Bright Era

Chapter 2203: Crazy guests (2)

Bilibili and Arda squatted in the far corner, squinting their eyes and looking around sneakily. Well, it must be admitted that, as two pure-blood demons who have awakened the blood of the Primordial Demon, they are very uncomfortable with this joyful, upward, enthusiastic, and positive atmosphere. They hate this kind of strong family affection and friendship, so the two of them, Obi Nightmare, Alsa and others can only hide away, and are always vigilant about the surrounding movement to **** Lin Qi's family ball!

"Ah, I sincerely hope someone will make trouble! In this way, we can kill people and get addicted, and Xuanlan has something to eat too!" Bilibili popped his mouth and took out a greasy roasted chicken leg from his sleeve. "I know the taste of Xuanlan. He and I are old friends. He likes to eat humanoid creatures. These four-legged things cannot satisfy his strong appetite!"

The loud noise of'bang, bang, bang' kept coming, neatly 10,000 court mages of the Longshan Empire stood on the distant square, bombarding the sky with various magic, and drew a picture in the sky. Beautiful patterns. The strong light produced by the magical light bomb exploding at high altitude illuminates the entire Longshan Imperial Capital, attracting countless people in this huge city to look towards the palace.

A group of three hundred flame dragons whizzed by from high above, and 1,800 trombone players in dresses stood on the dragon's back, blowing high-pitched horns in the wind. The loud and majestic horn tore open the dark clouds in the sky, shredded the cold wind and blizzard, and sunbeams shone from behind the dark clouds, and countless magnificent rays of light shrouded the Dragon Mountain Emperor in a wonderful halo.

The people of the Longshan Empire cheered at the same time, and some of them looked at the giant dragons roaring high in the sky with complicated expressions, and the dense magic frisbees hovering near the distant skyline! What makes these people frightened is that the largest diameter of the magic frisbee made by the Longshan Empire has exceeded 500 meters!

Once the Western Continent, even the most powerful Gaul Empire, they could only make their own magic frisbee with a diameter of no more than ten meters. Only the church has the kind of craftsmanship and sufficient resources to build a magic frisbee with a diameter of more than 100 meters, but now, the Longshan Empire is proud to show off the magic frisbee with a diameter of 500 meters!

The magic frisbee with a diameter of more than five hundred meters, each magic frisbee can simultaneously transport thousands of heavily armed soldiers and magicians, which gives the Longshan Empire's army an unimaginable mobility And long-range strike force. This also means that the Longshan Empire has mastered extremely exquisite magical technology and has an extremely large reserve of magic materials.

The already dilapidated Gaul Empire did not have such capabilities, and the Great Yan Dynasty, which was beaten up by the Blood Qin Empire, did not have such a background. Even the envoys of the church envoys saw the huge magic frisbees looming in the dark clouds, and their faces showed extremely complicated expressions.

Longshan Empire, this is only a subordinate force of the Temple of War, and a spokesperson force in the ground world. How can he be so strong?

The members of Lin Qi and the Black Tiger family, as well as those old brothers and confidants of Lin Qi, did not pay attention to the complicated mood of some people. They enjoyed themselves and danced wildly in the palace. Their laughter, The neat clapping and footsteps, as well as the melodious music, floated outside the palace wall! The people of the Longshan Empire became more and more happy, while some other people became more and more complicated.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and two days later, on the last day of the year, starting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, an endless stream of people began to converge in the direction of the Longshan Imperial Palace.

The envoys of the two empires and churches, large and small nobles from all over the mainland, leading figures in major guilds, famous artists, and various celebrities, according to the list made by the court ceremonial officer of the Longshan Empire, in order of priority , Riding on the colorful carriages, one after another drove to the palace. The lower the status, the higher the ranking, while the church, the Great Yan Dynasty, and the Gaul Empire fell in the last place.

The large-scale Dragon Han Empire guard of honor wears armor made of gold and silver, draped in a scarlet silk cloak, and holds a purely decorative 12-meter-long gilt dragon spear, standing neatly with their heads high. On both sides of the street leading to the main entrance of the palace.

In the loud shouts of the court ceremonies of the Longshan Empire, the aristocratic motorcade, like a colorful dragon, slowly followed this road and slowly drove into the Longshan Palace. In many vehicles, the large and small nobles looked at the honor guards on the side of the road with complex expressions, figuring out how much gold coins would cost the pure gold and silver armors on these honor guards.

Some self-proclaimed savvy and capable nobles want to find out the financial resources of the Longshan Empire through the scale and cost of today’s New Year’s banquet, calculate how much power they have that can be converted into combat power, and calculate the future of the Longshan Empire against the western continent. What an impact.

