Bright Era

Chapter 1771: The best candidate (1)

"Wang Zong?"

When Lin Qi heard this familiar name from the special envoy of the Black Spirit Empire, Lin Qi was stunned, and then he was ecstatic. He remembered the young man in the Fourth Abyss, who relied on the magical battlefield command to lay down a territory abruptly, and he remembered how he used that kind of headache to beat Arthur's tens of millions of divisions. Depressed.

The members of the Lion King family, a natural war artist, according to the situation of the ancient tribes described by Lin Zhentian to Lin Qi, the army commanded by the Lion King family has never failed when the disparity in strength is less than three times! In other words, even if they commanded an army of only one third of the enemy's comprehensive combat strength, the people of the successive generations of the Wang family have never failed.

In history, the members of the royal family did lose many battles, but it was only when the enemy's strength had reached several times or tens of times their strength, and when faced with terrible attacks from the enemy's top masters.

After leaving the Fourth Abyss, the boy Wang Zong ran to the Black Spirit Continent? The Black Spirit Empire was not unjustly defeated!

Moreover, Lin Qi heard from Wang Zong that one of his tribes had traveled and exercised in the Black Spirit Continent before, and had a lot of fun fighting against the Black Spirit Empire by fooling several indigenous tribes into an army. It now appears that after Wang Zong left the Fourth Abyss, he ran to the Black Spirit Continent to pick up the tribe’s class, and launched a full-scale war between the indigenous army and the Black Spirit Empire?

The poor Black Spirit Empire had lost the support of the solid rear defense of the Western Continent, and encountered the young beast of Wang Zong. They were able to support it until now, Lin Qi felt that the Black Spirit Empire was actually not easy.

Looking at the envoy quietly for a while, waiting until the envoy looked up and down his clothes up and down a little nervously, Lin Qi jumped up enthusiastically, and firmly grasped the hand of the envoy. "We are compatriots. We are all compatriots of the former Vias Commercial Federation. Although we belong to two empires now, the Longshan Empire will never sit by and watch the Black Spirit Empire be bullied."

"Prepare the army, we are going to the Black Spirit Empire..." Lin Qi yelled, but his brows suddenly frowned when he screamed. With the military power of the Longshan Empire, it was easy to defeat the coalition formed by the Hei Ling indigenous tribes. Even if there is a war genius commanded by Wang Zong, if Lin Qi wants to use violence, Wang Zong's army will not be able to resist Lin Qi's army.

And Lin Qi didn't think he could fight Wang Zong. In Lin Qi's view, on the Black Spirit Continent, Wang Zong cooperated well with himself, striving to swallow the Black Spirit Empire and the Black Spirit Natives in one bite. This was in the best interests of both parties. Wang Zong can obtain the Black Spirit Aboriginals, while Lin Qi can control the Black Spirit Empire, which is the most ideal state.

However, if the Longshan Empire made a large-scale expedition to the Black Spirit Continent, obviously this did not meet Lin Qi's goal of maximizing interests.

What if the Dragon Mountain Empire occupies the Black Spirit Empire? It's nothing more than an extra mine. It must be admitted that the Black Spirit Continent is rich in products, especially the reserves of some special magic metal deposits are extremely gratifying, it is a fertile land.

But if only occupying such a resource producing area, after possessing a few resources of the abyss world, Lin Qi has not paid much attention to the resources of the Black Spirit Empire. In Lin Qi's view, other things are the most important.

"Give me one day, and I will give you a satisfactory answer!" Lin Qi nodded to the envoy of the Black Spirit Empire, and then he winked at Blackbeard: "Notify the church army, all the church army will give I am ready to go on the expedition. In order to spread the glory of the gods, they need to expedition to the Black Spirit Continent. Tell them that when they arrive in the Black Spirit Continent, all their gains are theirs!"

"Under the premise that violence is not allowed, if they can make the girls of the Black Spirit natives look at them, then those girls are also theirs! I will never interfere with this." Lin Qi smiled brightly. He had a weird smile, and all of Blackbeard's face was distorted. Frankly speaking, Blackbeard really has no appetite for those Black Spirit girls!

"Give me one day, please wait quietly. I'm going to choose a perfect commander for this expedition!" Lin Qi squinted and laughed. In order to control the entire Black Spirit Continent, the war must continue. And in a continuous and long war, if an invincible and wise commander can emerge from the Black Spirit Empire, how much benefit can this commander gain?

"Enzo, my old brother, this is a pie that fell from the sky!" Lin Qi laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. He strode out of the conference hall, and then fiercely faced the one standing at the entrance of the hall. The golden armor bald guard kicked.

