Bright Era

Chapter 1817: Upgrade artifact (3)

Lin Qi smiled and waved to Yin Wuxia, and then rushed forward with Wang Zong side by side.

"Well, that's right, I'm in Black Pearl Harbor! But for some reason you can guess, I originally came to meet you after a fight with you." Lin Qi smiled and patted. The head of Wang Zong, who was a lot shorter than himself, tugged at the big beard on his face: "The little guy who has just grown up has a big beard. Look at the tender and tender face of Wuxia girl, you really I'm sorry people."

Wang Zong turned blue with anger. He wiped the beard on his face, which was obviously too strong compared to his age, and roared angrily: "This is an old man, this is a mature! Bastard, my beard What does it have to do with you in Black Pearl Harbor? What kind of status are you in the Longshan Empire? You know that your opponent is me, that's why you made such weird defense measures?"

Lin Qi looked at Wang Zong calmly: "Yeah, I probably won't be able to beat you in the face-to-face battle, so of course I have to cheat on the city defense. But I didn't expect that I cheated, and you actually beat me bruised and swollen. This is very bad, very bad!"

Wang Zong glanced at Laihan, who was looking up to the sky and laughing, and punched a member of his clan to vomit blood and flew out.

Lin Qi spread his hands out: "Your son sent the assassins out! If I wasn't afraid that you would be killed by them and provoke the lion clan and me to die, would I run out at this time to share your troubles? These guys are not easy to deal with...Oops!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qi kicked Wang Zong to the ground, just as if Wang Zong had just kicked it. Before Wang Zong's cursing was heard, the twelve golden armored warriors rushed to them like ghosts and ghosts. Four large shields obstructed Lin Qi's evasion route from four directions, and the twelve spears brought a terrible cracking sound, and stabbed at various points of Lin Qi's body.

If Lin Qi hadn't kicked Wang Zong, there would be six spears aimed at Wang Zong now. But now, Lin Qi suffered the twelve spears alone. Seeing the explosion of white air at the tips of the spears, Wang Zong screamed hoarsely: "Be careful!"

There was a violent tiger roar, and Lin Qi had a whole body of blood on his body, but it was bordered by black filaments. At the key joints, half-foot-long black pointed cones of ferocious armor protruded. The fully enclosed armor was shining with deep blood, and the roar of violent tigers rushed out of the armor, shaking the faces of the golden armored soldiers could not help twitching.

The twelve spears stabbed fiercely on the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor. Lin Qi carefully injected a trace of his own source force into the armor. Suddenly, the space within a few kilometers was enveloped by a strong **** light. Qi said the insignificant source power, but it made the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor take a big tonic, suddenly mad.

Suddenly hundreds of thumbs-thick pointed cones popped out of Lin Qi's body. The several-meter-long pointed cone shattered the golden spear, tore off the four-sided round shield blocking his evasion direction, and plunged deeply into it. The body of twelve golden armor soldiers. At this moment, Lin Qi was simply a human-shaped hedgehog. Except for Wang Zong at his feet, the golden armor warrior beside him had at least twenty holes pierced all over his body.

What surprised Lin Qi even more was that Lixue Tiger Soul Armor seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes. A trace of restlessness and **** sanity was taking shape in the depths of the armor. These blood-colored pointed cones that penetrated the body of the golden armor warrior were crazy. Extract energy from them.

These golden armor warriors are definitely not humans. They have no internal organs, no bones, no blood vessels and meridians, and their bodies have a powerful mass of energy like gold solution. Lixue Tiger Soul Armor let out a roar of joy, he frantically extracted the energy of those golden armor warriors, and the bodies of the twelve golden armor warriors suddenly shrank by a half.

These golden armored warriors were very spiritually shouting, they struggled to get rid of Lin Qi's control, but these weird blood-colored spikes seemed to grow in them, no matter how hard they used, they could not get rid of Lin Qi's. Bondage.

Miyin Mountain suddenly laughed softly: "This is a gift to the door, Master Lin Qi, these heroic warriors in the Hall of Valor, the energy in their bodies is very pure in quality, and it contains extremely powerful and extremely concentrated energy. Refined fighting will. For weapons and armor, they are the best tonic!"

The Mithril Mountain began to eject a wave of silver light, and through Lin Qi's body, a large amount of the refined magical mythril essence was continuously absorbed by the Leaning Tiger Soul Armor and Tu Junaxe. Miyin Mountain smiled and said: "Send your noble source power to them. We will supplement them with the materials needed for evolution, plus the energy of these heroic warriors. Maybe you can get two artifacts today."

Lin Qi's eyes were brilliant, he laughed loudly, and an axe smashed into the chest of a heroic warrior.