What has nothing to do with these intriguing nobles is that the entire Longshan Imperial Capital today has endless cheers everywhere.

The streets and alleys of the Longshan Imperial Capital were dressed up with joy, and tens of thousands of dragons and the Golden Mountain Flag of the Longshan Empire were flying high. A huge magical enchantment enveloped the Longshan imperial capital, covering hundreds of miles, isolating the cold wind and blizzard outside. Nearly a thousand dragons hovered and danced high in the sky, and the huge dragons they brought up dispelled the dark clouds, and the brilliant sun generously shone on the Longshan Imperial Capital.

There are various performances at every street corner of the imperial capital, and petals with dewdrops are constantly falling from the air, and beautiful music sounds everywhere. Today's Emperor Longshan is really like the legendary land of God, full of joy and laughter everywhere.

A projection clone was sitting on the emperor’s throne to meet the nobles who came in. Lin Qi, wearing an ordinary black robe, stood side by side with Yun on the main gate tower of the palace, smiling as he was shrouded in brilliant sunshine. The Longshan Imperial Capital.

"If all this can last forever, it would be great!" Yun gently leaned against Lin Qi, sighing in a low voice.

"Well, maybe one day, this beautiful scene will be destroyed by war and violence! But sooner or later, I will rebuild everything and let them last forever!" Lin Qiqing put his arm around Yun's shoulder with one hand. Lightly patted Yun's head: "When everything is done, when the dangers and clouds that hung over our heads have completely disappeared, I will let all the good things last!"

Yun turned to look at Lin Qi: "Can we succeed?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi smiled at the cloud and nodded gently: "Of course, we will succeed!"

The large-scale church envoys slowly walked into the palace from Lin Qi's feet. This time, on behalf of the church, they came to the Longshan Empire and extended traditional New Year greetings to the Longshan Empire. At the same time, it was the newly appointed Holy Crown. Pope Francis Dawn.

A little-known cardinal, a tribe who is not valued by the Chenxi family, has become one of the three most important popes in the church, the Holy Crown Pope. Only Lin Qi knew what was going on. All the gods of the church with divine nature and extraordinary aptitudes were all replaced by gods and souls who lost their bodies in the Primordial God War.

How can a noble **** be entangled by those complicated secular offices every day? Therefore, those high-ranking gods with extraordinary qualifications have retired, and these collateral gods and non-God-born clergymen who are usually not taken seriously in the church have stepped up to high positions. The church completed a major replacement of personnel power in silence, and the huge number of spirits hidden behind this had acquired the terrifying reality of the flesh, but Lin Qi's heart was palpitated.

In order to highlight the importance of the church to the Longshan Empire, the newly appointed Francis took 3,000 clergymen to personally attend the New Year's palace banquet of the Longshan Empire. Now three thousand high-ranking clergymen lined up neatly, walking neatly through the front gate of the palace at the feet of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi could not help showing a sneered sneer at the pious clergymen who were holding these various instruments and chanting mantras praising the gods. He condescendingly looked down at these guys, these ‘pious’ and ‘firm’ believers, they are walking past the feet of a heresy of Tianzi No.1, this is really a great mockery!

Following these church envoys are the envoys from the Great Yan Dynasty. A certain cousin with red eyebrows and a prince of the Great Yan Dynasty led hundreds of entourages into the palace with smiles on their faces. Lin Qi knew why this guy came. The gods have ceased the war, but the Blood Qin Empire is still launching a fierce attack on the Great Yan Dynasty, and the Great Yan Dynasty has submitted a letter of credence to the Longshan Empire several days ago.

More troops, more weapons, too much military resources and food. All in all, the Blood Qin Empire has forced the Great Yan Empire to bankrupt its economy. If there is no Longshan Empire to support it, the Great Yan Empire will be unable to withstand the onslaught of the Blood Qin Empire.

Behind the Great Yan Dynasty, was the Gaul Empire's special envoy with a haggard face. Among the three empires of the Western Continent, the Gaul Empire is in the worst condition. Large areas of territory are occupied by foreign coalitions and undead forces. The people have suffered heavy losses. A large number of refugees continue to flee into the Longshan Empire. In just over a year, Gao The population of the Lu Empire was reduced to less than one third of the level before the war.

Today's Gaul Empire is seriously injured, and their purpose in coming to Longshan Empire is to ask for all possible assistance.

Lin Qi even knew that the Gaul Empire had long sent envoys to the church for help, but the indifferent church did not take a Gaul empire into heart. Lin Qi even knew that the new generation of senior church leaders headed by Francis would be happy to see the opportunity of using religious wars to wipe out these large and small national forces in the secular world.

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