Bright Era

Chapter 1963: Ancient ferocious (2)

Jun Yun Ming looked at Qiu Fengjun with a deep gaze: "But there are risks and big gains, don't you? Qiu Fengjun, you can produce independent wisdom and wisdom from the ignorant puppet when I first met you. This has already shown. The existence that restrains you and imprisons you has fallen. According to what you told me, as long as you can find his remains, you can go one step further and become the supreme existence."

Taking a deep breath, Yun Mingjun said solemnly: "Now is an opportunity. Destroy those gods, conquer them, enslave them, and then from their records, you can find the material that has fallen behind you. Get his remains."

Gritting his teeth tightly, Qiu Fengjun's body shivered slightly. He looked at Yun Mingjun hesitantly, and after a long time, he muttered a little at a loss: "Are you sure, your plan can't be wrong?"

Yun Mingjun showed a slight smile: "Our plan for so many years, why have we missed it?"

Tilted his head and looked at Yun Mingjun for a long time, Qiu Fengjun frowned: "Are you sure those gods can find records about'him'?"

Yun Mingjun slowly nodded: "According to the news from the eyes and ears of our ambushes beside the many gods, the records of the gods on the Primordial God War are very detailed, and they are detailed to whom they fought with each other on a certain year, certain month, and certain day. , There is a detailed battle record of where and who fell. But those things have been carefully collected by the gods. If you want to get those things, you must kill the gods."

Taking a deep breath, Qiu Fengjun said seriously: "Then, I must ensure my safety. When I find that something is not right, I will retreat as soon as possible, and I must not be exposed to the gods. "

Yun Mingjun smiled brilliantly, and he embraced Qiu Fengjun's shoulder affectionately: "Don't worry, we are old friends. We are allies who have concluded the soul vow. I won't put you in a dangerous situation. Our masters will cooperate, your interests will be adequately protected, and you will never suffer any harm."

Yun Mingjun smiled brightly, and Qiu Fengjun also smiled broadly. But Qiu Fengjun's body, that huge metal crab also slowly cracked his huge mouthparts, revealing a sordid and evil smile. But this chilling smile was only a fleeting moment, except for Qiu Fengjun himself, no one would know that his body would show such hideous malice.

"Then, let's have a glass!" Qiu Fengjun laughed: "My children got some superb wine made from dragon bone marrow and ghost dragon grass from the gluttonous sin abyss. This is the supreme delicacy, to celebrate us Cooperation, we have a good drink!"

Several of the same whole body is made of metal, the whole body is silvery white, and the surface is coated with a crystal-like translucent coating. The delicate and lovely maid walked up with a rumbling pace. On a huge metal tray, there were several shapes. Quaint wine bottle carved from keel. A strong aroma of wine exudes through this keel bottle, but Yun Mingjun feels drowsy when he smells this wine.

"Very amazing wine!" Yun Mingjun looked at the few dragon bone wine bottles in amazement.

"The terrible existences that rule the gluttonous sin abyss are monsters that I dare not easily provoke." Qiu Fengjun frowned and muttered lowly: "They are like me, and the existence that restrains them seems to have fallen. , They were born with their own wisdom, they... well, it's terrible."

Pat Yun Mingjun on the shoulder, Qiu Fengjun calmly said: "You can touch me the first time you sneak into the Abyss of Sin, that is your luck. If the first time you sneak into the Abyss of Gourmet Sin, then you have changed. It has become some raw material. Perhaps, some low-level soldiers of Gourmet Sin Abyss will have the blood of your family because of your arrival?"

Yun Ming Jun listened to Qiu Feng Jun's joking words, but he shuddered. That sounded easy, but to carefully consider the cruelty contained in it, it is really chilling. What is meant by that certain low-level soldiers will have the blood of the Yunlong clan because of Jun Mingjun sneaking into the gluttonous abyss?

In that terrible abyss that is deeper than the abyss of fury and sin, what incredible powers exist in the world?

Yin red like blood, erratic like mist, poured from the keel bottle into the bronze wine nobleman, Yun Mingjun and Qiufengjun smiled at each other, and then drank the wine in the glass at the same time. A burst of smoky heat was injected into his abdomen from his mouth, like a small sun exploding in his abdomen. Yun Mingjun’s pores suddenly opened, and a large number of viscous bloodshots leaked out from his pores. The magical secret technique of Yunlong clan turned quickly, and a dragon's shadow flashed across his eyebrows.

