Bright Era

Chapter 1975: Dry ticket big (4)

Lin Qi took a deep look at Soster, the strength of the lower lower god, and this is his own strength, not the strength brought by the inheritance of the priesthood of God's Domain. Sauster's breath of power is very tightly integrated with his body, without any disharmony.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi laughed: "Go to the ground, you will die! Anyway, you are going to die, it is better to die here!"

Without allowing Southsite and the soul knights around him to react, Lin Qi had already stomped his feet fiercely. The teleportation hall with a diameter of more than ten miles suddenly oscillated, and circles of red magic runes continued to emerge from the ground, and hundreds of thick pillars of fire roared into the sky from the ground.

Tens of thousands of clergymen gathered in the Teleportation Temple let out a miserable cry. I don't know how many people were caught by the pillar of fire, and it instantly turned into a cloud of blue smoke. In addition, countless clergymen were lit, and they fled around in human-shaped torches, constantly bringing the raging flames like tarsus maggots to other people.

The flames Lin Qi summoned were the necromancer bone-forging ghost flames directly drawn from the buried place. This buried place was specially used to refine the essence of bones, temper various skeleton warriors, and urge them to evolve and rapidly The original force of evolution and evolution to the limit. This kind of ghost fire is a rare and rare thing for the skeleton monsters, and for the creatures, it is definitely a deadly vicious thing.

All the clergy possessed by the bone-forging ghost flame, their flesh and blood were instantly burned clean. The clothes on their bodies did not change in the slightest. They only left a white skeleton draped in the original robes, and screamed and fleeing in the teleportation hall. The flesh and blood were burned out, the internal organs were burned out, only the white skeleton still maintained ample vitality, wearing a robes and running back and forth.

The souls of these clergymen are also gradually distorting and mutating in the gray and white ghost fire. From the extremely cold ghost fire, a trace of evil power invades their souls, forcibly twisting their intelligence and consciousness, and transforming them into buried bones. The most loyal and brave fighter in the land.

In just a few breaths, thousands of skeleton warriors have taken shape. With the help of Bone Forging Ghost Flame, these skeleton warriors have on average at least doubled their power compared to their human form. And certain clergy with amazing natural aptitude, extremely hard bones, and unusually abundant blood energy, their strength has even been improved tenfold or a hundredfold.

With the help of Bone Forging Ghost Flame, the arms of these newly formed skeletons quickly melted into white glaze-like syrup. Accompanied by the deep grinning sound, the arms of these skeletons condensed into a long, sharp handle. sword. Their bodies spun like a windmill, and with the piercing sound, thousands of dazzling sword wheels suddenly bloomed in the hall.

Countless broken limbs sprayed out with the smell of blood, and large groups of clergy screamed and fled to the exit of the hall. But before they escaped a few steps, they were killed by the skeleton monsters with extreme agility.

Bilibili and Arda shot at the same time. Bilibili swung a sharp dagger and turned into countless afterimages to escape into the crowd. The dagger brought up a dim arc, and accurately tore the necks of the priests. aorta. Large tracts of blood sprayed out, and countless clergymen cried and howled in despair and horror, and some people were so scared that they peeed out.

Arda took a deep breath. He frantically extracted the negative mental fluctuations emitted by these clergymen, only to feel that his own strength had gained a little more. Arda smiled triumphantly, he raised his right hand, a black fireball the size of a human head burned in his palm, and then countless thumb-sized fireballs shot out like a meteor with a long arc flame tail. .

Every small black fireball hit the eyebrows of a clergyman. The hot fireball turned their heads into ashes, and tens of thousands of headless bodies fell heavily to the ground. The black fireball swallowed the souls of these clergymen, and quickly flew back to Arda with their despair and fear.

He opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and tens of thousands of black fireballs fell into Alda's mouth. The pure and huge soul power circulated in Arda's body, and was then swallowed by his spirit. Alda readily felt his rising power, and roared loudly: "Stupid humans! Instead of giving your souls to those despicable gods, it is better to give them to the great... Uncle me!"

Because Arda is so arrogant and domineering, he doesn't dare to shout out his name here. After all, for the gods, a'real name' is enough for them to make a lot of effective attacks and countermeasures. As a qualified demon, Alda will never put himself in a dangerous place that does not belong to him. The real name was leaked.

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Soster who was stunned. He shrugged his shoulders relaxedly and punched into Soster’s heart with a smile: "I said, if you go to the ground, you will die quickly. , So don’t waste time, I deliberately came to send you to die, you should be grateful to me! Because it is shameful to waste life and time!",

Soster looked at Lin Qi in despair, a large amount of pale golden blood pouring from his mouth, and then a group of hot flames burst out of his body, and he was soon burned into a plume of blue smoke. Nothing is left.

