Bright Era

Chapter 1769: Run away (3)

A group of black spirits spread their feet and chased them towards Emperor Yun.

The big man with the big blue snake wrapped around his waist ran wildly while continuing to mutter: "I still hate those elves! They always say our totem poles are too ugly, but I think their weapons are too fancy. Ah, I I also want to throw them into the spider's lair, and it must be interesting to see them screaming with spider webs all over their bodies?"

A group of black spirit men laughed ‘hahaha’. In their laughter, they had already seen Emperor Yun and others looming ahead.

Hearing the laughter behind him, Emperor Yun sighed helplessly. He once again took out a scarlet pill and stuffed it into his mouth. Then the purple qi spread all over his body suddenly, and several dragons blasted into the sky. Yin, he entrapped the surrounding air, brought Yun Canglong and his group, and lased forward at a speed several times faster than before.

Yun Canglong gritted his teeth and said nothing. The medicine that Emperor Yun took only stimulated the vitality of Emperor Yun again and again, and the force of Yundi's weak body burst out of tyrannical power. This is drinking poison to quench thirst. There is no doubt about it.

But no matter what, even if Emperor Yun's doing so was an extremely terrible injury to his body, they could only do it. They must escape from the hands of these black spirits, otherwise the Yunlong clan Vias' line will be broken. Only Yun stayed in the Western Continent alone, a girl who could not afford to inherit the responsibility of incense.

As long as he can escape to Vias and find a way to get rid of the poison of White Widow, Yun Canglong will definitely make a comeback.

Even with the help of Lin Qi's power, Lin Qi is his son-in-law anyway, and he doesn't need to be polite to his son-in-law!

Seeing the target that was about to catch up, suddenly fled forward at such a high speed, the black spirit men behind them also roared with anger. The **** spirit man wearing a beast bone helmet let out a sharp roar, and a squeaking sound was made in a leather bag made of warcraft skin on his waist, and a fist-sized colorful giant tarantula turned into one. Caiguang jumped out.

This great tarantula's compound eyes widened a few times, and when the body swayed in the wind, it became several times larger than a normal horse. The black spirit man jumped on the big tarantula's back and patted his hairy head fiercely: "Bart, catch up with those bastards, go back and I will ask you to eat the tail of the black yak! Hahaha, I I know you like eating that stuff!"

Several clouds of black smoke spewed out from under the big tarantula's long feet, and the big tarantula, which was covered with crystals and made a squeak, floated forward like a gust of wind.

Other black spirit men also took out some weird mounts, such as snakes, pythons, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and toads. When they were first taken out, they were of normal size, but once they were thrown out , They immediately became much bigger than ordinary steeds, enough to hump these **** spirit men and gallop forward.

I could hear the endless calls of poisonous insects. These ugly and ugly poisonous insects spit out poisonous smoke and poisonous gas. They quickly moved forward and steadily followed Yundi and the others. In a short time, green lights flashed in the distant forest, and the wood elves who had broken up with these black spirit men at the edge of the wild swamp also arrived.

With the help of the power of the forest, these wood elves rushed over at an incredible speed. There are still hundreds of meters away from Emperor Yun and the others, these two dozen wood elves have already opened their long bows and thrown a sharp arrow out.

I have to admit that the bows and arrows of the elves are really a headache. A distance of hundreds of meters, everyone was still moving at high speed, these wood elves' demon-breaking arrows with green light accurately landed on the heads of Yun Canglong and others.

Yun Canglong let out an angry rant, and he waved his backhand into the air, and dozens of arrows were simultaneously shaken to pieces. But they couldn't hold back the wood elves who kept shooting arrows, the arrows kept falling, and occasionally there were two or three powerful magic arrows mixed in, which forced Yun Canglong and the others to concentrate on guarding against these arrows.

In the heyday of strength, these arrows are destructible to Emperor Yun. Or even if he let these arrows hit his body, he would not suffer any harm. But now that Emperor Yun has been hit hard, there is no good person around him, and these arrows have caused them big trouble.

Suddenly a speed was normal at first, but after leaving the bowstring, the speed suddenly became faster and faster. At the end, the strange magic arrow whose arrow speed was already invisible to the naked eye brought a white light, and shot in with a'pouch'. The shoulder of an old eunuch.

The old eunuch, who was called to cover Yundi to escape, snorted, and the arrow shot out from his chest, but the arrow with the thickness of the thumb brought out a thick bowl. Blood column. The old eunuch's body shook, and suddenly rushed forward. Emperor Yun's expression suddenly changed. He grabbed the old **** and carried it on his shoulders, then took out a handful of powder and patted his wound heavily.

