Bright Era

Chapter 2201: New Year (4)

Arda’s lewd laughter came from afar: "Ah, praise the great and kind master, the treatment that matches your status? Hell, you green-skinned dwarf, what do you want? A thousand Goblin? Don't worry, I will find a thousand of the ugliest goblin widows for you. They will surely make you linger, so that you will never forget this wonderful experience in your life!"

Lin Qi stood at the top of a tower from a distance, looking at Arushiman crying and struggling coldly. The two villains, Arda and Bilibili, took over the management of Arushman from Aunt Lily. They seemed to have discovered some novel toy, and happily took Arushman and left with the fastest speed. Up.

Lin Qi coughed softly, and waved the shadow behind the curtain: "Tell Alda and Bilibili, don't play too much! Well, what kind of goblin widows, etc., too disrespectful People! From the daughters and granddaughters of the goblin masters in Abyss World, choose the most beautiful and the highest IQ, and choose three to five hundred people to give to Master Arushman as concubines!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree laughed ‘hehe’ as he waved his rhizome and praised Lin Qi’s wisdom with the greatest enthusiasm. In the words of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the fusion of the best blood and the best blood is very likely to give birth to the best descendants.

The bloodline of the great elder of the Tianjing clan is combined with the best lineage of the great masters of the goblin clan, and their descendants are worth looking forward to. It is very likely that in the future, Lin Qi will have a group of powerful alchemists, pharmacists and grandmasters of Primordial Magic Spell. They may be inferior to the Tianjing clan, but their achievements will definitely far exceed ordinary goblins.

As for the question of Arushman's personal will in this process. . . Lin Qi and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, including Heavenly Mountain, the most righteous and unrestrained mountain on weekdays, everyone instinctively ignored this issue. Whether Arushman is willing or not, it has nothing to do with him, isn't it?

"By all means, I can get the most valuable things from Arushman! Even the fragmentary drawings and alchemy formulas, even the most common magic runes and magic knowledge, do not hesitate to use all means, Dig these things out of his mouth!" Lin Qi said indifferently, "Of course, he can't let him have the kind of thought that he will die together... Is Nebula Devouring Beasts really so powerful?"

Hell once again confirmed the horror of the nebula swallowing beasts, that is really a terrifying creature that feeds on the stars. If Arushman's soul is really tied to the beast eggs of this kind of thing, and it can really hatch at any time, then it is really as powerful as Lin Qi imagined. The gods may still have the opportunity to escape in the realm of the gods, but ordinary humans will definitely become star beast food instantly.

It is hard to imagine what pressure forced Arushman to make such a plan to die together.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Qi coldly snorted: "Strengthen surveillance, don't let Alda play too much with Bilibili. Of course, you can't let Arushiman have a chance to escape. Well, Alda is on a woman. There is a set, let him try to deal with Lan Ling, to see if she can be subdued."

Shrugging her shoulders, Lin Qi smiled: "It's not just Arda, Enzo and the others, even the wine barrel or the fat bear, who can hook up with Lan Ling and let her willingly say everything she knows. It's a great achievement."

It seemed shameless to deal with Lan Ling with beautiful male tactics, but Lin Qi could only do it shamelessly. Because the members of the Tianjing clan have extremely strong defenses, ordinary torture has no effect on them. If they are beaten hard, they are afraid that they will be killed. As for the extraction of souls and memories, the Tianjing people The soul is not so easy to deal with.

From the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the others, Lin Qi learned a lot about these strange special powers from the ancient alien races that had come from the tribulations. Maybe it is the best way to open the gap from Lan Ling. "Anyway, there are all kinds of men around me, handsome men, ugly men, sturdy and mighty men, and the tolerance of various races. I see which one you like."

Yang Tian imagined for a while that Arushman, Lan Ling, and Lan Mei were about to face some unhumane and unkind treatment, Lin Qi suddenly laughed silently. At this moment, he put all the heavy problems of Ashinu, Nightmare, and Sanhua Tianmai all behind, and his mind was immersed in some problems that children only have.

In the next two days, Lin Qi joined the preparations for the New Year banquet. Gold coins and silver coins flowed out of the warehouse like a tide, and various kinds of wine and delicacies piled up in the warehouse. Various circuses, bards, wandering painters, etc., all the strange characters who can add luster to the New Year banquet of the Longshan Empire are all Attracted by the high salary, they gathered in the Longshan Imperial Capital.

Lin Qi and Yun, Princess Qingli, Elysium, plus a ignorant Ai Mo, a few of them put on the most common civilian clothes and haunted the streets and alleys. They are like real civilians, buying the weird goods from all continents, including the saltwater fish-flavored sausages from the eastern mainland Qingli country!

