Bright Era

Chapter 2164: Secret Demon Killing (1)

With a clean blow, Lin Qi was very satisfied with the result of his easy blow. Aton, a high-level peak god, and members of the clan of the horned barbarian gods, they are known for their outrageously powerful bodies and abnormal powers. In the camp of the gods, this group of gods that Aton belongs to is far more powerful than the beast gods worshipped by the orcs.

Different from the body structure of ordinary creatures, Aton's bones, muscles and muscles contain a lot of metal components. They feed on metal ores, and the high-level clansmen directly swallow all kinds of magic metals, and molten metal solution flows in their blood vessels. One can imagine how powerful their bodies are, their bodies themselves are a powerful artifact.

But in the face of Lin Qi's mixed attack of dual elements, Aton's body was easily disintegrated like broken glass. The earth element heavily blasted into Aton's body, and then the fire element exploded directly inside Aton's body. If it were simply an attack from the earth element or the fire element, it would be impossible to kill Aton with the power that Lin Qi used just now.

The simple earth element would only cause a blow to Aton like a fracture, and at most would break a transparent hole in his chest. The pure fire element can only burn on the outer surface of his body, and may be able to blow him up, but it is impossible to blow his body to pieces. The combination of the two elements was the result of a perfect internal explosion. Aton was killed by Lin Qi with a single blow.

With two sounds of ‘dong dong’, Aton’s two thighs were sprayed with hot, bright silver blood and fell heavily on the ground. His thighs were extremely heavy, and as soon as he landed on the ground, he quickly tore the ground to face the ground. Compared to Aton's thighs, if the density of his legs is rock, the ground is water waves.

Two big pits appeared on the ground, and they became deeper and deeper. If nothing happens, Aton's thigh will fall directly into the center of the earth and be swallowed by endless lava in the center of the earth. The surrounding soil and rock layers collapsed into the big pit, blocking the two deep holes.

Qing Yao stiffened with fright, she looked at Lin Qi in horror, shaking violently at a loss. She didn't care about Aton's life or death, it was just a thug hired by her with a top-grade artifact. What she was worried about was her own life, she didn't know how Lin Qi would deal with her. Among the maids and guards around her, there were only a few lower servants of the Spirit and God clan. These people were more than enough to intimidate believers in the temple, but they were used to deal with Lin Qi, that was a joke.

Arda shook his head and glanced down at the ground that was constantly collapsing. He whistled frivolously, and laughed loudly: "Ah! This guy is so heavy? Well, it doesn't matter, is it, dear lady, can I know your name?"

With a flicker, Arda rushed to the Qing Yao's side in a fascinating manner, with a hand already on the shoulder of the Qing Yao. The Blue Demon screamed hoarsely, and she almost fainted when she was shaking all over with fright. Several groups of dark red halos rushed out of the metal castle, the concentration of metal elements in the air suddenly skyrocketed, and a cold silver long sword suddenly condensed and pierced Arda's neck with a sword.

This is the most common attack method of the spirits and gods. They have no entities. They are just a cloud of light, a cloud of fog, a black shadow, or something. They are life forms condensed by the laws of various elements, and magic elements are the same as bodies for them. Therefore, the spirits of the spirits are extremely fast, and when attacking, they like to directly use magic elements to form weapons of various colors to chop enemies.

Arda grabbed the body of the blue demon and blocked it to the long sword. A deep curse came from a halo, the long sword suddenly dissipated, and then one suddenly appeared behind Arda. The thin cone of ice pierced his back heart as fast as lightning.

Before Alda dropped the Blue Demon behind him again, a very thin electric light shot down abruptly on his head, Alda couldn't dodge, and his body was blown up by the lightning. Alda screamed with electric sparks flashing all over his body. A pair of fleshy wings appeared abruptly behind him. With a fierce wave of the huge wings, he and Qing Yao's body moved aside dozens of them in embarrassment. Meters away.

The thin cone of ice rubbed Alda’s shoulder and pierced it. A layer of his skin was torn apart by the cone. The biting cold made Alda shiver. A thin layer of skin quickly formed on his skin. Borneol. Alda was so scared that his hair stood upright, and he screamed in anger, "These weird guys, their strength is very weak, but their attacks are very powerful, you must be careful!"

