Bright Era

Chapter 2124: Entanglement (4)

Silently bowed to Sha Hegui, Lin Qi took out the Tu Jun Axe and the Bloody Tiger Soul Armor, and directly let them swallow these artifacts. For Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, the grade of these artifacts is too high, and it is very dangerous for indigestion to swallow them directly. However, under the support of Lin Qi's huge source of strength, they still completed this difficult task firmly.

After Lin Qi finished the Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, Sha Hegui waved the purple jade Ruyi in his hand, and the surrounding void returned to normal again. It is still the green mountains and green waters, and the fragrance of birds and flowers. Several glamorous women were smiling and bringing a pot of fragrant tea, coquettishly and infinitely embraced Sha Hegui's shoulders to act coquettishly.

The female war gods still looked at this side vigilantly. Just now, Lin Qi and Sha Hegui exchanged for at least an hour, but in the outside world, it seems that everything has just passed a few seconds. There was a fault here in time, and only Lin Qi, who had combined the profound meaning of the God of Seasons The Law of Time, could barely perceive an abrupt and rapid change in time.

A period of time was stretched, a period of time was cut off, and then time segments were interspersed and compensated bizarrely.

All this is so profound and so wonderful, even Mudra in the stone house has not noticed the abnormality here. Obviously, this is what Shahegui has been able to tie with Mudra for so many years. A royal-level weapon has too many magical features, and Shahegui, who has mastered Ziyu Ruyi, is the master of this small world.

Lin Qi sat on the ground, looking up at the sky boredly, watching the red sun and the clear moon changing positions back and forth. The scenery of this small world is extremely magical and magnificent, and every day there will be distinct seasonal changes. Lin Qi saw an old pear tree in the manor. From flowering to fruiting to maturity, it only took a day.

So every day in this small world, there are fresh fruits to enjoy and fresh fragrant tea to be served. Even outside the manor, a piece of farmland with a radius of 100 acres has been opened up, and fresh rice and other vegetables are available for people to enjoy every day.

This is the magical effect of the small world created by the Royal King's armed forces. As long as there is enough energy, the laws of this small world can evolve according to their will, and all kinds of incredible wonders appear. The effect they can achieve with the Royal King-level weapons is nothing more than this-compared to a metaworld combat unit like Hell, the Royal King-level weapons are nothing.

The Metaverse has surpassed the existence of the imperial emperor class, and they also surpassed the armament of the emperor class in hell. Hell, Heaven Mountain, they have truly evolved their own world, their own laws, they can create an existence comparable to the imperial emperor, and the power they possess is truly terrifying.

Day by day passed, and after twelve days had passed, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded in the stone house. Mu Wei was wearing Mudela's black and red armor, holding a heavy anomalous shield and a long sword burning with black and red flames and strode out. Mu Wei’s breath is much stronger than that of twelve days ago. Lin Qi even felt that Mu Wei’s breath made him a little scared. Obviously, in these twelve days, Mudra gave Mu Wei too much. Many benefits.

Not only Mu Wei, but even Hu Xinzhu's breath became so terrifying. Lin Qi could clearly feel that Hu Xinzhu contained a scorching violent force like the sun, once it broke out, it would exude destructive power. This power is slowly merging with Hu Xinzhu's origin. Obviously, Mudra has given part of his origin power to Hu Xinzhu!

Now Hu Xinzhu has risen from the upper **** level to the lower main **** level combat power, but he has just begun to absorb this group of original power. No one can tell what level Hu Xinzhu can rise to after he has completely absorbed the power of this source. Upper Lord God? The pinnacle of the main god? or. . . Or simply promoted to the master level?

The three-star imperial general corresponds to the strength of the upper god, and the four-star imperial general is comparable to the peak god, so the five-star imperial general can have the power to fight against the lower god. Lin Qi is really curious, how much did Mudela give Hu Xinzhu his original power?

"Sure enough, Xiao Bailian eats soft rice. This is the fastest way to get money!" Looking at the radiant Hu Xinzhu, Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. This kind of opportunity is not envious. Who can let Lin Qi not have a silly girl goddess like Mu Wei to use?

Shahegui suddenly laughed ‘hehe’: "Mudra, you gave your niece a complete set of weapons, and you have lost so much of your original power. Are you not afraid of being killed by me?"

Wearing a tight inner armor, Mudla looked at Shahegui with his head raised, and sneered confidently and arrogantly: "Old fox, you know you are not my opponent! Even if Mu Wei takes away my artifact, I will give They donated a small portion of the original strength, but I still maintain 80% of the strength, and I can still crush you!"

