Bright Era

Chapter 2210: Successive attacks (3)

Lin Kaixuan's expression changed, Lin Qi's strength slightly exceeded his estimate! In his budget, Lin Qi should be able to kill the transformed orc puppets he brought, but Lin Qi shouldn't win so easily!

Lin Qi grinned, and he gently waved behind him. A bright magic beam suddenly rushed behind his throne, and nearly a thousand figures rushed out of the magic beam. The one who rushed to the front was the Xuanlan who had suppressed his body to a height of forty meters and was holding a big stick. Stepping on the dazzling blue ice ring, the orc warriors under Lin Kaixuan where Xuanlan passed were stiff and frozen. The body surface was covered by a thin layer of ice, and the speed suddenly dropped to about 20%.

With a fierce swipe of the heavy stick, a metal warrior was hit by Xuanlan, and Xuanlan grunted disdainfully: "Metal bumps, no meat! Lin Qi, I can eat these hairy ones. Guys?"

Lin Qi spread his hands, smiled and nodded: "Whatever you do, but be careful that their bones are not easy to digest, and their hearts must be spit out to me. Those hearts are all Primordial Magic Devices, and I will leave them to Mr. Mo study it carefully!"

Mr. Mo smiled and bowed to Lin Qi, and he was indeed the eternal power melting pot of the heart of these orc warriors for a long time. These magic furnaces that can replace the hearts of creatures, burst out with powerful power, and allow creatures to quickly possess god-level combat power, each of which is an extremely precious treasure. And the orc warriors brought by Lin Kaixuan are more than 500 people!

As Xuanlan joined the battle with a group of wolves and tigers of elemental titans and ordinary titans, these big men who had passed through the gods’ priesthood inheritance and possessed god-level combat power quickly turned the tide of the battle. Under Lin Qi's scheduling, Xuanlan brought her people to a tie with Lin Kaixuan's subordinates in time, knocking an orc warrior to the ground from time to time, and then Mr. Mo quickly rushed forward, in Bili With the help of Bili, he forcibly tore open the chests of these orc warriors and took out the furnace of his heart.

Lin Kaixuan’s expression became more and more ugly, and Lin Qi clapped his hands and laughed: "Lin Kaixuan, is there any other trick? This is the trump card you came to trouble me? This is what you want to replace me. Emboldened? This disappoints me too much!"

Following Lin Qi's mocking sneer, more subordinates surged out of the teleportation magic circle behind his throne. And this time, what emerged was a group of god-level dragons. As soon as these guys rushed out of the magic circle, they immediately turned into a giant dragon body, and a Feiteng rushed on the metal warriors, and fought with these large metal undeads.

Lin Qi's calm hands pushed to the sides, and the internal space of the huge hall suddenly expanded hundreds of times, enough to accommodate more than a hundred dragons fighting and fighting inside. Lin Kaixuan suddenly saw Lin Qi's hand, his face became more serious and gloomy.

"Lin Qi, your background really surprised me!" At this time, Lin Kaixuan had to be shocked by Lin Qi's strength and influence. He smiled bitterly, then puffed up his chest again: "But, never underestimate me, because no matter what I do, I never have only one move!"

From his sleeve, he took out a fist-sized black crystal ball, and Lin Kaixuan squeezed it into smash with force. When this crystal ball shattered, the dark children that Lin Kaixuan arranged outside began to move.

Outside the large kitchen of the palace, with her sleeves rolled up, Aunt Lily, with two sturdy arms, waving a machete, is shouting loudly at the thousands of chefs and servants: "Get up , Take out all your crafts! Dear little guys, Master Lin Qi’s banquet can’t be sloppy, whether it’s appetizers, soups, big meals and desserts, no defects are allowed!"

Aunt Lily waved the machete with flying brows, she just felt her whole body floating, her soul was about to fly into the sky.

Although the former Aunt Lily was the housekeeper of the Black Tiger family, the biggest banquet she ever organized was only the New Year banquet of the Black Tiger family. But now, she is in charge of the palace banquet of the Longshan Empire, the most powerful in the entire Western Continent! At the banquet, more than 100,000 distinguished guests from all over the mainland!

This is a big scene! Aunt Lily felt that this was the most glorious day in her life! Therefore, any details must be perfect, and there must not be any mistakes! Of course she knew that a little guy who didn't open his eyes came to find Lin Qi's trouble. The main hall of the palace had been sealed by the colorful aurora.

