Bright Era

Chapter 1811: Hall of Valor, cover up (2)

Deep, deep, and demon-like babbling voices echoed in the hall. All the old people knelt down deeply, and then a flash of ecstasy flashed in their eyes. Their gods are coming back soon. Their gods will lead them to conquer everything and destroy everything. They will collapse the holy mountain, they will turn the temple into ruins, and they will completely annihilate the gods of other gods.

"Please leave the Hall of Valor, and then let these two little guys try their luck!" An old hoarse voice rang.

In the remote pirate cave of the Black Spirit Continent, Laihan and Sina followed the orders of the old man of the Fox tribe, and knelt down on the ground in a devout manner. They chanted the names of the gods they believed in, concentrated all their spirits, and carefully connected them with the soul fluctuations passed from the communication magic circle, as thin as a gossamer.

Immediately afterwards, two young men from the orc royal family felt that their fragile soul was a poor little sailing ship, and the washed soul wave suddenly expanded and quickly turned into a stormy sea, which rolled up their souls quickly. Rushed forward. The sky turned around for a while, before they knew what had happened, they had come to a magnificent hall.

What a gorgeous, majestic, and incredibly sacred temple this is!

The golden hall is surrounded by high steps, these steps are also golden, made of unknown metal, polished like a mirror. On the base composed of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, there is a square golden hall.

The two orc princes had never seen a hall in this format. In each of the four directions of the hall, there were a thousand tall hall doors. All the gates of the palace are golden, with numerous statues of heroic warriors and various strange creatures fighting on them.

Around the main hall, is a circle of spacious cloisters. On the edge of the cloister stands huge round stone pillars. The cloud tops above and below the golden stone pillars prop up the heavy dome of the hall. A circle of seven-color rainbows hovered over the main hall. In the rainbow, various weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds appeared from time to time, and from time to time there were deafening shouts of killing.

"Kneel down and pray!" A loud voice rang loudly.

Two young orcs who came here in the form of souls knelt down in fear in front of this magnificent hall. Such a sacred and gorgeous hall, is this the abode of the gods? Only the gods can create such a gorgeous palace.

They knelt on the ground, calling out the names of the gods they believed in over and over again. Their pious beliefs turned into a huge and pure power of faith and poured into the sky, two pairs of huge eyes in the sky slowly opened, staring at them indifferently. After that, two wills that were so huge that the two young orcs almost fainted came and rushed into the golden palace.

The high-pitched sword chirping into the cloud roared, and a huge will snorted, and golden blood was spilled from the sky. Obviously, a certain great being who put his will into this palace was cut by the sound of swords in the palace.

Snakeman Sna raised his head in horror. He felt that the wounded will belonged to the deity he believed in, and was also the ancestor **** ‘Desert Serpent’ Snyder enshrined by the serpent family. But why is the great **** hurt here? Isn't this the palace of the gods? Will be hurt in the palace where he lives. Did Snyder accidentally step on a banana peel in his home?

Just as Sina looked up in horror, a door of a hundred meters high in the huge palace in front of him suddenly opened. A middle-aged handsome man with a white robe, half-shouldered white robe, a saber at his waist, and a scepter entangled by golden light strode out. Behind the middle-aged man, followed by a hundred warriors wearing odd-shaped golden armor, holding spears and round shields.

"I am... I am..." The handsome, tall, middle-aged man looked at Sina hesitantly, his pupils flashed with a faint red light from time to time, something that made Sina feel all over his body. Chill, there is a red light of insanity: "I am Pompey, yes, yes, I am Pompey! But who is Pompey? This, it doesn't matter!"

Tilting his head to look at Snah, Pompeo muttered, "Well, as long as you are not Caesar, then it's okay. Well, I don't want to listen to you, but energy? Power? I lack power! If you Yes, well, at least one body is not bad. Is it?"

"Are you not Caesar?" Pompey, who was a bit mad, suddenly came to Sna with a translucent figure.

"Who is Caesar?" Sna looked at Pompeo with a bit of stunned mouth. Whether it was in the history of humans or the history of the alien race in Odin Icefield, Sna had never heard of the name Caesar. Is this an emperor? Is this a famous hero? No, absolutely not. Sina is also a talented wise man in the snake-man clan, and his knowledge is not even less than that of the wise elders.

