Bright Era

Chapter 2131: Wonderful Flower (1)

"Headache! Are you really sixteen years old?" Lin Qi had a headache and looked helplessly as he stood beside him. There was no trace of impurities in his eyes. He carefully pulled his sleeves, lest the little girl would get lost. With a pair of silver hair and a pair of delicate silver eyes, the little girl in a white dress looks like a delicate lily, which will shatter her with a single touch.

Hearing Lin Qi's question, the little girl hurriedly nodded obediently, and then grasped Lin Qi's sleeve with a little hand harder.

An hour ago, the **** of destiny, Therum, forced Lin Qi to his temple of destiny and introduced his wife, the goddess of destiny, to Lin Qi. Unlike other temples that are tall, magnificent, magnificent, and magnificent, the Destiny Temple is very low-key, very low-key, and the small dark golden temple reveals a dark and depressive atmosphere from the inside out.

There are no overly complicated decorative patterns on the surface of the temple, and there are not many servants and maids in the temple. The goddess of fate picked tea on the spot by herself, baked it on the spot and cooked it with clean mountain spring water and gave it to Lin Qi. It must be admitted that the craftsmanship of the goddess of fate is good, and the tea she makes is refreshing and delicious.

Therum babbled and explained to Lin Qi what the Destiny God System did in the Primordial God War. In the Primordial God War, there were many powerful gods fighting around under the guise of the Destiny God System. But the gods of the so-called destiny gods are mostly from the elves and spirit gods.

In the elves family, there are also very few powerful elves who are born with certain predictive abilities, so they also call themselves the gods of destiny, but generally speaking, the gods call them prophetic elves. The gods of destiny recognized by the gods are only Trum and his wife.

In the Primordial War, the Fate Legion commanded by Trum and his wife is also a strange flower in the camp of the gods. Every time, they can just rush to the scene at the end of the battle. When encountering danger, they can always get away from the battlefield in time before all the colleagues in the army retreat.

The last one arrived, the first one to retreat, and never had any frontal contact with the human army, just like a mud loach in the oil without leaving his hands. In the Primordial War of the Ancients, the Destiny Legion led by Trum created a miracle that caused all the gods to vomit blood. The huge total casualties of the Destiny Legion were less than three digits, and the human soldiers they killed probably even one. Nothing!

"To be precise, my destiny legion only slightly injured a few hapless little humans!" Holding a cup of tea, in Lin Qi's horrified eyes, Trum calmly mixed salt into the tea. , Mutton oil, lemon slices and a few fine spices, the tea water with the fragrance of the fragrance becomes a thick thick soup.

Taking a sip of the tea soup in the tea cup, Terom said leisurely: "I still remember what my great-grandfather said to me secretly before going on the expedition-stay on the sidelines and see you later! This What a philosophical proverb, I have always taken this sentence as a motto, so my destiny legion is also called the most merciful legion."

The voice of the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse rumbled, and he muttered in a low voice: "What this guy said is true, his fate legion, how to say, their talents and supernatural powers are still very powerful, and their ability to predict and predict Strong, I once mobilized twenty times the heavy soldiers, and I couldn't encircle his army. Moreover, his fate regiment often secretly rescued the wounded soldiers left by us on the battlefield!"

Lin Qi took a sip of the tea, then frowned as he watched Trum drank a cup of thick tea soup cleanly. Satisfied with a long sigh of relief, Trum looked at Lin Qi triumphantly: "Try it? This is the general I saved a human camp. He taught me an ancient way of drinking tea for humans. Very special flavor, very special!"

Lin Qi shook his head hurriedly, his tea is tea, and he doesn't want to pour a thick soup into his stomach every day.

He shook his head helplessly, and Trum lightly scratched his head: "Well, sometimes you have to have the courage to try new things, Majesty Lin Qi! Well, although I don't know what's going on, I don't have a hunch. It will be wrong. Only by staying with you can we survive safely in the future. Well, absolutely not wrong, we have used the artifact of destiny, and the result will still be this."

