Bright Era

Chapter 299: Blackbeard's anger

One thousand and two hundred black-armored fighters surrounded the back door of the Supreme Court of the Empire. The fighters stood there in a neat phalanx. Hours passed, but they did not move at all. This is something that the main battle regiment of the ordinary empire can't do. This is a terrifying army.

The black beard sat on a big rock with a sullen cigar and looked at the dragoons and disciplinary knights guarding the prison cart not far away. The cold light in his eyes flickered, and from time to time he heard the "click" sound of joints rubbing against each other from inside his body. The powerful fighting energy was circulating in the meridian of the black beard. As long as his mind moved, he could immediately turn into a tiger that devours people. Tear his goal to pieces.

"Hey, these soft eggs without eggs!" Blackbeard sneered at the punishment knights guarding the prison wagon as he gulped. If Lin Qi is acquitted and released, if Lin Qi is found guilty, then it's no wonder that Blackbeard has taken a heavy hand.

At least at least, none of these guarding the prison car will survive!

The Blackbeard laughed a few times. There were 1,200 predators in the "Tiger Claw Hall", plus the tiger shadow in the dark, and the tiger breeze searching for the wind. Apart from the Huyatang and Zhengzheng who are the foundation of the family. The two major branches of Huweitang, which set up the aftermath channel, have most of the elite combat power of the Black Tiger family gathered here.

"Great ancestor's great ancestor's great ancestor once said a word, this is an oriental proverb."

Blackbeard spit out heavy smoke and muttered to himself in a low voice: "The tiger doesn't show off, you are a sick cat when you are a man! A tiger wants to eat people!"

There was a sound of armor impact, and a tall middle-aged man walked slowly to sit beside Blackbeard. This man has a dark face, and he is obviously exposed to strong sunlight all year round. There are sunken scars on his hands and face. The scars are not like sword wounds, but rather like being corroded by the venom of poisonous insects, especially for him. A piece of his lips was corroded, and it looked hideous.

Judging from the man's black hair and black eyes, he and the black beard have extremely pure Eastern ancestry. And he just sat beside Blackbeard with such a grin. Obviously, he was equal to Blackbeard. If Lin Qi was present, he would find that he had never seen this middle-aged man in the family.

Familiarly took out a cigar from Blackbeard’s belt and stuffed it into his mouth. The middle-aged man drew out the cigar that Blackbeard was holding in his mouth, put his cigarette **** on his cigar and took two slaps. Tucked the cigar back into Blackbeard's mouth.

"I came here once ten years ago, Tiger, you are still thinking about your wife. I will come again ten years later, okay, my only nephew was actually pitted into court by the church!" The middle-aged man vomited slowly. After a dozen smoke rings, he said faintly: "Next time I come again, what mess will you cause?"

Blackbeard sighed. He squinted his eyes and shook his head and said: "A tiger is not hurt, people have the intention to kill a tiger, hey! Adopting a godson is really impossible. I just want to make a good reputation. My son went into the pit! When I found Arthur's bastard, I smashed him inch by inch! The reputation of Yemeng, ah, I don’t care!"

A donkey's head came out from behind the shoulders of the two of them, and the donkey lowered his voice and said incomparably lewdly, "Yes, yes, **** him! Isn't it just a godson? How can godsons have goddaughters these days? Hey, let me find some big breasted goddesses for me? I don't care much about race or anything. If the **** are big enough!"

The black beard and the middle-aged man shot at the same time, hitting the donkey's left and right eye sockets with heavy punches. The donkey snorted, staggered back a dozen steps, and wandered down to the bushes aside to be sad.

"This bitch!" The middle-aged man shivered, afraid to learn, "You didn't arrange a guard with Lin Qi?"

Blackbeard laughed bitterly. He looked at the middle-aged man and nodded: "I sent Lao Bing to Lin Qi, but the other day I used the stargazer to locate Lao Bing, and he was **** in Han Bing. The seventh floor of the Demon Realm! With Lao Bing's strength, it would take at least two or three years to break through!"

The middle-aged man's face changed: "Is the punishment exiled from the temple of punishment?"

Blackbeard sighed deeply: "There are not many people who can use this trick. Lao Bing is a rank higher than me, so he was thrown out. Fortunately, he was thrown into the Ice Demon Realm. , That was the place where Lao Bing tried when he was young, where the ice vindictive energy he cultivated can exert ten percent of its power. If he is thrown into the lava domain, we will wait for him to collect his body!"

The middle-aged man looked down at his corroded palms where there were pitted palms and grinned bitterly: "No, Lava Demon Realm, that's really a ghost place! Alas, I can get it after finishing Lin Qi's affairs. Go back quickly. The detoxification potions over there are almost used up. Fortunately, you have collected enough herbs in the past ten years, otherwise it would be really difficult to carry them."

