Bright Era

Chapter 1788: Faction (4)

It's so tiring to write. Today, Zhutou tossed all afternoon and the whole evening.

In addition to codewords, Zhutou is still writing some world architecture and background settings.

Ask for a ticket for comfort. The pig's feet are so tired!


Ying Zheng slowly walked out of the moon wheel, and the long case, large chairs, and wine altar in that round of moonlight disappeared silently, only a round of clear and white moonlight suspended above Ying Zheng's head, constantly spilling. The coldness visible to the naked eye tempered his body. With both hands, Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi coldly: "Dongshun King Lin Qi, you should know what punishment you will get after you say that to me."

Looking around mockingly, Ying Zheng shook his head: "An ancient magic circle that blocks the void and prevents its breath from leaking?"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded: "I don't want to make the movement too large to attract the attention of some existence, so I can only do this. I have some plans in the Black Spirit Continent, and I just want to quietly belong to my part of the good. Swallow it, don't want to attract outsiders to interfere."

Ying Zheng glanced at Lin Qi in surprise: "Do you want to attack the Black Spirit Continent? Do you want to unify the Black Spirit Continent? Lin Qi, how can you dare to have such an idea? Only I, only I can do it. To such a great achievement! I am the co-master determined by the destiny of the world!"

"Destined?" Lin Qi shook his head: "You may..."

The three-legged toad laughed strangely from the side: "Although I don't want to laugh, I still can't help but want to laugh. Generally, people who say things like the destiny will die miserably. Ha, ha, ha ha ha! I really don't want to say that, but how does this emperor look like a fool?"

Ying Zheng was trembling with anger, and he roared at the three-legged toad angrily: "You **** toad, who on earth are you on?"

The three-legged toad lazily spit on the ground with a scent of sweet smell, like a spit of jade liquid: "Master, I don't stand on either side! The immortal moon wheel is there, uncle, I chase the immortal moon wheel, and I don't bother to pay attention to the others Your life and death."

Lin Qi couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and Ying Zheng looked at the three-legged toad with a gloomy face: "I am not old moon wheel, now in my hands!"

The three-legged toad looked at Ying Zheng sincerely and reminded him very sincerely: "But please note, the emperor, you do not really control the fishing of the moon wheel. To be precise, you have not passed the identity of the immortal moon wheel. Verification! You are just using the method of sacrificing artifacts, and initially you can use the basic functions of the immortal moon wheel, just as if you found a big sword on the roadside, and you used it to chop vegetables, it was that simple!"

Ying Zheng stared at the three-legged toad: "I, don't really control the Immortal Moon Wheel? It's just nonsense. I am connected with him, and I have been able to perform all his functions. I can even let you take the initiative to come. Cast, don’t I control him yet?"

A pitying glance at Ying Zheng, this pitiful look made Ying Zheng almost mad. The three-legged toad sighed faintly: "But, can you let him speak? You can let him help you absorb the purest and most human body in the world with the most beneficial primordial psychic energy, and help you strengthen your body and recast your flesh. Can you let him store his original psychic powers and activate the "Moon Wheel Tianyu Slash" that the immortal moon wheel can easily kill even the main god?"

"You, you!" Ying Zheng's body trembled violently. He pointed to the three-legged toad, stammering speechless.

The donkey was carrying two rabbits and appeared from behind Lin Qi like a ghost. With a big cigar in his mouth, the donkey greeted the three-legged toad enthusiastically: "Hey, that three-legged grandson, it’s been a long time since I saw you. The donkey misses the feeling of kicking your belly with your hoof! The elasticity is so good. It feels very good, and you can’t beat it to death. You are the best sandbag!"

The skin color of the three-legged toad suddenly turned into a terrible green color, he screamed in horror, and jumped up to a height of more than 100 meters. A large amount of foam sprayed out of his mouth, and he screamed like crazy, "I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming, I'm having nightmares! My God, father, mother, How could I have such a nightmare?"

"Damn emperor, I said, can't come here, it's dangerous, it's very dangerous! You idiot, you idiot whose IQ can't even match a stone! Donkey! Donkey!!! Donkey!!!"

The three-legged toad suddenly squirted a fragrant jade-colored blood, dying and lying on the ground: "What kind of evil did I have done in my last life... My dear father, I just woke up less than a year ago, why did I Encountered this villain?"

The two rabbits jumped over happily. They skilfully picked up the two front legs of the three-legged toad, and then slapped him to the ground hard: "Spit blood, hurry up! How much have you stored over the years!" Medicine power? Quickly vomit blood! We are badly hurt, you vomit some blood to heal us! Go vomit blood! Toad, we have been gone for so many years, at least you have to vomit two cylinders of blood?"

The three-legged toad kept spitting out a mouthful of jade-colored viscous liquid, and the wonderful fragrance in the air became more and more intense. Lin Qi and Ying Zheng only took a sip of the fragrance, and felt that there was a burst of heat flowing from the limbs and skeletons. His energy welled up from his bone marrow.

