Bright Era

Chapter 2116: Mu Wei's small plan (4)

Nightmare Shadow Mudra, one of the chief leaders of the Azer protoss. His strength is extremely strong, and his killing is shrouded in the enemy's head like a nightmare, so he has gained the reputation of Nightmare Shadow. His strength is also the top category among the gods, and should have reached the level of the upper gods, and may even have the strength of the peak of the gods.

But the human beings in the Primordial God War are like the nightmare of the gods. Although they are beaten steadily and retreated, there will always be that kind of comet-like genius suddenly emerge, and then the first battle will cause extremely terrible losses to the gods. Mudela disappeared at the same time as that person was in a confrontation with an abrupt and budding human power.

Mu Wei only knows the approximate location of Mudela's disappearance, and after so many years, the landforms and the ancient gods have changed greatly. At least in the so-called era of great destruction after the Primordial Gods War, earthquakes and violent erupting volcanoes were everywhere, and various natural disasters destroyed the terrain of various continents.

The place where Mudra disappeared should be in the desert at the extreme east of the current Continental Bridge. But even Mu Wei couldn't confirm the specific location. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions may have brought Mudra's possible fall to thousands of miles away. So Mu Wei came to Lin Qi, hoping that Lin Qi would dispatch a group of people to help her search that area inch by inch.

"Mudra, it's my uncle, an idiot with a simpler mind than Mudel!" Shrugging her shoulders, Mu Wei sighed helplessly: "But several pieces of equipment on his body are very powerful. Because of Mudla’s simple mind, a certain big man personally cast those pieces of equipment and gave him. If I can get those pieces of armor, my combat power should be more than ten times stronger than the gods of dawn."

"Armed", Lin Qi noticed that Mu Wei finally replaced the aforementioned "equipment" with the word "armed"!

In the language of the gods, the word'armed' is very weird. He has a sacred and ancient suffix modification—only those of the strongest of the ancestors of mankind, and those of the imperial emperor and the imperial king level. Only equipped with equipment can obtain the title of'armed' in the language of the gods.

Just like the mighty ‘Sky Fury’ that Mu Wei holds in his hand, that’s a royal-level weapon! But with Mu Wei's strength, she estimated that she could not control the terrifying power of the Royal King-level armed forces, and even risked being attacked by the armed forces. But if it is a weapon that can be easily used by Divine Lord Mudela, Mu Wei can barely control it.

"Damn it!" Hell roared in a low voice: "I will give the conquered race the armed with the knowledge and wisdom of countless Zhou Jie! Which foolish fool did this? He should be sent. The Supreme Court accepts punishment! They violated at least 39 colonial decrees and 22 aboriginal regulations!"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, he didn't tell the **** that Mu Wei actually had a royal-level weapon in his hand! If you say it, will **** immediately jump out and swallow Mu Wei? The **** now wants to kill Mu Wei, it's probably not so easy, right?

"So, where do we start?" Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei, smiled and raised the teapot, filling her cup with tea.

"The black blood desert in the far east of the Continental Bridge." Mu Wei frowned, and murmured unhappily: "The desert! I hate the desert, and it's the kind of lifeless, dirty, scorpions and poisonous snakes everywhere. Desert. But there is no way, we have to go there."

Under the auspices of Mu Wei, Lin Qi gathered a team of elite subordinates. A total of three thousand subordinates with the power of the lower gods, these people are all subordinates who Lin Qi publicly took to the gods and inherited the priesthood through the temple. These three thousand people are also registered in the catalog of gods of the Azerite clan, and they have the legal status of the Azerite clan.

And these people were also carefully selected by Lin Qi. They were all natives of the Western Continent. They were born tall and big, with thick arms and legs. All of them were fierce warriors and enthusiastic heroes. They were in line with the consistent aesthetics of the gods of the Temple of War.

Mu Wei, together with the dozens of confidant spirits she brought, looked at the three thousand bold men standing in front of them with satisfaction. For the sake of aesthetic unity, Lin Qi's three thousand subordinates were all the same. The big blond man, even his head was about the same height. When they put on the lower **** armor of the unified system of the God of War, it was really like printed in a mold. The uniform spirit and spirit really made people feel pleasing to the eye.

"Very, very, very good army!" A goddess beside Mu Wei happily stroked a big man's chest: "Master Lin Qi, are your three thousand **** servants willing to sell?"

'sell'? Lin Qi stayed there, Hu Xinzhu on the side couldn't help but twitched his mouth. In the hearts of the upper gods of these Azer gods, can these lower **** servants be ‘sold’ things? There was a silence for a while, Lin Qi shook his head gently, and looked at Mu Wei with a wry smile: "They are my fighters, my comrades in arms, and respected Mu Wei, I never thought that they could be sold. 'of?"

