Bright Era

Chapter 322: Chaotic church

A **** incident occurred just a dozen miles away from Berrily. A large group of clergymen were killed in the public. Then the attackers set fire to the dead clergymen and then escaped without a trace. .

The facts of the case were quickly reported to the Gaul Empire by those fleeing businessmen, and then the Gaul Empire and the church were moved by the wind and quickly dispatched a large team to investigate. This time the emperor did not refuse the church’s people to directly use the teleportation circle to come to Berrely, because the emperor faintly felt that this was a great trouble!

Because someone was holding an official document from the Ministry of Justice of the Empire to arrest criminals there. If this checkpoint hadn’t blocked the way of the church brigade, the six noble archbishops would not go to the roadside inn to rest. If they did not go to the inn to rest, They won't be assassinated by others.

The six high archbishops of the temple, and three of them are veteran holy realm powers, they were actually killed outside the city of Berrily! If this matter is really related to the Gaul Empire, religious wars are inevitable! Moreover, other countries on the mainland will definitely not help the Gaul Empire this time, because they have already obtained enough benefits, and this time it is the Gaul Empire that provoked the church actively, and those countries will definitely not help the Gaul Empire against the church.

Even the emperor can imagine what the faces of those empires were when they fell into trouble! These guys will never give up any opportunity to take advantage of it. Although the church is rich and wealthy, it is refreshing to scrape the oil from the church, but it is also a good thing to get some benefits from the Gaul Empire, the largest power in the mainland!

So half an hour after the emperor received the information, the second batch of special envoys of the church came to Berrely. The emperor gathered the second group of personnel sent by the church, and then brought the mighty brigade to the scene of the crime. At this time, the dragoons and copper hats of the Gaul Empire had spilled the scouts for two to three hundred miles, but they didn't get any useful information, and they didn't encounter any suspicious people.

Standing in front of that simple checkpoint, the emperor's expression was extremely strange.

He pointed to the arrow tower, which was basically defenseless, and looked at the Archbishop Seattle standing beside him slyly: "The respected Archbishop of Seattle, the clergy sent by the three popes to jointly investigate the murder of the Holy Spirit Cathedral. , Just stopped because of such a simple level?"

The hair and beard were pale, and he looked at least 70 or 80 years old, and the face of the Seattle Archbishop was as ugly as he had just eaten a few catties of shit. He drooped his eyelids and glanced at the emperor. He suddenly sneered: "We respect the Gaul Empire. Therefore, I think the six noble archbishops of the church did not use the privileges of the church to break through the barrier! You know, this is a sensitive period!"

The emperor nodded with deep understanding.

Isn't it? Isn't this in a sensitive period? The countries on the mainland have just chopped a piece of meat from the church. The church is holding a belly of fire, and the Gaul Empire is also very wary of the church. If the church’s special envoys are aggressive and domineering in the Gaul Empire, what will happen? The dispute comes. At least until this turmoil completely calms down, neither the empire nor the church wants any major disturbances.

So the six archbishops of the church stopped because of this simple checkpoint. It has to be said that Blackbeard or some people around him have calculated the hearts of the people to the extreme. The church envoy team of three hundred people has just plunged into the trap.

Seattle glanced at the emperor, and then gently clicked on the official document of the Ministry of Justice hanging on the checkpoint: "I don't think this matter is related to the Gaul Empire, but please explain the origin of this official document. !"

The emperor glanced at the official document, then leaned closer to examine it carefully, then he shook his head vigorously.

"Official documents are forged. The blank official documents used are special documents of the Ministry of Justice with watermarks and secrets specially printed by the Empire. The handwriting is indeed the handwriting of the Minister of Justice of the Empire, but the handwriting can be forged-but the writing habits of the Minister of Justice cannot be forged! "

The emperor sneered with a sullen face: "I will give the church an explanation. There are indeed internal staff from the Ministry of Justice involved in this matter. They have desecrated the majesty of the empire's laws! They..."

Looking at Seattle helplessly, the emperor smiled bitterly: "Arujan, my Minister of Justice, when he is issuing orders, all the vowels and his notes will be converted from swashes to printed. All periods, he will leave a small tail hook. And on this official document, the swashes are all swashes!"

Seattle looked at the emperor: "An official of the Gaul Empire Ministry of Justice has forged the autograph of the Minister of Justice!"

The emperor looked at Seattle: "I will catch him and let the church send him to the torture!"

