Bright Era

Chapter 2187: ‘Tianjing’ (1)

In the realm of divine power where Alsino and Nightmare are intertwined, a black cloud of sun covers all fields. In a dimensional space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the Alsino, who is hundreds of miles tall, holds various weapons and brings countless streams of light and The black light arrows shot down from the sky collided. The cold and evil energy and the same cold and killing aura violently collided. Two alien races who also inherited the negative energy, but were not like creatures, were doing their best to fight each other.

Suddenly a weird wave whistling came, and the huge divine power field trembled violently. Nightmare's body suddenly shook, he screamed, and the body floating high in the air turned into a strong light. Rip the area of ​​supernatural power and escape. Alsino saw this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a big mouth suddenly opened, and a twisted iron chain shot out, piercing Yanzong's body fiercely.

Nightmare's body suddenly solidified, turning into a black fire ball with a diameter of thousands of miles, suspended in the air, unable to move. Alsino smiled triumphantly: "Don't think about running away! Nightmare, I am here today to kill you!" With a proud whistling sound, the Alsino wielded weapons and approached the body of Nightmare, countless Dao Hanguang went straight down with a stern cracking sound.

Nightmare, who had no intention of defending, trembled. His huge body was pierced by dozens of transparent holes. The dark flames rushed out, and he let out a miserable howl, and then a little red spirit came from the core of his body. Bursting out, a sticky black-red flame suddenly swept the entire divine power domain.

The Arsino who was too close also let out a miserable cry, and the overwhelming black and red flames hit him continuously, tearing his armor, burning his flesh, and infiltrating his body, burning him. The internal organs. The Arsino roared hoarsely, and suddenly a dark spear was added to the two empty arms, and then he slammed into the body of Nightmare.

This spear was shrouded in black thunder, and the sound of terrifying thunder continued from within the spear. The black electric current poured into Nightmare's body like a crazy poisonous python, and at the same time, it bombarded Alsino's hands with flesh and blood, and the pain made Alsino scream and scream continuously. This is a powerful weapon, a terrorist weapon beyond the control of the Arabs.

"Idiot!" Yanzong's body trembled violently. He was like a shriveled orange, and his body shrank suddenly. Nightmare had all the thoughts of death at this time. He managed to repair the wounds in the Primordial God War, and his strength has been further improved. When he was about to lead the gods of the Tianmiao to a great cause, he unexpectedly Was seriously injured!

And the thunder in this weird black spear directly hit his source, causing his injury to return to the state it was three thousand years ago in the blink of an eye. But you must know, in the past three thousand years, how many souls of believers have been devoured by Nightmare and how many believers have devoured the power of faith? Nightmare wailed in pain. This is not just physical pain, but heartache!

"Arsino, you and I will never die!" Nightmare was so angry that he vomited blood, but his body was a beam of light, and he had no blood to vomit. His body rolled violently, and a dazzling red long sword was like a mighty torrent of magma, with countless golden red sparks shooting out from his body. Once these thumb-sized sparks fly out, they will explode immediately, and the explosive power of each spark is comparable to the full blow of an upper and lower god.

Undoubtedly, this is also an extremely high-grade weapon-unlike the weapons collected by Nightmare on the battlefield of the Primordial God War, those spirit gods and other gods of the gods are different from the weapons of the **** master level leaders. This red The Excalibur comes from Nightmare's uncle, his direct uncle. Therefore, with the help of his uncle, Nightmare easily controlled this divine sword, and he was able to exert his power of two to thirty percent.

Two to thirty percent of the power is terrifying enough. The Ashinu looks at the divine sword that is cut down to the face like a ghost. The red sword light that is 100 meters wide and stretches for dozens of miles is like a waterfall splashing. The body was shrouded in strong red light. Ashinu let out a miserable howl, and at least 800 of his thousands of arms were smashed by a sword, and half of his body was turned into a ball of coke in the strong light.

The terrified Alsino hurriedly retreated, but he left the black spear in Nightmare's body. As he retreated, while chanting a weird magic spell, the black spear flashed suddenly and exploded rapidly. The black electric light penetrated Yan Yan's body, bursting into Yan Yan's body with bursts of light splashing, making Yan Yan wailing and wailing, and his injuries suddenly became much heavier.

‘Jie Jie’ laughed strangely, and the Ashinu recalled the spear with a wave of his hand, and then drew away from the realm of divine power. The mighty tens of millions of followers of the Miras religion have rushed to the vicinity of the Tianmiao sacred mountain with the help of occult technique. The hundred-li-high Alinu turned his head and glanced at those believers, and then with one move, there were hundreds. Wan believers floated and flew up.

