Bright Era

Chapter 324: Boy, wait and see!

Red light flooded this small underground space, and seven or eight hundred creatures of all stripes fought madly into a mass.

Obviously, Fat Xiong’s men are more cooperative. They formed a neat and nearly regular army-like battle formation. The kill team hard-toed the opponent's impact in the front, the long-range team burst cold arrows at the back, or cast a big net imprisonment. enemy. The rookie team is behind the grid kill team to make up for leaks, as long as someone rushes through the block of the grid kill team, they will immediately be hit by the newcomer team led by Shuai Xiong.

In contrast, although the tiger fairy's subordinates are messy and disorderly, their offense is even wilder.

A pitch-black werewolf rushed towards the lion-man Broshan naked. He opened his big mouth and bit at Broshan's neck, waved his paws and grabbed his chest and abdomen. The mountain-breaking monster smiled and picked up the large metal axe that had just been captured, a strong light flashed across his body, and a vicious axe cut the werewolf at his waist.

After severing the werewolf's body, the lion man broke the mountain and turned his head to look at the other leopard who leaped on him.

But the werewolf whose body had been chopped off still rushed forward onto the Lion Man Poshan. His big mouth was crooked a bit, and he could not bite Poshan's neck, but he still bit Poshan's shoulder with one bite. Two tendons on Poshan’s shoulder were bitten off by the sound of ‘Kaka’, and his left hand could not move immediately.

Breaking the mountain roared, he dropped his battle axe, grabbed the werewolf's head, and forcibly tore his half of his body off himself. He smashed to the ground with all his strength, the werewolf's body was smashed to pieces, and the mountain panting stepped on the werewolf's corpse. The leopard man had rushed into the arms of the mountain just now.

The petite and flexible leopard man bit Poshan’s chest frantically, and he screamed. He took a step back. A large piece of his left pectoral muscle had been bitten off. It happened to be where the body’s nerves were most concentrated. In the sensitive area, he was so brave and brave, still howling in pain.

The leopard man continued to attack the broken mountain, but with the tiger man's roar, a stone spear whizzed out, accurately hitting the leopard man's open mouth and shot out from the back of his head. But even if the leopard man was shot through his head, he still rushed forward three steps and severely tore a paw on Poshan's body.

"Cat, thanks!" The Lion Man broke the mountain and roared back, then took out a dark, unknown ointment and wiped it on his chest, dragging the immobile arm forward a few steps. He grabbed the big axe he had just dropped, swept it out with a vicious axe, and forced the two approaching blood goblins back.

But when the two blood goblins retreated, they suddenly opened their mouths with a ‘poof’. They shouted thin tubes and shot two sharp stingers from inside. Po Shan hurriedly raised his axe, the huge axe face shielded his face, two poisonous thorns stuck on the axe, making a crisp jingle sound.

The hunting team's formation is very stable, although the crazy chaos caused them a lot of damage, but the formation did not waver.

But the fat bear, who was alone on the side, got into trouble. He was surrounded by three gray elves holding short knives!

Gray elves, some people call them dark elves, or some people call them evil elves. They are different from their distant relatives on the surface. They live underground and are the most devout believers of the ancient evil. They believe in killing, worshiping violence, and having sensual and treacherous temperament. Except for their own race, almost no race can live with them peacefully.

Even within the gray elves, between the gray elves and the gray elves, they are calculating and betraying each other. Intrigue and **** violence are flooding between their clans, between relatives, between father and son, and between mother and daughter. There was once a pope of the church made the most appropriate evaluation of the gray elves-they are the masters of all evil in the world. The reason why they are not the biggest enemy of the church is simply because they do not have enough power; but their souls, Definitely the most evil soul in the world!

Three gray elves, two females and one male, beautiful women, handsome handsome men, they hold short knives, almost perfect formation of a triangular grid killing array, like a juicer surrounding the fat bear, slowly weakening the fat bear Resistance. They covered each other with precision, using short knives to continuously leave shallow scars on Fat Bear's body.

As soon as the battle started, Fat Bear killed seven enemies that rushed to his side. The cultivation base of the heaven, inherited from the powerful body of the ogre father, plus this sharp metal long sword, Fat Bear has an absolute advantage no matter what.

But as soon as these three gray elves appeared, the Fat Bear was in trouble. His movements are light enough, but not dexterous enough. The three gray elves seem to be dancing around the big bear, playing with the fat bear on the palm of their hands. The Fat Bear couldn't touch them, couldn't catch up with them, and couldn't attack them effectively.

But every time the three gray elves stab the fat bear, it will leave a scar on the fat bear. It is neither deep nor long. Each time it is a small one, but it is enough to make the fat bear shed a blood. With more blood flow, the fat bear will eventually die due to excessive blood loss.