"Wood fairy with long ears! The old man is endless with you!" Yundi screamed hoarsely, and a purple dragon-shaped cloud on his back brought a dull dragon moan, swaying hundreds of meters of purple light, toward the wood elves. Past.

The mysterious techniques of the Yunlong clan were fully revealed at this moment. The purple energy of Emperor Yun's palm was only normal, but after he let go, a large amount of fire element was absorbed by the purple energy. When the dragon-shaped Qijin rushed in front of the wood elves, the dragon-shaped Qijin had already turned into a fire dragon full of end and tail and brightly armored.

Wood elves are close to the forest by nature, and they have an instinctive resistance and aversion to flames. Suddenly a fire dragon rushed in front of them, and they fled subconsciously, and no one was willing to resist the attack. The fire dragon slammed heavily on the ground, and a flame rushed to nearly a thousand meters high, and the violent flame spread ragingly in all directions, covering all the wood elves in the fire.

The **** spirit man wearing a beast bone helmet screamed dumbfounded: "Hey, brothers, don't chase too tightly. This old man is so cruel! Hey, I can't handle this trick! This is better than me. Dad is still a hundred or eighty times stronger, right? Look at these long ears, they chased too tightly, isn't that bad luck?"

Amid the stern whistling sound, more than two dozen wood elves, burning with a raging fire, rushed out embarrassedly. As soon as two wood elves burst out of the fire, their bodies collapsed suddenly, and a large group of flames spewed out of their scorched bodies, quickly burning them to ashes.

The other wood elves groaned sharply, and their bodies kept emitting the unique light of various healing magic, desperately repairing the burns on their bodies. But the fire has been covering them and burning, even though they have exhausted all kinds of dispelling magic, they still cannot completely extinguish this strange flame.

The black spirits stopped their mounts under their hips in horror. Emperor Yun and his party were the objects of the wood elves who wanted to capture them alive. They didn't have to work hard for the wood elves' goals. If it is a soft persimmon, then rush to pick a cheap one, or sell one to the Wood Elf. But this is clearly a pile of iron bumps, who would be so stupid to fight for these arrogant wood elves? Isn't this just for fun?

Although the Hei Ling people are known for their simplicity and honesty, they are ordinary Hei Ling people. The black spirit men in front of them all have the power of a demigod, and they are all high-powered figures in the black spirit people. Their minds are not much worse than those old and cunning nobles in the western continent. They worked for the wood elves, that. . . Basically impossible.

After drinking the sitting mount, the leader of the black spirit man wearing a beast bone helmet rolled his eyes and shouted: "Quickly, help our elf friend to put out the fire! What kind of fire is this? Why is it so overbearing? Sticking to people burns, it can't be put out?"

The black spirit men rushed forward and waved their big hands. The sewage, mud, gravel and sand in the swamp roared and turned into a black mixture and smashed towards the wood elves. Twenty wood elves cursed angrily, and were completely overwhelmed by this mixture of unknown stench and no idea how many weird rotten things were mixed.

Although the flames released by Emperor Yun were domineering, after being submerged in thick silt, these flames finally slowly extinguished.

The healing magic of the wood elves quickly played a powerful role. The wounds on their bodies quickly healed. Then the wood elves screamed like a little girl in the middle of the night, dancing and dancing from the foul-smelling mud. He got up, convulsed and vomited again and again, and plunged into a small river in the distance.

"You stupid, dirty black skins!" A wood elf pointed at the black spirit men without a word and shouted.

The faces of the black spirit men gradually became gloomy, and the word'black skin' was a great insult to all the black spirit people. They closed their mouths, who were still laughing and gloomy, looking at these wood elves with gloomy eyes, some dangerous light flashing in their eyes.

Emperor Yun and the others have gone far, and these **** spirit men jumped on their mounts without saying a word, and quickly left toward the way they came. "My friends, elves, I think you have enough power to deal with those enemies who have been seriously injured. Our children are still fighting against the enemies of the Black Spirit Empire. We must help them in the battle."

Leaving a sentence that was obviously an excuse, the black spirits quickly disappeared into the thick fog of the big swamp in the early morning.

A group of wood elves stared at the black spirit man who was going away dumbfounded, and then the wood elves who just screamed angrily roared: "Great Queen of the Green Moon, why are you looking for these unreliable black spirit people to cooperate? Could it be that with the strength of our elves, we still can’t conquer a small western continent?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation.)

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