Blackbeard nodded and patted the middle-aged man's shoulder hard.

The two of them stopped talking. After a long time, Blackbeard asked in a low voice, "I haven't found a woman yet? Your last look has been gone for 20 years. Find one! Don't look at you now. There are still several sons, maybe they will fill the pit someday."

The middle-aged man was so angry that the corners of his mouth trembled. He stared at the black beard fiercely and cursed in a low voice: "Shut up to me, talk a little auspicious! At least I still have five sons standing by, how about you? One! If something happens to Lin Qi, you will be a lot of age, and if you can't give birth to a child by that time, your Lin family will be cut off!"

Blackbeard straightened his chest triumphantly, and he winked at the middle-aged man and smiled strangely: "Hey, I am a lot of age? I remember I was seven years younger than you! I am one every morning now. Zhu Qingtian, you also know my little lover Rose, I kill her every time she throws her helmet off her armor and screams, hehe..."

After a few strange laughs, Blackbeard threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stepped on his foot fiercely. His tone became a little depressed and he sighed: "I promise Lin Qi his mother, he will never find Lin Qi. A stepmother made him wronged, and would not give him a brother to fight for the family property, so, hey...When Lin Qi gets older, when he cultivates Xuanhu Jin to the Mahayana realm, I will teach him With an advanced Baihu fighting spirit, he will be able to give birth to a baby by then!"

Putting a finger up, Black Beard said triumphantly: "I want to find a hundred big girls for Lin Qi, and let him give birth to three or five hundred grandchildren for me! I have a great career and can afford it! Hahahaha! "

The middle-aged man tilted his mouth and elbow his black beard fiercely.

The two of them were talking here whispering, a handsome man with luxurious clothes slowly walked over here, he seemed to pass in front of the two black beards unintentionally, and dropped a word lightly. : "Patriarch, has locked a house where Arthur may be hiding, Tiger Wind is monitoring there."

A small piece of paper fluttered out of the man's sleeve, like a smart bird flying into the palm of Blackbeard.

Blackbeard grabbed the piece of paper and looked at it for a while, and his face suddenly showed a hideous murderous intent: "Hey, there is still a woman and a baby? I can't say that I can only kill the door. This little **** was raised outside. Women and children!"

He frowned a little hesitantly, and Blackbeard murmured: "Strange, did he hook up with the church when he gave birth to this child? Otherwise, under my nose, who can help him hide from me. Spies?"

The middle-aged man glanced at the piece of paper and shook his head gently: "No matter how they met, just do them all. Didn't the Fat Bird Kirk of the Night League collude with him? By the way, the Fat Bird Kirk will also get rid of it. The Black Tiger family will take over his industry. Recently, the consumption there is very large, whether it is weapons, food or medicine, the consumption is very large!"

Blackbeard nodded: "Understood, let's kill the Fat Bird Kirk together. This fat pig actually dared to intervene in my housework, he is seeking death by himself, no wonder I acted too ruthlessly."

The two people decided the fat bird Kirk's fate in a few words. At this moment, a black marshal jumped out of the back door and rushed to Blackbeard's side. He leaned close to Blackbeard's ear and narrated what happened in the courtroom with the fastest possible speed.

With a ‘hum’, the big rock under Blackbeard’s **** turned into a pool of finely divided powder, which was so fine, it was almost several times more delicate than the best flour. When the breeze blew, the powder flew up and became a mass of dust spreading around.

The dragoons and disciplinary knights guarding the prison car saw the movement here, and at the same time they looked at Blackbeard in amazement.

Speaking of smashing this big rock, those disciplinary knights can do it, but it takes a single blow to shake this large rock a few meters in size into dust, which is beyond their reach. Even a knight in the heavenly ranks may not be able to do this, but Blackbeard did it!

"Hey, hey, hey! Actually charged my son with random charges! Moreover, he was sent to him with the positioning teleportation array. I don't know where, and even the chance of robbing the prison car was not given to me! Hey, hey, hey, you really Are you looking for death?" Blackbeard's eyes have turned red, and he suddenly screamed at the group of dragoons and discipline knights tens of meters away.

With a tiger roar, a black tiger with a body length of several meters roared out of the black beard, and a wave of air rolled out in the flat ground. The dragoons staggered back a dozen steps, but the punishment of standing with them All the knights' heads burst and died!

All the dragoons were so scared that they sat on the ground. What kind of strength is this to kill someone with a roar at a distance of tens of meters? Moreover, he controlled so precisely that he and the disciplinary knight stood in confusion, but the howling only killed the disciplinary knight, but did not touch them!

Blackbeard ignored the scared dragoons, just raised his right hand and waved gently.

"Brothers, start to work and cut people with knives!"


The update of Chapter Four is complete, and dinner is gone.

Continue to code words after dinner!

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