Bright Era

Chapter 284: welcome

A little bit of fun has opened!

By the way, I would like to call on the issue of recommended tickets and monthly tickets. The tickets must be strong, and the pig head can write it well!

In addition, I would like to remind you that there is something in the public chapter, so you can take a look at it!


When it was just getting light, one person and one rode slowly southward along the avenue outside the north gate of the imperial capital Berrily.

The last traces of the terrible winter disappeared without a trace. The greenery enveloped the wilderness. In the fields on both sides of the road, early farmers were already serving some crops such as fruits and vegetables. Several wandering domestic dogs ran across the ridge in the distance with their tails between their tails, looming in the mist like a legendary imp.

The person rode forward slowly, and occasionally a few overwhelmed noses came.

The man was wearing a tights made of brocade, and the cloak of purple satin was gorgeous. This person is extremely tall and strong. Under his thin clothes, you can see his bulging muscles like brown bread, full of power. He wears a wide-brimmed cylindrical hat, the brim of which covers most of his face, a cigar sticks out under the brim, and occasionally sparks flicker on the cigar.

The thick smoke blocked this man's face, his face looked black from a distance, and he couldn't see how he was born.

As for his mount, it was a poor little donkey. This man is two meters away, and his stout body is like a buffalo. But the little donkey he was riding on was not so much a donkey as it was a bigger dog. The poor little donkey carried the man who was like a mountain behind him embarrassedly, and moved forward step by step with humming.

Early in the morning, the weather was still cold and gloomy. The little donkey’s nose was already covered with sweat, and the drops of water were dripping continuously, and the poor donkey’s backbone was almost crushed. He panted, rolled his eyes, and it took the big man to the north gate of Berrily with difficulty.

A light red halo enveloped the entire imperial capital. This is the turbulent enchantment that opened the imperial capital. With this enchantment, any long-distance teleportation magic array cannot be used. You must rely on it to enter and exit the imperial capital. Just walk.

A group of heavily armed soldiers stopped in front of Little Donkey, and an officer in heavy armor stretched out his hand: "Where did it come from? What did it do?"

The big man snorted and lifted his hat, revealing his black beard. He buttoned his hat on the donkey's head, and the big man took a heavy sip of his cigar, and two thick smokes came out of his nose. His lung capacity was so great that two thick smokes exploded three or four meters away, just hitting the officer's face, choking him to cough violently.

With a clang, several soldiers drew their swords.

Blackbeard gave a haha, and he stretched his legs away from the back of the poor little donkey and walked slowly to the officer.

"Hahaha, sir, I'm sorry. I'm here to visit my son!" He slapped the officer's shoulder with a hard slap, and the black beard happily said, "I have a very obedient, sensible, and never troublesome son. , I heard that he was causing some trouble here, so I was busy planting a few acres of wheat fields in my family, so I rushed over to have a look."

Bend down and looked at this officer who was nearly two heads shorter than himself, Blackbeard wailed in mourning: "We are all serious people, and we never make trouble. I don't know this little **** this time. What a big deal I have caused, I am so worried!"

After yelling a few times, the black beard snorted a puff of smoke, and squinted at the officer Zhile who was almost half-incompetent by his slap: "Can I go in? Hey, I said why I am a law-abiding officer. Imperial citizens who pay taxes on time, do you still stop me if I want to enter the capital? Do I look like a badass?"

The officer took a few steps back embarrassedly, staring at Blackbeard very angrily. He had never seen such a tricky character.

A law-abiding imperial citizen? Blackbeard doesn't look like a law-abiding man! And he looks as weird as he rides alone. What's the matter with such a tall man riding a donkey not much bigger than a dog?

In recent days, the imperial capital has been in turmoil, and envoys and church envoys from various mainland countries are engaged in tense negotiations with the imperial high-level officials. Therefore, the imperial capital has restricted the entry and exit of people these days, and a guy with evil spirits like Blackbeard is absolutely not allowed to enter the city.

"Sir, you can't go in!" Several soldiers rushed up, and everyone stared at Blackbeard: "According to the order of the military department, the emperor has strictly forbidden all suspicious people to enter and exit in recent days, you..."

The black beard's angry roar broke the tranquility of the morning. He angrily hit his chest with his fist, making a loud bang like a drum, and he roared loudly: "Fart! Stink! I'm like A suspicious person? You bastards, do you have your eyes in the fuck? Look like me, a man with a righteous face, like a suspicious person?"