Mudela, who was full of confidence, didn't regard Shahegui as a thing. If it weren't for the small world built by the king-level armed forces, it would be impossible for Shahegui to trap him. After he spoke to Sha Hegui fiercely, he didn't bother to pay attention to Sha Hegui anymore. Gently tapping Mu Wei's shoulder, Mudla said solemnly: "All the clansmen are handed over to you, Mu Wei. Find the murderer who killed your brother and kill him!"

With a cold snort, Mudla slammed a fist on Hu Xinzhu's shoulder. He stared at Hu Xinzhu with unkind eyes, gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "As for you, Xiaobailian, I hate Xiaobaiface the most! After leaving the brightest little flower in our family, then you must treat her well! Coax her, protect her, guard her carefully. If you let Mu Wei break a hair, wait for me to get from this ghost place I will not let you go after I leave!"

Hu Xinzhu nodded and said yes in fear. He vowed to Mudela that he would never let anyone hurt Mu Wei. Whoever dared to touch Mu Wei's hair, Hu Xinzhu would go all out and fight that person!

Sha Hegui laughed coldly: "This kid, is your niece-in-law? Hey, if I had known this, I wouldn't give him that ring! Mudra, your luck is good!"

Neither Mudla nor Mu Wei took to heart the ring that Sha Hegui threw to Hu Xinzhu. Hearing Sha Hegui's sour words, Mudela couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and the laughter was full of pride. Mu Wei also looked at Hu Xinzhu affectionately, without thinking about why Sha Hegui would give him a ring when he saw Hu Xinzhu's face!

Anyway, Mu Wei also checked the ring, which was an ordinary artifact-level spatial ring, which contained a few broken artifacts and some sacred crystal stones, which was not very valuable.

After a few laughs, Mudela shook his fist at Shahegui: "Old fox, I felt Mu Wei's breath, so I pulled them in. Now send them out, otherwise, I Just let Mu Wei help me and tear down your yard! Hahaha, you can deal with me at most. Can anyone around you deal with Mu Wei?"

Shahegui sighed with a sad face. He took a deep look at Mu Wei and Hu Xinzhu, and then slowly nodded: "Really, Mudra, you mindless boar, this time It was calculated by you! Hey, the one who pulled in is actually your niece? Really..."

Amid Mudela's wild laughter, the purple jade Ruyi in Sha Hegui's hand flicked slightly, and white mists rose on the ground, quickly enveloping the bodies of Lin Qi and others. Lin Qi and their bodies sank again. Under the crushing force of the huge space, Lin Qi and the others felt the sky and the earth turn again. When they woke up, they were already standing on a piece of green grass.

When they were involved in that small world, Lin Qi and the others were in the barren mountains near Kuquan Station. But when they reappeared, they had been sent to the junction of the Eastern Great Plains of the Western Continent and the Continental Bridge. At this moment, the sun is shining, and there is no cloud in the sky. Today's weather is very good, and you can faintly see round gray-white stars in the sky at a high point.

Mu Wei gently stroked the **** armor on her body. She turned around and glanced towards the east, and said very solemnly: "For the benefit of the God of War, my uncle paid too much! One day, I will Uncle rescued from that **** place."

Hu Xinzhu gently hugged Mu Wei, and he said affectionately: "Yes, sooner or later, we will rescue this respectable elder from that damned place! Of course, before that, we must first Get rid of all the gods who are unpredictable!"

Hu Xinzhu was right, to get rid of all unpredictable gods.

But in the ears of Mu Wei and those goddess of war, these words have become to kill all the **** who oppose the gods of the temple of war!

So Mu Wei nodded earnestly, she firmly hugged Hu Xinzhu's shoulder, and said word by word: "So, where should we start? Because of Thor's Hammer, the gods have temporarily ceased war. ,What should we do?"

Hu Xinzhu glanced at Lin Qi. Lin Qi squinted and said faintly: "Those stupid guys, they were afraid of the power of Thor's Hammer, so they stopped the war! But we are the proud God of War, and the battle has been integrated into our blood. And the soul. They truce, we won't!"

Shaking his fist vigorously, Lin Qi proudly said: "The army of the Longshan Empire will launch with all its strength, and we will launch an active attack on the army of those unpredictable gods! Our target is the Eastern Subcontinent of the Mirra Church!"

After swaying the Nightmare Sting, who was unconscious by his neck, Lin Qi laughed: "If Nightmare wants to change his son back, he mobilizes the army of the Tianmiao and joins us in attacking the Milo Cult. Come on! Otherwise, we will tear up the ticket!"

Mu Wei looked at Lin Qi in admiration, this battle plan was simply perfect!

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