"Today, I will give you the supreme glory!" Ashinu pretended to growl with a very clever saying, and then swallowed the millions of believers in one mouthful. The flesh and blood of the believers circulated wildly in the body of the Ashinu, and the arm of the Ashinu that was cut off by the divine sword quickly emerged, and his body that had been burnt to coke quickly returned to normal. His shocked soul source was quickly healed under the nourishment of the souls of millions of believers, and his injury recovered in the blink of an eye.

Bringing so many believers, the Arabs did not intend to let them join the war! The only use of these believers is to serve as sacrifices, to be sacrificed to the Ashinu and to swallow them, as a perfect pill to repair their injuries immediately. After swallowing millions of believers, Arsino swallowed a few bottles of the secret god-level potions of the Secret Demon Clan, and his aura immediately returned to its peak state.

The remaining believers saw millions of believers being swallowed by the Arsinos, and they immediately trembled with envy and jealousy. Millions of believers were taken to the kingdom of God to enjoy the boundless blessings by the great Al-Sinu King. This is the glory of heaven and the supreme glory. All the believers suddenly knelt to the ground, reciting prayers against the gods of the Miras religion. The huge and pure power of faith turned into a torrent of black and gold visible to the naked eye, and they poured into the fighting. The body of the Secret Demon family of the gods.

With a dull and painful cry, Nightmare watched Alsino using such an evil and extreme method to restore his vitality on the spot, and he suddenly roared with anger. He looked up to the sky and screamed, and huge spiritual fluctuations swept across the entire Tianmiao sacred mountain. Suddenly, in the endless palaces, pavilions, temples and Taoist temples, countless Tianmiao clergymen knelt to the ground, and also recited the offerings to the gods. Text.

Compared with the believers of the Mila Sect, the power of faith rushed up to the sky, and the power of faith of bright gold condensed into a lot of golden lotus and a brilliant golden torrent. Nightmare's body shot into this golden torrent, devouring the pure and powerful power of faith to his heart's content, and his injuries are rapidly recovering.

Unlike the Argentine, the nightmare without the body only needs the power of faith and the power of soul. His demand for flesh and blood is almost zero. Therefore, believers in Tianmiao are lucky. Even if they are harvested as crops by their own gods, at least they often still have a whole body left behind. Those immortal bodies can often be regarded as miraculous relics for countless believers to worship and visit.

Alsino looked at the nightmare who had escaped into the long river of faith, he suddenly smiled and waved the black spear, letting the thunder light explode his arms to scorch, desperately facing the nightmare. Zeng rushed over: "Nanyan, the eight-faced **** King Nightmare! Don't hide behind like a lady and fight me to the death! You are the king of the gods of the temple, don't you even have the courage to fight? "

Nightmare's heart is as uncomfortable as deep-fried, of course, only if he has a heart. But his mood is really anxious to the extreme-his secret vault has been broken into! The question is who broke into his secret vault? According to the information returned by the magic circle in the secret storehouse, the person who dared to break into his secret storehouse has aura that is clearly not the **** of his temple!

How could a foreign **** know where his secret vault is? But if it is said that the gods of the Tianmiao are invaders, that makes no sense! Only I know the location of my secret library. How did those people break in? Nightmare knew what was in that secret cave. There were almost all the secret treasures of the Spirits and Gods stored there, and there were even a few key things related to the inheritance of the Spirits and Gods!

Never let people get involved with these secret treasures! Nightmare roared in a low voice. He looked at the Arsino who was rushing towards him, and suddenly his body shook and turned into a hundred-mile-long black light stream and rushed towards his secret library. A swarm of clear springs sprinkled from the sky, and the Sanhua Tiannu, who was stepping on pink lotus flowers, stopped in front of the Arsino with a smile.

She coquettishly threw a wink at Ashinu, and Sanhua Tiannyu smiled and said: "Holy King Ashinu, Majesty Nightmare has important things to deal with. How about you and me first for a few rounds? Hehe, His Majesty the Holy King is so strong and robust, it makes my heart itch."

Ashinu snorted coldly, and the black spear carried a thunder light and pierced towards the Sanhua Tiannv. Sanhua Tiannv's face was slightly cold, she quickly turned her head and glanced at the nightmare who ran to the secret library in embarrassment, and then gently waved her hands, and a group of colorful light enveloped her and the Alsino. Arsino’s blow hit the figure of Sanhua Tiannv, but it exploded into countless thin flames. The body of Sanhua Tiannv appeared behind Ashinu, and then she smiled softly. stand up.

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