Bright Era

Chapter 1846: Ask for votes and talk about the outbreak on Monday!

Nine and eight!

Eighth on the 14th!

This is what the dude must do!

The 9th is tomorrow, and Dutou is ready! Fighting flaming, just want to fight hard!

Ask for monthly ticket, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, as long as it is a ticket pig!

Because there are still eight games yet to be practiced, the next eight games will be more difficult!

Today's single-day monthly ticket count exceeds 300 or enters the top three of the monthly ticket list, and more will be added on the 20th!

Tomorrow, let’s see that the pig heads first implement the eight more promises. Thank you for your hot tickets. The passion is like fire!

Keep fighting, the more you fight, the more passion you will get. The first three are very close, ask for a monthly pass!

Chong Chong Chong!

Rush up!

Everyone, vote for the monthly pass! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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