Bright Era

Chapter 1780: Emperor from the sea (1)

In Black Pearl Harbor, an army of the Longshan Empire strengthened the heavy armored legion has completely controlled the entire city.

Nearly 10,000 magicians used earth magic to build dozens of magic towers in the city under the command of several magic gods. With the strong financial resources of the Longshan Empire, these magic towers can be said to be armed to the teeth. From the single forbidden spell attack magic to the large-scale and powerful campaign-level magic, the dense magic circle is engraved inside and outside the magic tower, and the surging magic fluctuations are simply Suffocating.

More than a hundred flame dragons hovered in the air. These two-odd-meter-long guys carried a heavy armored knight, a light armored archer, and a heavenly magician on their backs. With just this force, Enough to cause a devastating blow to the army of a division.

The Black Spirit natives outside the city who originally tried to attack Black Pearl Harbor, after seeing these flame dragons, they have wisely chosen to retreat. With these flying dragons sitting in town, it is impossible for Black Pearl Harbor to be breached unless a large-scale army is dispatched.

In the places where the Black Spirit natives could not see, one by one sturdy bald guys were crowding in taverns and small restaurants, eating and drinking. More than three thousand flame dragons whose strength has reached the realm of a half god, if this force bursts out of their full power, it is estimated that half of the Black Spirit Continent will be defeated.

Brigade soldiers patrolled the Black Pearl Harbor, and the atmosphere in the city was serious and orderly.

Lin Qi returned to his original appearance, sitting upright on a small wooden stool, holding a fishing rod, and squatting on the pier to fish. A few cats with their tails upright squatting beside Lin Qi, from time to time they made sweet and greasy ‘meow’ sounds.

A violent donkey rushed over quickly. He kicked a **** cat that was winking at Lin Qi into the sea with a hoof, and snorted fiercely: "I hate cats, this group Grandson, I hate cats very much! Their hair makes my nose allergic and I always sneeze!"

The hapless black cat struggled wildly in the sea, and finally climbed onto the trestle bridge, and then fled away embarrassingly with its tail between. The other cats ignored the big fish that Lin Qi might catch, and hurriedly escaped without a trace. The donkey let out a happy laugh, and then sat on the ground with its hind legs like a dog, and its two front hooves were firmly stuck there.

"How is it going?" Lin Qi glanced at the donkey sideways.

"Don't worry, those two rabbits are very professional. The guys from the Black Spirit Empire really hoarded a lot of food and metal ingots near Black Pearl Harbor. A total of thirty-eight deep-buried warehouses were all found by them. Come out, we have removed everything in it."

The hoof knocked on the ground, and the donkey rolled his lips triumphantly: "Those grandchildren of the Black Spirit Empire, they store enough food for ten million people to eat for twenty years. I don't know where they searched for so much food. Those metal ingots are of very good quality. Many of them are valuable goods with relatively scarce reserves in the Western Continent. When taken to the Western Continent, the market value is estimated to be more than 100 billion gold coins."

"Hundreds of billions of gold coins?" Lin Qi's eyes widened in amazement: "No empire can eat these metal ingots!"

The donkey nodded earnestly: "This is the value judged by Mr. Mo's grandson. He also said that the Black Spirit Empire probably also feared that the Western Continent could not digest such a large amount of metal ingots, so they were hoarding the supply. It's all cheaper for us."

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows. He had a real understanding of the richness of the Black Spirit Continent. The establishment of the Black Spirit Empire probably took more than ten years, but they have already hoarded such a large amount of wealth? It is true that the Black Spirit Continent is rich in various minerals. How much manpower does it take to dig out ores worth hundreds of billions of gold coins and then refine them into metal ingots?

No wonder the slave industry in the Black Spirit Empire is very prosperous. Slaves do not need wages, but only need to feed them, which is almost zero cost. Lin Qi clicked his mouth. When he heard the huge number reported by the donkey, he couldn't help but feel the urge to make a big fuss and continue to treat the Black Spirits as slaves.

It's just that things obviously cannot be done, which violates some of Lin Qi's basic moral bottom line.

"Mr. Mo's old grandson also said that those in power in the Black Spirit Empire must have taken away all the most precious magic metal. What they left in the warehouse is just some ordinary metal ingots, but the amount is too large. That’s why it’s so valuable. He said, if we can catch those guys, we can scrape out a lot of oil from them."

The donkey blinked his eyes desperately, repeating Mr. Mo's words five to ten.