The three-legged toad made a stern sound of "quack quack quack". He was thrown to the ground heavily. The two rabbits unkindly took out a large water tank that could hold at least ten loads of water, and kept spitting the three-legged toad. The jade-colored sap that came out was collected in a water tank.

Ying Zheng was angry and regretful looking at the three-legged toad, this strange creature, the blood he vomited, actually had such a magical effect? Just smelling the smell, its effect is no less than that of a peerless panacea, what if you can drink it?

Watching the two rabbits frantically beat the three-legged toad to squeeze his blood, Ying Zheng yelled hysterically: "These are my treasures, you and other beasts, how dare you take my treasures?"

The two rabbits stopped their hands suddenly, and they looked back at Ying Zheng, and a fierce light flashed through their scarlet eyes.

The three-legged toad spit heavily and got up from the ground. He jumped eight feet high and pointed at Ying Zheng and cursed: "Idiot! Who said this is your baby? They are you Uncle Toad. I don't know how many years I haven't seen them. Brothers of life and death, what is it that he puts a little blood on me? Even if they want Uncle Toad to have an arm and leg, I won't even hum!"

Opening his big mouth, the three-legged toad bit one of his forelimbs with a ‘click’. The wonderful sweet scent in the air became stronger and stronger, and Lin Qi took a deep breath, only to feel a fluttering all over, and there was a kind of pleasure that was about to fly away in the wind.

Lifting his head triumphantly, the three-legged toad threw his forelimb to the donkey.

A big mouth emerged from the donkey's side, and'Aoao' swallowed the forelimb that exuded a strong medicinal fragrance. The three-legged toad's vigorous body shook, and a brand-new forelimb emerged. He quickly jumped to the donkey's side, and eagerly combed the smooth black hair on his neck: "Aha, donkey brother, long time no see, I really miss you! Ah, is one front leg enough? Another hundred and eighty? You can’t just say, brother, I don’t have anything else. I really don’t care about these arms and legs!

Lin Qi shook his body and almost fell to the ground.

Ying Zheng watched this weird scene in horror, and there was confusion in his mind, and he didn't know what to say.

"You all deserve to die!" Ying Zheng yelled out of anger, and the immortal moon wheel above his head suddenly released a gleaming blue light, and the smoke and mist of the cold breathed out from the immortal moon wheel, and gradually came to Ying Zheng's side. Condensed into dozens of looming sword shadows made of profound ice.

"Your Majesty, you'd better not be impulsive! Take a break!" Lin Qi shook his head, he reached out his hand and pointed at the moon wheel, a thin cyan streamer shot out from his fingertips, with a touch of sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance The azure light of shining on the immortal moon wheel, Lin Qi immediately felt a vast and energetic force rushing along the azure light, gurgling into his body.

A soft, sweet voice whispered quietly: "Immortal Moon Wheel has seen Master Lin Qi. After so many years, it is great to finally get an order from the Lord!"

Dozens of sword shadows suddenly turned their directions, and the tip of the sword aimed at Ying Zheng's body. Before Ying Zheng came back to his senses, these sword shadows had already stuck on his body and pressed firmly against his skin. A few sword shadows even pierced his skin lightly, causing a few tiny drops of blood to ooze out of his body.

Ying Zheng looked at the immortal moon wheel floating above his head in disbelief. He screamed hoarsely: "I am not old moon wheel, you are mine!"

The Immortal Moon Wheel spoke lightly: "Sorry, Your Majesty Yingzheng of the Blood Qin Empire, thank you for the so many magic materials that you have put in to repair me over the years. But I can only obey the orders of an adult, and you obviously don't have enough. The authority controls me!"

A light flash of moonlight instantly submerged in Lin Qi's eyebrows, and then went directly into Lin Qi's body, rotating around the tiny origin in Lin Qi's body. Huge energy is constantly released from the moon wheel and is constantly being swallowed by the origin. A trace of source power continued to grow at a speed a hundred times faster than before. These source powers gradually filled Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi only felt a huge force gushing out of his body, and his body suddenly shook slightly.

Lin Qi's breath suddenly rose from a human position to a heavenly level. The original force as small as hair has been condensed into a thin haze, which constantly sweeps Lin Qi's body up and down, transforming his body into a thin mist. Get stronger.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Ying Zheng rushed to Lin Qi like crazy: "That's mine, that's mine, that's my treasure! Not old moon wheel! You are mine! It took me thousands of years to collect countless materials to allow you to repair most of it. How dare you betray me?"

Da Hei jumped behind Ying Zheng, and he raised a thick metal rod to smash Ying Zheng's head.

Ying Zheng's body shook, and he rolled his eyes, completely disregarding the sneak attack behind him, and fell to the ground in a coma.

"Okay, my sire! Between me and the Yin Master, you must choose one." Lin Qi rubbed his hands, picked up Ying Zheng and placed it on the back of the donkey. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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