When Princess Qingli saw the sausages with the inscription of Qingli State Customs, she almost couldn't breathe with a smile. What a weird merchant would it take to sell sausages from the Eastern Continent to the Western Continent from her fief? Moreover, the taste of sea fish is so strange, and only the fishermen of Qingli will appreciate the special taste of sausage!

Obviously, the sea merchant who had done this kind of strange thing was on the verge of bankruptcy. When Lin Qi and the others encountered this hapless man, he was sitting in front of the rented shop and weeping. Obviously, this is an Oriental, and it is from Qingli country, a citizen of Princess Qingli. So Lin Qi generously bought all the saltwater fish-flavored sausages at the price fifty times the normal pork sausage.

But after deducting the astronomical general freight, this sea merchant can make a little profit at most after returning to Qingli. It is impossible to make a fortune.

Such a small episode made Lin Qi and his party burst into tears with laughter. Lin Qi looked at Princess Qingli with weird eyes from time to time. He really didn't expect that there were still ‘sincere’ people in Princess Qingli’s fief. In the far eastern continent, if you don’t transport some high-end porcelain, top-quality tea, and top-quality silk with at least two hundred times the income, how can you make money?

Sausage made of sea fish! Lin Qi couldn't hold back his mood anymore, standing on the street and laughing loudly.

Several snowballs exploded on Lin Qi who was laughing loudly, and a group of children ran across the street laughing and playing. Then Lin Qi, who was stunned by the sudden attack by the snow group, suddenly saw a few running children slipping under their feet, screaming and screaming all the way to the open ditch on the roadside. The hapless guy, whose clothes were soaked with snow and sewage, crawled out of the open ditch crying cryingly, and walked home crying all the way.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Lin Qi kept looking at these hapless gangsters who fled in embarrassment. He suddenly remembered the ‘childhood friends’ who were thrown into the gutter on the roadside when he was a child! Of course, those ‘childhood friends’ would not recognize Lin Qi’s self-confessed identity, but such a ‘warm’ past gave Lin Qi a rare sweetness.

There used to be a boyhood of ‘friendship’, ‘green’, ‘flawless’, and ‘pure’! Lin Qi even remembered the first noble girl whose wallet he robbed. Hmm, that little girl who is as fat as a pig, is she called Mary or Ma Gan?

Stroking the chin with a beard and scum, Lin Qi smirked smirkly. Well, it doesn't matter if she is called Mary or Poke, but her brother must be called David, and of course, maybe Tim? Anyway, Lin Qi broke his nose, found the last copper on his body, and threw him into the gutter.

"It will be a very lively banquet!" Lin Qi looked at all the people walking towards the palace like flowing water, and suddenly grinned: "Very lively palace banquet! Well, the Black Tiger family hasn't had it for many years. It's been so lively! I really hope that those old neighbors back then can come to my palace banquet!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi leaned into Yun's ear and chuckled in a low voice. So Yun also stroked his belly and laughed.

Lin Qi mentioned that at the Black Tiger family banquet, he "accidentally" put a certain proud lady into the fireplace, and then let the proud and defiant lady drag her. Walking through the entire lobby with a burning skirt and howling ghosts and wolves jumping into the wonderful scene of the fountain in winter!

Oh oh, it’s definitely a stupid idea to jump into the pool in the northern waters of the mainland in Dun'erker in the winter—because the fountain was frozen, and the hapless lady fainted. past.

Just when Lin Qi and Yun were standing in the center of the street, laughing loudly like crazy people, Lin Feiqian was looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in a private room on the top floor of a luxury hotel on the side of the road. "Laugh, laugh, while you can still laugh! Smile, laugh! Lin Qi, you are very proud, of course, you should be proud! Quake! Quake!"

Lin Bule and Lin Lele stood behind Lin Feiqian, they also looked at Lin Qi with cold eyes.

A tall, sturdy, handsome bald youth wearing a set of Gaul Empire military uniforms, holding a ceremonial sword that can only be used by senior Gaul army officers in both hands, stood beside Lin Feiqian with a bright smile.

"My father, this is Lin Qi... cousin? The few women around him are pretty good. When I kill him, these women are mine."

Lin Feiqian turned his head and glanced at the bald young man. He slowly nodded: "Kill Lin Qi, the entire Longshan Empire belongs to you, let alone his women? It's just that you can touch those women of Eastern descent. You can't touch that silver-haired girl who is obviously of Western blood!"

The bald young man tilted his head and was silent for a while, then he smiled triumphantly: "Touch once, then kill."

Lin Lele laughed aloud on the sidelines, but Lin Bule glanced at her brother with a cold look.

She hated this elder brother who was hidden to death by Lin Feiqian and was unknown to outsiders. She really hated him very, very much.

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