The buoy on Lin Qi's fishing rod moved, and he pulled up the fishing rod unhurriedly, and an unknown marine fish that was only three inches long was pulled up by him. The donkey snorted again and glanced at the little marine fish in disdain. Such a small fish, the donkey is not even interested in eating him, and it is not enough to stuff his teeth.

After making a gesture of the size of the fish, Lin Qi unhook him from the hook and threw him back into the water.

"Your fishing skills have always been poor!" The donkey grinned and sneered: "I still remember when you were ten years old when you went fishing at Dunelke Pier. As a result, you caught a few crabs all day, not a single fish! Lin Qi, there is not a single fish!"

"The fish should be counted one by one!" Lin Qi waited fiercely for the donkey, then he slapped the sea with a slap, and he heard a'bang', and the sea surface of a kilometer radius nearby suddenly fell downward. When it fell, dozens of large sea fishes over one meter in length turned over their white belly and floated up.

"Quack" grinned strangely, Lin Qi hooked his finger, and these stunned sea fish flew up and suspended in front of him.

Turning his head and looking at the stunned donkey, Lin Qi smiled triumphantly: "Fishing is about skills, not silly waiting here to try your luck! My harvest this time has been better than ordinary people for several days. Did you catch the fish?"

The donkey rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly: "Lin Qi, you are getting more and more shameless!"

Lin Qi smiled and yawned to the donkey, then took out a cigar and stuffed it into the donkey's mouth: "Thank you for the compliment, I found that being a shameless person will lead to a better life in this world...Aha, What did I see? Am I dazzled?"

The marine fish around Lin Qi ‘crackled’ off the ground, but Lin Qi didn’t care about the unconscious marine fish, but stared at the huge fleet off the Black Pearl Harbor. There are more than a thousand large and small ships, and all the ships are hung with a golden flag. The center of the flag is the gold coin **** pattern representing the goddess of wealth.

There is no doubt that this is the symbol of the Black Spirit Empire. The founders of the Black Spirit Empire came from the top family members of the Vias Commercial Federation. After the Vias Commercial Federation was destroyed by Lin Qi, the high-levels of the Black Spirit Empire severed all ties with their homeland. Obviously, they were willing to make a fortune in a foreign country, but they were not willing to cooperate with Longshan. Any entanglement in the empire.

However, the Black Spirits natives suddenly launched a large-scale attack, defeating the Black Spirit Empire. Several regular armies were annihilated one after another. The mercenaries hired at high prices were defeated. These high-level Black Spirit Empires had no choice but to Choosing to discard the Black Pearl Harbor, all the most valuable materials that swept the empire fled in embarrassment.

But it seems that they did not escape to the Western Continent, but just wandered around the Black Spirit Continent.

Otherwise, it is impossible that Lin Qi had just received Black Pearl Harbor in the morning, and these guys received the news so quickly and ran back.

A breeze blew by, and Mr. Mo appeared beside Lin Qi. He looked at the ships and said calmly: "According to the news we got from the rich merchants, the nobles of the Black Spirit Empire immediately fled with all the ships in the harbor. They took them with them for all these years. The most valuable wealth recorded, more than a thousand ships, packed full."

"So many boats, are they full?" Lin Qi's eyes turned into gold.

Mr. Mo smiled at Lin Qi and nodded earnestly: "Look at the waterline of these boats. Several boats are almost covered by the water over their decks. I really admire how they dare to be overloaded like this? But you must admit, Not everyone is like you, with three semi-artifact-level spatial rings with huge reserves."

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders. He smiled and barked his teeth at Mr. Xiang Mo: "This is just a fluke, these three rings, but I used my youth as a bargaining chip from the dark place where the sky is not seen in the Dark Abyss God Prison. Coming. Uh, damn, what do they want?"

On the largest sea-going ships, dozens of lifeboats less than 20 meters in length were released. These lifeboats were packed with soldiers. Amid the sound of the sailors’ efforts, the long wood pulp made these lifeboats fast. He left the mothership and drove towards the port.

The deep horn sounded, and a group of brightly armored Longshan Empire soldiers appeared on the outermost breakwater. A bald man wearing a scarlet armor took two steps forward and shouted at the approaching lifeboats: "Who are you? This place is now taken over by our Longshan Empire. Any hostile behavior will be considered." In order to attack the Longshan Empire, we will launch a counterattack!"

A huge dragon with a hideous face roared into the air from behind the breakwater, and the dragon surrounded by raging flames roared to the sky: "Hey, where are the little reptiles? Let your uncle see you are fat. Not fat? Hey, it looks so fresh and delicious!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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