Bright Era

Chapter 323: The shame of the tiger fairy

Lin Qi didn't know what Blackbeard did outside to vent his anger. He didn't even know how much trouble Blackbeard's nonsense caused the empire and the church. He also didn't know that Blackbeard would do a big thing that would be enshrined in the mainland mystery in the future-he would crash the entire Dunelke into the sky!

But Lin Qi knew that if he wanted to live in the Heiyuan Divine Prison, if he wanted to live well, he had to stand on top of other people.

Only by struggling upwards with every opportunity can we live well here. He wants to be like a fat bear, wearing five spatial rings in his hands at random without moving his mind. He doesn't want to be trampled underfoot as he did when he first came.

So Lin Qi jumped out first!

The tiger fairy's attention was all on Fat Bear. For Lin Qi, the Tiger Fairy only glanced indifferently, and when she found that Lin Qi was like handsome Xiong, there was no aura of vindictiveness, she completely ignored Lin Qi.

The Dark Abyss God Prison follows the cruelest law of the jungle, and the powerful can decide everything. The two are fighting spirit and mana. Lin Qi has neither fighting spirit nor mana, so he is just an ant, a hapless person who was born to be trampled underfoot. As the leader of this group of chaos, the tiger fairy possesses extremely powerful strength. Her fighting spirit has been cultivated to the mid-level of the heavenly rank, and she simply ignores the waste like Lin Qi.

No one thought that Lin Qi was the first to jump out.

Even when Fat Bear was still wondering how to respond to this female fairy's question, Lin Qi was like a mad tiger, rushing to the tiger fairy with a loud bang all over his body. Face to face tightly clinging to the female fairy's body, Lin Qi's fists were like a volcanic eruption, accompanied by the terrifying sound of wind breaking, white waves of air blasted all around, Lin Qi hit the tiger fairy's abdomen inward. Thirty-six punches.

The fist, which was heavier and more lethal than the stone bullet thrown by the trebuchet, hit the tiger fairy's abdomen heavily, exploding her tight leather clothing to shreds, revealing a slightly black and greasy skin. Lin Qi's fist touched the tiger fairy's lower abdomen, and only felt that the place was so slippery that Lin Qi's fist almost slipped.

The tiger fairy's lower abdomen is flat and clean, without a trace of fat, and the perfect lines are well-proportioned and flexible, revealing a sense of vigor and strength. But under Lin Qi's heavy fist bombardment, everyone saw the tiger fairy's lower abdomen fluctuating—her skin and flesh were beaten by Lin Qi's heavy punch to ripples like water waves, and circles of shock followed the tiger fairy's body. Spreading back, shattering all the clothes behind her body.

The secret trick of the Black Tiger family, Xuanhu Jin, is the "tiger step collapse fist".

Shaped like a tiger, it can be reached within ten feet. Beng fist is like a landslide, like a tsunami, like a hurricane, and punches straight through the internal organs. It is a vicious trick that specifically damages the internal organs. This trick does not have high requirements for fighting spirit, but it has great requirements for the body. It turns all the muscles of the body into a big bow and shoots two fists like arrows.

Every muscle in Lin Qi's body now has tens of thousands of jins of power, and all the muscles in his body are stretched and ejected at the same time, which is a terrifying force of up to 100,000 jins. This violent force pushed his fist to smash thirty-six punches in an instant. Without a strong enough body, Lin Qi's bones and muscles would explode to shreds in the first place.

But now Lin Qi has a strong enough body, continuous strengthening, continuous mutation, almost like self-masturbation, let the rock lizard smash his body, and then strengthen the body with dragon power essence, Lin Qi's body is already strong enough to beat the sky The body of a high-ranking knight has been tempered to the same level, and even more so.

Coupled with the violent, scorching flame aura contained in Lin Qi's body, this aura made Lin Qi's body explosively soaring. His fist suddenly energized only two inches from the tiger fairy's abdomen. At such a short distance, Lin Qi was able to explode and pierce the air, making a loud noise like thunder.

The tiger fairy's body swayed wildly like wicker in a storm. Her upper and lower body did not move, only her waist was violently twisting. Lin Qi's attack was extremely violent, like hundreds of thousands of heavily armed cavalry sweeping the wasteland, whistling and rampaging with the breath of death.

Every punch was like a red iron pillar piercing the tiger fairy's abdomen, her body was taut, and her muscles were twitching. Her internal organs were severely painful, and her violent fist punched her internal organs, giving her an impulse of incontinence. The dantian was in severe pain, and the dantian that stored the vindictive energy lost contact with the rest of the body. Lin Qi's heavy fist almost smashed the tiger fairy's vindictiveness!

The physical strength of the tiger fairy is far inferior to Lin Qi, even if she has cultivated to the mid-level of heaven, but as a beautiful woman, she does not temper her flesh crazily-generally speaking, only the warriors among the orcs and barbarians. They have a perverted pursuit of a strong body, they will use all means to abuse themselves, madly squeeze the full potential of their body.

