Bright Era

Chapter 235: Emperor's Fury

Imperial Capital, Victory Palace Study.

The imperial emperor, who was nearly sixty years old, sat peacefully on the throne, and the desk in front of him had been moved under the east window. In the study, there are many high-ranking officials of the empire. There are a hundred people in the beasts in clothing. They are the most noble people in the empire.

Twelve court mages wearing red embroidered gold robes are standing in the middle of the study, and they are teaming up to launch a magic circle in a two-meter-diameter crystal ball. A bright white light spouted from the crystal ball, and gradually a moving picture of more than ten meters wide appeared in the center of the study.

This is a picture of an isolated island battlefield from a high altitude. It should be a magical bird of beast flying over the isolated island battlefield, so you can observe every move on the battlefield through the magic ball.

The old emperor, who did not wear a crown, but let his bare head exposed, squinted and sat on the throne. On a small lacquered gold plan he had placed more than two hundred personal files of the Imperial Army Academy students. The one above is Vatican's personal file.

Stan's comments in red ink are impressive, and the words super trash are so dazzling.

The emperor had just lost his temper because of the files of the students sent back by Stern's Array. All the ministers of civil and military affairs controlled their eyes and tried not to look in that direction. On the first day of the actual combat exercise, more than 200 people were eliminated. This kind of thing has been extremely rare since the establishment of the Imperial Army Academy.

After all, although the area of ​​the battlefield of the isolated island is not large, it is not too small. Thousands of people conduct military exercises on an isolated island with a radius of tens of miles. If everything is carried out in accordance with the serious war procedures, each team must first send out scouts to investigate around. The scouts then fight each other, and small-scale teams clash with each other. Generally speaking, large-scale conflicts between teams will not erupt until the third and fourth days after the start of the military exercise.

But the Blood Sword Group was wiped out in the night of the first day, and it lost in such a strange way.

The emperor's fingers lightly tapped the armrest of the throne, and the low, constant-tempo tapping sound made all the civil and military officials convulse in their hearts. It was the emperor in front of him who led the Gaul Empire to win the Hundred Years Land Island War. It was also after the war that he used iron and blood to cleanse the court of the entire empire, and completely ruined those rotten big families.

This is an iron-blooded emperor who keeps saying everything, no one in the entire empire dares to violate his word! Someone must be unlucky when he gets angry. It only depends on who's turn is for today's unlucky place and how bad it is.

"A group of fully armed reserve officers who have received three years of military school education!"

The emperor finally spoke. The scene in the crystal ball was still a bit fuzzy. The palace mages were working hard to adjust the resonance frequency of the magic circle and the magic circle on the distant bird of beast. The emperor took this opportunity to finally speak.

"They are not militiamen, nor ordinary people! It is the most basic battlefield common sense to set up camps in unknown fields to prevent all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts!" The emperor squinted his eyes and stared at several important military officials. : "Should I feel that there is a master who drives poisonous insects in the foreign aid team this time, or should I curse that these wastes of the Blood Sword Group are total rubbish?"

The military officials bowed their heads, they really had nothing to say.

The army academy’s warehouse has specially formulated medicines for expelling various poisonous insects and mosquitoes. As long as these portable medicines are mixed with clean water and sprinkled along the camp tents and barracks, the invasion of poisonous insects and mosquitoes can be effectively prevented. .

Tens of thousands of poisonous insects and snakes were indeed dropped on the battlefield of the isolated island, but no one thought that the blood sword group would be defeated by these poisons! If the Blood Sword Group strictly followed the Army Academy’s regulations on field camping, even if someone drove those poisonous insects and snakes, it would not be possible to cause them so much damage.

"I don't want to see their names appear in the list of official soldiers of the empire!"

The emperor patted the more than two hundred student files, only to hear a muffled sound, these student files made of kraft paper were turned into ashes and scattered. The emperor of the empire was a great knight, and his understatement of clapping his hands not only destroyed these files, but also destroyed the future of all the students of the blood sword group headed by Fanlin.

The military officials bowed to the emperor, and they had nothing to say.

The emperor looked thoughtfully at these military ministers and generals: "The Hundred Years Land-Island War has ended for 30 years, but in these 30 years, the empire’s investment in the army has maintained a considerable scale. They have not decreased, but are increasing. If your army built with the hard-earned money of the people of the empire is not as powerful as it was in the past, then..."

The old emperor laughed strangely, his head was bare, with only a ring of hair hanging around, but his face still maintained the appearance of a middle-aged man, he looked like he was in his early thirties. The great knight has a long lifespan, and the old emperor who is sixty years away is just a young and powerful young man.

