Bright Era

Chapter 1958: Confusion and mutation (2)

The Fang of the Dead, a vicious artifact forged by the strongest of the dead clan with countless manpower and material resources in the Primordial God War. This high-grade divine weapon-level long sword has only one attribute, which is the power of ‘annihilation’ that annihilates everything. Even if the main **** was scratched by this long sword, he would fall on the spot.

In the Primordial War of Gods, a powerful person of the undead clan who was proficient in the laws of space held the teeth of the dead and assassinated countless gods on the battlefield. The number of gods who died tragically on this gray sword was no less than three hundred people, and the terrible name of the teeth of the dead was enough to make the low-level gods at that time frightened.

At the end of the War of the Ancient Gods, the tooth of the Necromancer disappeared along with his owner. A certain **** of the Axul Protoss immediately announced that he was the master who killed the tooth of the Necromancer, and sealed the tooth of the Necromancer, the ominous death. sword. But today, the tooth of the Necromancer suddenly appeared in the hand of Simon Ya, it is estimated that this will make all the gods who know the name of the tooth of the Necromancer sleep.

Empress Green Moon’s blank but sluggish eyes suddenly flashed with awe-inspiring and majestic light. Seeing that the necrotic tooth was about to pierce her breastplate, the Empress Green Moon sighed softly, and then she The body suddenly disappeared without a trace. An elf girl with bright eyes and white teeth appeared on the wheel of Empress Green Moon, and was stabbed into her heart with a sword from Simon.

The power of nirvana was quietly activated, and the elf girl did not even make a scream, and suddenly collapsed into a small pile of black ashes.

The space of the Empress Green Moon's car wheel was a hundred meters in radius covered by a golden-green divine power barrier, which quickly expanded, but the space of a hundred meters in a radius quickly expanded to a thousand miles. With the chariot as the core, a large lake with vast and clear waters appeared silently, red divine light fell from the sky, and golden seeds quietly fell into the lake.

There were rippling circles in the lake, and beautiful white water moon orchids grew on the surface of the lake thousands of miles around. These magical flowers are sacred objects of the elves. They have blue-gold leaves floating on the water like water lilies. They have milky white translucent flower stems carved like crystals. Their flowers are delicate and flawless, like gems. Transparent bell-shaped orchid.

In the flower language of the elves, the white water moon orchid symbolizes purity and elegance, and represents flawlessness and perfection. For the elves, this is a holy object for the gods. Among the elves, Baishuiyuelan is a symbol of a terrifying deity—Ashite, who maintains the purity and order of the elves and holds the power of the punishment of the elves.

In the ancient legends of the elves, the image of Ashtedel is a majestic **** with a perfect elven girl body on the upper body and a snake-dragon body on the lower body. She coiled around the sacred mountain of the elves with a huge snake-dragon body, holding a balance in her left hand and a long sword in her right, wearing a long dress made of white water moon orchid petals, guarding the perfect faith of the elves and punishing the elves. Heresy.

When the countless white water moon orchids in this divine power barrier were in full bloom, on the wheel of the Queen of Green Moon, a **** who was born exactly like the Ashitide in the fairy legend quietly appeared. She held a flame-wrapped balance in her left hand, and she held a long sword as clear as water in her right hand, looking down at the stunned Simon tooth coldly.

And her face is no different from the Empress Green Moon. An angry flame flashed in her eyes, her delicate and perfect lips squirmed slightly, making a loud noise like thunder: "A humble and dirty creature, how dare you awaken the sleeping me in advance? Damn, I was reincarnated. The body is not enough to support my full strength, do you know, how much loss you have caused me to bear?"

Simon Ya looked at Empress Green Moon at a loss. Although his body had completely lost any normal human functions, he still instinctively swallowed saliva. His stiff esophagus rubbed against each other, making an unpleasant "quack" sound.

He shook his head helplessly, and Simon smiled bitterly: "I just wanted to hunt a little elk, but I didn't expect to stabbed a giant dragon in the ass! Damn, if that sword can stab you, I might Set the record of the gods assassinated by the teeth of the Necromancer over the years?"

The Empress of Green Moon looked at Simon Ya with mockingly: "Yes, I am Ashtedel, the pure and perfect defender of the elves, and the guardian of the final commandment of the elves. I have inherited all the perfect qualities of the elves, I I am the master of the perfection of the elves. I am the **** Lord Ashtedel. I am one of the highest ancestors of the elves."

Holding her head proudly, the Empress Luyue gently shook her head, and then gently smashed the balance in her hand towards Simon's teeth.

"If that sword really pierced the heart of my reincarnated person, I would have fallen under your assassination. Unfortunately, I have three thousand six hundred puppet goddess officials. Their souls and bodies are closely related to me. Before killing all my double puppets, no one can really hurt my body!"