When the fat bear shed about a bowl of blood, the fat bear finally couldn't restrain his anger. He screamed, and all of his anger suddenly poured into the long sword. His long sword burst out with a dazzling yellow-green light, and his body quickly rotated, bringing up an afterimage, spinning like a windmill in a hurricane.

"Woo woo woo", the long sword sprayed out more than five meters of sword light, and a large swath of sword light swept the ground in a radius of ten meters.

"Big Cyclone•Break the corpse! Quack, this was my father's favorite trick back then, hahaha, so I don’t have to cut vegetables when cooking!" The fat bear laughed loudly, his violent sword aura whistling. Rolled out, enveloped all the three gray elves.

The male elf turned away without saying a word. He escaped faster than anyone else.

The two female elves also turned around and left, but just as they turned around, the younger female elves suddenly flashed blood in her eyes and flew up and kicked her companion's waist. This banshee took advantage of the strength to fly forward more than ten meters, and smoothly escaped from the scope of the sword aura.

But the gray elf who was kicked exclaimed and staggered back into the sword energy. The cutting sound of'chachacha' continued to sound, and countless pieces of minced meat were ejected from the sword light. The fat bear laughed loudly, and the blood spilled dozens of meters away with his laughter.

After escaping to safety, the female elf who threw her companion into desperation suddenly burst into tears: "Sister, sister, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Oh, why did you leave me and brother-in-law alone? What?"

The male elf's hands were already wrapped around the female elf's waist, and at the same time he kissed deeply affectionately. After a deep kiss, the male elf said softly: "Don't be afraid, even if everyone in the world abandons you, I will always be by your side!"

The two gray elves hugged each other and quickly retreated into the darkness behind.

Fat Xiong, who had issued his stunt sword, looked dizzy at the place where the two gray elves disappeared. He stayed for a long time before he stomped his feet heavily: "Father said that gray elves are not allowed in the team. It is extremely correct!"

After taking a heavy breath, Fat Xiong looked towards Lin Qi who had crushed the tiger fairy on the ground and beat him wildly. Seeing Lin Qi beating the towering chest of the tiger fairy with punch after punch, the fat bear couldn't help covering his left breast, which was more plump than an ordinary woman, in amazement: "Lin Qi, you rascal, bastard, what are you hitting? local?"

Fat Xiong was going crazy. It was the first time he saw someone like Lin Qi. At the juncture of life and death, he actually beat a woman in the chest! There will be a man who beats a woman in the chest on the battlefield of life and death!

Looking at the deep, purple-black fist mark on the tiger fairy's abdomen, the fat bear felt a pain in his chest.

The weight of Lin Qi's fist can be seen by looking at the fist mark. The tiger fairy was madly beaten on his left chest, and Fat Bear was surprised why her **** were not deformed! The fat bear flew tremblingly and kicked an unknown creature that had jumped in front of him far away, and then strode towards Lin Qi, the fat bear was not stupid, Lin Qi had already controlled the tiger fairy, as long as After capturing this woman alive, these chaotic people will have to mess around.

Lin Qi was beating the enemy under him heartily, and the tiger fairy suddenly burst into tears. Lin Qi was dumbfounded. He beat the tiger fairy on the chest. This was a secretly passed down in Xuanhujin, which was specially used to disperse the enemy's vitality and make the enemy lose combat power in an instant.

Heibeard taught Lin Qi various matching boxing techniques and moves to Xuanhujin since he was a child, but he has never taught Lin Qi-what should be done if the enemy suddenly starts to cry during the fight? Blackbeard has always instilled in Lin Qi the belief that men shed blood and not tears. Blackbeard never dreamed that his son would one day put a beautiful opposite **** under him and beat him wildly.

As soon as Tiger Fairy's tears came out, Lin Qi's fist suddenly eased, and he did not continue punching.

Then a bad wind came from the diagonal sting, and dozens of disgusting tentacles rushed towards Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi dodges in a hurry. In his busy schedule, he glanced at the enemy. It was two of the strange creatures that Ha Gulu had brought with him who were born like octopuses.

The black tentacles brushed Lin Qi's scalp with the sound of cracking wind, and Lin Qi instinctively rolled on the ground several times.

The tentacles that failed to hit the target slapped the ground fiercely, drawing a few deep marks from the hard ground.

Taking advantage of Lin Qi's chance to roll and dodge, the tiger fairy has jumped up and fled into the darkness with one hand supporting his left chest and one hand holding his lower abdomen. As she fled in embarrassment, she yelled shrillly: "Boy, you wait and see! You wait and see! I will come back to look for you! You wait and see!"

Lin Qi exhaled heavily.

The Fat Xiong rushed to Lin Qi with a long sword. He looked at Lin Qi, who was sweating profusely, and suddenly laughed.

"Hey, how does this girl's chest feel?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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