Lin Qi smiled at the trembling soul knights who were trembling and trembling. He gently shook his head: "I am a believer in the Temple of Nightmare! I brought you a nightmare! Slaughter the old and weak women and children, and slaughter those who have no resistance. Believers, can this be regarded as a nightmare? As a devout clergyman, as a saint canonized by the church, slaughter the so-called "superior" who belong to the same camp and bring you the cruelest and most memorable bad luck. This is the real Nightmare!"

The three-handled long sword on Lin Qi's neck fell to the ground. Lin Qi gently pushed away the soul warriors who surrounded him, and walked towards the main entrance of the teleportation hall with a light tone. When he was almost at the door, he suddenly turned his head and gently shook his finger at the group of soul knights who were vicious at first.

"If I were you, I would now consider dragging the family and fleeing! The master you protected and your allegiance was killed in front of you. If you don't run for your life, you will be sent to punishment. The temple’s torture is on fire!"

Laughing at the terrifying faces of the soul warriors who were so scared, Lin Qi beckoned to Alda and Bilibili, the three of them laughed triumphantly and strode out of the teleportation hall.

Standing in front of the door of the Teleportation Hall, Lin Qi carefully looked at the surrounding scenery.

This is an abyssal world with a rock dome about five hundred miles above the ground. To be precise, a height of five hundred miles. For the existence below the sky, they have nothing to do with the thick rock dome above their heads. impression.

The church has exerted tremendous energy and used countless human and material resources to simulate natural celestial phenomena in this abyssal world. There were clouds rolling in the sky, and a little bit of stars shone behind the clouds, and even Lin Qi saw a crescent looming in the stars.

The Teleportation Hall is located on the edge of a majestic temple building, surrounded by tall, majestic halls with a height of nearly a kilometer. It is indeed the true nest of the church. The construction of these temples is more magnificent than the churches on the ground, especially the statues of gods dotted outside the temple. Several statues of the gods are even higher than the temple itself. Several times.

For example, in the sky above a shrine of Dawn, which emits a pale white light, dozens of miles away, there is a 3,000-meter-tall statue of Dawn Dawn suspended on a red cloud. The **** of dawn with a solemn face sits on a huge throne, and the idol cast of white boulders mixed with mithril emits a gleaming dawn, shining a hundred miles around the city like daylight.

In front of the main hall is an unusually huge square. At least more than 200,000 temple knights from the major temples are neatly arranged on the square, quietly waiting for the order to enter the teleportation hall and send it to the ground world. Lin Qi glanced around, and in the square in front of the many halls in the distance, there were such stern knights ready to go.

But this is obviously the sphere of influence of the Soul Temple. Although the temples of other gods can be seen from far and near, but among the temple knights gathered in front of the temples, 90% of the temple knights are wearing gray armor, obviously they are either from the soul The temple, or a member of the Knights of Nightmare.

Lin Qi smiled and looked at the temple knights standing upright on the square, and he muttered in a low voice: "The attention of the gods is in the war of the earth and the world, so their lair is obviously not paid attention to. . Then, let me stab the gods in the ass! Axul Protoss, it is impossible to do everything according to your plan!"

‘Haha’ laughed a few times, and Lin Qi raised his hands. The four original elements of earth, water, fire and wind gathered around him, and the four colors of strange light surrounded him. Gradually, Lin Qi extracted the magic elements within tens of thousands of miles to clean.

"Roar, element! The dead cudgel is the best cudgel, let's play the big one!"

Along with Lin Qi's chuckle of excitement, the four original elements, under the control of Yuanli, acted like mad tigers, suddenly showing their sharp teeth and sharp claws. Countless wind knives with a length of several meters whizzed out in all directions, and countless temple knights and the temple itself were cut into two pieces. There are countless dense fireballs falling in the sky, and every fireball can turn a radius of 100 meters into a sea of ​​fire.

Along with the fireball, there were ice cones thick with a long thumb. Numerous ice cones flew down with biting cold air. The high temperature enough to melt the rock and the biting cold were combined, and the armors on the temple knights were in high temperature. , The rapid change of the extreme cold exploded to pieces.

The most terrible thing was that the ground shook violently, and countless sharp stone teeth spewed out from the ground, and a large number of cracks opened like a devil's mouth, swallowing countless temple knights.

Lin Qi just shot, and in the blink of an eye, the millions of temple knights gathered in this huge temple group were almost instantly destroyed.

As Lin Qi said, play a big one!

High in the sky, dozens of angry and violent wills suddenly descended.

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