Bright Era

Chapter 1977: The church in distress (2)

He sighed heavily, and Ying Zheng's sword returned. He looked at the dust that was constantly floating in the air, and smiled softly: "Don't say those affectionate and friendly words, I can't bear it! I am lonely and alone, in fact, I should have realized the true meaning of this word thousands of years ago, and I should have razed the Nine Races long ago, so that I can save my heartache today!"

Turning around, walking slowly out of the Chinese Army’s big tent, standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the camps of the Western Continental Allied Forces in all directions, Ying Zheng smiled softly: “From today onwards, there will be no more concerns and no memories. Ten thousand years. Grace and righteousness will be cut off! You are you, and I am I! I am Yingzheng, supreme throughout the ages... Fuck, that **** Lin Qi, I, I..."

He smashed his head fiercely with his fists, and just smashed all the courtiers in the Blood Qin Empire who might be members of the Domination Council to the death Yingzheng. He was righteous and ready to give instructions to Jiangshan's Yingzheng. Suddenly remembered all his life, death, honor and disgrace. Facts in Lin Qi's hands. He was like a stallion who was preparing to ride a mare and feasting on it in the spring, but he was slashed, and his head drooped weakly.

Tugged at the corner of his mouth, snorted coldly, Ying Zheng mumbled a few words in a low voice, and then his body suddenly exploded into a hazy black mist. With the last ray of sunlight before the sun set, he quietly escaped In the night.

High-pitched horns sounded in all directions at the same time, and the dull sound of war drums shook the ground. Countless magicians flew high into the sky, and a whole hundred pieces of the top sacred artifact "Mirror of Light" made by the Temple of Dawn flew high into the sky. These 100-meter-diameter light mirrors hovered high in the air, releasing a dazzling white light, shining a hundred miles in a radius of light.

Tens of thousands of temple knights and soldiers from the Great Yan Dynasty and the Longshan Empire strode out of the barracks. Under the cover of the magician, they launched a final attack on the small mountain peaks occupied by the remnants of the Blood Qin Empire.

A quarter of an hour later, when the western setting sun was completely submerged in the night, the blood dragon flag of the Blood Qin Empire quietly fell from the top of the mountain.

On the night when the Xueqin army commanded by Wei Yao was destroyed, the emperor's palace of the Xueqin Empire was brightly lit. This majestic palace, made of huge stones and magical metal, is two kilometers long and wide, suspended 100 meters above the ground, surrounded by millions of **** elites. Countless mages from Tianmiao and gods from Penglai patrolled in the sky, and the power of defense reached an impenetrable level.

The clergy of the desert temples and steppe temples that have completely worked in the Blood Qin Empire did not appear. The clergy of the two temples were transferred to the front line by Ying Zheng to confront the coalition forces in the Western Continent. Yingzheng is not stupid. Combined with the information Lin Qi passed to him, he dare to believe that these sacred clubs who suddenly abandoned their beliefs and took refuge in the Blood Qin Empire are ghosts!

Surrounding Yingzheng's palace, large groups of tall and robust orc warriors and barbarian warriors, dressed in various armors, stood neatly there. From time to time, some grumpy orc warriors let out a disdainful snort from their noses, casting provocative gazes at the soldiers of the Blood Qin Empire standing nearby and making insulting gestures.

The soldiers of the Blood Qin Empire ignored this. They just raised their heads high and shook their bodies slightly, intentionally or unintentionally, so that their sophisticated magic armor reflected gleaming light under the light of the lights and magic torches. The magnificent reflections of these magical equipment made the orc warriors and barbarian heroes green eyes with jealousy, and saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths.

In a corner outside the palace, a ten-mile-long bone dragon was lying lazily on the ground, with thousands of undead powerful men standing on his back. Nearly a thousand undead lords with various crowns on their heads, large groups of powerful black knights and skeleton kings, and groups of ghosts and wraiths yawned between the ribs of the bone dragon.

In the palace, Ying Zheng sits on a high throne, and to his left are the prince Leon of the Golden Lion and the ugly Yin Qingyue. On the right hand side of Ying Zheng, there are dozens of undead powerful men who exude fierce, hideous, weird, and evil spirits sitting upright—I don’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional. The envoys sent by the undead clan, all of them. It's the kind of extremely ugly type.

Mummies wrapped in filthy cloth strips, half-rotted zombies, headless knights playing with a ball in their hands with their **** head, countless tentacles-like ghosts covered in branches, and countless squirming movements on their bodies. The hatred king of the dead worm and so on.

