Bright Era

Chapter 1902: Who is greater (1)

Lin Qi and his party were standing at the entrance of the Great Hall of the Undead. The Dragon Witch King released a faint gray mist to wrap their bodies. There were countless powerful undead people in the whole hall, and no one could discover Lin Qi's existence.

Hanging on the high platform in the middle, Just who was yelling impassionedly and loudly said: "The right choice, when the Temple of the Dead comes again, when the gods are about to start a new war, what do we need to do? Should we keep hiding? In the abyss of the undead, will you endure this dark life forever? No, no, no!"

Gust shouted loudly, but the undead powerhouses around, except for a few people, all put on a standard dead face, without the slightest change in expression. There was even a ghost drifting up slowly, and said coldly: "A dark life? This is our favorite life. Our ghosts don't like the sun!"

Another powerful black knight patted the armrest of his seat heavily and laughed loudly: "Aha, except for some undead who really don’t like the sun, other young children of the undead, how many of them can withstand Sun exposure? Hey, the skeleton rack opposite, do your skeleton soldiers like to be dried into firewood by the sun?"

The Skeleton King with a ruby ​​crown sitting in front of the black knight gave a dry smile. He raised his legs, took out a bottle of rose oil from the ground world, and slowly wiped his ribs. The pink rose oil rubbed his ribs gleamingly, and he was taking care of his ribs while smiling ‘Jie Jie’.

"Of course, we old guys don't care, but those little guys, can they still supplement calcium after being in the sun?"

A group of undead powerhouses roared with laughter at the same time, especially those undead powerhouses of the Skeleton Element, even more so that their jaws came off. Isn't it? The undead has no friendship with the sun. Especially low-level undead, the sun brought to them will always be unbearable harm. So what Gust said to endure a dark life forever, for the undead, it really lacks resonance.

Looking at the undead who were roaring with laughter in embarrassment, Gust grabbed a heavy gavel and smashed it against the wooden table in front of him: "Quiet, quiet! Today is my chair of the meeting. Be quiet! Are my words funny? Are they really funny?"

Angrily circled a few circles on the spot, Gust screamed: "Perhaps some juniors still find it ridiculous, but those elders sitting at the highest level of the hall, have you forgotten the blue sky and white clouds outside? The green mountains and green waters on the ground, forget the gorgeous fragrance of the flowers? Don’t you want to return to the comfortable life on the ground?”

The laughter of many powerful undead men stopped abruptly. At the highest point of the hall of the undead, there was a circle of thirty-six beautifully decorated thrones. Now on these thirty-six thrones, only five or six undead wearing gray cloaks, all of their bodies hidden in the black mist, sat sparsely.

Hearing Gust’s screams, these undead powerhouses with the highest status in the Undead Abyss did not say a word, and they did not move at all, just sitting there quietly, two ghost fires flickering in the hood of the cloak. With a faint light, staring coldly at Gust.

The Dragon Witch King sighed softly: "Blue sky and white clouds? Green mountains and green waters? The mountains and water may not have changed, but the sky is no longer the blue sky and white clouds! This time, I found out after I went out. Why did the sky become white and red?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and motioned that he didn't know what was going on. Lin Qi is also very curious. Could it be that long ago, before the Primordial God War, the sky was blue? The blue sky and white clouds seem to be very charming when I think of it!

But now the sky is white-red, and the clouds are also white-red. Even in a sunny day, the sky is covered with a faint red light, which makes people uncomfortable. Lin Qi sighed lightly, then shook his head slowly, he couldn't imagine what the world scene was before the Great Ancient God War.

The Dragon Witch King glanced at Lin Qi, solemnly took out a crystal ball and handed it to him: "These are some images of the world before the Primordial God War. Just look at it, don’t ask why, don’t ask yes What, because it doesn’t make much sense to say this."

Looking at the Dragon Witch King in surprise, Lin Qi focused all his attention on this crystal ball.

Gust’s yelling didn’t get the response of those very high-ranking undead powerhouses. He sighed helplessly, and then yelled in frustration: "No one responded to my proposal? We undead. The abyss should be prepared in advance, we cannot passively wait for the outbreak of war, we should prepare in advance!"

He slammed the gavel on the wooden platform, and Gust sternly reprimanded: "The great Dragon Witch King, our leader, he has left the Abyss of the Undead! I respect the Dragon Witch King very much, but I must point it out. All the measures taken by the Dragon Witch King are too conservative and too negative!"