But Aunt Lily doesn't think this is a big problem, but it's just a small thing that doesn't open his eyes. Lin Qi can slap him to death with a single slap! The palace banquet will never be postponed. Aunt Lily has sufficient confidence in Lin Qi!

Therefore, Aunt Lily is patrolling the kitchens and stoves one by one. She must encourage everyone to cheer up and let everyone do their best! Whether it is roasted whole cow, roasted whole lamb or roasted suckling pig, or the roasted narwhal used to deter guests from all walks of life, it must be the best, and the taste and taste must be the most wonderful.

Just when Aunt Lily was busy, a girl with a nice face and a neat palace dress suddenly ran to Aunt Lily's side. She carried the skirt in her hands and bowed to Aunt Lily with indescribable shyness: "Excuse me, how can I go back to the previous palace? I'm lost! Kind aunt, can you help me? Huh?"

Wielding a machete, the busy aunt Lily stayed in a daze, then she wiped the sweat from her forehead, and looked down at the little girl who was only slightly taller than her waist: "Well, little girl, Aunt Lily is busy, don't trouble me, find your way back slowly!"

The little girl pitifully stretched her hand to hold Aunt Lily's sleeve: "But, my dear aunt, I really can't find a way back!"

There were already sympathetic servants nearby who were ready to come and show the little girl the way, but Lily had already pinched her neck loudly, and then smashed her to the ground. With a bang, there was a human-shaped pit on the ground. The little girl who asked for directions gave a horrible cry and vomited blood into a coma. With a few sounds of ‘Dang Cang’, several poisoned daggers fell out of the girl’s sleeve.

Stomped fiercely on the little girl's head, Aunt Lily waved a machete and roared towards the sky.

"A bunch of idiots! If you want to assassinate the amiable Aunt Lily, send a real little girl over! Have you ever seen a girl with a long apple? Are you confused when Aunt Lily is older? This little bastard, Aunt Lily was separated two streets, and she could smell the thief on him!"

"Professional! Seriously! Careful!" Aunt Lily jumped up angrily, and then slammed the hapless assassin into the ground several meters deep. The unlucky assassin whose joints were all broken was covered in blood, and looked dead.

Aunt Lily shook her head angrily, and then sighed heavily: "One generation is inferior to one generation, and increasingly unprofessional! The old folks from the Assassin's Guild and the Thieves Guild, they really want to give their ancestors all the money. Lost!"

Twisting her fat waist and walking a few steps towards the other big stove, Aunt Lily suddenly rushed back in frustration, grabbed the hapless assassin, and smashed his corpse to the ground again. "I look down on people too much! The amiable Aunt Lily, you actually only sent such a trash fish with a maximum value of one thousand gold coins at a time. Do you look down on people?"

Lin Kaixuan was not there, otherwise he would definitely spit out a mouthful of blood with tears and nose!

This unlucky assassin fell into the hands of Aunt Lily, he has already stepped into the gods with one foot, even if he is going to assassinate a lower and middle-level servant of the Axel protoss, he is 70% sure that he can succeed. of. Aunt Lily commented that he was just an ordinary assassin's guild, which was worth a thousand gold coins at a time. This was too much!

While Aunt Lily was attacked, Uncle Hammer was patrolling the streets around the palace with a team of sturdy Longshan guards. This kind of thing didn't need to be personally responsible for the hammer, but he was simply boring, and at the same time wanted to appreciate the joyous scene of the Longshan Empire in the New Year, so he took people to the streets with great interest.

As soon as they reached a crossroad, three young men in guard uniforms threw their legs and ran towards the hammer. Ten meters away from the hammer, one of the young men shouted: "General Jack, Your Majesty has a secret decree..."

The hammer was visibly stunned, and then a big hammer with his back whizzed and flew out, three groups of black light and shadow flashed, and the chests of the three young men collapsed at the same time, spraying out from the seven orifices. After removing the thick plasma, it flew backwards lightly like a piece of paper.

"General Jack?" The Hammer Urn roared with an annoyance: "Idiot! You know my name from the archives of the Imperial Army? But everyone calls me Hammer or Uncle Hammer! Only you idiots. Will call me General Jack!"

With a fierce wave of his hand, the hammer sternly shouted: "Send the alarm, a rat in the gutter wants to make trouble!"

In Longshan Palace, Blackbeard was holding a huge wine glass, laughing and talking to a beautiful and plump lady. He was surrounded by a circle of beautifully dressed noble ladies and ladies, all of them with bright smiles, cautiously greeted with black beards.

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