Mu Wei and the gods she brought gave Lin Qi a surprised look, and then Mu Wei shrugged helplessly. The tall and vigorous goddess with long and beautiful scarlet hair curled her red lips helplessly, and then squinted at Lin Qi: "Then, Scarlet Fury Master Lin Qi, you rejected a proud female The request of the God of War, you owe me a favor from Crimson Wing Adela, you remember."

Lin Qi pursed his lips and glanced deeply at Crimson Wing Adela. Because you refuse to sell three thousand soldiers who are loyal to you, you will owe someone a favor? Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. These fellows of the Axul Protoss really had trouble understanding their thoughts.

According to Mu Wei's opinion, Lin Qi left a projection clone in Emperor Longshan to hide from others, while Mu Wei led Lin Qi and others to the east quickly. In order to avoid the attention of the gods of dawn and the others, Mu Wei also reluctantly did not call too many of his close personnel, but instead asked for help from Lin Qi. After all, there are three thousand lower gods. This number is not too much or less. Less, once mobilized, it is bound to be hidden from the gods in God's Domain.

At the eastern end of the Continental Bridge, in the Black Blood Desert less than a thousand miles from the border of the Blood Qin Empire, a tragedy was being staged in a pitiful desert tribe. Hundreds of people belonging to this small tribe were driven together like livestock. A group of murderous sand thief came up and forcibly tore off the veil of the women of this tribe, carefully examining their faces.

"Hey, Boss, this woman is good! She is young, and she was born really well, so she can sell it for a big price!" A girl who was only fourteen or five years old was forcibly pulled out of the tribe by a sand thief, and one was born comparable. Barbarian, the rough man with mottled scars on his face grabbed her, and touched her casually.

"Sure enough!" The big scared man squeezed the girl crying and screaming. He kissed the girl twice, and then "Jie Jie" laughed strangely: "It's still a fierce little mare, That adult will be happy! He likes girls with strong temperament, the more temperamental, the higher the price!"

This is a slave hunting team under the cover of sand thieves, but in fact it belongs to a high-ranking official in the Blood Qin Empire. Their task is to collect some alien girls for the quirky senior official, from ordinary nomads to dwarves, and even beauties of orcs. The senior official has a strong interest in these alien girls.

After the Blood Qin Empire launched the Western Expedition, the number of large and small tribes in the desert has drastically reduced. Many tribes have migrated to the Western Continent. Only a few small tribes who are unable to migrate or are unwilling to migrate remain on the Continental Bridge. It is getting harder and harder to find a few suitable prey. No wonder this scared man is so excited.

A gust of wind passed by silently, suddenly raising a lot of dust. Lin Qi appeared from the whirlwind wrapped in a thick black cloak. He smiled at the sand pirates, and then patted his hands gently: "Hey, hello, guys, can you let go of that girl? In front of so many A noble lady bullying a little girl, this is not a gentleman's behavior!"

Mu Wei flashed out from Lin Qi along with a dozen of the gods at the same time. The scarred man and his more than two hundred subordinates suddenly saw so many beautiful and healthy girls, and they couldn't help but stay there.

After all, it was the leader of the slave hunting team. The big scared man shook his head severely, rubbed his eyes, and then drooled over to Mu Wei. He yelled loudly: "This girl, look at your small body, tsk tsk, it makes me feel tickled! Come on, give me a good time for uncle, uncle, I really..."

Mu Wei didn't say a word, a goddess next to her raised her right hand, a very thin cold light flashed, and all the members of the slave hunting team shook their bodies at the same time and suddenly collapsed. At that moment, the goddess’s five fingers sprayed with very fine cold light, and the cold light that was sharper than a blade cut densely through the bodies of these big guys, cutting their bodies into smaller pieces than mung bean grains. Of meat.

The girl whom the slave hunter saw was so frightened to the ground, several old men ran out of the clansman crying and shouting, and knelt in front of Lin Qi and the others in fear and awe. Stuttering in the dialect of the desert.

The dull footsteps sounded, and the three thousand subordinates brought by Lin Qi slowly walked out from behind the dunes.

All the men and women in the tribe knelt on the ground in fright, and no one dared to speak. Have they ever seen such a neat and slaughtered army? Even if they have seen the huge army of the Blood Qin Empire from a distance, they can deeply feel that the aura of the army of 3,000 people in front of them is more than that of the army of the Blood Qin Empire. Ten times more horrible.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are all good people!" Lin Qi changed to the lingua franca of the Eastern Continent. After all, isn't this close to the Blood Qin Empire?

"Well, we're here just to ask for directions! For example, have you heard of any strange things near your tribe?"

Lin Qi asked the old people gesticulatingly: "For example, what is the strange sound? The strange flash? Or is there a haunted legend?"

Mu Wei's face became a ball. Lin Qi's words are a little disrespectful to Mudela?

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