Bright Era

Chapter 2015: The evil fetus of all souls (2)

The poor mother of evil spirits hasn't recovered from Lin Qi's foot, and suddenly faces the attack of more than three hundred elves and goddesses, and at least twelve of them are at the same time. Divine Magic joined forces in a sneak attack, and the mother of evil spirits could only scream in despair, and a triangular shield with smoke on three sides suddenly appeared beside her.

The black lacquered shield is as thin as a piece of paper. The side of the equilateral triangle shield is about ten meters long, and countless twisted and wriggling beautiful faces appear on the shield. Along with the coquettish or sharp groans and screams, the void around the mother of evil spirits suddenly rippled with countless swirls, and many arrows were shattered when they hit these void vortices. .

However, there were too many elven goddesses who launched attacks, among which there were twelve powerful goddesses of the main **** level. The three-sided evil spirit grievance shield of the Mother of Evil Spirits is certainly a god-level artifact, but these three-sided shields suffered extremely severe trauma in the Primordial Battle, and they have not been properly repaired until now. Now they can exert their defensive power. , Barely equivalent to a top-grade pinnacle artifact.

There was a loud noise, the three-sided evil spirit resentment shield was blown up and twisted, dozens of arrow shadows whizzed through the body of the evil spirit mother, and she hissed in pain. With a ‘pouch’, a golden arrow with a suffocating golden flame of the sun shot straight in through her throat and shot out from the back of her neck.

Lin Qi's body was full of colorful aurora, and two giant pythons composed of black corpses slapped him on his chest fiercely, causing him to shoot backwards. More than a dozen corpse insects attached to the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, tearing the armor continuously, making a crisp sound. Lin Qi slapped the corpses on the armor, and shouted hoarsely: "Look, the mother of evil spirits has been killed! Let's go together and chop up the old **** Bagel!"

Swinging Tu Jun’s axe, shook the two arms of Bagel who followed his crazy attack, Lin Qi shouted sharply: "What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? We have so many people! Two unrecovered old immortals That's it! What are you afraid of?"

With a loud'hum', Mu Wei's incarnation of Mu Wei calmly stopped in front of Lin Qi with a golden light. She slapped Bagger's face with a shield, and then the killing spear in her hand pierced straight. Passed Bagger's heart. Bagger let out a dull roar, and his body exploded again into countless corpse insects, and the corpse insects overwhelmingly surrounded Mu Wei and Lin Qi from all directions.

"Burn!" A group of wriggling flames rose from the gods of the Odin Temple. The diameter of the flame was more than a hundred meters, and only a hideous translucent head was looming in the blue-red flame. This group of fire glowed with suffocating high temperature, and rushed into the sea of ​​insects that Bagger had transformed with the strange howling of "Jie Jie", burning large tracts of corpses into blue smoke.

"Ah, that's right, the strength of this old guy has not recovered. He and the mother of evil spirits are just holding on to frighten us!" The twisted faces in the flames roared, "Go together, get rid of these stinky The undead, don’t let them escape again! Think about it, two gods, if they restore their full strength, what will we end up doing?"

The lower **** can easily kill the peak demigod, the middle **** can hit the lower **** with a single finger, and the upper god's cough can cause the middle **** to vomit blood and seriously hurt. And the horror existence of the **** master level, they are the gap between the mortal and the upper **** for a higher **** like the **** of dawn. This is a life whose evolution has reached another mirror surface, and there is an essential difference between the two.

So a badly wounded Bagger still made the gods eager to move; but when the mother of evil spirits appeared on the spot, the gods had the mind to retreat. But Lin Qi's abrupt strike made the gods discover that these two master-level powerhouses did not actually restore their full strength. They were not even stronger than the master god, and the gods immediately became impulsive. stand up.

Killing Bagel and the mother of evil spirits, plundering their blood and spirits, may be able to make yourself further! The hard work of harvesting the power and soul of the believers is not as good as the soul of a strong master of the gods.

No one of the gods is stupid. Seeing that Bagger didn't kill Lin Qi with a single blow, but Lin Qi's sneak attack severely injured the mother of the evil spirits. These gods immediately launched together, tens of thousands of gods and upper gods. At the same time, they jumped up with the middle god, and jointly launched an attack on Bagger and the mother of evil spirits.

However, a large number of lower gods control various artifacts around them, forming various **** formations, using the power of the **** formations to launch attacks from a long distance, or assisting their own main gods and the gods of the undead gods to form a ball. The surrounding area of ​​the Undead Temple suddenly became dark, the void trembles, the ground splits, and the entire Undead Continent trembled violently.