The Tiger Fairy didn't temper the body like this crazy, and faced Lin Qi's sudden blow, she didn't have time to lift the vindictive body.

Lin Qi's first punch made the tiger fairy completely lose control of his own grudge, and Lin Qi's first punch broke the tiger fairy's combat effectiveness. When the thirty-five punches finally ended, most of the clothing of the tiger fairy body was blown to pieces, revealing a large area of ​​flawless and smooth skin.

With a ‘wow’, the tiger fairy opened his mouth and sprayed out a blood arrow, which happened to spray Lin Qi's face. Then she staggered backwards, and with a few taps of her toes, she suddenly retreated into a dozen twisted black shadows behind. Everyone can see clearly that there is a fist mark on the lower abdomen of the tiger fairy that is two inches deep into the muscles. The flesh of the tiger fairy is naturally known for its flexibility. It has changed to other races, even the strongest flesh among the orcs. The rhinos were also beaten through by Lin Qi.

Squirting blood bit by bit, the tiger fairy suddenly fell to one knee. She raised her head embarrassedly, pointed at Lin Qi and shouted sharply: "Kill him!"

More than 30 strange creatures brought out by the ogre Hagulu immediately had more than 20 people rushed out, and more than 300 tall figures rushed out of the surrounding darkness. These people are hung with tattered blades of grass and the like. The weapons in their hands are the same as those of Lin Qi and others, and most of them are rough guys polished with stones.

Lin Qi blasted thirty-six punches in one breath, and a large amount of sweat burst out of his arms. He suddenly widened his eyes, and sternly shouted: "Boss, what are you waiting for? Kill them! No one should try to **** a piece of meat from our hands! No piece!"

Fat Xiong's eyes suddenly turned red, and no one should try to **** a piece of meat from his hand.

Here is the Heiyuan, here is the Hell of God that never sees the sky and never hopes. A piece of meat here sometimes represents a life! These meats were bought by the dead hunting team members for their lives and blood!

"Hagulu, I'm **** your mother!" The fat bear opened his mouth and sprayed his saliva, and swung his sword to the ogre ogre. Fat Bear is a rough person, a downright rough person, even a hybrid of an ogre and a human, so you don't expect him to have a clever EQ, don't expect him to be a gentle person.

Therefore, the fat bear cursed the hapless ogre who should be called the grandmother in blood, while slashing and stabbing Hagulu with a sword. Hagulu, who had lost his big bone stick as a weapon, fled backwards embarrassedly, but his escape speed was really not very high. Soon the fat bear stabbed more than a dozen blood on his **** and on his back. hole.

The fat bear laughed loudly, and he shouted sharply: "Kill them, go, kill them all! Ha Guru, my uncle, aren't you great? Where is your power? Where is your evil spell? Why did you run away without fighting?"

Hagulu looked back at Fat Bear in embarrassment. He clutched his stomach, and escaped into the darkness without a word. After a long time, his angry roar came from the darkness: "When I'm full, Fat Bear, I want you to know that my old lady is not something you can do indiscriminately! Uh, you bastard, my old lady is Your grandmother, do you dare to curse your grandmother?"

The Fat Furbolg laughed a few times, and then swung his sword to greet the enemy rushing out of the darkness.

Lin Qi took a deep breath. He shook his arms and recovered the soreness on his arms. Then he punched and flew an unknown person who leaped towards him with countless black pustules on his face. Disgusting creature. The punch broke the opponent's neck, and the hapless guy bumped his head to the ground, and after a few twitches, he never moved.

The cat lowered his waist, Lin Qi stared at the tiger fairy who was kneeling on the ground, and once again rushed out like a tiger down a mountain.

Three sturdy black shadows stopped in front of Lin Qi. They stretched out their arms and hugged Lin Qi. Seeing their well-developed pectoral muscles and arms thick with Lin Qi's waist, one can imagine being hugged by them. What terrible scene will be after.

But three fist-sized black fireballs whizzed and flew over, Bilibili yelled "hit", and a dazzling fire burst on the heads of the three black shadows, and they fell to the ground and cried out. The earth screamed—their eyes were burned by the sudden fireball.

The Tiger Fairy hadn't recovered from Lin Qi's heavy hit just now, Lin Qi had already flew on her.

One hand squeezed the tiger fairy's neck, and both knees pressed against each other's abdomen fiercely. Lin Qi clenched his fists and hit the tiger fairy's towering left chest with a punch. This was a terrible punch like a falling star. The towering chest of the tiger fairy was almost flattened, and waves of meat were violently ups and downs.

This punch hit the tiger fairy's heart, and the tiger fairy's heartbeat was suddenly stagnated. She didn't pant for a breath and almost fainted. Then Lin Qi punched the tiger fairy's heart expressionlessly, almost suffocating her again.

The tiger fairy's face was suddenly covered with a layer of red light, she waved her hands into anger and grabbed a handful of Lin Qi's face.

Lin Qi was in pain, and hit the tiger fairy's left chest with three consecutive punches!

The tiger fairy completely gave up resistance, two lines of tears burst out suddenly, and she let go of her throat and began to cry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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