Don't try to fool yourself, the old emperor touched the top of his head proudly, and then screamed a little angrily: "There hasn't been a good thing lately! The death of six goddesses, fortunately there is the Temple of Odin. A group of idiots have carried a scapegoat! But my crown, my seal, your trash, do you want me to believe that the smelly orcs of Wudalian Island took my crown and seal?"

No one dared to say anything. Those civil servants gloated at the military generals present. This matter was handled by their military. Until now, no results came out. The emperor was already furious, right?

For more than a month, the emperor has been walking around with his bare head, his bare head is like one invisible slap after another, making the important military officials flushed with nothing to say. Although on Wudalian Island, the orc generals had already jumped out and cried out and said that they had taken the emperor's crown and seal, but they did not show any evidence!

The emperor's crown and seal are rare treasures. Although the orcs were called fiercely, they did not produce evidence.

"I'll give you some more time. If you can't find the one who stole my crown and seal, you can use your own wealth to compensate! The gem inlaid on my crown, you know how much it is worth! That's a piece. The crystallization of divine power the size of an egg, the crystallization of divine power that can make you young forever, you **** are very rich, I know, so you have enough money to compensate me!"

The emperor's stern eyes swept over the dumbfounding faces of the ministers of civil and military affairs!

The crystallization of that divine power was at the end of the Hundred Years Land-Island War. In order to thank the emperor for his contribution to the entire continent, the church was condensed by the power of summoning gods from all the temples of the church. It is extremely rare and the only one in the world. The emperor embedded him in the crown, which has become a symbol of the empire.

Killing the ministers of civil and military affairs who were present could not accompany this divine power. It seemed that the emperor deliberately wanted to drain some people's property.

All the civil servants took a deep breath, and looked at the green-faced military officials with pity!

The crystal ball suddenly roared, and a clear picture emerged from it. Everyone's eyes were cast over immediately, they were curious as to what happened on the battlefield of the isolated island, which **** team actually used the poisonous insect to wipe out the blood sword group on the first day. You must know that the emperor hadn't paid attention to the actual combat drills in the past two days. By mistake, Fei Stein sent the report of the Blood Sword Corps. The emperor was still sitting in the security hall in person these two days, kicking the unlucky ones up and down the security hall to him. Looking for the crown.

The battlefield on the isolated island was generally calm. In the woods and grass, some scouts were cautiously chasing and killing each other.

The emperor's brows wrinkled, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Look for it and see where there is a lively game. What do you see about these little boys' games?"

The palace mages quickly urged the birds and beasts on the battlefield through the magic circle, and soon a **** battle appeared in front of everyone.

On a flat grass, more than a hundred separated corpses fell to the ground, the corpses of ten wildebeests were still twitching slightly, obviously they had just died not long ago. The battle formation consisting of five hundred orcs rushed to the front with a team of more than one hundred people.

The emperor jumped up suddenly, and he yelled almost hysterically: "Who is the instructor of this group of rubbish? Military court, must send him to the military court! Facing the charge of the orc group, this group of **** rubbish, they lined up like this The neat one-line queue is waiting for someone to chop their heads?"

The faces of the important military ministers also became extremely ugly!

The only way to deal with the orcs is to gather together a large group of troops and use a strong battle to fight the orcs with casualties and attrition. If in a field battle, the inferior force meets the superior corps of the orcs, the only way is to escape, run as fast as possible, and then find a terrain that is favorable to you and protect yourself by the terrain!

More than a hundred army academies' students, faced with 500 violent orcs who had been holding back in the black mine prison for 30 years, they actually lined up in a neat and beautiful single line and collided with others?

"Which stupid was their instructor? Send him to the death squad! Within ten days, I want to hear the good news of his death!" The military minister present was furious, and now he can't wait to slash the dean of the Army Academy dead!

With just one charge, the Red Rose Knights were defeated, and more than a hundred people were killed on the spot. The head was tumbling, the blood was sprinkled, and the angry emperor was so angry that he spewed out a purple-gold vindictiveness. The clothes on his body were torn apart by the vindictiveness, revealing a large, strong body.

Seeing that the Red Rose Knights were about to destroy the entire army, they saw dozens of pure steel arrows suddenly shot into the battlefield of the orcs, and more than 30 orcs hit the arrows and fell to the ground immediately. Then a long horn sounded, and a small but extremely well-arranged team slowly walked out of the grass on the hillside and steadily greeted the orcs' team.

The emperor was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and he immediately classified this team into the ranks of idiots and rubbish.

"Fight against the dominant orcs? Who is this stupid disciple taught?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest Power.)

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