Bagger and the Mother of Evil Spirits uttered a vicious curse, and they joined together with difficulty, leading many subordinates to firmly block the door of the Temple of the Dead. In addition to them, dozens of former undead gods of the main **** level appeared, and nearly a thousand undead gods of upper **** level, dressed in neat formation, stood in front of the temple of the undead.

They fought madly with the gods in blood, constantly issuing angry roars and vicious curses. Large swaths of divine blood sprayed down like money-free spring water, and then they were continuously swallowed by the ground around the Temple of the Undead.

While fighting each other madly, Bagger screamed hoarsely: "You are all crazy? Think about it, what good is it to kill us? The Axul protoss started to trick you when you came, and you lose. A lot of people, but they..."

With a sound of ‘pouch’, a blood stream shot out from Bagel’s ass, Bagel roared in pain, and then a powerful necromantic curse hit him behind him. An erratic shadow swiftly avoided his attack and quickly escaped into the camp of the gods.

Mu Wei sternly reprimanded: "Even if our Axul protoss is a ghost and kills their clansmen, we will have to wait for us to kill you before we can calculate the account! Bagel, no matter what, today the undead gods Must be destroyed!"

Lin Qi hid in the ranks of the Gods of the Gods of War, screaming sternly while catching fish in troubled waters while screaming: "Be careful, what did these two old monsters just say about undead sacrifice? They said they couldn't bear to kill those Ordinary undead, but we did them a favor! They must have conspiracies, everyone must be careful not to let them succeed!"

Lin Qi’s roar reminded the gods that the **** of dawn swayed a large amount of divine light, turning large swaths of the undead near the temple of the undead into ashes, and sternly shouted: "Bagel, Shiva, what have you done? You don’t hesitate to sacrifice the undead of the entire Undead Continent, what exactly do you want to do? Your so-called sacrifice, is that thing in the Undead Temple?"

Tu Jun’s axe brought a dull thunderous sound, and an axe split an undead **** of middle-level **** level in half. Lin Qi grabbed his soul fire and put it into his sleeve, and quickly put a set of children on him. The middle-grade artifact-level robes and staff were pulled cleanly: "Undead sacrifices. They sacrificed the undead of the entire continent to complete the sacrifice. This does not include the blood and souls of so many soldiers who died!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi sternly shouted: "Great Lord Gods, quickly recall all the information about the evil undead sacrifices in your memory! What undead sacrifices need to pay such a high price?"

Her body was covered with wounds, and the mother of evil spirits, who constantly spewed large swaths of divine blood, uttered bitter curses. She led a hurricane and rushed towards Lin Qi. The original white and delicate hands turned into two ugly and ugly claws. , Grabbed Lin Qi's neck fiercely: "The **** thing is that you broke our plan, you go to die, go to die!"

With a ‘pouch’, the mother of the evil spirits just pounced on Lin Qi, and she suddenly escaped the cover of the divine formation composed of the undead gods. Suddenly, two blood arrows spurted out of her round and towering hips, and a gust of death breath continued to penetrate her body. The Mother of Evil Spirits screamed in pain, and she ignored the Bilibili passing by behind her, and continued to charge towards Lin Qi.

Hu Xinzhu suddenly rushed to Lin Qi's side. He shook the folding fan in his hand. A light mirror, water mirror, ice mirror, and fog mirror emerged out of thin air in front of him. These brilliant mirrors quickly formed a complex dimensional space. Circular space maze. The space between the mother of evil spirits and Lin Qi suddenly stretched to nearly a million miles away from less than a hundred meters.

The mother of evil spirits was trapped in the maze. Before she could destroy the maze with violence, she heard a dragon roar. With a weird smile, Longcheng carried the cyan dragon halberd and brought tens of thousands of cyan changhong. , Pierced through the embarrassment of the mother of evil spirits shamelessly.

Beside Longcheng, Bilibili's thin and shriveled figure appeared from time to time. Like a ghost, he touched the mother of evil spirits on the left and right, and then often escaped in time with the help of the complicated space in the maze. . Lin Qi saw it very clearly, every time Bilibili's little hand left from the mother of the evil spirits, there would always be a little more, two more gleaming treasures in his hand.

The sound of ‘puff chuff’ was endless, and Dragon City’s Azure Dragon Halberd had penetrated the body of the mother of evil spirits, leaving several terrible wounds on her body. But the mother of evil spirits suddenly opened her mouth and let out a stern scream, her enchanting and beautiful face suddenly turned into a pale white and boneless ghost face, and a destructive black torrent rushed out of her, on the spot Longcheng and Bilibili vomited blood and dropped, and Hu Xinzhu's maze collapsed. Hu Xinzhu was also implicated in the crushing of the maze and sprayed three blood on the spot.

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