Bright Era

Chapter 2202: Crazy guests (1)

There are two days left before the New Year. The envoys from the Gaul Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty and the church have all arrived at the Longshan Imperial Capital, and they are all specially here to attend the Longshan Empire’s New Year banquet. Not only the big figures of these envoys, but many nobles of the Gaul Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty have now dragged their families to the Longshan Imperial Capital, so now the streets and lanes of the Longshan Imperial Capital are full of foreign aristocrats.

"Fire, theft, and noble!" Blackbeard poured a sip of wine into his mouth, then hummed unhappily.

A narwhal that had just passed through the magic teleportation array and sent from New Dunelker Harbor was lying obediently in the back garden of the palace. A thin magic enchantment covered the entire back garden, and the cold wind and blizzard were blocked. Out. The barrel of about 20 meters tall carried a special knife, and under the guidance of several old men of the Black Tiger family, he cautiously opened the giant whale over two hundred meters in length.

A piece of plump and tender whale meat was sent to Lin Qi with steaming heat. This crimson piece of whale meat was three meters square and more than one meter thick. The tender whale meat was like a piece of gelatin, shaking gently on the trailer. Lin Qi and Blackbeard laughed loudly at the same time. They drew out their sharp little daggers and cut the skewers one by one from the plump and plump whale meat, and put them on the grill carefully to smoke them.

This was a palace barbecue banquet within the Black Tiger family. All visitors were turned away. Lin Qi was not in the mood to meet outsiders these past two days. Thousands of elders from the Black Tiger family, together with a group of confidants that Lin Qi has gathered now, gathered in the back garden. Nearly a thousand large and small grills are full of people. Everyone is self-reliant and enjoyable.

He sprinkled a handful of chili powder on the squeaky whale meat, and the black beard gritted his teeth and said: "No nobles have a good thing, except for Lao Tzu! So, a 20-fold copper hat and other things. Secret agent, stare at these bastards!"

Lin Qi handed a piece of grilled whale meat to Yun, who was standing aside, and then stuffed a large piece of semi-raw whale meat into his mouth. After chewing hard a few times, this piece of semi-raw whale meat accompanied him. Swallowed with a hint of sweet blood. Satisfied, he took a sip of the spirits from the wine bottle in Princess Qingli's hand, and Lin Qi laughed a few times.

But not just the twenty-fold copper hat and other spies, now in Longshan Imperial Capital, one-third of the manpower is Lin Qi's capable subordinates deployed from various places. The vast majority of humans are mixed with a group of subordinates of dwarves, goblins, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs and other races that can be seen publicly. Together with the dragon knights and magicians flying in the sky, the entire Longshan Emperor has a radius of five hundred. Linnei has become a huge encirclement.

No one can even leave safely after making trouble for Lin Qi at the New Year's banquet!

Then he handed a bunch of whale meat to Elysium, who was about to run out of water. Lin Qi squinted and sneered: "Okay, father, don't worry, no one can make trouble on our territory! God, we must obey our rules obediently!"

Xuanlan, who had forcibly compressed his height to less than 30 meters, cautiously walked over. He walked to the side of the mountain of wine barrels not far away, grabbed a few special large wine barrels, and filled them with satisfaction. Sip the wine, then picked up a three-eyed monster that had just been roasted, and swallowed it into his mouth.

"Hey, Lin Qi, this thing tastes really good!" Xuanlan patted her chest vigorously: "But didn't you prepare a few grilled people for me?"

Lin Qi thought that he hadn't heard Xuanlan's words, this guy, there shouldn't be any strange food at the New Year's party. Xuanlan shook her head on the side, clicked her mouth, and constantly swallowed the big fish and meat sent by the chef. He patted his head vigorously and grumbled: "Come on some troublesome bastards, I can't wait to taste their brains!"

Blackbeard gave Xuanlan an admiring look, what a cute and honest child! He can eat, drink, fight and fight, and his mind is chasing with Lin Qi. Such a dark blue is the most admired young man in Blackbeard's heart. He smiled and walked over, raised the wine glass and touched Xuanlan fiercely, and then drank the wine in the big golden wine glass.

"Xuanlan, you are a good boy! Hahaha!" Blackbeard smiled so that two rows of big teeth appeared: "You are a good boy!"

