Bright Era

Chapter 232: First battle report

Lin Qi, who was wearing a close-fitting soft armor, a layer of earth dragon leather armor in the middle, and a layer of rune-heavy armor, slowly approached the camp of the blood sword group with a big axe. Several poisonous toads screamed and jumped from Lin Qi's instep. Lin Qi's toes were a little bit, and the poisonous toads were kicked away embarrassedly.

"Stop!" There was a shivering reprimand not far away.

Lin Qi bent down and picked up a fist-sized rock. He squeezed the rock hard and smashed it at the sound source. With a horrible cry, a member of the Blood Sword Group was smashed two or three meters away by Lin Qi with a stone, and fell to the ground and could no longer move.

Several members of the Blood Sword Corps barely stood up from the grass with their spider silk hanging on them. They shuddered and raised their light foil swords with their green, black, and purple faces. The two-jin-heavy foil, which was not seen by the members of the Blood Sword Corps in ordinary days, is now as heavy as a mountain. Their arms are trembling, and they can't point the tip of the sword at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi smiled weirdly: "Oh, what's the matter with you? What the **** is going on? Wow, that classmate, you have a poisonous snake on your neck!"

Fingers pointed forward fiercely, several members of the Blood Sword Group dropped their foils and grabbed their necks at the same time. The last bit of strength they barely lifted up suddenly vented, and they fell to the ground in embarrassment and could no longer stand up. Seeing the miserable appearance of this group of people, Lin Qi immediately let go of his heart, and he beckoned back vigorously: "Brothers, all came out to clean the battlefield, and their entire army was wiped out!"

The long grass in the rear parted, and Enzo walked carefully with dozens of companions. It was full of small bushes, and long weapons such as spears were inconvenient to use. Everyone held the light and handy swords tightly. These war knives are all fine products produced by Hell's Hammer Weapon Shop. They gently waved the war knives and smoothed the shrubs and grasses blocking the way.

Leaving half of the staff on guard outside, Lin Qi and his party walked into the camp of the Blood Sword Corps in a skirmish line.

There was a mess here. More than two hundred members of the Blood Sword Group fell to the ground in all directions, their faces covered with poisonous gas, each of them struggled hard but couldn't afford it. Dozens of people were seriously injured, and they seemed to have been slashed vigorously with a long sword.

The veteran Barr could see at a glance what these rookie officers had done. He couldn't help but laugh out loudly: "Gods are up, you can think of bloodletting and detoxification. It's a way. But bloodletting and detoxification, I have never I have seen someone cut a poisonous wound so big! Are you detoxifying or killing?"

Vatican raised his head from the ground embarrassedly. He had just been ravaged by two poisonous snakes, three poisonous spiders, and seven or eight poisonous centipedes. The knight's fighting spirit at his close position could not get rid of these venoms from his body. At this time, Fanlin's face was colorful, with two nosebleeds constantly spraying from his nostrils. His eyes flickered, and he couldn't see the appearance of Lin Qi and Enzo at all.

"Hey, who is it? You got a big deal!" Fanlin smiled in pain.

Enzo squatted next to Fanlin. He took out the special medicine powder specially made by the military to repel all kinds of poisonous insects, and he was going to feed it into Fanlin's mouth. But Enzo's movements were stopped by Lin Qi. Lin Qi snatched the medicine powder back, and knocked Fanlin out with an axe: "We should keep these medicines by ourselves. The density of poisonous insects on this island is surprisingly high. Someone deliberately put a lot of poisonous insects here."

Enzo looked at Lin Qi embarrassedly: "But their poisonous wounds!"

Barr skilfully inspected the injuries of these students, and he laughed aloud: "It doesn't matter. Before the poisonous insects and snakes on this island were dropped, some of the venom was taken away. Their venom is very small. They are not allowed to inject venom with all their strength, and they are carefully selected poisonous insects that are not very poisonous. These dolls will only lose their combat effectiveness and their lives will not be in danger!"

Lin Qi waved his hand: "Take all their logistics supplies away, take off all their armors, and give all their documents to Enzo. Search everything, and then send a signal to the imperial army to take them out. Help!"

The iron fist team members rushed forward in excitement, and took off the leather armor of Fanlin and others. These leather armors are all standard goods in the warehouse of the Army Academy. Of course, they are not as good as the quality goods sold by Hell's Hammer. However, these leather armors and foils can be converted into points after the actual combat drill is over. With more than two hundred sets of armors and weapons, this score is not too small.

Long Gen led a group of people into the tent of the blood sword group, and then he suddenly yelled: "Boss, Enzo, come and see! What is their team doing? They brought food supplies with the limit of load. , But they didn’t carry any heavy weapons. They carried a lot of arrows, but they didn’t even have a strong bow. There are also these tents, blankets, and felts!"

