Bright Era

Chapter 1819: How about killing it? (1)

"Don't you understand?" The old man's nose slowly turned red, a little red like blood plasma, which was about to flow out of his nose. He sneered at Lin Qi's chest with his fingers, and sneered word by word: "I am the king, this is my own name. Haven't you heard of my name?"

Lin Qi's visor retracted into the helmet with a'swish', his eyes widened, looking at Wang Ba innocently and innocently: "I have never heard of it! But don't use your fingers , I would think there is a **** standing in front of me!"

When speaking of the last two words, Lin Qi used the lingua franca of the eastern continent. Only the relatively old lingua franca of the Eastern Continent can perfectly interpret some of the rich and extra meanings of the word "Wang Ba". After all, it is an ancient and time-honored Eastern civilization. In terms of certain metaphors and allusions, this is simply a world away from the simple and straightforward description in the lingua franca of the West.

Wang Ba's face turned that kind of weird red, he stared at Lin Qi's eyes tightly, and then laughed'hahahaha', the movements on his fingers became heavier and heavier, his fingers stuck. On Lin Qi's breastplate, there was a loud'Dangdang' noise.

"There is a kind, a very kind! It's a kind of muscle pimple! Hey, Lin Qi, right? The old man remembers you!" After shaking his head and muttering a few times, Wang Ba laughed: "Remember, you Today I rejected Wang Ba’s kindness. Remember, this set of armor and axe are all Yun Yaotian's. With your small body and your strength, you are also worthy of having a magical tool?"

When the bad wind sounded, several heroic warriors rushed over, their bucklers slapped Lin Qi heavily, and the spears in their hands stabbed at the king's vital point ruthlessly. Behind these few heroic spirit warriors, all the remaining golden armor warriors formed a group of several charging formations, and rushed towards this side silently.

Wang Ba coldly snorted, he bent his fingers and flicked a few times, and several blood beams shot out, and the heads of the heroic warriors in front of him burst to death. Lin Qi unceremoniously waved the Tu Jun axe, and he heard a tiger roar. A black tiger shadow and Tu Jun axe rushed out, opening their big mouth and swallowing the two heroic warriors with blasted heads.

Before Wang Ba continued to take action, Lin Qi had already rushed into the array of these golden armored fighters, with the army axe in his hand flying up and down. Lin Qi controlled his aura very precisely, not letting him exude a breath higher than a demigod. Then, with the help of the power of the divine tool, he easily slayed the warriors of the Hall of Valor, letting the **** Tiger Soul Armor and the Tu Junaxe have a meal.

Laihan and Sina scolded angrily, they watched Lin Qi wipe out all the golden armor soldiers they had brought. They wanted to attack Lin Qi several times, but Lin Qi cleverly covered himself with the bodies of the golden armored warriors, which made Rahan and Sina unable to take action at all—not that they didn’t want to take action, but they Pompey and Anthony in their bodies refused to attack the heroic fighters.

The two watched as Lin Qi cut and killed these heroic warriors like cutting vegetables. A strange aura rose from the **** Tiger Soul Armor and Tu Junaxe, a **** tiger shadow and a black head. Tiger shadows entangled with each other and rushed out from above Lin Qi's head. The two tiger shadows were so clear that they looked like two living tigers.

The two fierce big guys flicked their tails to Lin Qi affectionately, and then turned their heads and screamed at the sky in four directions: east, west, south, and north. The continuous tiger roar shook the black centaur warriors back and forth again and again, and the centaur warriors who were too close to Lin Qi were shocked to squirt blood from their eardrums. Some centaurs even spewed large groups of plasma from their mouths.

Lehan and Sina backed back in shock, while Wang Ba looked at the two lifelike tiger shadows very greedily, and muttered to himself subconsciously: "Impossible? Not so fast? How many rare materials does this kid store in these two artifacts to allow them to advance one after another? Or is there a problem with these golden armor fighters?"

Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, two pieces of equipment that have just been promoted to artifacts. After devouring the remaining heroic warriors, they will be injected into them at any cost through the subsidiary mines of Heavenly Mountain, such as Mythril Mountain, Gem Lake, and Fine Gold Mine. After purifying and refining the rare materials, with the help of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, and Dragon Cliff, we constantly modify the inner gods, runes, patterns, and seals for them to make them happen in a very short time. It has evolved that other artifacts have been impossible for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Inferior top-level artifacts, this is the current level of Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor.

Tu Jun’s axe's shape has become more ferocious and ferocious. There are black embossed lines on his axe. If you look closely, those embossed lines will form a head of a ferocious tiger. These lifelike tiger heads are open. The big mouth raised to the sky and roared, they seemed to be devouring something frantically, and a large number of magical elements visible to the naked eye were constantly being swallowed from the big mouths of these tiger heads.

