Bright Era

Chapter 1861: First entrance sanctuary (2)

It is no wonder that among the fragments of the dark calendar and destruction calendar collected by the Black Tiger family, there are still some far more advanced knowledge passed down than the current mainland civilization. The sentimental church is deliberately gradually destroying those civilizations that are too powerful and too sophisticated. They are gradually leading the civilization of the Western mainland and gradually declining.

If you look at the level of the so-called powerhouses in the Western Continent, you can see that no one can grasp the real power, and you can know what the church has done in the past so many years.

The clergy began to appear on the avenue wearing various clergy robes, and some elderly godfathers were carrying bells and incense burners, slowly walking along the avenue with the students of the chanting class lined up in a neat line. Recite scriptures praising the gods.

These clergymen wearing long robes and belonging to the clerical order look laid-back and seem to be doing nothing. However, the temple knights on the avenue who rode various mounts to and fro, gave the holy mountain an aura of tension.

Over everyone's heads, from time to time, thousands of flying dragons of various colors flew quickly. These flying dragons were all wearing heavy armor and carrying fully armed temple knights on their backs. In a short period of time, at least 50,000 flying dragon knights passed over everyone's heads, and Lin Qi couldn't help being horrified. The military strength of the church hidden in the dark was really terrifying.

What surprised Lin Qi was that where are so many flying dragons in the church? Could it be that the church in the abyss world also has Lin Qi's foundation? Otherwise, 50,000 flying dragons, the sacred mountain would absolutely not be able to contain them, and the Western Continent would not find a place where they could be kept without being discovered by outsiders. Not to mention other things, just talk about the huge food intake of these flying dragons. How much meat does the church buy every day?

Just as Lin Qi was calculating how much strength the church had hidden, a black cloud flew over his head with a violent wind. The deep roar of the dragon shook Lin Qi's mount with four hooves softly lying on the ground. This time, it was a real 2,000-head dragon!

The delicate body, the black iron-colored dragon scales, the sharp dragon horns, and the dragon claws are more than twice the size of ordinary dragons. At the end of the tail, there are several scales that are erected like big swords. The edges of these dragon scales are exuding. The dazzling cold light, it is conceivable that when these dragons wave their long tails and draw these scales on people, it will cause much damage.

This is the Dark Iron Dragon, which also belongs to a relatively rare small population in the Dragon Abyss. This kind of dragon has no magical power. They simply rely on a tyrannical body, a metamorphic physique that is almost absolutely physical immunity, and dragon horns, dragon claws and dragon tails with amazing lethality.

One-on-one, these dark iron dragons will easily be ravaged to death by elemental dragons with magic. Ten black iron dragons can be equal to ten elemental dragons. If two thousand black iron dragons are facing two thousand ordinary elemental dragons, it is estimated that after the two thousand elemental dragons are slaughtered, there will be 1,500 of these black iron dragons left.

Some people say that the Dark Iron Dragon is the assassin and killer of the dragon family. They are dangerous enemies to the dragon, but on the battlefield, a Dark Iron Dragon is enough to cause a devastating blow to an army of tens of thousands of people—— Because their bodies are almost physically immune, if there are no powerful magicians sitting in town and ordinary legions that rely on physical attacks, they will only end up slaughtered by them.

Immediately after, teams of dragons flew past, and they were constantly mixed with high-level or super-level beasts such as Thunder Eagle, Pegasus, Manticore, etc. Lin Qi couldn't help but his eyes jumped as he watched these monsters and giant dragons flying by. These huge monsters, where does the church keep them in captivity?

A deep roar sounded, and from a avenue in the diagonal thorns, a group of Knights of the God of War, dressed in blood-colored armor, rushed out. They rode a blood lion horse with all-colored hair and blood, and ran across the avenue where Lin Qi and them walked like a ball of rolling blood, toward a valley dozens of miles away.

The knights of the Temple of War are cold and solemn, and the muscles on their faces are as rigid as stone statues. The breath they exude is like a group of zombies who have been suppressed in a coffin for thousands of years. Lin Qi couldn't help being speechless.

Even more so, Lin Qi frowned, the tens of thousands of knights from the Temple of War, their breaths all reached the level above the heavenly rank. The ten chiefs among them are basically the strength of saints, and the hundred chiefs already have the combat effectiveness of saints. And the heads of the divisions and the guards around them were all demi-god mid-level and above strengths.

