Bright Era

Chapter 2014: The evil fetus of all souls (1)

The mother of evil spirits, another former powerhouse at the main **** level, the breath now revealed is only the power of the upper main **** level, but it is also enough to shock the gods. With the power of the law she mastered and her combat experience, even if the ordinary Lord God possesses the power of hers, it is absolutely impossible to be her opponent.

Coquettish, beautiful, and overwhelming, the mother of evil spirits with green hair and red eyes, wearing a thin red gauze, twisted her slender waist and appeared beside Bagger, all the male gods swallowed at the same time Foam, and the female god's face suddenly became gloomy. Especially the goddesses of the spirit gods, their faces are as black as the bottom of the pot.

This is a coquettish woman who surpasses those elves and goddesses in terms of temperament and appearance. Shiva, the mother of evil spirits, among the many powerful masters of the year, she is a famous socialite, and countless The dream lover of the master-class powerhouse. Compared with her blooming honey peony, these fairy goddesses are simply unbroken flower bones.

"Hmm~ what do you want?" Shiva, the mother of evil spirits, twisted her waist slightly, and sighed faintly, "Do you still want to kill us? But, it seems, this is a little impossible. And we didn’t kill Mudel, that long-haired chimpanzee. Although we wanted him to die, at least we didn’t shoot him right now."

She squinted her long hair and laughed: "Okay, go back obediently, what should you do! You want to fight for the realm of God, we also want it! The priesthood of our undead gods should have been Are all condensed again? We also want those old guys to come back again. This great battle can't be achieved without us!"

Dozens of undead powerhouses exuding high-level god-level divine power fluctuations quietly walked out of the temple of the undead, their eyes throbbed with dazzling ghost fires, and their murderous intent made all the gods present. The fear.

Bagger laughed a few times, he stroked Shiva's long hair lightly, and shook his head gently: "Thank you for helping us to kill those little guys on the periphery! Let us personally It's really not easy to kill this little guy, but since you killed them, we don't have any psychological burden."

Shrugging his shoulders, Bagel said softly: "The sacrifice is complete, you can go back! As Shiva said, our children will participate in your battle to see who can master God's Domain in the end. In fact, We all know that we are not only fighting for God's Domain, but for absolute control over the human race!"

Shiva sneered at the many gods around him: "It’s easier to eat alone than to share. Therefore, it’s best for humans, this huge treasure house, to be controlled by one power alone! Unlike your hypocritical manner, we will raise humans in captivity. We let them multiply and grow, and then select those who are aging and are about to die, and transform them into undead, thus becoming our believers."

With a relaxed smile, Shiva hugged Bagger's arm tightly: "The endless resources of faith allow us to grow stronger at an astonishing speed, and ultimately, become stronger than those who used to be stronger than us. Many tribesmen must be stronger, just as powerful as those terrifying adults! This is our dream, this is our pursuit!"

Lin Qi stood among the gods. When he heard Shiva say that humans should be kept in captivity like livestock, so that humans will continue to multiply and grow, and then they will continue to transform into undead. The anger that comes. These undead gods, what do they regard as human beings? Is it the raw material to provide faith?

The gods deceive mankind to become their believers, which is already a great insult to mankind. The undead have to do more than the gods—because of their special energy attributes, they can only gain the power of faith from the undead after transforming human beings into undead!

If human beings are reduced to the rule of the undead gods, then they will become more dignified than under the rule of the gods.

Lin Qi drew the Tu Jun axe. He listened to the whispers of the gods around him, and suddenly shouted: "Whether she is the mother of evil spirits or something, we must kill these two old guys! Are you really? Do you want these two old monsters to take our place? Don't forget the horror of the undead, they will transform us into the undead too!"

With a colorful aurora, Lin Qi struck the mother of evil spirits with an axe: "Do you also want to become stinky zombies, ugly skeletons, and evil spirits who only know strange calls all day long? Fairy goddesses, you are willing Become a dirty, smelly zombie?"

With a ‘ooh’, Tu Junaxe brought a multicolored arc of light hundreds of meters long and struck it towards the neck of the mother of evil spirits. The mother of evil spirits looked at Lin Qi in surprise, and then she stretched out a white and pink palm, and lightly brought a cyan ghost fire to Tu Junaxe. While responding casually to Lin Qi's attack, she smiled contemptuously: "Young people nowadays have become more courageous!"

