Bright Era

Chapter 268: A roar that turned the tide of the battle

"Get out of here!"

Lin Qi mobilized Xuanhu Jin frantically, exploded all his power to the limit, and wanted to break free. But the imprisoned **** array was shining brightly, and waves of terrifying pressure hit him, which did not give him any chance to struggle. Accompanied by a deep roar, five thick golden columns burning with raging flames suddenly appeared under the ground near the entrance of the Fifth University School, and the power of the imprisoning God Formation skyrocketed a hundredfold.

There was a ‘click,’ and Lin Qi’s knees went deep into the bluestone slabs on the street.

The imprisonment of the sacred pillar, this is the most powerful means of imprisonment in the church punishment center, which claims to have the power of imprisoning everything. For Lin Qi, the church actually dispatched the unrooted imprisoned **** pillars to form the imprisoned **** array. When Lin Qi saw the five pillars rising from the ground, he felt very complacent—Lin Qi and I too I'm a big man, and he used the imprisoned **** pillar to arrest me!

With two muffled sounds of ‘dong dong’, two lances slammed into Lin Qi’s shoulder. The clothes on Lin Qi's back were shattered by the power of punishment, revealing the soft magic armor he wore next to his body. The two lances bounced back, and Lin Qi's soft armor was blasted with white marks the size of two baby's fists, and magical streamers could be seen faintly flashing in the marks.

There was a series of sounds of ‘Ka Ka Ka Ka’, and the dragon claws on the 36 chains were firmly buckled on Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi's most worried thing did not happen, none of these dragon claws clasped his face. All the dragon claws were buckled on Lin Qi's joints and various important orifice points. The punishment knights holding chains exploded at the same time. The dragon claws were suddenly locked, and the sharp aura immediately penetrated into Lin Qi's body.

This soft magic armor, which was still obtained from the family secret storehouse, saved Lin Qi, no matter how hard these dragon claws used, they couldn't really grasp Lin Qi's body. Some dragon claws even caught a faint spark from the soft armor, but they couldn't catch a trace of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi felt relieved, he really picked this soft armor right, this baby really saved his life.

Before he could breathe out, two disciplinary knights armed with warhammers had already rode out. They swung their sledgehammers and smashed Lin Qi's heart fiercely. Lin Qi was not allowed to dodge, and he couldn't dodge under the weight of the imprisoned divine formation. Two warhammers weighing at least two hundred catties had already hit Lin Qi's back heavily with a dazzling golden light.

With a muffled grunt, Lin Qi had already taken a breath when he heard the sound of the heavy weapon breaking through the air, and the tip of his tongue was pushed into his mouth, and Xuanhu Jin started to move like crazy. His whole body was tight, and his body was filled with grudge, making his body look like a balloon.

A black tiger head phantom the size of a human head flashed behind Lin Qi, and two warhammers hit the black tiger head directly.

With two loud noises, the two disciplinary knights only felt that their warhammer hit a spring with strong rebounding force. His wrist was directly shattered by the powerful reaction force, and the two heavy hammers flew dozens of meters away. , Dying to death, hit a referee priest who was flying fast, hitting the priest's front ribs to the back spine. The frail referee priest vomited blood and flew back, looking dead.

Lin Qi only felt his heart hot, and two terrifying powers blasted into his body. He snorted heavily, and his body quickly shook downward. Two huge powers rushed into the ground along his knees. A large hole with a diameter of Mich was broken in the street. Half of Lin Qi's body sank into the ground. He suddenly shouted angrily, and opened his mouth to let out a low and continuous tiger roar.

Together with Tiger Howl, the black air waves visible to the naked eye quickly spread to the surroundings, and the dust rushed up on the street. A dozen disciplinary knights who rushed to Lin Qi snorted and were blown away by the air waves. The imprisoned **** formation can only confine Lin Qi's body, but there is nothing to do with the tiger's roar from him. It is not possible for a imprisoned **** formation to block all Lin Qi's sonic attacks.

This was also Lin Qi's anxiety, he opened his mouth and screamed, almost blasting out all the Xuanhu Jin that he had lifted in his body. His throat was coughed up blood, and a little blood spurted out of his mouth. But his howling lethality was extremely powerful. The dozen or so disciplinary knights who rushed in front of him most eagerly rushed to his chest collapsed, their ears shattered, and they fell to the ground with mouthfuls of blood.

"Fallen sinner, God will deprive you of evil power!"

A ruling priest holding a staff screamed angrily, and he pointed the staff at Lin Qi casually, and a stream of light wrapped in a strange divine text printed on Lin Qi's eyebrows. Lin Qi watched the streamer, his body shook suddenly, his heart was hot, and a small flame sprayed out from his mouth.

