Bright Era

Chapter 2209: Successive attacks (2)

With a soft snort, Lin Kaixuan pointed to Lin Qi vigorously. A bear man with a height of three meters and covered in black hair roared up to the sky, waving a heavy high-grade sacred weapon-level mace with a faint golden light and rushing towards Lin Qi. When the bear man charged forward, he sprinted forward step by step without using any spells or combat skills.

But his size is huge, every step is two meters away, so his charging speed is not slow, like a small hill, rushing towards Lin Qi. But the heavy armored man brought by Mr. Mo stopped in front of the bearman, and two tower shields brought a breaking wind, and slammed into the bearman's body.

All the wits were obliterated, and the Ursa warrior who had been imported with powerful combat instincts and combat skills gave a deep roar. His body rotated twice like a whirlwind, and then the mace brought a black wind heavy. Smashed on two tower shields. There was only a loud noise, the huge mace was smashed, and the two shields slammed on the bearman warrior.

The shield surface, which was originally bright as a mirror, suddenly spit out more than a dozen triangular thorns with a thickness of three feet, and the dark triangular thorns carried a pungent smell, which directly penetrated the body of the bearman warrior. I don't know how vicious the venom is quenched on these three-sided thorns, anyway, dark blood plasma suddenly appeared from the dozen or so through wounds on the bear soldier.

The two heavy armored fighters stepped back neatly, and their tower shields were separated from the body of the Ursa warrior. There was a bang, and these triangular thorns were submerged in the tower shield again, and the huge shield surface became smooth as a mirror again, leaving no gaps in it.

The three-meter-high Ursa warrior was panting low, his body swayed and wanted to continue to push Lin Qi, but his flesh and blood was rapidly decomposing and decayed under the venomous effect, and black rotten flesh kept coming from his skeleton. It fell off, and soon he was left with a shining metallic skeleton, which stood swayingly in place.

In the heart of this metal skeleton, a group of strong light shining brightly illuminates the entire hall.

Mr. Mo suddenly admired: "Huh? The legendary'Doomsday Volcanic Eternal Power Mana Furnace'? I have seen a description of this eternal furnace on a broken goblin blueprint, but it seems that this is not what he should have. the power of?"

Lin Kaixuan's expression became extremely ugly. He looked at Lin Qi for a while, and Mr. Mo for a while, and finally focused on the bearman warrior who was turned into a skeleton. Losing all of its flesh and blood, this skeleton struggled and convulsed for a while, and finally fell heavily to the ground with a dull loud noise. Obviously, this skeleton still maintains a strong power and a perfect energy circuit, but without the muscles and internal organs that assist actions, he no longer has any combat effectiveness.

Based on the knowledge of a professional scholar, Mr. Mo suggested in an academically exploratory tone: "If I were the one who made these war puppets, since I know that muscles are their greatest weakness, then I will do it at any cost. They assemble all kinds of powerful toxins and curse-immune Primordial Magic Device accessories! But obviously, you have overlooked this!"

Lin Kaixuan angrily snarled Mr. Xiang Mo: "Nonsense! Is it so easy to get the parts of the Primordial Magic Device that is immune to toxins and curses?"

Mr. Mo spread his hands, he shrugged his shoulders, looked at Lin Kaixuan contemptuously and shook his head: "Then, this is that you are not professional enough. At least I have mastered three kinds of drawings for the manufacture of Primordial Wizards. For example, "Liver of the Hundred Eyes Giant", this is a magical device component that can effectively detoxify various toxins, especially the venom of various poisonous insects!"

Obviously, Mr. Mo's words stunned Lin Kaixuan. He was silent for a while, and then said in a cold voice: "We dug up a broken blueprint of the Scavenger Heart Pump from somewhere in the ruins. However, for our people, there are several magic pattern loops that have not been resolved. !"

Mr. Mo raised his eyebrows in surprise: "The Scavenger Heart Pump? Well, I know this thing. I have seen this powerful war puppet magic device from a certain place in the Primordial Scrolls, which is known to be immune to all toxins. The name of the component. You actually have his broken drawings?"

Hearing the dialogue between Lin Kaixuan and Mr. Mo, Lin Qi suddenly found helplessly that things seemed to be developing in a very absurd direction. He grabbed the scepter, knocked it on the floor fiercely, and then sternly yelled: "Mr. Mo, and, Lin Kaixuan, this is not your seminar on Primordial Wizard technology! Can we be more serious? Lin Triumph, what are you here for?"

Lin Kaixuan was stunned, and then he glanced at Mr. Mo fiercely, and suddenly laughed: "Very well, this old man, he is mine too! Lin Qi, do you have such a talent under your command? Very good, Very good, we just lack such a person who is so proficient in alchemy and Primordial Magic. After I kill you and take everything from you, I will treat him well!"

