Bright Era

Chapter 257: Exile of punishment

Lin Qi sneaked all the way into the business district and gingerly. He didn't dare to return to the Fifth University alone. The weird **** cat kept him in fear. The **** cat must have something to do with Arthur. Was it Arthur's warning against him?

So Lin Qi slipped to the satin shop where Barr and Aunt Lily lived, and then he received a warm welcome from Aunt Lily. In the middle of the night, under Aunt Lily's diligent persuasion, Lin Qi straightened his neck and killed a barrel of beer and ate a roast beef leg. Feeling that his waistline seemed to have increased by another circle, Lin Qi, who was a little haggard, told about the **** cat.

Barr and Aunt Lily sneered together, and everyone, including Leo, was ready to give Arthur a good look.

According to Barr's words, the red-haired boy felt unpleasant the first time he saw him, and he wanted to wipe Arthur's neck off the back. But Blackbeard instructed all members of the Black Tiger family to respect him like his own young master, so Arthur could dominate the Black Tiger family for so many years.

Even Aunt Lily was regarded by Arthur as the most common cook, and she was scolded loudly by Arthur several times! At that time, Aunt Lily wanted to chop Arthur into two pieces with a kitchen knife, and then grilled them to feed the dogs. It was only because of Blackbeard's strict order that Aunt Lily easily pressed down the nasty breath in her heart.

Now that Arthur is looking for death by himself, he actually used those inferior methods to threaten the most noble and cutest young master Lin Qi in the Black Tiger family. Isn't he looking for death by himself? As long as Arthur dares to show up, no matter how many people he brings over, Barr and Aunt Lily will definitely let him know what it's like to be cut off!

With the protection of Barr and Aunt Lily, Lin Qi, who was already exhausted, fell asleep peacefully in the silk shop. In Lin Qi's dream, Professor Coen's triangular eyes and countless gold coins were flying, and every time Professor Coen's green triangular eyes blinked, Lin Qi's dreams of flying gold coins suddenly increased.

In the end, when those gold coins suddenly turned into dozens of beautiful golden beauties, Lin Qi suddenly broke out in his first dream eruption since he was an adult. His body was trembling violently, and he woke up from his dream in the dark.

Not to mention Lin Qi's dreams, in Arthur's comfort zone, Arthur was watching with horror at the suddenly strange voice and his children.

The child who was less than one year old coughed violently, stood up slowly, followed the long skirt soaked in blood to the ground, and then made a strange **** print on his hands. A dazzling golden light shone from the center of his eyebrows, and a golden crystal the size of a thumb protruded from the center of his eyebrows. In the crystal, a sharp sword was faintly inserted into the center of a balance.

Use blood and violence to maintain the law of balance and the justice of the axioms, this sharp sword Tianping **** pattern is a symbol of the **** of punishment!

In the dark ages, the God of Punishment is the highest deity in the church, and the Knights of Punishment is the most feared armed group in the church. Those fanatical punishment knights destroyed countless city-states and killed countless fallen sinners. There are even legends that it was because of the unbridled killing of the punishment knights that the city-states who survived the dark period were united and formed. A powerful country.

The empires and kingdoms on the mainland with boundless beauty today are nothing more than a coalition formed by the city-states at the end of the dark calendar to protect themselves. This shows the power of the **** of punishment and the evil name of the punishment knights.

The divine retribution pattern in the spar of the baby's eyebrow was so solemn and harsh, exuding the terrible pressure that made Arthur almost **** in his pants. The baby didn't even look at Arthur, but Arthur felt that a sharp sword had been placed on his neck, and he could chop him into two pieces at any time.

Yin Ye stood up slowly, and a golden spar the size of a soybean came out from the center of her eyebrows. A golden light slid down from the top of her head. All the blood on her body suddenly disappeared without a trace. She looked like a white skirt. The ice and snow, set off the white skin, golden eyes, and pure golden long hair, are so noble and sacred that they are not to be approached.

The blood on the ground turned into golden flames, and the raging golden flames twisted and rose, turning into countless divine texts and penetrated into the baby's body. His shriveled body quickly swelled and returned to its original soft and round and lovely appearance, but his eyes and brows were filled with a black air, and his face looked haggard.

After taking a slow breath, the baby opened his eyes and glanced at Arthur calmly.

This glance made Arthur's heart hurt, as if everything in his heart was seen through by the baby. This is the cute little baby who chucks and laughs in his arms on weekdays. It is clearly a high **** who judges the sins of the world.

His knees softened, and Arthur, who couldn't speak, knelt to the ground instinctively.