As for the armors on this team of war-templar knights, they are all high-level magic armors. Some of the magic armors seem to be new products that have just been cast, and the magic armors worn by most people are of the old style, densely covered with various sword marks and knife wounds. It is obvious that they have experienced countless battles. .

And these old-fashioned armor exudes a stronger breath than those new products, especially the armor on the heads of the divisions is like a monster that is full of human blood, and it is madly spraying a suffocating **** smell, ordinary soldiers Don't talk about fighting these people, just being rushed by the smell of blood, it is estimated that your legs are weak and you can't stand firmly.

"This Knight Order is really good!" Hu Xinzhu exclaimed: "But, they don't seem to be from the Knights of the God of War?"

Mu Wei glanced at these fiercely furious knights with disdain, and then shook her head gently: "They are the'sleepers', one of the true main battle regiments of the Temple of War. It seems, The **** of war has issued a mobilization order? Otherwise, these stinky guys will not be awakened from their sleeping place."

"Sleep?" Lin Qi squinted, there is such a knight order in the Temple of War?

Nodding, Mu Wei lowered her voice: "A group of fanatics, devout fanatics, although I must admit that fanatics are all very valuable believers, but I hate these stinking fanatics, only the **** of war. That wild boar can bear the smell of them!"

Tilting her head, Mu Wei took out a handkerchief and covered her nose: "They can't be regarded as real humans, but they can't be regarded as undead. They are the most brave and proficient warriors in the Temple of War in countless years. Their or natural life span is about to end. , Or were seriously injured, in a word, they are a group of people who are about to die."

"But their combat skills and combat experience are very useful, and they have a firm belief. If they harvest their souls in this way, although it is a lot of income, it is still a bit wasteful!" Mu Wei tilted her mouth: "So , The **** of soul allows their souls to live in their bodies forever, the goddess of life, the stinky woman, creates potions to keep these guys’ bodies moving forever."

"In addition to some other evil methods learned from the undead clan, when these guys are sleeping, their bodies will become stronger and stronger, and their strength will become stronger and stronger. Moreover, they have no fear and will not be shaken. They are used on the battlefield. After tackling or breaking, it is the best choice." Mu Wei sneered: "In order to create these sleepers, the **** of war almost sold all his underwear."

Lin Qi glanced at Mu Wei: "The price is huge?"

Frowning, Mu Wei coldly snorted: "The God of Soul is easier to talk. This guy has been beaten several times by the gods. He has become very well-behaved and dare not make arbitrary conditions! But the goddess of life, that coquettish Ugly woman, she relied on a few master gods who wanted to have **** with her, so she paid a huge price for that poor wild boar!"

Shaking her head, Mu Wei was obviously unwilling to continue this topic. She slapped her arrogantly, slapped hundreds of sleeper knights crossing the road and flew more than 100 meters away, and then carried Lin proudly. Qi and Hu Xinzhu swaggered over.

The sleeping knights roared in anger in unison, they gripped the hilt of the sword, they were about to draw the sword and Mu Wei would share life and death. But Mu Wei's body suddenly flashed with a very weak power, these sleepers lowered their heads at the same time, jumped off their mounts and knelt on the ground respectfully.

The tens of thousands of sleeping people didn't make a sound, so Mu Wei walked over with Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu. After waiting a long way forward, Mu Wei twitched her mouth: "A bunch of walking corpses, nothing great, compared to me... Compared with the "Knights of Nirvana" of the goddess of war, this is just a bunch of stinky. The walking dead!"

Hu Xinzhu smiled and fanned Mu Wei in a cool breeze: "Knights of Nirvana? Very good name! Are they strong?"

Mu Wei smiled triumphantly, her eyes narrowed into a line: "Of course, they are very powerful, at least a hundred times stronger than the Sleeper! Because they are a truly invincible army! Waiting for you to see them I’ll be surprised when I am coming!"

Mu Wei smiled openly, and there was a scent called show off all over. Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, revealing a cautious expression. This Sleeper Legion is comparable in strength to the main force of the Longshan Empire, but in terms of combat experience, the Legion of the Longshan Empire is definitely not their opponent.

If Mu Wei really had an army stronger than the Sleeper, what kind of perverted army would it be?

There was nothing all the way, under the leadership of Mu Wei, Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu came to the core of the holy mountain smoothly. In a square that looks pale and colorful, and the ground is densely covered with countless cracks, a small teleportation magic array is constantly spraying out a ray of colorful light into the sky. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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