The trainees participating in the actual combat exercises have limited weight-bearing capacity. Although they have all cultivated vindictiveness, each person can only carry a maximum of two hundred kilograms for cross-country marching. Two hundred catties, this is the total weight that all students participating in the actual combat exercise can take away from the warehouse of the Army Academy.

A set of ordinary leather armor weighs no more than fifteen catties, and a small foil weighs about two catties. The more than 200 members of the blood sword group except for the ordinary leather armor that is as thin as a piece of paper, and even a wild boar. The immortal foil, other loads are all kinds of supplies.

Nearly 30,000 catties of salted meat, thousands of catties of spirits, a lot of arrows, tents, blankets, and felts! Where is the essential composition of a team participating in actual combat exercises? This is clearly a logistics transport team!

"Damn!" Lin Qi rolled his eyes when he saw the mountain of supplies piled up in the tent!

"Damn it!" Enzo thought of the rice dumplings that the Iron Fist team members were carrying with them, which was only enough for three days, and could not help kicking the unconscious Fanlin: "This is cheating! Naked cheating! I want to cheat! The military has complained about cheating in actual combat drills!"

Lin Qi glared at Enzo and reprimanded in a low voice: "Complaint? Why complain? Didn't this batch of baggage be in our hands? Think about it, that cheating team, when they ate up their hands. All the food, what will happen to them when they discover that this batch of planned supplies has been taken away?"

"No, no, no, it can't be like this!" Lin Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he almost grinned: "Don't they like cheating? The problem is, I like cheating more than them! Tents, blankets and arrows! Ya took away all, most of the fresh meat and spirits, and left a small portion for the group of cheating guys!"

With a weird smile, Lin Qi took out the hunger potion prepared by Master Kecha, and carefully dropped a drop of potion into some fresh meat and wine jars. With a low smile, he explained the powerful effect of this medicine to Enzo and others, and Enzo and others suddenly turned blue!

Master Kocha almost starved to death because of a drop of potion. On this isolated island battlefield, there is no hotel restaurant to buy a lot of food. If the cheating team eats this batch of food, they will die miserably, right? Will definitely die miserably!

What can they eat on this damned island? Leaves and bark?

The Iron Fist team ransacked a large amount of baggage, leaving only the meat and spirits that Lin Qi had added. They deliberately threw some fresh meat and spirits on the ground, making a posture of a hurried retreat before they could take away all their luggage. Let Long Gen and Aunt Lili lead the Iron Fist team members back to the camp with their luggage, while Lin Qi and the others are lurking outside the camp of the Blood Sword Group, wanting to see who is cheating in such a grandiose manner.

Of course, Enzo recognizes the identity of Fanlin, so that people like Fanlin can willingly serve as transport captains. There are not many people with such power in the Army Academy. Lin Qi and Enzo combined for those who could shamelessly use this method to cheat and found that only Dark Horse House meets this condition.

A family with a strong background that can suppress the Vatican, and a strong demand for interests must win this actual combat drill. Who else can anyone besides the Dark Horse House?

When the sky came to light, a team of more than two hundred people walked slowly along the river course. The leader was the Dark Horse House riding a fire lion. Arthur rode the King Kong closely next to Dark Horse House, and the two of them were smiling, chatting lightly like an outing.

They didn't even send a scout, they just came over so brazenly.

Lin Qi shook his head. If Dark Horse House is on the real battlefield as well, then he is really dead!

The team slowly approached the station of the blood sword group, and finally someone discovered that the situation in the station was not right. Several leading students immediately yelled, the messy team immediately rushed into the small depression, and then there was a sound inside. Dark Horse House swears wildly.

Not long afterwards, I saw that Van Lin was picked up by the Dark Horse House. The Dark Horse House ignored the poisonous wounds on Van Lin's body, punched and kicked him, knocking Van Lin who had just awakened into a faint.

Enzo sighed: "That's how it is to be a dog! When Vatican promised the Black Horse House to carry the luggage for them, he was no longer qualified to compete with me. In this life, he is not qualified to be tied with me! Army! Van Lin, who is the most powerful individual in the academy? He's done!"

Lin Qi shook his head, and several people quickly left the ambush spot.

A quarter of an hour later, a blue fireball rose from the isolated island, which was a signal for the trainees participating in the exercise to call for help.

Then a battle report was quickly sent to Stein:

The Blood Sword Corps participating in the exercise was wiped out, without even knowing who attacked them.

Stern left the report aside. He slowly took out the personal file of the blood sword team leader Fan Lin, and slowly filled in his personal comment with red ink: super waste, suggest that the military Yong Not hired!


Today Saturday, three shifts are over!

At 8 o'clock after dinner, everyone will gather at 2935 to flicker! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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