The golden balance entangled in flames fell suddenly, and Simon Ya's body flew up uncontrollably, and lightly landed on the tray on the left. A little bit of golden light on the left hand of the Empress Green Moon quietly fell, and she chanted solemnly: "Now, I will declare your sin!"

"Killing, adultery, betrayal, unbelief, greed, blasphemy!" Following the countless charges announced by the Queen of Green Moon, the balance tray where Simon Ya was located slowly sank, and Simon Ya's body was gradually subjected to terror. His gravitational force and tremendous force made his bones rattle, and soon the sound of bone bursting came from his body.

With a cold snort, the Empress Green Moon snarled angrily: "In fact, it doesn't matter, any of your charges doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you blaspheme! You dare to attack my turned and reborn body? Yours this time Excuse me, the time for my full recovery will be delayed for at least 10,000 years! A full 10,000 years! Damn stupid thing!"

Raising her right hand high, the Empress Green Moon said solemnly: "So, use your death to atone for your sins! By the way, the tooth of the dead? I like it very much!"

The long sword that was as clear as water was heavily drawn, and a flash of sword light came to the top of Simon Ya's head in an instant. Simon Ya showed a weird smile, he nodded slowly to Empress Green Moon, and then a gray-black death breath rushed out of his head, and a gray skeleton wearing a black cloak appeared out of nowhere. Behind Simon Ya.

The eyes of the huge gray skeleton frame were shining with golden divine light, he indifferently glared at the Empress Green Moon, and sprayed an extremely cold evil spirit from his mouth. The clear lake in the empress's divine power barrier suddenly froze, and the thick ice froze all the Baishui Yuelan to shreds instantly, and a hoarse and evil voice quietly came from the void.

"Oh? Ashitdell, who fell in the early days of the Primordial God War, are you still alive? Really, so touched!"

A thick gray fog sprayed out from behind Simon Ya, a pair of gray bone wings gushed out of the thick fog, and quickly pieced together on Simon Ya's back. With a light swipe of the huge bone wing, Simon Ya's body suddenly opened the void, bringing a gray light that hit the Empress Green Moon's divine power barrier. With a loud bang, the Queen of Green Moon’s golden and green divine power barrier was smashed to pieces, and Simon’s teeth spewed out a thick and dark mist, "Jie Jie" smiled and rose into the sky, drawing a black arc. The line flees towards the south.

The Empress Green Moon snorted coldly, and with a light sway of her long sword, she slashed down at the skeleton phantom that remained in place.

The gray skeleton shook his head slightly, and then he raised his hands, a pair of black smoke-filled skeleton palms outlined several strokes in the air, and a strange evil curse appeared in the void. The long sword of the Empress Green Moon smashed that evil curse, and a few terrible muffled noises rang from the body of the gray skeleton. His figure shook, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The Empress Luyue's face changed horribly, her body shook, and a dozen mouthfuls of golden blood were continuously spit out with a ‘Wow’. Divine blood was constantly gushing out of her seven orifices, and she sat on the wheel of the car with an unimaginative butt. The deity body of the half-dragon body could no longer be maintained, and the Empress Green Moon shook her body and returned to the shape of the original fairy empress.

"Oh, **** it! No, not alone!" Empress Green Moon groaned in pain: "At least there are, at least 72 different powers connected together. If, if my power returns to its peak state, I can kill them with a single sword. But now, hateful ants, humble humans, stupid creatures, my awakening, my awakening..."

The divine light in her eyes gradually dissipated, and Empress Luyue's body trembled violently, and then another mouthful of blood came out. Her body was trembling violently, and the surrounding divine power barriers suddenly collapsed. Empress Luyue stood on the carriage with a gloomy face, and screamed hoarsely: "Slaying the city! No captives needed! The people in Varhulan City." All creatures, there is no need for existence!"

With her hands clenched into fists, Empress Green Moon thundered and fisted on the chariot like a mad woman, shouting, "Slaying the city, slaughtering the city! Pass the order, don't take prisoners, except for those women, you don't need any prisoners!"

The huge wills belonging to the gods of the elven gods in the high sky quietly went away, and no one wanted to stay here when the Empress Green Moon was mad. Even if it was the moon goddess Mirthe, she didn't want to come here to find sin when the Queen of Green Moon was hysterical.

After all, compared with the terrifying existence in the Empress Green Moon, even the Moon Goddess, who represents one of the highest beliefs of the elves, still weighs slightly less. As one of the ancestors of the elven family, although Ashitdell was born relatively late, it is not comparable to the second-generation elven gods like Milte, or even the third and fourth-generation elven gods. .

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