Bright Era

Chapter 2498: Breaking a blow (2)

All the defensive fortresses lit up dazzling divine texts and magic charms at the same time, and chains of energy were sprayed out of these fortresses, and submerged into the huge body of the nearby defensive fortresses with a clanging sound. All the defensive fortresses are connected at this moment, they share the huge energy of their respective savings, and all their defensive enchantments are integrated.

Thousands of defensive fortresses flashed light curtains into one piece, and the self-defense of each defensive fortress can withstand the full attack of a central main god. But because of the supernatural alchemy technology of the Tianjing clan, all the defensive barriers of these fortresses were connected together, and their barriers instantly overlapped, and the defensive power of this defensive fortress system reached a level that non-median **** masters could not break.

One after another, the elves and gods exploded at a high altitude, and they exploded frantically, wanting to smash these defensive fortresses and completely destroy the defense system in the core area of ​​the holy mountain. But in the face of these connected fortresses, no matter how crazy these elves and gods are, their suicidal attacks just caused these defensive fortresses to constantly oscillate and make low noises, but they failed to destroy even one fortress.

The Empress Luyue was stupid there, even from her standpoint, she absolutely didn't want her people to damage the vegetation of the holy mountain. But with her status as the elf queen, she was even more reluctant to see her people burned with their souls, and they couldn't destroy even a fortress of a holy mountain!

"Who made these fortresses? How could their defenses be so strong?" The Empress Green Moon clenched her fists hysterically and screamed: "There can be no such strong defenses! In the Sage War! At the time, those human headquarters did not have such a strong defensive barrier! Absolutely impossible! What is going on?"

"Human beings are always improving!" Blackbeard's voice came from behind the Empress Green Moon: "It's like my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. At that time, they were robbing at sea, using sailboats, and they had to looting. A group of orc slaves paddled at the bottom of the cabin, otherwise they would not be able to catch up with the high-speed cargo ship of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"But in my grandfather's generation, when our Black Tiger family robbed the sea, we used the ships propelled by the magic furnace and sails. This is a great progress in the history of pirates!"

"At the time of my father, even though he was a complete bastard, as a pirate, he actually took all his brothers and nephews to get involved with things that have nothing to do with us like the Hundred Years Land Island War! But he must be admitted. He is also a pirate genius! He took us to ransack several goblin empire freighters, and we looted a batch of powerful magic furnaces. Since then, the main pirate ships of the Black Tiger family have all used the purest magic furnaces to advance. Device!"

The black beard's powerful hand squeezed the Empress Green Moon’s neck. He clasped the slender and soft neck of Empress Green Moon firmly, and sternly yelled: “So now there are women with long ears that can defend you. Sneak attack on the defensive fortress, what's so strange? Although Lao Tzu is not a very talented person, Lao Tzu has a powerful Lao Tzu and a more powerful son. Do you think this kind of thing is rare?"

The frightened Empress Green Moon didn't have time to plead and plead. Blackbeard had already saved the Empress Green Moon. The two were entangled tightly, falling straight from the sky to the ground like a meteor. Blackbeard shouted sharply: "Although Lao Tzu is not as good as Lao Tzu's son, it is still possible to guard the family business for him! Whoever dares to touch a copper plate of Lao Tzu's son will kill his whole family!"

A crazy tiger's roar spurted from Blackbeard's chest, and the Empress Green Moon finally tasted the horror of the terrifying killing skill of the real tiger's chanting in her ears. The sound waves with terrifying penetrating power continuously penetrated into her mind, and her brain was almost ripened by the shock. Her soul was shattered into several pieces. If there is no strong treatment, she will be in the future. Is bound to become an idiot.

But what made the Empress Luyue cry without tears was that Black Beard forcibly grabbed her and swooped down from a height of tens of thousands of meters. The black beard was shaped like a tiger rushing to eat, his hands and legs pressed the slender and tender body of the Empress Green Moon, and fell madly from the sky. The speed of the two people's falling is obviously beyond the level it should be, even if a stone falls from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, it is impossible to have one thousandth of their current speed!

At only twenty meters from the ground, Blackbeard rushed out into the diagonal thrust with a vigorous tiger jump. The Empress Green Moon frantically wailed and accelerated again with the power of the black beard's pedaling and stomping, and with a dazzling flame of violent friction between her body and the air, she slammed into a big mountain that had been blown down in half.