The shape of the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor has also become sharper, thicker and firmer. After wearing this armor, Lin Qi's height has exceeded three meters. This armor greatly increases Lin Qi's size, and improves Lin Qi's strength, speed, and defense in all aspects, and surprises Lin Qi. However, a large number of magic elements were constantly being swallowed by this set of blood-colored armor, and after purification, they were injected into Lin Qi's body from all over the body.

Coupled with the help of the energy feedback from the body of the immortal moon wheel swallowing the heaven and the earth, Lin Qi's body now generates dozens of tiny hair strands every time he flicks his fingers, and his current cultivation speed is more than a hundred times faster than before.

"If they can evolve into a mid-level artifact, then..." Lin Qi's muscles all jumped. The strength of his three-star imperial warrior is comparable to that of the middle and lower level gods. If Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor can be promoted to middle level artifacts, then Lin Qi can fully display his powerful strength!

With the magic and power of the source force, Lin Qi even had the courage to compete with the top middle-ranked gods.

"I can support as much as possible with the materials here!" Tiantian Mountain smiled with a hint of malice: "It is not a problem to support their promotion to the main artifact. As for the origin of energy and spirit, those two guys are estimated to be able to support Promote them to the top mid-level artifact!"

With a smirk of evil intentions, Heaven Mountain said lightly: "Hall of Valor? It used to be arrogant and domineering, but now it seems that they have completely lost control, and they have fallen to the point where they are driven by those gods. So, Take this opportunity to teach the Hall of Valor a little lesson!"

The Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse also spoke sneakily: "Respected Master Lin Qi, the value of the Hall of Valor is just like that. He is nothing more than upgrading the souls of evolutionary powerhouses and allowing them to become possessed spirits to assist in combat. But the countless heroes inside the Hall of Heroes, the countless heroes stored since the day the Metaverse was built, if your equipment can swallow them..."

Lin Qi's eyes lit up suddenly, and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree also muttered softly with a hint of evil smile: "Find the Hall of Heroes and devour all the heroes in it. Your two pieces of equipment are estimated to be able to be upgraded to the level of imperial weapons. ."

With the imperial weapon, Lin Qi barked his teeth and showed a strange smile. The value of the Hall of Valor is still very high. He can upgrade and evolve the souls of the strong, making them such powerful and strange existences, which is of great significance to Lin Qi.

Think about it, once Lin Qi goes to war with hostile forces in the future, there will definitely be many deaths and injuries among his soldiers. If all soldiers who died in battle could enter the Hall of Valor, wouldn't it mean that Lin Qi had a corps that would never die, and all the strength and combat experience could be passed on forever? In this case, the terrifying degree of the Hall of Heroes is indeed far above the Longya and the Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse.

As for the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor, no matter how great they were in history, Lin Qi has no relationship with them at all, and he has never heard of the glorious deeds of these great heroic spirits. !

Turning his head to look at the king who was in a daze, Lin Qi lowered his voice and laughed mockingly: "Baby, Bibi see who kills those two guys first? Do you have this kind? You don't have it?"

Wang's face turned purple with arrogance. He took a deep look at Lin Qi, and then showed a sneer smile on his face: "Only you, dare to be so arrogant to the old man! Lin Qi, you are dead! No matter what you are. Who is the elder of his direct line, and what a remarkable background, you are dead!"

"Your armor and axe, I can't even bear to give my cheap grandson-in-law. The lower-level top-level artifact, if the old man keeps it by himself, he can at least increase the old man's combat power by ten times. The old man is in charge... The status of the clan can at least be raised to Tier 3!" Wang Ba couldn't close his mouth with a smile, obviously he had already regarded Lin Qi's equipment as his own.

Feeling the tyrant's unkind gaze, Lin Qi just smiled coldly, and put down his visor, Lin Qi let out a low roar, waved Tu Jun's axe and charged towards Laihan. Originally, Laihan's height was nearly double that of Lin Qi, but after the **** tiger soul armor was promoted to the lower top-level artifact, Lin Qi's height when wearing armor was also about three meters, this time the height difference between the two can be Not big anymore.

Staring at Laihan's golden eyes, Lin Qi slashed at Laihan with an axe cleanly.

The howling Tu Jun axe suddenly trembled in the process of slashing. Suddenly, a black axe split into thirteen erratic axe shapes, but every aura was sharp and unusually curved. This move comes from the martial arts inheritance of the barbarian, and is an extremely exquisite move in the barbarian's axe skills. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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