Frowning at Lin Qi, Trum and Goddess of Destiny looked at Lin Qi for a while, and then shook their heads at the same time. They couldn’t see Lin Qi’s destiny trajectory. A thick black mist shrouded Lin Qi’s golden line of fate. Even Trum and the goddess of fate had used the spindle of fate to predict Lin Qi’s hundreds of times. The past and the future, but Lin Qi's past and future are shrouded in black mist.

It's just that where the golden lines of fate with their family of three intersect each other, occasionally there will be a little dazzling golden light. From the little golden light that leaked, Terum and the goddess of fate saw the piles of corpses of gods, saw a noble **** falling from the clouds, and saw the dark golden blood pierced through the earth and ocean, boiling the sky, I saw countless gods being chained together like slaves by long chains, letting some weird creatures wantonly beat and abuse them.

Among the deities who were abused, they also saw some familiar faces. For example, they saw that the goddess of pleasure was like a slut-of course, Trum and the goddess of fate thought she was a total slut.

However, the goddess of pleasure always shows a high, icy, sacred and inviolable face in front of people. Only in places where no one is, and where outsiders can’t see, her deep coquettish taste will radiate. Come out, let some powerful and powerful gods enjoy it at will.

In the scene that flashed quickly, they saw the goddess of joy with a flattering smile, lying in front of a few figures like a dog wandering, making all kinds of unsightly ugly gestures to please them. A figure whose face cannot be seen clearly. But the pleasure of the goddess of pleasure obviously failed. A figure relentlessly drew out the long sword and chopped off her head.

The bodies of those figures are still filled with thick black fog, which is the black fog that Trum and the goddess of fate cannot see through. They cannot know the identities of these figures, nor whether they are humans or gods. , Or other more terrifying creatures.

It was an extremely terrifying future. It was a scene like the end of the day. The gods were knocked down from the upper seat of God, and they were reduced to being no different from slaves. Such a horrible scene made Therum and the goddess of fate instinctively think of the dark ages. They heard from their elders the terrible and cruel things that had happened.

The once powerful humans conquered most of the known universe with a negligible number of people, and countless powerful races were conquered by them and became their slaves. Any race that dared to resist was killed, the original laws in their bloodlines were forcibly extracted, and those human powerhouses made all kinds of strange and powerful weapons.

In that dark age, human will dominates the life and death of all people. Humans are the only masters, and other races are their slaves, letting them live and kill. Therum and the Goddess of Fate did not even dare to recall the terrible scenes that their elders described to them, because they were too unbearable and too cruel.

Under the cruel rule of mankind, the Azer clan lived a miserable life, and only the destiny clan members, because of their peculiar predictive ability, have been favored by human powers. The so-called favor is that if there are female members of the destiny family, once it is determined that they have the ability to predict, they will immediately become the concubines of a certain human power, and they will continue to nurture his descendants with the ability to predict.

The so-called preferential treatment and favor are nothing more than tools for reproducing offspring with strange abilities. But it was precisely because of this that the Axul people of the destiny line, they still lived relatively moisturized in such a dark age, and did not receive any harshness. Compared to other members of the Azhul clan who were killed at will, they were living in heaven.

The future seen from the Spindle of Destiny is connected with the dark history they have heard of. The strange couple in the camp of the gods, Trum and the Goddess of Destiny, immediately began to rack their brains to ponder various countermeasures. . Perhaps this is the peculiar habit of those who have the ability to predict, they are sensitive and careful, every step is thoughtful, and every decision is so careful and careful.

After countless predictions, the result of Trum and the goddess of fate is that only Lin Qi can help them escape from the unpredictable future. Only by staying with Lin Qi can they get rid of that danger and avoid the likeness of themselves. The pig dog glanced at the fate of being slaughtered.

They used to predict several other main gods, including the **** of dawn, the **** of punishment, the **** of soul, etc., but the final result was not very good. Only the fate of the goddess of war Mu Wei in the future is a bit confusing, and there is still a trace of uncertainty worth considering, but other gods, their results are not much better, they die, they are imprisoned, and they are imprisoned. It ended badly.

That's why Therum violated his usual cautious behavior style, and directly approached Lin Qi, forcibly pulling Lin Qi to the Temple of Destiny. The goddess of destiny personally cooked tea to serve the guests, and then Terom told Lin Qi about his couple's two pairs of battles and all their attitudes towards the future.

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