Then the baby waved and Arthur stood up again. He sighed softly, shook his head and said: "After all, you are the father of my body, and I am half of your blood. Therefore, you don't need to kneel in front of me, although compared with me, You are just an insignificant firefly in the rotten haystack, and my army-breaking king Gerdas is a blazing sun in the sky, but you have the right not to kneel in front of me!"

Arthur's mind quickly turned, and he remembered the origin of Gerdas, the king of the army!

In that terrible dark history, Gerdas, the king of the broken army, was one of the few city-state kings who passed his name down. The first generation of gods of the **** of punishment, a tyrannical body of a demigod, ruled the most powerful Asian city-state on the continent. In the race war, one person broke through the battle, and one person slaughtered the millions of coalition forces of 30 city-states. Frightened by all the city-states on the mainland, he was given the title of King of Breaking Army.

Gerdas had only one defeat in his life, and that was his last battle, the Battle of the Sunset Mountains of Abis. Sixty ancient, desperately powerful and unknown existences joined forces to besiege. After Gerdas wiped out the sixty evil existences that were strong enough to fight against the gods, he encountered the strongest hero of mankind. The Saint King Caesar, the founder of the Caesar Empire, left Caesar's life-long indelible damage, and Gerdas was cut off by the powerful Saint King.

Arthur looked blankly at the baby who claimed to be Gerdas, the king of the broken army, why his son, his only blood, became a legendary existence? Scholars on the mainland today, those historians who are addicted to the old paper, they even refuse to admit that the legendary heroes of the dark calendar once existed, especially the heroes such as the king of the broken army, the holy king, and the lord of ten thousand heroes. No one Acknowledge their existence!

But his child, his only child, he stood in front of Arthur like this, claiming that he was the incredible powerful and ancient Gerdas, the legendary **** of punishment and the birth of a human woman. Goddess, the first generation of Goddess known as demigods!

Gerdas glanced at Arthur, he slowly nodded and said, "I don’t like the name you gave me, so please call me Gerdas in the future. This is my other father, and my true father gave me Name, so please call me Gerdas!"

Arthur opened his mouth, and he looked at Yin dullly.

Yin squinted her eyes, and she said softly: "I am Yin, but I am also Li's sister. I know you because of the guidance of the great army-breaking king Shenhun. You have the most beautiful purple eyes in the world. Miao, the King of Broken Army needs such a pair of eyes, because he is the defender of the great law and the enforcer of order. His eyes can see through all the vain and evil in the world!"

Before I finished speaking, the roof of the small building was gone.

A brilliant blue sword gas swept across, and the roof of the small building suddenly disappeared. All the wooden beams and bricks all turned into thin white ice crystals and floated down, slowly spreading on everyone.

A Ruoyouruowu blue figure suspended in the air, condescendingly overlooking everyone in the building.

"Well, a divine descendant with a thin bloodline. He has a good face and a good figure. If I am forty years younger, I will definitely make good friends with you."

"Also, this one-eyed dragon is really not a good thing. I hit you with a sword today. Who can say that I did not kill you right? If you eat inside and out to murder the son of the benefactor, you can even feed the dog with your character All insulted the dog!"

"As for this little child, since you have the same purple eyes as this one-eyed dragon, then you can't be the first generation of gods born from the gods and this little girl. After recondensing the gods and souls, reincarnate with the human body, right? This tattered Only you can do it! May I ask, what is your name? I can also carve a tombstone for you!"

Gerdas smiled, and with a finger, a crystal ball slowly emerged from the cabinet in the corner.

"I admit that my strength has not been restored yet, but with the glorious shelter of the great **** of punishment, what can you do to me?"

"Endless time, endless space, the combination of time and space, the composition of the world is nothing but nothingness. At the end of time and space, the gods wandering between the maze, borrow your divine power to exile the person in front of you... !"

Before the blue figure could speak, Gerdas had already uttered a spell quickly.

Then the crystal ball in front of Gerdas exploded.

The space around the blue figure also cracked quietly, and the blue figure was sucked in by the crack, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The cruelest and most shameless supreme divine art in the temple of punishment-the exile of the **** of punishment!

Use the power of the **** of punishment to exile sinners to unknown time and space, maybe heaven, maybe hell, maybe nothing.

Gerdas snorted heavily, he pinched his fingers for a while, and shook his head in distress.

"I am too weak and small now. With the help of the power of the gods, I just banished him to the Frozen Demon. Such a strong person will not be easily obliterated. He is likely to come back, but at that time I have already replied. Strong enough!"

"Leave here, Arthur, my father, we must leave here as soon as possible, I have no strength at all!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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