With a loud noise, Tu Jun’s axe smashed into the palm of the Mother of Evil Spirits. Under the eyes of countless gods, Lin Qi’s axe cut through the ghost fire on the palm of the Mother of Evil Spirits, and cut her palms almost. He chopped off her entire palm with an axe. A large amount of black and golden blood spurted out, and the mother of evil spirits, who was originally smiling, suddenly let out a hoarse cry!

"It turns out that you are not that strong!" Lin Qi laughed loudly. He gripped the handle of the axe and rotated it fiercely. The axe blade cut the hand bones of the mother of evil spirits and made a "click" sound. In the weird sound of scalp tingling, Lin Qi's right leg bounced very viciously, rascally, and obscenely, and violently kicked it three inches below the lower abdomen of the mother of evil spirits.

This kick is really boring, this is a trick used by market hooligans. But it must be admitted that this trick is very effective.

The Mother of Evil Spirits was split half of the palm of her hand by Lin Qi's axe which contained terrifying power. At that moment, she had prepared several instant powerful magic spells, ready to deal with Lin Qi's next attack. Regardless of whether Lin Qi continued to swing her axe to chop her, or attacked her with divine magic, the mother of evil spirits had a perfect plan to fight back against Lin Qi, and then severely inflicted Lin Qi!

But the mother of evil spirits never dreamed that a dignified high-level god's divine power fluctuations, and a high-powered high-level **** among the Axul Protoss, would actually make such a shameless trick. This kind of despicable and shameless trick, even the most rude and vulgar beast gods, would they not use it against the great beauty of the mother of evil spirits?

Therefore, all the coping methods prepared by the Mother of Evil Spirits instantly failed. The thin red gauze wrapped around her lower body was crushed, and Lin Qi's big feet slammed her lower body fiercely, making a loud noise like thunder. The mother of evil spirits opened her mouth and spouted a burst of divine blood, and her body flew upwards uncontrollably. Accompanied by the piercing pain, the mother of evil spirits howled hoarsely: "This kid, there is a problem!"

The mother of evil spirits really feels that Lin Qi has a problem. Lin Qi's divine power fluctuations are very weak. It is only the divine power fluctuations of the upper-level gods. What is this power for an upper-level god? It's just an ant that can be crushed to death at will. However, the pure physical power erupted from this foot of Lin Qi was much stronger than an ordinary Lord God.

The Mother of Evil Spirits, as the name suggests, she possesses the power of all kinds of fierce souls and resentful spirits. Her physical power is very weak, even only slightly stronger than ordinary high-ranking gods. When encountering Lin Qi's extremely abnormal physical strength, having reached the metamorphosis of the five-star imperial general's peak level, the body of the mother of evil spirits was almost smashed by Lin Qi's humble kick.

That is to say, Lin Qi was embarrassed to expose his strength too much in front of the gods. He didn't use too much force with this kick. Otherwise, he could really kick this evil spirit that didn't put himself on his heart. mother of!

Mouthful blood kept squirting out, the body of the mother of evil spirits brought a stream of light to the sky and lased away. She could not control her body at all. Her internal organs were convulsing and twitching, and her spirits were crying. call. Lin Qi's kick hit her too terribly, the mother of the evil spirits was so painful that she couldn't speak, and almost fainted in pain.

Bagger yelled, his arms suddenly turned into two long black giant pythons composed of countless corpses, and they whizzed around Lin Qi. Bagel's eyes were red with anger, and the ghost fire in his eye sockets almost jumped out. In front of him, Lin Qi, the little guy who apparently just inherited the priesthood and was promoted from ordinary humans to higher gods, actually severely injured his old partner, the mother of evil spirits. If he could not smash this little guy into pieces. If so, the situation today will really become out of control.

Suddenly the whole world was shrouded in magnificent rays of light, the green forest light, the silver-cyan moonlight, the blue-white water light, and the golden sun. At least three hundred goddesses of the elves and gods simultaneously opened their long bows and locked them The mother of evil spirits in the sky launched an attack.

The archery skills of the elves have reached its peak, and the archery skills of the elves and gods have reached a level close to Tao. Although only three hundred elven goddesses launched an attack, the arrows they threw in an instant reached an astonishing 200,000! A series of arrows tore open the air, pulling out a long and dazzling arc of light and shadow in the void, accompanied by the harsh screaming, almost simultaneously hit the body of the mother of evil spirits.

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