After a few smug smiles, Lin Kaixuan sternly said: "Lin Qi, even if my orc puppet has such a big defect, I still have an absolute advantage! If you are willing to kneel down and beg me for mercy, I can keep you. With a whole body!"

After quickly stepping back a few steps, Lin Kaixuan took out another polyprism ball, and then slammed it heavily on the ground. Accompanied by the clanging sound of gold and iron, nearly a hundred dark silver metal puppets with a height of more than 20 meters walked out of a light curtain slowly. These heavy metal puppets held huge chain hammers, and the dozens of heavy armored warriors brought by Mr. Xiang Mo rumblingly forced the past.

Lin Qi picked up the corner of his eyes, these metal puppets were engraved with countless ancient magic circle magic patterns. Although they did not emit any aura, Lin Qi instinctively sensed their terribleness. Heavenly Mountain's voice quietly sounded: "This is the metal lifeform of the Second Seagod! They look like unconscious metal puppets, but they should be the metal life of the Second Seagod!"

The heart trembled violently, Lin Qi hurriedly asked: "Lin Kaixuan mastered the Second Seagod?" At this moment, Lin Qi wanted to directly capture Lin Kaixuan and then torture information about the Second Seagod. He had seen the strength of the metal warrior led by Qiu Fengjun, and Lin Qi had been watching the Second Seagod Temple for a long time. Had it not been for the recent incidents, Qiu Fengjun had stayed in the Western Continent again, Lin Qi had already started to trace the whereabouts of the Second Seagod.

Tiantian Mountain's answer made Lin Qi's heartbeat return to normal: "No, he doesn't have the aura of the Second Seagod. The condition of these metal bumps is also a bit strange, they seem... eh? What a genius! These metal bumps are in the ancient world. They were killed in the battle of gods, but some people used undead spells to transform them into undead creatures!"

Lin Qi was silent, Heaven Mountain, Dragon Cliff, Osmanthus Tree, including Hell, remained silent for a long while. After a long time, Hell murmured in a weird tone: "The potential and creativity of human beings are really speechless. The Second Poseidon? I have heard of this reserve combat unit! Metal life form, I I don't understand them, but after the death of the metal lifeform, isn't it just a rusty metal lump?"

With a hint of incredible shock, **** yelled: "But dead metal lifeforms can be transformed into undead metal creatures with undead spells! The person who found this method will capture him alive, capture him alive, and drain his brains. To extract his soul, I must know how they did it!"

In the loud roar of hell, the metal undead recruited by Lin Kaixuan had already cooperated with the orc warriors to launch a fierce attack. The chain hammer with a diameter of more than one meter brought up a silver hurricane, and violently smashed the heavy armored warrior under Lin Qi. These heavy armored fighters who had reached the **** level embarrassedly raised their tower shields to resist the storm-like attacks, and were smashed back and forth continuously.

Despite the strength of these heavy armored warriors, compared with these huge metal creatures, they have an absolute disadvantage in terms of size, strength, and weapons. Every chain hammered down, bringing a terrifying wind howl. Each blow brought up a large swath of sparks on their tower shields, shaking the figures of these heavily armored warriors.

Just these hundred or so metal warriors had already made it difficult for Lin Qi's subordinates to fight back. After the hundreds of orc warriors joined the battle group, Lin Qi's men felt even more uncomfortable. Seeing how the bearman warrior was killed just now, these orc warriors were a lot more cunning this time. They cooperated with the metal warriors and beat them to the side, and quickly knocked several heavy armored warriors to the ground.

Even the more than a hundred old fox people of the orc clan hadn't taken action yet, and dozens of Lin Qi's subordinates would be wiped out. Although relying on the armor protection of the lower artifact level, they have no life worry for the time being, but more than half of the people are seriously injured.

Lin Kaixuan smiled triumphantly: "Lin Qi, do you have any other cards? Don't let me down too much. You can make my father and my two ineffective sisters so embarrassed. Are you so relaxed? Was it broken by me?"

Lin Qi raised his brows: "Lin Feiqian's son?"

Lin Kaixuan bowed to Lin Qi pretending to be graceful and bowed: "I'm here to get revenge from you, and receive everything from you by the way!"

Staring at Lin Kaixuan for a long time, when the three werewolf warriors rushed in front of him quickly and boldly attacked him, Lin Qi swept the scepter lightly, and the three werewolf warriors suddenly With a miserable cry, he was cut off by the waist, and the six stumps were sprayed with hot plasma and flew out.

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