed him! Abolish his hands and feet, I will deal with him properly!"

The monkey man screamed, rushing towards Lin Qi as if mad. He stretched out his claws, took Lin Qi's heart without evasive, and put on a desperate posture. The cat man was a weird figure and disappeared in the air. The cat man was an assassin. He used the assassin's unique escape technique to quickly approach Lin Qi.

Lin Qi laughed lowly: "Beep Beep, Fireball!"

From the rock wall behind Lin Qi, seven fist-sized fireballs roared out, hitting the monkey man who rushed forward. The fireball exploded one after another, the dazzling firelight illuminating the nearby cave, and the thunderous explosion sounded far away.

Bilibili’s fireball is not powerful, and the monkey man’s bodyguard was not blasted away, but the recoil of the fireball’s explosion slowed the monkey man’s charging speed after all. Originally, he could rush to the forest in just one breath. In front of Qi, but because of the continuous explosion of the fireball, his charge speed was reduced by half. Now it takes two breaths to get close to Lin Qi.

One breathing time difference was enough for Lin Qi to lift his right foot and kick it out. A silhouette flashed in the air, and the cat-man who was caught off guard was kicked under Lin Qi's crotch, vomiting blood and flew back. Lin Qi tried his best with this kick, and the internal organs near the cat man's abdomen were almost broken by him. The cat flew backwards with blood, and there was no sound when he landed.

Lin Qi smiled weirdly. Maybe Lin Qi had a headache if it was another profession, but assassin.

An assassin can't use fighting energy while sneaking, otherwise the halo and breath of fighting energy will be like torches, enough to indicate his position. And Lin Qi's mental power covers a radius of 30 meters. This cat-man's sneaking skills are not very good. Lin Qi clearly'sees' the figure he is gradually approaching him.

Therefore, Lin Qi gave him a kick cleanly. Without the vindictive body protection, let alone his little cat, even the bear and the rhino would not be able to hold Lin Qi's kick.

In the strange whistling sound, the monkey man who had teamed up with the cat man rushed to Lin Qi, and he waved his claws and grabbed Lin Qi's heart.

Lin Qi dashed forward three steps, letting go of the monkey man's claws sideways, and his shoulders slammed into the monkey man's chest.

There was a strange cracking sound. Lin Qi's monster power blasted into the monkey man's body. A section of his spine with a large amount of blood sprayed out from behind him, and Lin Qi's landslide-like punches continued On his lower abdomen, the monkey man who had died too much to die was blown out.

Gently shaking the sticky monkey hair on his hand, Lin Qi stepped back and stood in front of the boy and Bilibili.

"I said that if you want to kill me, you have to trade ten lives! Now there are three, and there are seven!"

After moving his body, the vindictive halo on Lin Qi's body became solid again. Just as he killed three people violently, his body was filled with blood and qi and rolled around violently. Lin Qi could only feel a powerful qi continuously gushing from the eyebrows, chest, and dantian three orifice points, gradually dissolving with his own fighting.

Just under the eyes of everyone, the white halo of fighting spirit on Lin Qi's body slowly turned red, gradually turning from pink to bright red, and finally turning into a crimson red like blood. This means that Lin Qi's fighting spirit has successfully broken through to the mid-ranking level, and the quantity and quality of the fighting spirits are constantly improving, quickly reaching the peak of the middle-ranking personality.

"Weird, freak!" Zali was so scared that her soul was about to fly, she jumped and roared: "Hurry up and kill him, are you waiting to die?"

With a cold snort, a tall tiger fairy walked out slowly holding a stabbing sword.

"You wounded Tiger Butterfly? She is the woman I am after! So, you have to die today!"

A strong blue halo flashed across the tiger fairy, and he roared in a low voice, and the stabbing sword suddenly turned into a black electric piercing towards Lin Qi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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