Seattle nodded. He knew that the emperor would not lie, because the Gaul Empire had already obtained the greatest benefit, and there was no need for him to once again risk angering the church to assassinate the six noble archbishops. The three popes in the Pope’s Chamber did not believe this, and no one in the entire church believed that the emperor would be so stupid.

The only possibility, and the thing that everyone on the holy mountain is most worried about, is. . . Civil strife!

The **** case of Shenghui Cathedral may be that some forces within the church expressed dissatisfaction with the punishment of the temple, so they used a huge black pot on the head of Archbishop Alpha. Therefore, the Pope’s Chamber sent six archbishops directly under the Pope to investigate the truth of the matter-privately slaughtering clergy members who are also believers, this is something that the church leaders cannot tolerate.

But the six archbishops of the church hadn't arrived at Shenghui Cathedral, and they became dead halfway through. Who did this?

If someone in the church did it, who was it? Who has such courage? Who has such a strong strength? Who is good for this? What do they want to do? Are they trying to plot against the Pope? The three popes represent the interests of the three major factions within the church, but apart from these three factions, the church’s major temples have extremely powerful potential forces. If they planned this assassination, then they really want For what?

That's why Seattle is so talkative, he believed the emperor's explanation.

Several clergymen rushed over. They were the ones who went to the fire to inspect the remains of the burned corpses.

A cardinal handed a leg bone to Seattle with a serious face, and the face of Seattle who took over the leg bone suddenly changed. He brought the blackened and deformed leg bone in front of him, sniffed it carefully, then bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood on the leg bone.

There was a faint golden glow on the black bones, which was full of sacred and inviolable majesty.

"My lord!" The cardinal lowered his voice: "All the corpses were burned, only some bones were lucky enough to survive. I can't tell which weapon they were killed by, but the divine power remaining on these bones... is better than I practiced. The divine power that comes out is much purer."

Divine power, naturally only church members can practice divine power. And the purer and more refined the divine power, the stronger the strength.

The cardinal is already a high-level existence in the church, a person who is more pure than the cardinal's divine power, only the archbishop of the church and the cardinal archbishop of the red crown, whose status is comparable to the archbishop of the church!

But Seattle looked at this leg bone, his face became extremely tangled.

The cardinal only knew that the divine power remaining on this leg bone was purer than his own divine power, but only Seattle knew that the divine power he had cultivated and purified for hundreds of years was not as pure as the divine power in front of him. This divine power is even full of a faint vitality, with a breath of wisdom, which Seattle only occasionally felt in the three popes.

A chill rushed straight into his forehead from his tail bone, and Seattle almost didn't cry.

It is certainly impossible for the three popes to come here to kill people, so you can easily kill six archbishops of the church here, only a dozen miles away from Berrily, and three of them are powerful in the Holy Land. There are terrible existences in the church, and there are still a lot of them, but. . . Not one is something Seattle can afford!

Tucked the leg bones into the spacious sleeves of the robe, Seattle looked at the emperor with a shit-like expression, and laughed very hard: "Your Majesty, I... I have found enough evidence, I will want it. Go back and tell the three popes what happened here. No matter what you see, I hope you can keep it secret, because, you know!"

The emperor looked at Seattle thoughtfully. The golden light on that leg bone just now was so dazzling that the emperor could not ignore this.

In fact, the emperor was also speculating about a problem just now. Among the six church archbishops, there are three holy realms. According to common sense, it takes more than 30 holy realms to besiege the three holy realms so that they have no chance to escape. But obviously, no large-scale fighting took place here, and the businessmen who fled did not say that there had been a fight here.

The six archbishops of the church were silently killed in a few short breaths!

Who can do this? The emperor pondered for a while, maybe with the national power of the Gaul Empire, he could do this too, but obviously he did not do this. Then, the person who started it is very doubtful! Recalling the murder of Shenghui Cathedral, the emperor suddenly had an urge to sing loudly!

Teaching a dog to bite a dog, this is so **** interesting, the emperor thinks he should hook up a few little girls to enjoy it!

Just as the emperor wanted to insult Seattle, a team of hussars rushed over frantically.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Arujan, Minister of Justice, Lord Arujan's personal clerk, Patto, was found hanged in the back alley of the Ministry of Justice!"

The emperor immediately looked at Seattle: "It looks like someone has cut off the clue!"

Seattle's face was even more ugly, as if he had just eaten three catties of shit, and then the enthusiastic owner sent him another ten catties. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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