Along with a deep dragon roar, Yun Mingjun's body was enveloped by a thick black haze. After about a quarter of an hour, a dragon's claws emitting a dense black light smashed the haze, and an odd-shaped pterosaur hovered out of the haze.

The dragon body is like a snake, with six dragon claws under its belly and a pair of wings on its back. On the neck, three dragon heads spewing black flames emerge. The whole body of the black dragon is covered by clusters of thick, magma-like fire clouds. Enveloping, the scorching breath that rushed towards his face made Qiu Fengjun frowned. Yun Mingjun's three dragon heads lifted up to the sky, and then let out a deep laugh.

"The first time I activated the power of the bloodline, I got two claws and a dragon head; the second time I activated the power of the bloodline, I got the wings behind it; unexpectedly this cup of wine entered my abdomen, I actually activated the power of the bloodline for the third time . I can feel my strength, Qiu Fengjun, I can feel my strength! Perhaps the twelve heads of the meeting should be replaced by someone else!"

Qiu Fengjun gently applauded and admired, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and then he muttered in a low voice: "The third and fifty-seventh celestial calamities, the three dragon gods of the indigenous creatures of the second galaxy region! Really powerful! Blood! The three Feather Dragon Gods who control the laws of the highest star... It seems that they have also destroyed a colonial legion in the Seagod Temple. They are really powerful!"

The three dragon heads opened their mouths, Yun Ming Jun gently spouted an insignificant dragon's breath, Qiu Feng Jun's metal hall was suddenly burnt red, and the softened metal walls and roof almost collapsed. Fortunately, this metal hall also took a lot of effort from Qiu Fengjun, and countless sacred magic circles emerged one after another, and it was so easy that this metal hall was not destroyed.

Jun Qiu Feng squinted his eyes and nodded in praise to Jun Ming with a lovely smile. In his heart, he was secretly exclaiming: "Fortunately, the three feather dragon gods are not completely physical. Otherwise, unless my main body is dispatched, I cannot suppress such a powerful existence. But even my main body is very It's hard to deal with a truly grown-up three feather dragon gods! Dominating the Hui is really a terrifying existence, so how many tyrannical humans who have activated the Primordial bloodline?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Qiu Fengjun smiled brilliantly: "Fortunately, they have forgotten the existence of the metaworld! Fortunately, fortunately! Fortunately, the construction of the Sea God Temple has not really been completed, and his body has been completely destroyed in the final battle. , I, General Crab, who is in charge of defending the Sea God Temple, has the opportunity to have independent wisdom!"

Squinting and smiling, Qiu Fengjun smiled gently: "Those humble creatures can claim to be gods. We who once trampled them in the mud and enslaved and ravaged us at will, why can't we replace them? Yuanjie, how charming that is. The existence of ah! It is human beings who taught us to betray, it is human beings who taught us conspiracy, it is human beings who taught us mutual calculations, so why not?"

Below Qiu Fengjun's body, in the trench that was nearly ten thousand miles deep, a pair of huge red eyes lit up silently. Under the dim red light, one could see a huge metal body, a demon king octopus thousands of miles in length, metal electric rays hundreds of miles in a radius, and a metal humpback whale whose head accounts for one-third of the body. . .

These metal creatures sleeping in the trench showed a hideous and dangerous smile at the same time, and then they slowly closed their eyes. Heads of huge metal sea snakes are constantly traveling in the deep water, transporting a large amount of refined metal ingots to these huge creatures, allowing them to continuously devour these huge amounts of magic metal and slowly repairing their wounds.

"Let General Crab go to the vanguard!"

"Yes, look at how powerful human beings and gods are today."

"If they are strong, we will continue to lurch."

"If they are weak, it is our chance!"

Strong soul fluctuations flowed back and forth between these huge metal creatures, and inside their bodies, huge electric arcs were constantly swaying. In the middle of the trench where they were lurking, the remains of a huge, simple and magnificent temple fell crookedly in the trench. The temple was shattered by violent bombardment, and a sea **** in the middle of the temple was directly torn to pieces.

These huge metal creatures lurked here, and they were all near and far from this Seagod Temple, and no one dared to get closer to this Seagod Temple even an inch away. They guarded this Seagod Temple, and at the same time, they also guarded each other's companions, lest they touch the bricks of the Seagod Temple.

Even if countless years passed, this Seagod Temple did not emit any energy fluctuations, and they still did not dare to let anyone touch him. They used to fight wildly as war puppets, and it wasn't until not long ago that they finally produced their own independent wisdom and intelligence. They absolutely did not want to become puppets again, and were manipulated without resistance.

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