The golden armor bald guard screamed to the sky, his hands pressed on the ground, his body quickly swelled, the golden armor suddenly turned into a red scale and hung on him, accompanied by terrible coercion. Overflowing, a huge flame dragon with a body length of more than 300 meters and a raging flame entwined in the entire body appeared in front of everyone.

"A few people come to follow me. There is no guard to follow, and it doesn't look like." Lin Qi gave an order at random, and dozens of tiger guards rushed onto the back of the dragon and stood firmly behind Lin Qi. . Several Dharma gods worshipped by the Longshan Empire also floated up and sat on the back of the dragon with a smile. For these magic gods, being able to ride a powerful demi-god dragon is also a very exciting new thing.

After a soft drink, the giant dragon flapped his huge fleshy wings into the air, and he went straight up nearly 10,000 meters above the ground, penetrating the thick clouds. From this height, the sight is a faint red. The light red clouds rolled over the white clouds. If you look up, there is a light orange cloud on this red sky.

"Go forward, Norman Castle! Damn, use your fastest speed, and even you can use magic. I don’t think the church will have any objection to my behavior. Because I want to give the church a big gift. They have had this beautiful dream for building churches in the Black Spirit Continent for many years, right?" Lin Qi smiled brightly, and he stepped on the dragon's head vigorously.

The flame dragon let out a high-pitched roar, and his body was wrapped in a layer of red streamer. In the blink of an eye, he took Lin Qi and his group into a shooting star that shot forward, tearing open circles in the sky. The white air exploded, breaking through a white air tunnel that was clearly visible to the naked eye, and blasting towards the northwestern part of the mainland with a deafening roar.

High in the sky, the eyes of the void quietly flashed, and the huge black golden eyes stared at Lin Qi on the back of the dragon for about one ten thousandths of a finger. A low grunt came from the eyes of the void, and then this huge His eyes quickly disappeared without a trace.

The clergy of the Void Temple know that Lin Qi is the big red man in the church today, the big gold master of several major temples, and even the Void Great Temples in the Void Temple have been filled with gold coins by Lin Qi. In this case, Lin Qi is domineering, unscrupulous, and makes a lot of noise. As long as he doesn't show too terrifying power in front of the world, don't slaughter tens of millions of ordinary civilians at once. No one can do ordinary things. I won't care about him!

The devout Saints of the Morning, especially the Saints of the Morning with strong wealth, he has this privilege!

The demigod-level flame dragon flies high in the sky, and his speed is more than a hundred times faster than a normal land-running monster mount. After just over two hours, Lin Qi had appeared indistinctly in front of him for hundreds of miles. The tall city walls were standing on top of each other, and there were countless Norman fortresses inside and outside.

A division composed of two violent dwarves is attacking the Norman Castle with the help of hundreds of large slings. The raindrop-like boulder with its unique magic halo smashed heavily on the wall. After a futile and violent collision with the defensive barrier on the city wall, these boulders exploded. The dense stones were scattered, shaking the defenders on the city wall unstable and shook the dwarves who were climbing frantically on the ladder. It was even more embarrassed and fell from the ladder of a hundred meters high.

The defenders on the city wall were stunned by the magical boulder bullet attack, and the dwarves who planted the city wall were broken and broken.

Accompanied by heavy slogans, the defenders on the city wall poured a large can of kerosene down, and then a general with a cold-faced face dropped a torch downward. The more than ten-li-long city wall suddenly burned, and the dwarf warriors who fell down the city wall and were not killed at the same time made a stern and miserable cry. They were all on fire and struggling and twitching under the city wall. Up.

The sharp horn sounded, and when the violent dwarves of the two divisions approached the walls, a large group of archers appeared at the same time on the triple walls of the Norman Fortress. The foremost wall is an ordinary strong archer, the middle wall is a longbowman with a longer range, and the last column, the fierce battle wall, appears on the wall 300 meters away, surprisingly with a magic machine Including activated magic bed crossbow.

After the three rapid sirens of ‘Didi’, tens of thousands of archers on the walls of the three columns shot long arrows at the same time. I saw large black arrows rushing up into the sky like crazy hornet. After struggling with all their strength to an altitude of more than two hundred meters above the ground, these arrows swooped lightly to the next, carrying a thick The chill shot into the dense queue of dwarves.

"These shameless aliens!" Lin Qi pursed his lips and looked at the charging dwarves.

Perhaps it is to increase the efficiency of harvesting souls. These charging dwarves only wear simple animal skins. Only a few dwarven warriors hold shields in their hands, and the shields are actually made of wood, even the wooden shields covered with animal skins. Are rare. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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