The bones all over her body rang like popping beans, and the Empress Green Moon let out a scream of pain. Her soul was severely damaged, her brain tissue almost became a mass of paste, all the bones of her body were shattered, and she was smashed into the deep bottom of the mountain. Her weak body opened up a tunnel thousands of meters deep in the mountain. After finally hitting the deep underground, the terrifying force from the black beard in her body roared and exploded, exploding a diameter of tens of thousands in the underground. The circular cavity of meters.

Blackbeard's blow almost killed the Empress Green Moon!

The poor Queen Luyue couldn't understand that Lin Qi had such a perverted power. Why did this middle-aged man with a big beard claiming to be Lin Qi's father also have such terrifying power? This kind of power is already qualified enough to be the supreme command of a major war zone in the Eastern or Western theater of mankind during the Primordial War.

With big mouthfuls and small mouthfuls spitting out blood mixed with visceral fragments, Empress Luyue stared blankly at the top of the underground cave that was blasted out by her body. She wanted to use the most stern and most resentful voice to scream up to the sky: "These **** long-eared elves have nothing to do with my grandmother! I am innocent! Damn, cruel middle-aged uncle!"

Two great terrifying knights burning with gray-black undead flames quietly appeared beside the Empress Green Moon. They held giant knight swords made of undead iron iron that had been tempered with the breath of death for at least 10,000 years. The point of the sword withstood the key to Empress Green Moon. The voice of the Dragon Witch King came from the heads of these two terrifying knights: "Damn long-eared elves, don't move, otherwise I would be happy that I have one more beautiful guinea pig! Wait here quietly. , Waiting for our trial of you!"

Upon hearing the words of the Dragon Witch King, the Empress Green Moon gathered her last bit of strength and groaned feebly, "I am... innocent!"

The Dragon Witch King ignored the Green Moon Queen. For him, the Long-eared Elves were the most unreliable race in the world, and he didn't bother to care whether the Green Moon Queen was innocent. As long as she dares to move, the Dragon Witch King will happily put her on her test bench, and then cut off her long ears to make cold bunny ears to feed the dog.

On the ground, Yun stood on a flying chariot surrounded by a large group of expert guards. Numerous strange magic circles surged in her eyes, forming a gorgeous pattern of complex and magnificent magic circles in her eyes. , Looking at the desperately destroyed elves around.

In Yun's eyes, tens of millions of elves move, say and do, their facial expressions, and their tone of voice, including their heartbeat, pulse, subtle goose bumps on their skin, and the throbbing and beating of muscles and bones. , Was completely controlled by her at a glance.

She clearly identified which elves were madly destroying, which elves were hiding in the crowd posing as good people, which elves were truly at a loss, and which elves were in despair and panic, just like quail in a thunderstorm. Curled up there shivering or fled in embarrassment.

As her strength soared, her eyes became more fierce. She can control countless details at a glance, and even Lin Qi has no such ability. When her eyes swept across the sacred mountain that stretched for tens of thousands of miles, Yun's heart suddenly settled down.

"It's not the rebellion of the entire elves, but some elves bewitched by the evil gods are making trouble! They account for one-third of the left and right elves! Among them, the nobles of the sun elves and moon elves are the head, the other high elves and the lower elves Fewer people!"

"Dispatch the elites of the twelve ancient tribes, and let the tiger guards of the tiger tribe and the Yunlong guards of the dragon tribe be dispatched. All the elves that have changed are killed! In addition, I will guide you, some of those hidden in the elves. Elves with strange intentions must be dragged out and killed all!"

Dozens of elven gods screamed hysterically, and they desperately rushed toward the flying chariot where the cloud was.

Several demon guards full of severe killing intent snorted coldly. They put on the armor of the main god-level artifact, and they were about to greet them like those spirit gods. But Yun waved his hand gently, stopping their movements.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and Yun had already cast a curse on these elves and gods who were ready to go.

A bug that didn't know where it came from, suddenly broke into the nostril of an elf god. The elf god's nose was itchy, and he couldn't control the normal reaction of his body, and a earth-shaking sneeze suddenly came out. What's terrible is that this elven **** with the strength of a higher **** has already burned his soul origin, and his self-detonation has reached the brink of explosion.

As soon as he sneezed, this guy felt soft and could no longer control the strength in his body. His body suddenly exploded, and all his companions around him were swept in, and everyone was blown to pieces!

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