The group of undead sitting there, stinking all over the sky, and their faces hideous enough to make people have nightmares. The breath they exude is even more sinister and fierce. As long as ordinary people are touched by their breath, it will definitely be a nightmare every night and the end of a serious illness for three years.

Beside Ying Zheng, a dark golden high-top lotus platform floats lightly. A certain Dharma protector from Tianmiao who has been in hermit for unknown years, Daxiong Dharma, is sitting on the lotus platform with a gentle face, and is now looking at the undead messengers with a ‘curious’ and ‘exquisite’ gaze.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and Ying Zheng raised the huge bronze wine lord in his hand: "Everyone, drink this glass, let's talk about business."

The undead ‘tweeted’ picked up the wine glasses and drank the wine in the glasses cleanly. Anyway, for them, they don't care about poisonous things. Even the Primordial Fallen God Potion, they are extremely resistant as undead, and they don't mind whether Ying Zheng is in the drinking water.

What is eye-catching is the headless knight sitting on a stool playing with his head as a ball. His head opened his mouth, and then he poured the drink from his mouth, and soon there was a sticky drip from under his head. Thick **** water. The headless knight ‘laughs and laughs’ caught the blood wine with a wine glass, and then poured it into his mouth again, as if this was a fun game.

Yin Qingyue glanced at the headless knight in disgust. She didn't even touch the wine majesty placed on the long case in front of her. Instead, she stood up straight and sneered to Yingzheng, "Your Majesty Yingzheng, you invite us to come. Please tell me what is going on here. After all, the situation today is so complicated. I think everyone will feel a little uncomfortable in your palace."

Ying Zheng left the Jiu Jue and laughed a few times, "Hey", "Alright, let's just talk about business! The three parties join forces to attack the Western Continent! Whoever gets it will go to whoever gets it! This is what I mean, and it's also a temple. And the will of the gods of the Tianmiao. If you agree, sign the covenant, if you disagree, you can leave!"

The undead looked at each other, and a mummy demigod slowly stood up: "Your Majesty, we have only one condition. All the bodies of your soldiers who died in battle belong to us! If you can agree to our request, we Agree to sign this covenant!"

After a pause, the mummy laughed weirdly: "The supplementary clause is that all the forces that sign the covenant are not allowed to receive soldiers from the Western Continent. All soldiers in the Western Continent must be killed, and the bodies must be killed. Leave it to us in its entirety."

Brows were raised, Ying Zheng waved his hand vigorously: "I, yes! It's just corpses, nothing? But the souls of those who died in battle, how to distribute your undead clan and Tianmiao, then follow you According to the rules, I will never interfere!"

The undead smiled and nodded, the headless horseman took his long hair again, shaking his head like a meteor hammer.

Yin Qingyue snorted coldly, and she said softly: "Then, we also have it here..."

Ying Zheng looked at Yin Qingyue fiercely, and he said word by word: "Yin Qingyue, you are only a saint of the desert temple! But now the power of the desert temple and the grassland temple has been exhausted by me! Here, Without your part, you are not qualified to talk to me! Shut your mouth, or I will take you down and throw you to my soldiers to enjoy!"

Yin Qingyue turned black with anger, her body shook, and she sat back on the seat weakly.

Facing Ying Zheng's brutality and force, Yin Qingyue didn't even have the power to refute. The resistance of the two temples suddenly collapsed. Yin Qingyue had no idea what happened. The tyrannical prairie hyenas were assassinated by their most trusted disciples. All the surviving clergy of the two temples took refuge in the Blood Qin Empire. It seemed to Yin Qingyue that it was something that completely subverted her beliefs.

The body shivered slightly, Yin Qingyue sat on the seat and looked at her toes fiercely.

Lion Prince Leon gave Yin Qingyue a deep look, then he stood up slowly and spoke slowly: "Your Majesty, Yin Qingyue is just a woman. You don't need to be angry with a woman. We are all strong in this world. What do you think are women’s natural obligations to have children?"

Ying Zheng smiled and applauded again and again, while Yin Qingyue looked up at a loss and looked at Leon blankly.

Without even looking at Yin Qingyue, Leon touched the thick golden beard on his chin and said loudly, "The tripartite alliance attacked the Western Continent. This plan is also agreed to by all the adults of our Odin Temple. But we need one. A little help!"

When the word ‘aid’ was spoken, Leon’s eyes were a little green, and the envoys of the foreign races he accompanied licked the corners of their mouths greedily and stared at Ying Zheng. Looking at their expressions, it is almost as if Ying Zheng is a big piece of fat.

With a cold snort, Ying Zheng squinted at Leon and slowly laughed: "Aid? For example?"

Leon licked the corners of his mouth. He was silent for a while, then raised two fingers: "We need two..."

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