The palace mages of the Longshan Empire used magic to give birth to the flowers and trees in the garden. At this moment, the gardens of the Longshan Palace are in full bloom, and the tall trees are lush and lush, like a midsummer scene. On Ruyin’s grass, nearly a hundred girls in colorful skirts laughed and started the hurricane dance. They put their hands on their chests and formed three small circles, kicking their legs as if they were Dancing cheerfully like a whirlwind.

Lin Qi put down the dagger and meat skewers in his hand and looked at these cheerful and energetic girls with a smile.

They are all members of the Black Tiger family, they are the real members of the Black Tiger family! Their parents are both old men of the Black Tiger family, and they have served the Black Tiger family for generations. Although they do not have the blood of the Lin Tiger family, they have actually merged with the Black Tiger family.

These young and young girls are about the same age as Lin Qi who was still studying in the University Town of Berrely, and even much younger than Lin Qi at that time. They are the time when they are youth, passion, longing for love, and full of curiosity and passion for everything. When Lin Qi was imprisoned in the Heiyuan Divine Prison, they were either children or not yet born, but now, they all danced passionately in the garden with bright smiles.

Gradually, more and more young people, more and more girls and boys joined the dance troupe. Behind the surrounding flowers and the music in the woods gradually rang, dozens of bands played cheerful music at the same time, and more and more young people joined the cheerful dance.

Blackbeard and the elders of the family were all around, clapping their hands and beating them, shouting and cheering loudly. Among the young people dancing happily, many young people are wearing the uniforms of the Longshan Imperial Army, with long swords at their waists. They are full of energy and look sharp. They are now in the Longshan Imperial Army, or in other words, Lin Qi's army held the position of middle and lower rank officers.

They are the young generation of the Black Tiger family, a trustworthy and reliable young generation.

They may still be immature, they may not be very strong, but their future growth space is extremely broad. Lin Qi gave them a new cultivation method. They had abandoned the narrow magic and vindictive cultivation methods. They could enjoy dragon blood baths of different levels every once in a while, and their strengths were advancing by leaps and bounds.

They are loyal to Lin Qi. In their hearts, they only know their allegiance to Lin Qi and the Black Tiger family. Sooner or later, they will replace their elders, become the pillars of the Black Tiger family, and become Lin Qi's most reliable helper.

"I'm still reliable!" Lin Qi smiled at these enthusiastic, energetic young people. Lin Qi does not need to control their souls of these members of the Black Tiger family. Lin Qi does not need to be vigilant against them. Lin Qi can safely use them and cultivate them with confidence. One day, some of them may emerge from among them who are important to the entire human race.

"Hey, Master, what are you doing in a daze there? Come on, come on, jump together!" The number one thug by Lin Qi back then, his personal guard, and Leo, who had been carrying Lin Qi since childhood, laughed loudly. Then, he beckoned to Lin Qi vigorously. His wife, Lin Qi's personal maid, Maria, was spinning frantically around him. The checkered color long skirt she was wearing was spinning fast, like a colorful whirlwind.

Lin Qi coughed vigorously, then he took off the cumbersome robe on his body, hugged Princess Yun and Princess Qingli's waist vigorously, and then smiled and nodded to the Paradise. He led his three women to the larger and larger dance troupe, and then quickly joined the joyous crowd.

"Hahaha! Master, how long have we been so happy?" Leo made a grimace at Lin Qi triumphantly, and then quickly disappeared without a trace with the flow of people. Except for the existence of non-human races such as Arda and Bilibili, Leo can still be regarded as Lin Qi's first thug. He is now the commander of the first regiment of the Royal Forbidden Army of the Longshan Empire, and this pure The legion consisting of the dragon knight and the dragon mage is the most powerful standing army under Lin Qi's command.

How long has it been so happy? Lin Qi hugged the cloud, in front of so many people, kissed Yun's lips in countless weird calls and cheers, then laughed and hugged the red-faced cloud, and was also submerged in the crowd. Haven't been so happy for many years? Since the New Year's Ball that year, for many years, the Black Tiger family has never had such a party.

Let’s dance carefree, let’s have a carefree banquet. As for all other worries, let go!

Wearing a straight uniform, Enzo straightened his chest, and he threw all the conspiracy and tricks such as the black spirits and the elves allies out of the sky. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and then picked up a tall girl from the Black Tiger family beside him. The two laughed loudly, and rushed into the crowd just like that.

Vic and Shanwei are like this, all Lin Qi's old brothers laughed like this and disappeared into the crowd.

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