"Faced with a divine battle that may erupt from time to time, our undead abyss just blocked the teleportation array and turned on all the protective magic arrays, is it enough?" Gust sighed deeply, then shook his head : "No, no, absolutely not enough! This is not enough to meet future challenges. If we are so careless and negligent, then this is not responsible for the entire abyss of the dead!"

Taking a deep glance at the undead powerhouses present, Goust said slowly: "We have to be responsible to all the undead in the Abyss of the Undead. We have to protect their safety and we have to safeguard their interests. We must use stronger forces. , A more effective means!"

The whole hall of the undead was quiet, and no one said anything for a long while. How many years have passed, no one dares to challenge the dignity of the Dragon Witch King head-on, and no one dares to question the will of the Dragon Witch King. In the abyss of the undead, the Dragon Witch King is the only god, he is the supreme god, he is the father of all the undead, the leader of all the undead, and the mentor of all the undead.

As a direct disciple of the Dragon Witch King 30,000 years ago, and as one of the Dragon Witch King’s most trusted disciples, Goust, who has the status of the fifth vice-chairman of the Undead Abyss Senior Association, how dare he be in front of so many people? Questioning the correctness of the Dragon Witch King?

Lin Qi ignored the self-seeking Gosite, he saw that although Gosite had some strength, he had just completed the first transformation and reached the level of a lower-level god. As an undead powerhouse in the line of evil spirits and ghosts, Gust, who has no physical existence, has a good set of souls, but nothing more.

Moreover, there is a mere existence of a lower rank, Lin Qi is now a small person who can kill him with a single spit, why should Lin Qi care about him?

Therefore, Lin Qi focused all his attention on this crystal ball. He injected a trace of source power into the crystal ball, inspiring a faint light curtain, which showed a magnificent landscape. The turquoise river water is as soft as satin, on both sides are green hills that are clever like screens. In the blue sky, white clouds like smoke float by, and large groups of birds chase and play in the sky.

An iron boat moved slowly on the river, and there were strangely dressed people laughing and playing on the boat, holding some weird magic devices of different sizes in their hands. The size of this ship is pitiful, about twenty meters in length, which is completely incomparable to the size of the current ship.

The length of more than 20 meters is not even a fishing boat in Dunelke Port. Even the transportation boats inside the port are larger than it.

Then the light flickered, and a long black and cyan city wall appeared in front of Lin Qi. This was a city wall opened in the mountains. The continuous city wall stretched out like a long dragon above the mountains. The black and blue city wall was slightly yellowed. The mountain range is accompanied by a red sun high in the sky. Although the scale of the city wall seems to be so insignificant in Lin Qi, Lin Qi always feels that a huge pressure is faintly spreading from it.

"This city wall is a little longer in length, but in terms of height and thickness, it is completely incomparable to the current city wall!"

Lin Qi and Tian Tianshan exchanged their opinions. Any city wall with sufficient defensive power is about 100 meters high, and it is also attached with countless magic circles and various organ traps. And the city wall in this light curtain is obviously just an ordinary city wall several meters high.

"The builders of these walls are ordinary humans!" The osmanthus tree said slowly: "My backup data has been restored recently, and it happens to know that the builders of these walls have no strength or any power. I don’t know how to use any magic devices, only the most primitive tools such as wooden sticks and iron rods."

Lin Qi's eyes widened in horror, and he heard the sweet-scented osmanthus tree continue to say: "The physical strength of those people is probably only one-third of that of ordinary brawny men in the Western Continent! Whether it is strength or physique, it is just the most common one in Western Continent One third of the strong man."

"They built such a city wall with human power?" Lin Qi sighed deeply.

"A missing era!" Underworld Temple said coldly: "An era that shouldn't exist, but does exist, and has brought great destruction. You'd better not take these things to your heart, because there is no meaning! "

"Remember your identity, you are now our supreme commander, our sole commander! You have a huge responsibility, you have a dangerous task, kill those gods, kill them all, exterminate them, and then slaughter them The family, razing their hometown, destroying their civilization!" The Temple of Underworld roared loudly: "Your mission is to destroy, respected Master Lin Qi, instead of lamenting the greatness of the ancients like a woman!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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