With a loud bang, the flame was shattered by the magical technique played by the ruling priest, but the magical technique was also destroyed. The billowing air wave rushed to the surroundings, the hot breath turned the air into red, just like a huge magic bomb exploded at the entrance of the Fifth University, dozens of bluestone slabs on the ground were lifted , Hit out in a mess in all directions.

The disciplinary knights who rode rushing rushed into chaos, and they all shot to smash the bluestone slabs in front of them, but their charge was also messed up, and the arrogance that had been accumulated from rushing all the way was weakened for a while.

At this moment, a clear and powerful voice came from afar: "Zan shot! Kill the pastor first!"

Lin Qi's heart loosened and Enzo rushed over. Now that he has arrived, the hundreds of the most elite thugs who are arranged near the Army Academy should have gathered. These thugs are all armed with military crossbows, and when they are intensively shooting, even the Celestial Knights dare not despise them.

Moreover, the disciplinary knights are covered with heavy armor, and those priests can wear thin robes, and they have not had time to use any magic to protect their bodies. Enzo prioritizes shooting these priests, which is the most appropriate choice.

More than a thousand adjudication priests and disciplinary priests are suspended in the air, they are the best targets.

I heard the ‘boom boom boom’ steel crossbow string vibrating continuously, and hundreds of pure steel crossbow arrows roared into the air. In addition to ordinary steel crossbow arrows, there are even more than a dozen powerful arrows shot by sniper crossbows.

The magic sniper crossbow, a special sniper crossbow for sniping and killing the heavenly strong from a thousand steps away, is now only a few tens of meters apart, Enzo brazenly used the magic sniper crossbow, which is considered to be shot through a wall Up!

Ordinary steel crossbow arrows were shot at the priest who was flying in the air. Immediately, nearly a hundred unprepared priests were shot like hedgehogs, howling and falling from the air nearly 100 meters above the ground. But those dozen sniper crossbows were shot out flat, and the penetrating sniper crossbows whizzed across the dense formation of disciplinary knights on the street.

The street in front of the Fifth University is very spacious, but it only accommodates four or five carriages side by side. More than two thousand disciplinary knights lined up, one from the left and the other, and the streets were full of golden and silver disciplinary knights.

These dozens of sniper crossbows that fired in the past pierced through the disciplinary knights one after another, breaking huge wounds in them. More than a dozen arrows have resulted in a far more brilliant record than hundreds of powerful crossbows at the same time. More than two hundred densely piled disciplinary knights were hit by sniper crossbows. They were either pierced in the chest or shot through. He lost his lower abdomen, or suffered serious injuries to his shoulders and arms. Among them, more than a hundred people fell off the mount in embarrassment, and were trampled on the mount by their companions.

The commander of the Gaul Empire's Holy Retribution Knights, who was in charge of this capture operation, Gao Shang, the famous sacred knight of the Gaul Empire, roared with anger. He raised his dazzling sword and gave orders. : "Any sinner who dares to oppose God, you will all be wiped out under the light of God! Kill all these damned people!"

The long sword was swung down, and the disciplinary knights jumped off their mounts and killed the heroes in the nearby alleys in groups of twelve.

The punishment knights wore heavy armor, but the heroes did not.

The disciplinary knights held rune swords, but the heroes did not.

The disciplinary knights are well-trained to fight in formation, and the heroes never know what cooperation is.

Although armed with a strong crossbow and a sharp knife in hand, these heroes in the market are only a group of rogues after all. They shot the first wave of crossbow arrows according to Enzo's order and severely damaged the priests and knights, but waited for these heroes to recover. When they found out who they were fighting against, their legs were frightened.

They actually, amazingly, attacked the people of the church!

Oh my God, where do these market guys have the courage to fight the church people?

Forced to the extreme, these people in the market were full of blood and energy, naturally they dared to pull out the knife and come in with a white knife and the red knife came out. They can bully the weak bravely and fearlessly, they can ravage weak girls with arrogance, and they can beat up the old people, but want them to fight with the horrible behemoth of the church with enthusiasm. Where do they have the courage?

After all, they are just a group of ordinary people!

After all, they dared to shoot the first wave of crossbow arrows just now, but they were just habitually obeying Enzo's orders!

But now, when they see the enemy in front of them clearly, when they realize who they are fighting against, their courage suddenly disappears without a trace. After all, it has only been a few days before Lin Qi became their leader? Lin Qi did not establish absolute authority in their hearts!

Just a charge, the disciplinary knights beat these mobs to the ground, and the knives were thrown all over the place. The market guys turned and ran away crying and dared not to fight with these disciplinary knights.

At this moment, Lin Qi suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed: "A reward of 60 million gold coins is offered, and this group of **** will be hacked to death for me! Twenty thousand gold coins for one person!"

The howling sound spread throughout the university town, and all the city heroes who were turning around and fleeing stopped at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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