Putting a big face full of black hairs in front of the dumbfounded officer, Blackbeard yelled: "Where is I suspicious? Say, where am I suspicious? Why am I a bad person? If you can't tell me What's suspicious, I beat you **** to death!"

The poor officer trembled all over with anger. Just your words prove that you are not a good person!

The real people, who would dare to scream at the gate of the imperial capital to beat the officer responsible for guarding the gate?

More soldiers rushed up, and they drew their swords and spears at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's eyes narrowed, he punched the poor little donkey's head hard, and laughed secretly: "Wow, you want to do it with me? You want to beat a zun A law-abiding imperial citizen? I have the right to resist, right? Hahaha, you can't close the door to let the dog, can I let the donkey go?"

The panting little donkey walked forward slowly, and raised his upper lip strangely and smiled at the soldiers. This donkey has a row of unusually white and sharp teeth. Its teeth are particularly white and bright, even reflecting the faces of these soldiers. In the gap between the teeth of this row of big teeth, a black muscle can be faintly seen.

It is not a fragment of grass blades, but a muscle tendon. Seeing that the muscle tendon is half a finger thick, this muscle tendon should come from a large animal.

Just as Blackbeard yelled to let go of the donkey, heavy footsteps came, and a group of heavy infantry surrounded Stan and came to the door. The many soldiers guarding the city gate straightened their waists at the same time, and saluted Stern one after another.

"What's the matter? Don't do serious things, what do you do to stop people from entering the city?" Stan walked over quickly, squinted and glanced at Blackbeard, and then sternly yelled at the hapless officer. stand up.

A layer of cold sweat immediately oozes from the officer’s forehead. Stan is responsible for the defense of the entire imperial capital and surrounding provinces. It happens to be the head boss of their city gate army, but Stan is an imperial general. This officer and Stan There is at least a few dozen levels of difference between them. Facing Stein's accusation, he couldn't even speak.

After speaking for a long time, the officer stammered at the black beard who was vomiting aside, "General... General, he is suspicious!"

Blackbeard spread his hands out aggrievedly, his eyes widened, and he looked innocently, innocently, and purely at Stan: "Your honorable general, do I look like a bad person? Where am I suspicious? Where is the slightest bit of suspiciousness all over my body? Can I complain to the military department about the abuse of power by your soldiers?"

Stern scratched the back of his head with a headache. He looked at Blackbeard, looked at him up and down for a long time, and then stared at the little gray donkey beside Blackbeard for a long, long time, before he cried and nodded. Nodding: "You, there should be no suspicion. You can go into the city, but your donkey..."

Blackbeard hugged the poor little donkey, and he stared at Stan very seriously: "This is my family's heirloom, no one should touch it! The few acres of land in our house are all covered. Rely on it to cultivate the land!"

Stan’s mouth twitched violently. He stared at the little donkey, and after a long time he exhaled: "Take care of your donkey, don’t let it run around the city or bark. , Biting people!"

Blackbeard smiled brilliantly: "How is it possible? It's a donkey, not a dog!"

With a bright smile, Black Beard walked into the city gate with his arms around the little donkey. He and Stern passed by, and the little donkey gave Stan a grimly gaze. When passing by Stan, it suddenly muttered, "Fuck you, I'm biting people." Mad dog?"

The donkey spoke very softly, only Blackbeard and Stein heard the words.

Blackbeard's smile became brighter, Stan's face twitched violently, and he exhaled heavily.

About two hours after Blackbeard entered the city, when the sun completely evaporated the early morning fog, three huge boxes were unloaded on a cargo ship in the docks of Berrely North. The three boxes were filled with salted fish, and a group of porters randomly stuffed the three boxes into a warehouse in the dock area.

No one saw that in the three boxes, under the layers of salted fish, were three extremely gorgeous coffins!

The evil spirits leaked from the three coffins, and the salted fishes were rapidly drying up, withering, and turning to ashes.

Blackbeard rode the little donkey to the old rooster shop. He took out a passport issued by a small principality in the east of the Caesar Empire. It stated that Blackbeard was a small one under that small principality. Hereditary Viscount.

In the name of this hereditary viscount, Blackbeard obtained a guest room in the old rooster shop. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of his guest room, one could just see the golden palace where envoys and church envoys from various countries discussed matters with the empire.

The donkey was already lying on the only bed in the guest room with all his feet upside down, and he was breathing heavily and grunting there.

"You have to lose weight, boy! I'm so exhausted, call me two girls with big breasts! I don't care about race or anything. Just have big breasts!"

The gloomy black beard lifted the candlestick and slammed it on the head of the donkey. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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