Several sources of power were injected into the Tu Jun axe, and the black Tu Jun axe suddenly flashed a dazzling light. The body of the heroic warrior who was smashed into the chest by the Tu Jun axe quickly collapsed. In just a few breaths, his body completely dissipated. Their weapons and shields were completely absorbed.

The rare mineral deposits attached to Heavenly Mountain, such as Mithril Mountain and Gem Lake, are activated at the same time, constantly transforming the huge energy accumulated in Heavenly Mountain into rare materials, and injecting the army axe and **** tiger armor through Lin Qi's body. There were endless tiger roars, Lin Qi only felt that the Tu Jun axe was getting hotter and hotter. Gradually, Lin Qi almost couldn't hold the Tu Jun axe that exuded terrifying heat.

The evolution process is extremely painful, Lin Qi can even feel Tu Jun's groan and cry.

But in just a few blinks of an eye, Tu Junaxe suddenly let out a happy roar, he has successfully become a semi-sacred weapon, and his rank is rapidly improving. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse cooperated with Shengxianchi to release the stream of light, and they were busy sketching out complex rules and patterns, and constantly blasting into Tu Junaxe's body.

Lin Qi looked up to the sky and laughed. He swung Tu Jun's axe and struck each of the remaining eleven heroic warriors with an axe. Wherever the axe passed by, these heroic warriors disappeared. Tu Junaxe frantically devoured the original power of these heroic warriors, and a ray of lively and smart mind was brewing at the core of Tu Junaxe.

Lingwen carefully peeked out two eyes from Lin Qi's chin: "Wow, the evolution of the artifact! It must be recorded. Don't miss such things. Is this a heroic warrior? It doesn't seem to be very powerful. According to the legend, they could contend with the gods, but how could Master Lin Qi smash to death one by one with an axe?"

Lingwen sighed incomprehensibly, and then focused all of his attention on Tu Junaxe.

There was a horrible cry of'Wow'. Several of Wang Zong's guards were punched by Laihan alone, as if an adult Titan beat a baby. They were beaten like a meteor and flew out, vomiting blood in their mouths. Two people were even injured so badly that they vomited visceral fragments. There was also one of the most miserable royal family members. His ribs were broken every inch by a punch, and the broken bones pierced into the heart, and his life was threatened.

Lin Qi took out a few bottles of potions and threw them to Wang Zong: "Heal your people, I will deal with these guys."

With a big laugh, Lin Qi strode forward and rushed forward, Tu Junaxe brought a violent black wave, and the twenty-five golden armor soldiers howled miserably in the black light curtain and dissipated without leaving a trace. . From time to time, the armor on his body shot out a few scarlet pointed cones, fiercely penetrating the bodies of the golden armored fighters, draining their energy.

Wang Zong looked at Lin Qi angrily, and he suddenly shouted: "You can take advantage of you for helping me!"

Lin Qi knew what Wang Zong meant, and he turned his head and glanced at Wang Zong: "After we kill these two guys, we will continue to fight. If you can't beat Black Pearl Harbor, I will take half of the benefits!"

Wang Zong opened his mouth and scolded angrily, "This is impossible, this is not my choice!"

Lin Qi quickly winked at Wang Zong and smiled, and a thin voice rang in his ears: "I can open a strategic channel to let the newly born Black Spirit Empire pass through this road and attack Holy Mountain! Well, I can give you all the southern territory of the former Haran Empire, and you can push up the army of the elves!"

Wang Zong's eyes widened. He turned his head and glanced at the elves who stood still in the distance, gritted his teeth and sneered: "Deal! Let the elves go to the vanguard, I am confident that their abnormal soldiers will die. There are more than one million people-if they can afford to move so many elves! I guarantee they will encounter countless traps on the battlefield!"

Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, what a cute little guy, hasn't been completely poisoned by the overlord, is Wang Zong still worth saving.

Tu Junaxe brought up black rays of light, and whizzed open the bodies of those heroic spirit warriors. With every blow, a heroic warrior could completely dissipate, and every hit of the Tiger Soul Armor and Tu Junaxe could get huge benefits. Endless energy and spirit essence, endless rare materials are constantly being injected into the army axe and the **** tiger soul armor, they are undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Suddenly, there was a low roar of tigers, and dozens of golden armor soldiers around Lin Qi collapsed and died at the same time.

A burst of light flickered on the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, and a clear and admiring mind suddenly emerged. Numerous fine and complex runes were born out of thin air, constantly reorganizing inside and outside the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor. It seemed that it was an instant, and it seemed that countless years had passed. When everyone was staring at Lin Qi in amazement, the Bloody Tiger Soul Armor changed drastically from appearance to color. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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