He had never heard of Caesar's name, absolutely not.

"It's not Caesar!" Pompeo snorted coldly, he took a long breath, and then suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed into Sna's body. Sna felt a sudden pain in his body, and a violent heat flow erupted in his body like a volcano. His soul couldn't bear the impact of this torrent and almost burst.

Sna hissed in pain, his body trembled, and he fell to the ground and convulsed violently. Only then did Sna discover that the golden palace in front of him had disappeared. He was still in the Black Spirit Continent, in a small island cave on the edge of Black Pearl Harbor.

Huge, unprecedented power flooded the body, and countless information flooded into Sina's mind. He quietly felt the information, and his face suddenly showed a burst of unconcealed ecstasy. Knowledge, the knowledge of war; experience, the experience of governing a country; countless marvelous combat skills, countless wonderful skills of arranging troops.

Sina gave a long laugh with excitement. He jumped up and pointed to his side. Several golden lights rushed out. Five of the 100 golden armor fighters who had just followed Pompey had stabilized. Stood beside him.

"Consultant, who do we need to destroy?" The tassel on a helmet was scarlet red. It was obviously a small boss soldier who roared loudly. He waved the spear in his hand vigorously, and it sounded like a'chuck'. With a sound, a reef at least a hundred meters away from the soldier was cut into pieces by an invisible sharp aura.

"Wow, it's too powerful!" Sna squinted his eyes proudly. It was really too powerful, such a power!

Laihan also let out a cry of pain. In front of the golden hall, Laihan's soul was only medium in height, but his body was extremely muscular. The fierce curly-haired young man choked his neck tightly. Pressed **** the ground.

"Aha, I caught you, you mean woman, **** Cleopatra, you betrayed me, you abandoned me? I should have cut your head on the night I married you Come down and dedicate to the great Olympus gods!" The man who claimed to be Anthony pinched Lehan's neck with both hands, seeing Lehan's soul flickering and twitching, he was about to be completely destroyed.

"I, I am a man!" Lehan suddenly hissed and roared at the moment of life and death, "I am not the **** Cleopatra!"

Anthony stayed for a long time. He stared at Lehan for a while, and a dangerous breath flashed in his pupils that made Lehan extremely disturbed. After a while, Anthony laughed weirdly: "Man? Not her! It's a man! It's funny, maybe I haven't seen anyone for too long, so... Hey, hey, you are not a human being! "

The five fingers that had just loosened a little suddenly pinched again. Anthony stared at Lehan, who had restored the image of a golden lion man because of his hard work, and roared angrily: "A human walking lion? What's the matter? Leo Patra, is this your conspiracy?"

A huge will suddenly fell, and it hit Anthony's head straight. Anthony, who was so aggressive that he wanted to slap Rahan to death, stayed for a long time, and then he exhaled angrily: "Aha, you are not, you are a strange creature! But it doesn't matter, lend me your power, Loan me your soul, the great Anthony can make you invincible!"

After laughing wildly, Anthony also turned into a golden light and slammed into Lehan's body. When Anthony walked out of the Hall of Valor, the three hundred elite warriors who followed him with spears and bucklers proudly turned into golden **** of light and plunged into Rahan's soul.

With sweat all over, Laihan, who had restored the image of the Golden Lion, jumped up from the ground with an anguish.

"Damn, I met a terrible lunatic! But, he is really too strong!" Lehan panted and grabbed Sna by the shoulder: "I seem to know what happened to us, Sna, listen. Have you talked about the Hall of Valor? We should be, we should have seen that great and incredible artifact!"

Sna nodded thoughtfully, judging from what they had seen and heard, they had indeed received the preferential treatment of the senior officials of the Odin Temple and had the opportunity to enter the Hall of Valor. According to legend, among the alien races in Odin Icefield, only the strongest and the most honourable can be rewarded from the Hall of Valor.

And every powerhouse who was rewarded by the Hall of Valor has grown into a powerhouse among the alien races for a while. After receiving the reward from the Hall of Valor, their already powerful strength has become even more comparable to the legendary gods.

Ordinary alien races, including those members of the royal family, don't know what's going on in the Hall of Valor, but this time, after Laihan and Sina experienced the magic of the Hall of Valor, they were so excited that every hair on their bodies was trembling! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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