Lin Qi snorted coldly. Suddenly there were waves of waves rippling around him. In the blink of an eye, the time within a hundred miles suddenly slowed to the extreme, and the time was almost frozen. Those groups of dark red halos suddenly froze, but the time flow around them was rapidly increasing, and a breath of death came upon their faces. This is Lin Qi's attack by fusing time and the law of death. Lin Qi himself calls this "death ripple".

Several groups of halos trembled rapidly, they scurried in the air like headless flies, but their flying speed was getting slower and slower. In half a quarter of an hour, these halos dissipated silently, turning into a torrent of pure elements and dispersed into the air. The life of the spirits and gods is long. Even the newly-born tribesmen have a natural life span of more than 100 million years without any improvement in their strength, and those powerful tribes have a nearly endless lifespan.

But the people of these spirits and gods lost all their lifespan in just half an hour, and they'naturally died of old age'.

"Very wonderful life!" Lin Qi squinted his eyes: "If we can capture them alive and wipe out their wits, they should be good raw materials for artifacts, right? If we can capture a large number of people from the spirits and gods , And then inject them into the embryo of the artifact, isn't it possible to make a large number of artifacts?"

"Exactly right!" Penglai Island laughed'hehe': "In the war, we did just that! We once encircled and annihilated more than 1.5 million people from the twelve legions of the Spirit and God clan, and then After their self-consciousness was wiped out, they collectively forged 1.5 million imperial and imperial commanders."

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered, and then he waved his hand and patted the floating castle. Tens of thousands of panic-stricken Tianmiao believers in the castle were stunned by the palm of his hand. Then Lin Qi waved his sleeves and a black light shot out. Hell opened up the dimensional world inside him, and made this metal The castle was sucked in with the tens of thousands of people inside.

Arda had hugged the Azure Demon tightly, sniffing the scent of her body like a hungry dog ​​on her sideburns. The blue demon was about to collapse with fright, she screamed happily, the hysterical screams were like 10,000 ducks being hung upside down, and the sharp neighing sound made Lin Qi frown.

"My husband is Nightmare! I am the first saint of the temple! You can't hurt me! Do you dare to move one of my hair..."

With a ‘chuck’, Bilibili had rushed to Qing Yao’s side, and cut half of her long hair with a knife. The body of the blue demon suddenly stiffened, and then an unpleasant scent came. The first saint of the dignified Tianmiao, the blue demon saint who has a higher status than the many hosts, venerables, and kings of the temple, actually Was scared and incontinent.

"Wow!" Arda threw the Azure Demon out, frowning and cursing. Even if it's a devil, he only likes big beauties who smell all over his body. Arda can't bear this kind of beauty who smells like urine.

Lin Qi glanced at Arda and shook his head helplessly: "Take her away from here. The woman of Nightmare! Okay, that's a bit of a bargaining chip! I just don't know how much Nightmare is willing to pay for her, anyway. , Surely there is no such thing as Nightmare stinging. It's just that for the sake of her own face, Nightmare is willing to pay for her some gold coins, right?"

Lin Qi was also a bit speechless for this Blue Demon Saint who didn't know that the sky was high and the earth had brought a district high-ranking **** to sniper herself. Lin Qi really didn't know what she thought, she didn't know her true strength at all, so she dared to intercept it halfway in a grand manner?

This kind of trouble, which is not troublesome, is really helpless to Lin Qi, because he knows that he can't squeeze too much oil from the blue demon. She is just a woman of Nightmare, not an old lady of Nightmare. Nightmare will value her son, Nightmare, but for a protoss leader such as Nightmare, the blue demon may be just a tool for him, but it is optional. That’s all.

"There really won't be too much oil and water!" Lin Qi smiled helplessly. Looking in the direction of the God Mountain of Tianmiao, Lin Qi waved his hand: "Leave here at full speed. This is the site of Tianmiao. A high-ranking **** died. They should have reacted."

Arda frowned and grabbed Qing Yao by the collar, and flew helplessly with her. The green demon looked at Arda pitifully, crying and wailing: "Let me go, I can give you all the artifacts and other treasures on my body! My husband is the eight-faced **** Wang Yandeng, you dare to hurt me, you I will definitely be put to death!"

Smelling the peculiar smell on the blue demon, Alda cursed a few words in an angry manner. He slapped the Qing Yao fiercely, and then cursed angrily: "Stupid woman, how dare you bring such a weak idiot to attack our great and wise master, and the great and terrifying master who is the most loyal Gorgeous, most powerful servant me! For your stupidity, I have no interest in eating your soul!"

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